"Who back in 2006 would have envisaged the team still with a full programme of work ten years later?
With over 700 hours of volunteer effort in 2015 it brings our total worked since formation to 6,600 hours.
This year we have added two new ventures to our regular litter picking, grass cutting, vegetation pruning, seat/bench renovating and assisting at the Town Christmas Festival.
*Team members at work on a recent project. |
To facilitate this project a member of our team has been on a chain saw operation course and he is now fully certified. A number of trees have been felled, timber distributed and bonfires held. We have yet to perfect the art of achieving unburnt sausages.
We assisted at the official opening of the renovated Chain Bridge and a dedicated few of the team continue to earn much-needed funds for the group with their horse manure patrols along the canal towpath.
We are also very grateful for support during the year received from Llangollen Town Council, DCC, Keep Wales Tidy, Horse Drawn Boats, Spar, Kenrick Motors and Courtyard Gifts.
Our year, however, ended on a sad note with sudden death of Tom Edwards, who had worked on the team tirelessly since the start in 2006.
To all the Team for their efforts and our supporters, thank you."
I would like to say thank you to every one of the team. The town is lucky to benefit from your dedication.