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Saturday, April 4, 2020

Health boss welcomes plea for business support to produce PPE

The Chair of North Wales Health Board (pictured) has welcomed the First Minister’s plea yesterday (Friday) for urgent business support in producing personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline staff fighting the COVID-19 outbreak.

Mark Polin, Chair of Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) said now is the time to appeal to businesses again to show their support for health and care staff working across North Wales.

“This is a rallying call for arms for companies to change their production lines where possible and start making this hugely important protective equipment. It is paramount that our brave and committed frontline colleagues feel safe and are safe so that they can in turn protect and provide the best care they can to those requiring their help. I urge those companies here in North Wales who can assist in any way to come forward.

“Whether it is visors, masks, aprons or gloves, a change in government guidance explaining when PPE should be worn will no doubt see demand for these items rise further throughout the country in the coming days, weeks and months.

“As we are all aware, this virus shows no discrimination as each and every one of us is vulnerable towards it, some more than others. We all have a part to play in making sure our loved ones continue to receive the best care we can give and that our colleagues remain as safe as possible for those of us that will sadly require specialist frontline care.”

"There are a number of ways for companies to help this urgent request for PPE:

·        Visit the North Wales NHS Charity website Awyr Las

·        Emailing the Procurement Department via

"BCUHB would like to say a very big thank you to organisations and individuals who have already been in touch to offer their support and generosity during this outbreak. This assistance is greatly appreciated.

"A further and urgent call for volunteers and trained return to practice clinical staff is still needed more than ever to offer additional support to the Health Board and the temporary hospitals currently being constructed across North Wales. Here’s how to get involved:

·        Visit the Get Involved page to become a public volunteer

·        Trained healthcare staff wanting to join the staff bank should contact

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