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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hot tips to stay safe on Bonfire Night

* Stay safe this Bonfire Night.

Denbighshire Community Safety Partnership has come up with some hot tips to help people keep safe on Bonfire Night.

They are:

• Make sure younger children are accompanied by a responsible adult.
• Be aware of the feelings of others and show respect
• Make sure you know where your children are going and what time they are due home.
• No fireworks - leave them for bonfire night!
• When trick or Treating look out for the poster in the window showing whether callers are welcome or not.

Follow the Fireworks Code

When buying fireworks, make sure they comply with BS 7114 and are clearly marked for their intended use 'Indoor, Garden or Display'

• Curfew on fireworks between 11pm and 7am or 12pm and 7am November the 5th only
• Persons under 18 are banned from purchasing fireworks
• Persons under 18 banned form carrying fireworks in the street
• Only buy fireworks from a legitimate retailer
• Read the instructions for each fireworks prior to lighting
• Check the fireworks you buy are suitable for the size of the garden and conform to British Standards (BS 7114)
• Don’t drink alcohol if setting off fireworks
• Light fireworks at arm’s length with a taper
• Stand well back and keep others back
• Never go back to a lit firework
• Never play with fireworks or put fireworks in your pocket
• Always supervise children
• Store fireworks in a metal box, kept closed between use
• Keep pets indoors
• Use tongs or gloves to collect spent fireworks.

Sparkler safety tips: • Sparklers should not be given to children under five
• Only light one sparkler at a time
• Wear gloves when holding sparklers
• Put used sparklers hot end down into a bucket of sand or water

Bonfire safety tips: • Bonfires should be at least 18 metres (60ft) away from houses, trees, hedges, fences or sheds
• Use domestic firelighters
• Never use petrol, paraffin or other flammable liquids
• Check there are no animals or children hiding in the bonfire before you light it
• Don’t burn dangerous rubbish on the bonfire e.g. paint tins and aerosols.

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