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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Play revives golden Fifties memories

* The cast of Smiling in the Sunlight Laughing in the Rain.

A group of lively youngsters put the clock back over 60 years at Llangollen Methodist Church last night (Monday).

About a dozen members of Llangollen Operatic Society’s junior section, the Young ‘Uns, revived memories of the early 1950s in a half-hour playlet called Smiling in the Sunlight Laughing in the Rain.

All the sketches were based on local recollections of what it was like to be a child in this town in the decade after World War Two when mobile phones and social media had never even been dreamt of.

The trip down memory lane started with an evocation of a local junior school class where the teacher ruled her young charges with iron discipline.

The appreciative audience was then taken to the local grocer’s shop where another well-remembered lady dispensed her goods without the aid of an electronic till - but never on a Wednesday which was half-day closing.

By the mircale of imagination it was then Christmas in 1950s Llan where the kids opened the presents while mum put the finishing touches to cooking the chicken - apparently, turkey was only for the well-off back then.

Along with the kids we then boarded an ancient charabanc to be transported to Rhyl for a day out of paddling and sand castles.

This was a marvellous interlude of golden memories presented by a talented bunch of children and well put together by Pam Williams of the Operatic and other helpers.

County looks at boosting car charging points

Denbighshire County Council could play an increasing role in tackling climate change .

It is currently looking at the possibility of increasing the number of electrical vehicle charging points (pictured) across the county and evaluating the use of potential alternative fuel sources to run its fleet of vehicles.

Plaid Cymru Councillor Mabon ap Gwynfor, Llandrillo/Cynwyd, called on the council to look at the issue of electrical charging points and fuel used for its own vehicles.

Council officers will draw up papers on both issues for discussion at a Scrutiny Committee.

Cllr ap Gwynfor said: “We need to wean ourselves off of fossil fuels, which is causing huge damage to the environment. Man-made global warming is one of the biggest threats facing us today. It’s already causing havoc to coastal communities, affecting our health and wellbeing and is the cause of many wars across the globe.

"Sea levels are set to rise, and we could see further damage to communities on the Denbighshire coast over the coming decades unless we do something about this issue.

“It’s also clear that the direction of travel as far as vehicle fuel is concerned is away from fossil fuel, so Denbighshire County Council needs to be prepared for that eventuality and ensure that it builds up a fleet of vehicles that are not dependent on fossil fuels.”

Research conducted by HSBC showed that only 31 publicly-funded charging points are available in Wales, compared with 2,862 in England, 743 in Scotland and 185 in Northern Ireland. That’s 1 charging point per 100,000 people in Wales (1).

Cllr ap Gwynfor added: “There’s an opportunity here to look at developing electric vehicle charging points across Denbighshire. It’s very difficult for rural communities like the ones I represent to move away from diesel or petrol because the infrastructure isn’t yet in place to enable people to charge electric vehicles.

"Denbighshire County Council could lead the way and help our communities to transition to electric. It would also help the Council to achieve its ambition of reducing CO2 emissions as well.”

Up to 10,000 expected at LlanBikeFest 2018

Up to 10,000 people are expected to visit LlanBikeFest 2018 –  the Llangollen Motorcycle Festival – at the town’s Royal International Pavilion on August 4 and 5.
Special guest and TT legend John McGuinness said. “I will definitely be at LlanBikeFest. It’s a weekend of fun and a great family affair.”

He will be joined by British Superbike champion John Reynolds and British Superbike star Steve Plater. 

LlanBikeFest director John Hutchinson said: “We had 7,000 visitors last year and all the signs are that there will be thousands more in 2018.

"We are Wales’s biggest festival that celebrates everything people love about bikes – a great weekend for families as well as bike enthusiasts, with free entry for accompanied children aged 16 and under.
“There’s lots to see and do -  hundreds of motorcycles of every type on show, spectacular riding displays, birds of prey, rides and children’s entertainments, plus a great line-up of bands both days.

"One of the biggest attractions for bikers is that we are set amongst some of the best biking roads in Britain – and Llangollen is a lovely, biker-friendly town. We’ll also be raising lots of money for Wales Air Ambulance.” 

Star entertainments will include jaw-dropping stunts by champion trails rider Steve Colley and Savage Skills (pictured), the UK’s leading freestyle mountain bike team, plus beautiful birds from the Talonted Feathers falconry. 

LlanBikeFest is open 9.00am to 6.00pm Saturday, with a beer and bands party starting at 6.00pm Saturday included in the day ticket.

It will be opened officially by Llangollen Mayor John Haddy and Town Crier Chem Cheminais at 11.00am. Sunday, 9.00am to 5.00pm, with awards for exhibitors’ bikes presented by John McGiuinness in the afternoon.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Llan Co-op to be facelifted this autumn

* The Co-op in Regent Street is due to be upgraded this autumn. 

A major facelift of the Co-op store in Llangollen will be carried out this autumn.

That is the word from a spokesman for the food store chain which has just announced details of a big expansion plan.

This will see the Co-op open 20 new stores across Wales over the next 18 months, including Prestatyn and Rhos-on-Sea.

The group says it will also be revamping six of its existing stores in North Wales, including Llangollen, Denbigh and Llandudno Junction.

Asked by llanblogger for further details of what is planned for the local store in Regent Street, a Co-op spokesman said: “It is a little too early to confirm further detail, it is scheduled for major investment this autumn - enabling the store to better serve its community.

“We expect the works to be carried out by mid-October.”

The move has been welcomed by Llangollen county councillor Graham Timms, who said: “I am delighted that the Co-op has announced that they will be investing in the Llangollen store on Regent Street.

“When Aldi and Home Bargains opened in the town a year ago, many thought that it would lead to the closure of the Co-op.

“New investment in the store indicates the confidence that the company has in giving the Co-op a future in Llangollen.

“Many customers who rely on the Co-op for their shopping would have found it difficult to travel to alternative shops in Llangollen. 

Tina Mitchell, Co-op’s managing director for Wales, recently told the Daily Post: “Since our troubles a few years ago we have reconnected with our customers.

“We have focused on what we do well and also innovated.
“We have focused on being local and on being relevant to customers.

“The shops have got better, our service has got better and we have worked with more local suppliers and our offer is better.
“Co-op now work with hundreds of local suppliers in Wales and they provide 500 products for stores – we are very proud of that.”

She added: “Convenience and online have been the growth areas and we have been well placed to take advantage of that.
“While some supermarkets have tried to make this part of their offer, providing convenience stores in people’s communities is what we are all about.

“The gap in prices (to supermarkets) has narrowed. We have invested £50m in prices to make many items cheaper. While it is not all about price, we have invested here to remain competitive.”
On the future plans in North Wales, she said: “The brand has always resonated in Wales and Co-op is looking at areas where we think people are under-serviced – this is a big opportunity for us.

“We want to open 20 new stores in Wales over the next 18 months.
“This will see seven or eight in the second half of 2018 and 12 or 13 in 2019. This will create a lot of local jobs in North Wales.

“We are also looking ahead and can see future potential in Wales for the considerable future. This will not end at the end of 2019.”

Consultants probe town's traffic problems

Consultants have carried out traffic surveys around Llangollen town centre to get a better idea about congestion and traffic flow through the town.

Arcadis (Consulting) is currently looking at traffic issues in the area with financial support from Cadwyn Clwyd, the Welsh Government, the European Union Rural Development Fund, Denbighshire County Council, Llangollen Town Council and the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

* The leaflet for Tuesday's drop-in session.

Llangollen county councillor Graham Timms said that on Friday and Saturday Arcadis carried out a survey at three major junctions - Castle Street/Abbey Road, Castle Street/A5 Regent Street and Market Street/A5 Berwyn Road.   

He added: “The video evidence will be analysed by Arcadis using computer modelling to help them to better understand the issues with congestion and traffic flow through the town.

“We're expecting a further consultation in the late summer on the ideas that Arcadis put forward. A final report will be produced for the end of September 2018.”

He went on: “The Llangollen 2020 working group wants to ensure that everyone can take part before the planning phase begins.

“Arcadis are in the process of speaking to residents, businesses and visitors before they start to draw up their suggestions to make the town better for all.

“There will be a drop-in session from 3pm until 7pm on Tuesday July 17 in Llangollen Town Hall. 

“The event will give the opportunity for everyone to voice their opinions on problems in the centre of the town and how they might be improved.”

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Musical journeys on offer at the Fringe

* Fringe entertainment at Llangollen Station.

This year’s Llangollen Fringe Festival offers musical journeys on both the town's steam railway and the famous Pontycysyllte Aqueduct Canal. 

On Sunday July 22 you can enjoy a fun-filled 10 miles travelling through the Dee Valley with live disco music on the steam train, a dancing carriage, and a fully licensed bar on board.

There will be a BBQ and live music before heading off from Llangollen station and a special surprise on arrival in Carrog before travelling back to Llangollen.

You’re invited to don your best disco gear and dance the afternoon away. 

Keep the good vibes going after the disco train when you pop on your headphones and dance noiselessly to your choice of two live DJ’s or some chill music  at a specially organised ‘silent’ disco in Llangollen Town Hall.

On Saturday July 28 there's a chance to cruise along the canal and over the aqueduct with musical accompaniment from The Sinatra Two.

Sit back, sing and swing along and enjoy the cruise with a complimentary glass of wine, and a fully licensed bar on board.

Your journey will take you between Llangollen and Froncysyllte via Telford’s Pontcysyllte aqueduct on a narrowboat, and the journey is made complete by a transfer between Froncysyllte basin and Llangollen on a vintage bus. 

Due to popular demand, there will be two departure times for the narrowboat cruise - 5.45pm - departing from Llangollen Wharf, and returning by vintage bus from Trevor Basin, and 7.30pm – departing on our glamorous vintage bus from Parade Street, Llangollen. 

Tickets for the Disco Train and the Narrowboat Cruise are on sale now at 


The festival rounds off with its now legendary closing concert in the stunning surrounds of VALLE CRUCIS ABBEY featuring the ethereal sound of GOLDEN FABLE and THE NEW SINFONIA ORCHESTRA.

Tickets for all other Llangollen Fringe performances are also available from the website, or by calling the Fringe box office on 0800 1455 779.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Twenty Club prepares for its next production

The Twenty Club Amateur Players of Llangollen are performing The Flint Street Nativity from November 22-24.

It's an hilarious comedy written by Tim Firth of Calendar Girls fame.

The club are holding pre-audition workshops at Trevor Community Centre on Tuesday July 24, from 7-9pm, and on Sunday July 29, from 3.30-5.30pm.

Rehearsals will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting on September 4 at a venue in Llangollen yet to be confirmed.

You will be invited to join the Facebook page once you have expressed an interest, and the production team will keep you updated on the auditions, workshops and casting of the play.

There are seven male and five female characters, all ideally aged 25 – 55.

Director John Clifford said: "The performances promise to be of an excellent standard, as expected from The Twenty Club, but also of great importance, rehearsals and the production should be great fun.

"We are also looking for new members who may be interested in helping with other areas of the production too. Please get in touch."

* For more information about The Flint Street Nativity, click this link