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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Bikers launch 2019 Poppy Appeal in Llan

* Bikers gather for the Centenary Square ceremony.

Against the backdrop of more than 80 steel poppies bought with donations from local businesses, a large group of bikers gathered to launch the latest Poppy Appeal in Centenary Square this morning.

More than 40 motorcyclists, many of them forces veterans, stopped off in Llangollen during their 180-mile ride from Wrexham to Llandudno marking the start of the Royal British Legion's 2019 fundraising campaign.

Alongside the local Legion branch they took part in the traditional Service of Remembrance led by Llangollen vicar, Father Lee Taylor, which included the sounding of Last Post and Reveille and the observation of the minute’s silence leading up to 11am.

* Father Lee Taylor leads the service in front of the war memorial.

* A biker bugler sounds Last Post.

* Veterans organisation representatives lower the standards in salute to the fallen.

* A poppy wreath laid on the war memorial.

Collen Players present great old time music hall

* The cast says farewell at the end of the show.

A packed audience of around 100 were transported back in time from the sedate St Collen’s Church Hall in 2019 to a rumbustious Victorian music hall in 1891 yesterday evening.

In charge of this enjoyable piece of time travel was the hall chairman, a man who looked remarkably like the vicar, Father Lee Taylor – apart from the frock coat, top hat and saucy introductions to some of the acts in the manner of the era.

Father Lee is actually an aficionado of this form of vintage entertainment and recently put together a group of amateur entertainers named The Collen Players to present this very first Llangollen music hall.

And what they produced was, as the verbose chairmen used to say on the halls, a veritable cornucopia of chorusing and general carousing.

The audience, many of whom had gotten into the spirit of things by donning Victorian costume, warmed up with a quick rendition of Let’s All Go to the Music Hall before the main entertainment began, mostly accompanied on the pianoforte by Owen Roberts.

First up was Clare Wall with a lively version of Daisy, Daisy and Hold Your Hand Out ... and then onto the stage bounced Julie Thomas and Gethin Davies attired as gentlemen of the road to do the delightful double-hander We’re a Couple of Swells.

More light-hearted old favourites like The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo came from Mike Connolly who re-appeared later on the bill to present the very moving Keep the Home Fires Burning as part of a World War One selection.

Next up was Phil Robinson to get the crowd joining in with Champagne Charlie and the Spaniard That Blighted My Life.

Gethin Davies was back with a couple of comedy recitations including The Lion and Albert accompanied on the piano by his wife Eulanwy.

Clare Wall returned for more cheeky comedy ditties such as Under the Bed.

Dyfed Thomas rounded of the first half of the packed programme with laugh-alongs like the Black Pudding Song, spiced up with a Max Wall tribute by someone who looked suspiciously like his wife Julie.

The second half saw songs from a later period such as Adelaide’s Lament from Lizzie Clifford and a sing-along World War Two selection from Jennifer Rose.

There were also more knock-about comedy pieces from the Thomases, including the marvellously observed Chicken, and even a funny little song entitled Tom Walks Out With Mary from the Chairman/Vicar before the whole cast thronged the stage to say farewell in the traditional style with Down at the Old Bull and Bush, with which the audience joined in with gusto.

Father Lee has promised more shows from The Collen Players, the next one of which will be a Christmas production. If they all go down as well as this one Llangollen is in for a treat.  

* All pictures by Jeanette Robinson.

* Clare Wall does Daisy, Daisy ...

* Julie Thomas and Gethin Davies are a Couple of Swells.

* Phil Robinson says cheers to Champagne Charlie.

* Dyfed Thomas in northern comedian mode.

* Father Lee Taylor in the chair.

* Lizzie Clifford sings a number from Guys & Dolls.

* The Thomases play Chicken.

* Jennifer Rose with her wartime selection.

* Mike Connolly sings the moving Keep The Home Fires Burning.

* Owen Roberts at the piano.

* Saying farewell with a song.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

2020 wants your reactions to Llan parking plans

The creation of a central parking zone for town centre residents for which they need to buy passes, a new parking area for business owners and workers at Ysgol Dinas Bran at weekends and holiday periods, free 30-minute stopping for visitors and the remodelling of Market Street car park for coaches.

These moves all feature is a package of possible solutions to ease Llangollen’s parking problems just put forward by the 2020 working group in its latest draft report and which has now gone out for public consultation. 

The report does not make any mention of the controversial subject of on-street parking in Castle Street.

However, Llangollen county councillor Graham Timms, who chairs the working group, said: "We have assumed that the Llangollen 2020 report is accepted with the removal of all parking, except the two loading bays above and below Market Street. This is compensated for by free parking for all for 30 minutes in all car parks and roads."
Given its importance, the major part of the 2020 report is reproduced here by llanblogger.

Formal responses from the local public can be passed on via ....

1. The online survey at:  

2. Feedback slips available through Llangollen Library 

3. Via a Facebook Live session on Tuesday November 12 at 8pm 

Llangollen 2020

Parking Solutions

Published: 14th October 2019 (Sixth Draft) 

Authors: Cllr Graham Timms (Denbighshire County Council), Cllr Melvyn Mile (Denbighshire County Council), Robyn Lovelock, Tony Baker.  Reviewed by: Mike Jones, Denbighshire County Council, Traffic, Parking and Road Safety Manager


The Llangollen 2020 working group received the final report from Arcadis Consulting during February 2019.

It was commissioned by Cadwyn Clwyd with matched funding from Llangollen Town Council, Denbighshire County Council and the AONB.

The report contains suggestions on how to ease pressures on parking in the centre of Llangollen. It also has more detailed suggestions on how to help to increase traffic flow while helping to create a place that is better to live, work and visit.

In discussion with Denbighshire County Council Highways, the Llangollen 2020 working group has developed the proposals contained in this document.  We believe these proposals will help to relieve some of the traffic pressure within the town and help alleviate some of the congestion caused by the traffic ‘churn’ as people drive around the town’s streets looking for parking.

Important developments to be aware of 

The following are projects being implemented by DCC which have implications for parking within the town:

 Ticket Machines: DCC has introduced new ticket machines in all DCC car parks and streets where charges are made. These machines can accept cash and card payments using contactless technology.

 Parking Apps: DCC has recently introduced a parking app throughout the county where users can pay parking fees using their smart phones.

 Electric car charging points: DCC is also planning a programme to introduce electric car charging points to meet increasing demand from both residents and visitors.

Residents with private parking should also be aware that, if they wish, they can ‘hire out’ their private parking spaces online via sites such as or Visitors increasingly check such sites if they are planning visits to somewhere new and/or struggling to find a public parking space.

Parking needs of different populations 

The parking needs within the town fall into six categories:

o Residents Parking

o Pop and Shop Parking

o Business and Workers Parking

o Visitor Parking

o Coaches

o People with disabilities

Residents’ parking: Many residents living in the town centre do not have parking provision on their own properties and so there is a need for parking either on the streets nearby their homes or in public car parks. The peak demand by this group is outside working hours. Overnight parking is required by almost everyone. Many also need parking during the day on weekends.

Pop and Shop parking: This group is typically made up of people who live on the outskirts of the town or within a few miles radius who come into the town during the day for short visits to shop or socialise. Typically they only stay for a short while and would avoid visiting the town centre during busy weekends and the peak times for tourist visitors.

Business and Workers’ parking: There are about 90 - 130 people who come into the town in a car during the working day, with numbers varying by season. An estimated 70% of these (60% in peak season) work in shops or businesses open between 9am and 5pm. The remaining 30% (40% in peak season) work shifts in restaurants or hotels in the town centre and may require parking outside of these hours either starting early or finishing late. They typically park for long periods and ideally want to park close to where they work and feel safe walking to/from their vehicles late at night.

Visitor Parking: The parking needs of visitors depend on the length of time that they stay in the area and their mode of transport. Many visitors come for a short while (less than 2 hours) and would typically park in the centre of the town and visit the main areas around Castle Street. Others want to park in town and walk around all day, either in or near town or out on the hills, coming back into town for a meal or drink at the end of the day.

Visitors who stay overnight require a safe place to park nearby their place of stay and may also leave their car in the town during the day too.

Coach parking: A large number of coaches visit the town. Most coaches park in Market Street Car Park, with customers who visit the public toilets and possibly a café for a drink. The majority only stay for a short while, typically 1-2 hours.

People with disabilities: There are currently 19 spaces designated for blue badge holders in Llangollen town centre car parks with Castle Street often used for its immediate access to shops. 

Working group proposals 

1. Residents 

Current situation:  Residents of Oak Street, Chapel Street, Church Street, Bridge Street and Hall Street have special parking permits that allow them to park neat their houses at a cost of £25 per year. Residents in these streets can also purchase tickets costing 50p each for visitors which allows all-day parking on their street.

All other residents do not have any special arrangements and have to pay to park in car parks or find a place on the remaining streets. On-street parking is currently free on all streets but many streets have parking restrictions for 30 minutes or 1 hour during the day. Other streets have completely unrestricted parking. 

Aim: to increase availability and convenience of parking for town centre residents

Suggestion: Designate a central parking zone for the town which includes all streets in the centre of the town. Residents of the designated area can purchase a residents pass to allow them to park cars (not motorhomes) anywhere within the zone. There would be no restrictions on the length of time or the time of day. A residents’ pass would cost around £50 for the first car and £100 (same as DCC pass) for a second pass. The pass would provide unrestricted parking in all on-road parking areas and all car parks within the zone. This would mean that all residents in the zone have equal rights to park close to their homes within the town.  The 50p visitors permits for residents would be discontinued. Residents can buy a 24 hour permit for £2.50 for visitors who can then park on any street or car park for the whole day.

To include Market Street, up Hill Street to the junction with Aber Adda, bottom of Brook Street; only southern side of Llangollen.

Note: Residents should use on-street car parking where possible, car parks as a back up


 Prioritises parking for town centre residents over visitors

 Increases total number of spaces available for town centre residents to park (on street and car parks)

 Removes pressure on residents to move car early in the morning

 Church Street is an access only zone - only residents of Church Street allowed.

 Encourages lower car ownership for environmental reasons (reduced emissions) 


 Town Centre residents parking charge of approx. £50 per year (14p per day) for first car or £100 (28p per day) for second car.

 Temporary permits for residents’ visitors costing 50p would be discontinued.

 A new day pass would be available for visitors to park on any road or car park for £2.50 for the day.

 Permits issued for maximum of two cars per household.

* Suggested Central Parking Zone.

2. Businesses and Workers (who live outside the town centre) 

Current situation: Many workers and businesses have purchased a Denbighshire Car Parks Long Stay Pass which allows free parking on all DCC long stay car parks. Market Street and East Street car parks are the only town centre car parks where DCC allows long-stay parking with this pass. The effect of this exception has been that many workers and businesses use Market Street to park all day on a regular basis. Since they arrive early in the morning there are plenty of spaces to park. However, staying for the whole day means that this car park caters for many long stay vehicles, resulting in those spaces being unavailable for short stay parking. It is often full by 11am on busy days. While this helps those who work in the town it causes congestion and traffic churn on the streets as visitors search for spaces around the outskirts of the town. This problem is particularly noticeable during peak periods.

Aim: to help local businesses thrive by increasing convenient parking for customers to easily access their businesses


1. Maintain the long-stay parking at higher rate (£7) in Market and East Street car parks but long stay DCC permits will not be valid on weekends and bank holidays and throughout the school summer holiday in July and August between the hours of 9am and 5pm.

2. During these periods, businesses and workers should use their Denbighshire longstay pass at designated parking at Ysgol Dinas Bran, or outer car parks - Ponsonby Arms, Pavilion, Hall Street, Brook Street. Other options - St. Collen’s Hall (charge), Health Centre parking (weekend only).

3. DCC will agree terms with Ysgol Dinas Bran for provision of long stay parking for business workers with long stay DCC passes during weekends, bank holidays and the school summer holiday.

Local businesses will also be supported to explore private parking arrangements with privately owned parking spaces nearby.


 Majority of the year, business owners and workers would be able to use Market Street and East Street car parks

 More spaces available for business customers to pop & shop, access cafes, restaurants etc. increasing dwell time and turnover.

 Increased parking provided for businesses at Ysgol Dinas Bran at weekends, bank holidays and during school summer holidays.

 Air quality & well-being will be improved with people being encouraged to walk, share transport etc.

 With option to park at Ysgol Dinas Bran, parking spaces for businesses will be increased by 100 spaces reducing time owners and workers spend looking for parking spaces.


 Annual long stay parking permit required for those working in the town (currently  £104.34 per year)

 Owners and workers would have walk 510 minutes (compared with current 3-5 minutes) to reach their place of work – promoting routine physical activity in line with the Well-Being of Future Generations Act.

3. Pop and Shop 

Current situation: These users often park on the streets in 30 minute or 1 hour restricted parking, sometimes having to pay for short stay parking in the centre of the town.

Aim: To maximise ease of quick shopping trips into town centre and access to local businesses.


 First 30 minutes free on all streets and car parks to encourage quick and easy visits into town

 One hour parking option on streets, payable by app, at same rate as in car parks

 In the car parks, you can either buy a ticket or register via the app.

 We will also explore a low-tech solution for 30 minutes parking e.g. tickets for self-completion, a dial like for blue badge holders; or just writing time on scrap paper.

Note:   Training sessions for residents to learn how to download and use the app would be provided.

 For people who don’t have access to the app, local shop keepers could be encouraged to help (e.g. purchasing the permit on their app, if the person parking isn’t able or doesn’t have a smartphone)


 Free parking for 30 minutes on streets and in car parks will encourage quick and easy visits to town businesses

 One hour parking on streets (payable via app) will facilitate quick visits into town for local shoppers while maximising availability of on-street parking for town centre residents


 Local residents will need to download the parking app (support / training would be provided)

4. Visitors 

Current situation: The car parks can be used at standard rates for parking within the town centre (30p for 30 mins, £1 for 1hr, £1.50 for 3h, £3.50 all day2). On-street parking is currently free on many streets, is completely unrestricted on some, and is restricted to 30 minutes or 1 hour during the day on others.

Aim: to encourage short stay visitors to park in Market Street or East Street car parks, ensuring regular turnover of parking spaces, and long stay visitors to park in outer car parks (Ponsonby, Pavilion, Hall Street)


1. As per Pop & Shop, Visitors can access first 30 minutes free on street and in car parks to encourage quick and easy visits into town

2. Visitors can park on the streets for up to 1 hour during the day (paying by app) or in car parks (paying by app or using the machines)

3. Visitors can stay in Market Street and East Street car parks for up to 7 hours (paying by app or using the machines) – paying £7 for all day parking

4. Separate parking arrangements are being confirmed with Llangollen Railway to ensure railway visitors have separate parking provision.

5. Businesses needing to manage customers’ parking will be able to apply for tickets costing £2.50 each which will allow all-day parking on any street or car park.

6. Pay and Display parking at Ysgol Dinas Bran would be available on weekends, holidays and throughout August (70 spaces, plus 28 outside the Edwardian block that would only be available to businesses) – however, these would not be signposted and would typically only be used by businesses, local residents and railway visitors by arrangement.


 Llangollen Railway to provide parking for each major event parking inside Llangollen Pavilion (or other suitable site e.g. Ysgol Dinas Bran, Llandyn Farm fields, Wenffrwd), selling parking ticket when tickets are purchased online and exploring options for park & ride (e.g. via South Denbighshire Community Partnership, Corwen, Pontcysyllte).

 The new electronic sign outside the railway entrance could be used to provide guidance on parking for railway customers on busy days/weekends.                                             


 Prioritises on-street parking for town centre residents (who can stay in a space all day or access easily after 5pm once 1h parking expires)

 Increases total amount of day time parking, encouraging visitors to use car parks but providing overflow on busy days

 Businesses with customers needing parking will be able to apply for a day permit that is equivalent to residents’ parking 

 Reduces signage required to car parks


 Businesses will need to pay for customers parking (£2.50 per day,which they could pass on to customers).

5. Coaches & Buses 

Current situation: 13 tourist coaches can currently park in Market Street Car Park at no charge, although coaches usually only use one line of parking (up to 9 spaces). At weekends during peak months there is usually one line of coaches, with overspill onto Market Street (parking on double yellow lines outside the toilet blocks). Other coaches also do drop off / pick-ups while parked on the double yellow lines outside the Railway Station and up Wharf Hill / Dinbren Road. Scheduled buses (Arriva, Llew Jones Coaches and Tanat Valley Coaches) currently pick-up / drop-off at the Parade Street bus stops, with request stops also at the bottom of Wharf Hill and opposite the Health Centre. The X5 bus currently does a pick up from the Llangollen Pavilion weekdays at around 4pm to collect students from Ysgol Dinas Bran.

Long-term aim: To provide drop off / pick up facilities in Llangollen Town Centre that are convenient for visitors and to provide attractive waiting areas for coaches while they are waiting. To minimise travel of scheduled bus services through Llangollen Town Centre.

Suggestions for scheduled bus services:

Service 5 (to and from Wrexham) to drop off at bottom of Wharf Hill / turn in Eistedfod / pick up from Wharf Hill as standard (as per current school service)

 Publicity campaign to encourage use of public transport.

Suggestions for visitor coaches: 

Due to on-going discussions within Denbighshire County Council about the future management of key sites that could provide potential coach parking, notably the Pavilion and Wenffrwd (the former tip) decisions cannot be made on coach parking. The following sets out three scenarios for immediate (1), provisional (2) and long-term (3) plans.

1. Improve layout of Market Street car park to avoid double parking of coaches then continue with current arrangements after other car parking arrangements change.

Monitor the impact of the changes with regards parking and congestion, and shift to one of two scenarios below if congestion or parking situation becomes worse.

2. Provisional scenario 1: if congestion or parking situation becomes worse, remove half of the coach parking from Market Street car park, construct a temporary shelter for waiting passengers, and designate a drop off point on Market Street OR direct coaches to drop off/pick up from outside museum.

3. Provisional scenario 2:

 Designate a coach drop off / pick up area on Market Street immediately outside Market Street car park and along Abbey Road

 Build a covered seating area inside Market Street Car Park against the north-west wall, approximately the area of one existing coach parking bay.

 Designate coach waiting area (options below to be discussed): o Provide free parking at the Pavilion Car Park (would need to look at access to toilets for drivers, potentially provision and cleaning of self-service tea and coffee machines) o Provide parking at or behind the Wenffrwd site once redeveloped if toilets/cafe to be established there o Explore provision of parking at or next to White Waters Hotel (once sold)

6. People with disabilities (blue badge holders) 

Current situation: There are currently 19 spaces designated for blue badge holders in Llangollen town centre, 8 in Market Street Car Park, 4 in East Street Car Park, 4 in Mill Street Car Park and 3 at the Pavilion. The railway has limited private blue badge parking at the bottom of its ramp. Castle Street is often used for parking by people with disabilities.

Aim: To maintain or expand provision of accessible parking for people with disabilities.


1. Provide two disabled parking bays on Bridge Street and Oak Street – one on each (Arcadis proposals)

2. Provide one disabled parking bay on Abbey Road 

Summary of proposals 

Friday, October 25, 2019

Commissioner praises The Old Vicarage care home

* From left, Ken Skates AM, Bethan Mascarenhas, resident Bill Gosson and
Older Person's Commissioner HelĂ©na Herklots outside The Old Vicarage. 

A thriving Llangollen care home was praised after a visit by the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales.

HelĂ©na Herklots and local Assembly Member Ken Skates were welcomed to The Old Vicarage  by director Bethan Mascarenhas, who is celebrating a successful first year after taking over the home with brother Richard in October 2018.

Bethan, who studied at Ysgol Dinas Bran in Llangollen, said: “It was great to have HelĂ©na come and visit, it meant a lot to the residents that we were able to give back for all the work she does on their behalf. 

"We celebrated our first year of running The Old Vicarage on October 10, so it was amazing to have HelĂ©na come and celebrate alongside us.”

Ken Skates said: “It was fantastic to visit The Old Vicarage and have such a friendly welcome. There is a wonderful warm atmosphere at the home and it’s clear to see the brilliant relationships residents have with the staff.”

Bethan added: “In a national care home review the previous commissioner said the word home ‘should mean something special, a place that we hope will be filled with friendship, laughter and love’. This is true of The Old Vicarage and we hope that HelĂ©na felt that sense of warmth.

“It was interesting to chat about ageism within our society and how it affects those in and out of our care. At The Old Vicarage, we choose a culture of positive risk-taking, against being risk averse and wrapping people in cotton wool because they are seen as ‘old’ or ‘frail’.

“I recently watched a video online of a 102-year-old lady skydiving and that was a real breakthrough moment for me - I thought ‘why not?!’ Just because people are older doesn’t mean they have to stop trying new things and that’s something we wish to promote as a home and work with HelĂ©na on. 

"We have already started some intergenerational projects to try and bridge the gap and see how much we have in common. We hope that today will be the start of a strong relationship with HelĂ©na and the work that she does.”

HelĂ©na Herklots said: “I want to thank the residents and staff for giving us such a warm welcome to their home and for taking the time to talk to us about their lives and experiences. It was great to see the residents enjoying a fantastic afternoon tea and celebrating one year of the home’s new management.”

Mr Skates invited Mrs Herklots to Llangollen, where she also visited the local health centre to hold a round-table discussion with representatives from the health and care sectors. 

He said: “It was great to welcome HelĂ©na to Clwyd South and I’d like to thank her for taking the time to visit our area. It was a very productive and enjoyable afternoon.”

HelĂ©na Herklots was named Older People’s Commissioner for Wales in June 2018. She was previously chief executive of charity Carers UK. She has more than 30 years' experience of supporting and working with older people and was awarded a CBE in 2017.

Shea sings for the church tonight

New film celebrates World Heritage Site

* A scene from the new film showing the aqueduct.

A film showcasing the beauty of an eleven-mile stretch of the Dee Valley near Llangollen has been unveiled.

The film shows the day in the life of the World Heritage Site (WHS) from dawn until dusk. 

It was recently premiered at the WHS UK Annual Conference in Llangollen and highlights the magnificent structures, landscape and activities which can be enjoyed throughout the day.

There are also three shorter films currently in commission themed around '11 miles of engineering marvels’, '11 miles of picturesque landscape’ and '11 miles of the great outdoors’. 

They will highlight structures, landscapes or activity referred to in each title and due for release in the near future.

All of the films, funded by Visit Wales, are part of the celebrations for the 10 year anniversary of the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct and Canal receiving World Heritage Status.

The main purpose of the commission is to highlight the outstanding natural landscape, engineering and modern-day function as a tourist destination.

Each film features the entire eleven miles as it awakens in the morning until the sun sets in the evening, demonstrating some of the activities that people of all ages can enjoy and experience. 

It coincides with the final week of the hugely popular luminaire spectacle of iconic structures, putting Thomas Telford’s famous aqueduct at the centre of the celebrations. It ends this Sunday, October 27.

Wrexham County Borough Council’s Regeneration Manager Allan Forrest presented the films to the conference and said it had been well received, highlighting another important landmark in the promotion of the visitor attractions that welcome thousands of tourists and locals each year.

He said: “We are fortunate to have a stretch of waterways that begin at Gledrid Bridge in Shropshire, England to the Horseshoe Falls in Denbighshire. Over the past ten years we have continued to push the boundaries of how we can continually attract tourists to the area and this has only been possible through private and public funding.  

“There are exciting plans ahead and our new Management Plan will be announced shortly as we continue to develop our vision for a masterplan for the Trevor Basin Area.”

Adnan Saif, from the charity, Canal and River Trust, said: “This film shows really showcases the beauty of the Llangollen Canal and why it’s such a fantastic place to visit throughout the year.

“Research shows that being next to water makes you feel happier and healthier and with 11 miles of the World Heritage Site to visit there is something for esveryone to enjoy. Whether you want to explore our 200-year-old heritage, spot the local wildlife, explore the canal on the water, or simply going for a leisurely stroll.  Whatever your reason, a visit to the Llangollen Canal, is a day well spent for the whole family.”

The luminaire runs until this Sunday, 27 October 2019 from 7.30pm - 9.30pm.

* To see the films, go to:

Cllr Hugh Evans OBE, Leader of Denbighshire County Council, said: “I would like to congratulate everyone involved in helping to stage this fantastic event. The luminaire was a chance to showcase Denbighshire and all it has to offer. It was a stunning way to mark the 10th anniversary of gaining World Heritage status and was an amazing spectacle for visitors and residents alike. I am pleased it was such a success.”

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Llan campaigners joined Final Say march in London

* Welsh campaigners gather before the march.

* The march through London.

Campaigners from Llangollen were among the one million people estimated to have taken part in the People’s Vote Together For the Final Say march through central London last Saturday.

Protestors travelled from all over the UK by car, bus and train to take part in the march. 

Of the 172 organised coaches, 17 of them – a full 10% - were organised by Welsh grassroots groups across Wales, including Denbighshire whose party the Llangollen group joined.  

Many thousands of others travelled by train and hundreds of Britons living in other European countries and across the world flew back to the UK to demonstrate their support for a People’s Vote.

The Welsh groups held a rally with singing and speeches before the start of the main march through London. Many of those taking part were from areas of the Wales which had voted leave in the 2016 Referendum, including Wrexham.

Those taking part included several generations of the same families, war veterans and pensioners in their 90s.

"Aled", chairman of Denbighshire For Europe, said: “ It was great to see all people from Wales and North Wales and even Denbighshire. 

"It was good to see people from all regions within the Denbighshire area showing support to the MPS that support our case that a second referendum (People’s Vote) is the only way forward. 

"The public deserves to have the chance to vote against the deal and a option to remain if they do not like the deal, also having the right to change their minds as well."

He added: "It was good to see coaches sold out picking people up from Llangollen and Corwen and all regions in Denbighshire that feel the same, that we should have a People’s Vote on the final deal with truths and facts on leave the deal against the the option to remain if people now want to remain in the EU."

At the rally in Parliament Square, "Silas" from North Wales for Europe spoke on behalf of grassroots campaigners in Wales.

He said: “Three years ago, very few politicians would listen to our calls for a People’s Vote, but they’re listening now. We don’t have the media presence that Brexiteers have, so we must use our numbers and get out and talk to people. 

"Most people are reasonable, they’re not hard leavers or remainers, they just want the best future for their children and grandchildren. We are sharing our positive vision for the future with them.”

Campaign leaders say that since the march, hundreds of thousands of people have signed a letter to "the powerful" as part of a new campaign, demanding that the people are given the final say on Brexit in a referendum.

Before the final Brexit deadline of October 31 the letter will be delivered to Downing Street and the Houses of Parliament, as well as the European Parliament to other European Heads of Government.