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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Tidy Town team get new hi viz jackets from McDonalds

* The team in their new hi viz jackets.

* Team co-ordinator David Davies receives the jackets from Richard and Steve at McDonalds in Chirk.

During last Friday's working meeting, collecting roadside litter from along the Gwernant, members of Llangollen Tidy Town Team lined up to receive their new hi viz vests by courtesy of McDonald’s, Chirk.

Team co-ordinator David Davies said: "We we are extremely grateful to McDonald’s and Richard and Steve at the Chirk location, for the donation of new hi viz vests to replace our old vests that were showing considerable wear and grime from good use over the past 13 years by the team.

In our latest roadside working we collected 14 sacks full of litter, two car seats, three car tyres, part of a tin shed and a bike.

Team visibility is of paramount importance to us especially when we work roadside like today, or are using mechanical tools or spread over a hillside.

We would like to thank Harry Davies, who saw us working in Centenary Square last year, for his introduction contact with McDonald’s.

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