Simon Smith, said: "Attention to fire safety in the home and road safety is of paramount importance, but even more so during these times.
"On this occasion the Fire Brigades Union has chosen to strike on a Saturday evening, at a time when people are out socialising and drinking, or cooking at home entertaining family and friends - which means the risks to their safety are inherently more significant as attention is naturally elsewhere.
"I am urging people to think more carefully about the situations they may be putting themselves into. Historically weekend evenings are when calls to the fire and rescue service are at their peak and it is likely that during the strike period we won't be able to respond as we normally would - prevention is best, so take these simple steps to ensure your safety and those of your loved ones."
Mr Smith advised:
* Ensure you have a smoke alarm and test that it is in working order.
* Do not mix drinking and cooking - it's a recipe for disaster. If you are hungry get a takeaway or make a sandwich. Do not get the chip pan out or leave cooking unattended.
* Avoid any unnecessary journeys - if you are unfortunate enough to be in a collision we may not be able to get there to help you as quickly as we normally would.
* Switch off any unused electrical appliances before you go to bed and close all doors - make sure you have an escape plan in the event of fire.
* Ensure you extinguish smoking materials and take care with candles.
* Get your chimney cleaned and use a fire guard on open fires.
* If a fire does start - get out, stay out and call 999. Don't be tempted to tackle a fire yourself.
Safety advice and guidance for the public and businesses is available on the North Wales Fire and Rescue Service website and social network sites on Facebook and Twitter (#takeextracare), as well as through the local news.
Mr Smith added: "North Wales Fire and Rescue Service has arrangements in place to continue to provide a service during strike action" but warned that, "because of the circumstances, services may be limited.
"The Service's business continuity arrangements will ensure a speedy and safe return to normal services on conclusion of any period of industrial action."
* See more at: http://www.nwales-fireservice.org.uk/news/2013/10/14/communities-urged-to-‘take-extra-care’-during-second-firefighters-strike.aspx#sthash.OoMtYx7A.dpuf
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