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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Fresh fish sales warning by county

Consumers across Denbighshire are being warned to beware of fish salesmen trying to persuade householders to buy fresh fish.

Both Denbighshire Trading Standards and North Wales Police have received reports in the last week of traders selling door to door in the Dee Valley area, asking residents if they would like to buy fish.

Councillor Mark Young, Cabinet Lead Member for Planning, Public Protection and Safer Communities, said: “We have concerns regarding the matter, especially as to whether the fish sellers are registered as a food business operator which is a legal requirement for all food businesses, and indeed if they are adhering to all food safety and hygiene regulations which applies to such businesses, including the display of the relevant food hygiene rating for the business.

“As with any doorstep caller we would urge people not to be tempted to buy and ask them to leave. If you feel that you are being pressured into buying the fish or the trader won’t leave when asked, then contact the Police immediately.

“We would advise that you only buy fish from a reputable fishmonger at an established shop or stall or even with a trader with a regular pre-arranged round.”

Anyone wanting advice on doorstep trading, or to report an incident, can contact the Citizens Advice consumer service on 0808 2231133 (08082231144 for Welsh language) which gives free, independent and impartial advice on all consumer issues, or the police on 101.

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