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Saturday, April 4, 2020

Statement from the Town Mayor, Cllr Jon Haddy

* Town Mayor, Cllr Jon Haddy.

The Town Council’s thoughts are with the people of the town and especially those who may be particularly vulnerable to this dreadful disease. 

Councillors are aware of the support groups being set up to practicably aid those in need and as a Council, as a whole, will be doing its very best to help and support them in whatever way we can. 

Individual Councillors are directly volunteering with the Llangollen Coronavirus Help Group, ably coordinated by Ms Cat Meade. for which we are deeply grateful.

Through our Town Clerk we shall also be doing our best to signpost to the appropriate departments at Denbighshire County Council and to our Third Sector Partners.

All your local councillors remain available for residents and their contact details are shown on the Town Council website and whilst the Town Hall remains closed, and will remain so for the foreseeable future, our dedicated staff will be offering help through both phone and email.    

In these difficult times it is important we all stay as safe as we can and help each other. 

Please follow Government guidance about self-isolation, and when going out of your house keep your distance from others as by doing this will reduce the chance of contracting or spreading this world-wide virus, so that we can return to a normal, but, I suspect,somewhat different world.

As always, I am confident the great community spirit of the residents of Llangollen will make this happen and will continue beyond the end of these difficult times to ensure that our community bounces back as strong as ever.

Finally, please keep safe and I look forward to seeing you at events in the town later in the year.

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