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Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Former chamber chair speaks out on BID

David Davies, former chair of Llangollen Chamber of Trade, has sent in the following statement about the Llangollen Business Improvement District (BID) voting for which is currently underway.

"BID facts

As past Chair, I am disappointed to see the Chamber of Trade press release of 24th February contained incorrect information. 
The impression given is that the full levy income of £440,000 will be spent on actual projects.  However out of this income, admin /operating expenses of £150,000 will be spent leaving the balance of £290,000 for actual project spending.  

The admin / operating costs expenditure of £150,000  (as shown on page 16 of the vote yes brochure) expressed as a percentage of the levy income of £440,000  is 34% - as stated on the Vote No fact sheet, not 11% as quoted by the Chamber.

Having fully evaluated the proposal, all eligible businesses are strongly encouraged to exercise their vote.

VOTE NOW – don’t miss the deadline."

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