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Friday, November 2, 2012

Advice service helps 2,500 gain extra benefits

Latest figures show that Denbighshire County Council-funded Welfare Rights Advice Services have helped 2,500 local people gain an extra £4.7 million in social security benefits and tax credits during the six months to October 2012.

This brings the running total to the major milestone of £101 million over the past 16 ½ years since the start of Denbighshire County Council.

A council spokesperson said: “This extra money is really good news for local people, the local economy and the council services when we are all living with the effects of the recession and welfare reform.

"Securing this extra income helps people who work on low incomes, reduces hardship for those that can’t and helps with essential outgoings like Council Tax, rent and mortgage payments.

"More claims for benefits like Pension Guarantee Credit and Disability Benefits can result in a larger grant to the Council from the Welsh Government. 

"These extra millions if spent locally on goods and services will have generated and sustained many jobs. Evaluation questionnaires returned from people who used the service showed how it has improved their independence, health and reduced their need to see a doctor.

“These results reflect the dedicated work of Advisers in independent and quality marked services: Denbighshire’s Citizens Advice Bureau, Rhyl Benefits Advice Shop and the Council’s Welfare Rights Team."

Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) and Inland Revenue figures show that an estimated £26m in benefit and tax credits are unclaimed and £3m underpaid each year in Denbighshire alone. 

Help to claim this extra income will lessen the effect of the UK Government’s Welfare Reforms which will result in an estimated loss of £14m per year in Denbighshire.

Denbighshire residents who want independent advice or help with benefit and tax credit claims, disputes and appeals can contact the Council’s Welfare Rights Helpline on Freephone 0800 1696625 on weekdays between 10am and 4pm. 

All calls are free and confidential. More information on Council funded advice can be found under Welfare Rights on the A to Z of the DCC website:

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