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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Rehearsals going well for Twenty Club's 'Allo 'Allo 2

Rehearsals are underway for Llangollen Twenty Club's latest production of 'Allo 'Allo 2: The Camembert Caper.

Following on from the success of 'Allo 'Allo: The Fallen Madonna in 2021 cast and crew are hard at work to ensure that this production meets the club's exacting standards.

Based on the hugely popular TV comedy series, this sequel to the popular stage production of 'Allo 'Allo continues the adventures of reluctant resistance hero and harassed café owner, René Artois, in German-occupied wartime France. 

Rehearsals are buzzing, with the actors portraying the various characters and nationalities - English, German and French.

"There are masses of different roles and while some of the characters are being re-enacted by the 2021 cast, there are a number of new people who have come forward to take up the challenge. It's all really encouraging and exciting," said director Chrissie Ashworth.

Performance dates are from Wednesday November 13 to Saturday November 16 at 7.30pm with a Saturday matinee at 2pm. Ticket prices are £14 and £12.

Limited Early bird tickets for opening night Wednesday November 13 go on sale on Monday at 9am costing £10.

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