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Monday, March 9, 2020

Local MP to co-chair Conservative women's group

* The meeting of Women2Win Cymru at the Welsh Conservative Conference in Llangollen with Rt Hon Amanda Milling MP, Co-Chair of the Conservative Party.

On International Women’s Day, it was announced that Simon Baynes MP for Clwyd South had become Co-Chair of Women2Win in Wales with Suzy Davies AM. 

Women2Win Wales is a broad cross-section of women and men from the Welsh Conservatives who want to ensure that women are fairly represented at all levels of politics.

There was a meeting of Women2Win Wales on Saturday at the Welsh Conservative Conference in Llangollen with the new Chair of the Conservative Party, Rt Hon Amanda Milling MP.

Simon Baynes said: “I am very honoured to have become Co-Chair of Women2Win in Wales with Welsh Conservative Assembly Member Suzy Davies who is a great inspiration to women in Wales seeking a political career. 

"Under Suzy’s excellent leadership, Women2Win Wales has helped achieve the election of our first three Welsh Conservative women MPs, Sarah Atherton for Wrexham, Virginia Crosbie for Yns Mon and Fay Jones for Brecon & Radnorshire. 

"I will work very hard to encourage and assist many more women to become Welsh Conservative Councillors, Police & Crime Commissioners, Assembly Members and MPs.”

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