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Saturday, April 4, 2020

Coronavirus local update - Saturday

Llangollen Railway posted on Facebook yesterday details of the shares scheme it has launched to help it survive its current shutdown due to the coronaviris threat.

The heritage railway has warned that the closure could leave it with a £600,000 deficit.

Its post says: “You can help to support Llangollen Railway by purchasing shares.

“The link below takes you to our website where you will find more information. Minimum purchase is £50 which will give you 50 shares.”

The website sets out the benefits of purchasing the PLC shares, which will entitle the holder to travel vouchers.
With a minimum purchase of 50, and a scale of benefits ranges from up to 99 shares – 1 travel voucher up to 3000 + shares – travel pass for holder and three guests.
There is a shares application form and the link to the railway’s website is:

Cat Meade, co-ordinator of Llangollen Coronavirus Support Group, has set up a new Facebook page to create raffles. Find it at: 

Prizes will be vouchers/goods from local businesses, both currently open and closed, as Cat explained: "To maintain spend and know we are supporting them in these difficult times."

The first raffle was held yesterday with a prize of a £50 takeaway voucher for Adyan's Tandoori plus 4 beers & a bottle of wine,  all delivered to your door.

It was £2 per number (max 2 numbers per person) and those interested in joining were asked to message their number to the page,with payment via paypal.

* The group's new supplier leaflet.

The support group has also posted the latest list of suppliers for food and other essentials in Llangollen, (pictured above). It also contains a list of up-to-date contact numbers.

* The #Llangollen Family t-shirt to be available soon.

Another big announcement from the group yesterday was that it is making available a t-shirt with the logo #llangollenfamily.

Cat explained: “I started this on my posts and was overwhelmed with our community spirit, volunteers, support, shops etc... the whole big Family.

“Well, I have been working with a local supplier and tomorrow we shall be up and running to take orders on these beauties.

“On the other side of this we will have our own #Llanfest and I want to see you all in these tops. Post on orders coming tomorrow (Saturday).

“A percentage of purchase will all go to the Llangollen Support Group.” 

Meanwhile, Llangollen Group of Anglican Churches invited people on Facebook yesterday to tune in this Sunday at 8pm and sponsor a hymn to be sung which will be dedicated to you during the live stream. You can sponsor a hymn with a donation by visiting:

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