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Monday, November 8, 2021

Town Council gives Remembrance Sunday details

* Last Year's Remembrance Sunday Service, which was on a much 
smaller scale due to Covid restrictions.

Llangollen Town Council will hold the annual Remembrance Sunday Service this coming Sunday, November 14 on Centenary Square.  

As usual the parade will muster on Market Street at 10.30am and the Service of Remembrance will start at 10.55am at the War Memorial. Arrangements will be as in previous years.

There will be a short Act of Remembrance at the War memorial at 10.45am on Thursday, which is Armistice Day, organised by the Llangollen branch of the Royal British Legion.

'Allo, 'Allo: don't miss this fantastic French farce!

* A scene from 'Allo 'Allo, with others below. 

* Rene and his wife Edith.

* The cafe owner with one of his waitresses.

* Listen carefully, I will say this only once.

 * ... Oooh, Rene!

* Ja, Herr General.

* The general and the captain share a joke with Mimi.

* Tis I, Leclerc.

* Herr Flick pours the wine.

* Vive la Resistance!

* I say old boy, what's going on?

* Confusion reigns until the end.

Review by llanblogger

Llangollen Twenty Club are this week taking to the Town Hall stage with their version of the TV comedy classic ‘Allo ‘Allo. 

And listen carefully as I will say this only once ... c’est magnifique! 

'Allo 'Allo! is a British sitcom television series created by David Croft and Jeremy Lloyd, starring Gorden Kaye, and originally broadcast on BBC One between 1982 and 1992. 

It focuses on the life of a café owner in a town occupied by the Germans during the Second World War. 

Rene Artois has to deal with assorted problems caused by a dishonest German officer, a local French Resistance leader, a stolen painting – the famous Fallen Madonna with the Big Boobies - and a pair of trapped British airmen, while concealing from his wife the secret dalliances he is having with his attractive younger waitresses.  

The humour is very much in the Carry On style of double entendre but with the added twist of taking the pissoire out of the French way of doing things, at least in line with the old British clichés.  

The production, directed with high style by Chrissie Ashworth, was originally planned to be shown in March 2020 but had to be reluctantly put on hold due to the pandemic and now – relearned from scratch - it’s at going live, with all Covid precautions being rigorously followed. 

In this ambitious and hilarious two-acter the excellent Nick Hawe takes the pivotal role of Rene and plays him with just the right mixture of world weariness and sardonic humour.

Backing him up brilliantly is Sue Griffiths as his wife Edith whose acting ability is, as the script requires, on a far higher plain than her singing. She’s perfect for the part in every aspect.

The coquettish waitresses who Rene can’t keep his hands off are brilliantly portrayed by Lizzie Clifford (Yvette) and Heather Wolfson (Mimi). .   

Michelle the Resistance operative, who brings us that famous “I will say this only once” catchphrase is a way that is thankfully never overdone, is the clearly talented Emily Swindley.

As he is in anything he does with the club, John Clifford is excellent as the bumbling German colonel Von Strohm. He’s shown true dedication to the part by having the top half of his head specially shaved – you’ll soon get why when the action begins.

His gloriously bemedalled Italian sidekick Captain Bertorelli is played with the right measure of narcissism and lasciviousness by John’s son Joe.   

The key role of Herr Flick, the cold-blooded and limping Gestapo guy, is in the extremely capable hands of an almost unrecognisable Bill Hughes, while his adoring assistant Helga is brought cheekily to life by Tracey Kempster. 

The talent roles on with Ian Wright playing Lieutenant Gruber, the German officer who is a little more thoughtful than usual, and the club’s marvellous Arwel Jarvis taking on the mantle of the strict but quirky General von Schmelling. 

Multi-roled actors are Kevin Williams, Helen Belton, Neil Barrett, Owen Hawe, Naomi Riley and Jayne Dickson at the piano. 

Unusually for the Twenty Club, who are usually words only, the cast rounds off with a song and does it very well – look out Operatic!

The show comes in a milestone year for the club as October 21 saw its 75th anniversary.

'Allo 'Allo runs at Llangollen Town Hall from Tuesday-Saturday November 9-13, at 7.30pm, with a Saturday matinee at 2.30 pm.

Bookings can be made through Ticket Source, from Courtyard Bookshop, Jenni’s of Market Street Llangollen, and the Oggie Shop next to the town hall. For telephone enquiries call 01978 869394. 

I understand at least one of the night shows is already booked solid, so get a move on if you don’t want to miss this fantastic French farce. 

MP urges people to join Great British Garden Festival

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes is encouraging local gardening enthusiasts to take part in the Great British Garden Festival 2022. 

The festival is a year-long event and aims to showcase the very best of gardening in the UK. 

Organisers are encouraging florists, garden centres, on-line retailers and local hospitality organisations to get involved and help attract more business to the local area. 

The festival has a bespoke website showing where things are and when they take place and will provide a unique link enabling local as well as larger national events to use a combined marketing platform to engage with a much wider audience.

To become a member for the duration of 2022 costs £10 and members will gain access to discounts on events and products from participating partners across the UK. 

Partners of the Festival already include garden centres, online retailers, historic houses and service providers. 

They offer a 10% discount to Members of the Festival. The aim is to make it self-financing and increase awareness.

Simon Baynes said: “I would encourage Clwyd South constituents and businesses to get involved with the Great British Garden Festival 2022, as this is a great opportunity to showcase what we have here in Clwyd South and also to bring all of these things together in one campaign. 

"This is a cause close to my heart given not only my own interest in gardening but also my previous role as chairman of the Welsh Historic Gardens Trust.

“The festival is a great opportunity to encourage members across the UK to Clwyd South and highlight our wonderful area. 

"If you’re interested in signing up to become a partner and to find out more, please visit The Great British Garden Festival website at”

Sunday, November 7, 2021

This week's work on the 2020 project

* Paving stones being laid in Bridge Street.

Latest work planned by contractors for Denbighshire County Council on the Llangollen 2020 project in the town centre is:

Week starting November 8

Below is a summary of the work planned in different areas:

  • Paving of Bridge Street South in front of the cenotaph
  • Making-safe the area in front of the Town Hall to reduce the barriers on site
  • Raising of iron works on the footpaths.

Concern expressed about historical graffiti at Berwyn

* The underpass near Berwyn station.

* Some of the soldiers' graffiti on the brickwork.

To mark this annual time of Remembrance llanblogger has a special feature on the historical World War One soldiers' graffiti found near Berwyn station, for which concern has been expressed 

A man who recently visited Berwyn station and saw the poignant World War One soldiers’ graffiti on the underpass there has voiced concerns about its deterioration. 

As they waited for trains on their way to fight in the trenches a series of young squaddies inscribed their thoughts on the white glazed brickwork of the underground passage which leads down from the station platform towards the Chain Bridge. 

A number of these young men never returned home from the killing fields of France and Belgium. 

What remained of the pencilled markings were officially recognised many years later, in the early 2000s, when they became the subject of media attention and a special exhibition at Llangollen Museum. 

Although a major programme of renovation and protection was thought to be necessary it is understood that the high cost of such an exercise meant it was never undertaken. 

Now an email from a concerned visitor has revived interest in the historical graffiti.  

John Linley, of Treuddyn, wrote to llanblogger: “I was in Llan yesterday and took a friend to see the underpass and was shocked and disappointed to see how bad the deterioration was on the writings there. 

“I first visited the site way back in the late 90s. 

“It put tears in my eyes to read the writings including one dated Christmas Day by one of the soldiers waiting for a train. 

“The chain bridge was closed then with all the planks missing. I scrambled over the bridge to the hotel. 

“Then I read that Stephanie Booth had bought the hotel and promised to repair the chain bridge. I was alarmed that it put the writings in danger of further damage due to people then defacing the writings. 

“I alerted the council and the Great War records people and I believe photos were taken. 

“I have a suggestion that could help: Chase out a line of mortar above the writings and insert a length of angled plastic to take the water away and drip clear of the wall. 

“Then pick a single brick to clean just with water and a soft cloth, to see if the writing can be made clearer after all the moss removed. 

“If successful, then carefully clean the rest of the bricks & spray with a clear lacquer.” 

In 2018 Peter Dickinson, one of the founding members of the railway's Heritage Group and an active volunteer at Berwyn station from 2012 until 2018, gave a fascinating insight to llanblogger into the on-going efforts to preserve the graffiti. 

Now, shown the email from Mr Linley, he said no major conservation work of the graffiti had taken place. 

And he added: “Without the improvements to the drainage and new membrane being installed over the structure, I believe that it would be counter-productive to undertake any conservation work on the graffiti. 

“The efforts to carefully uncover and record the individual messages would be soon undone by the continuous flow of water over the surface of the white-glazed bricks. 

“A two-stage approach is needed and the stumbling block has been the lack of funding for this project from the railway's previous management. 

“I am very keen to be involved with this project going forwards, especially given the poignancy and national importance of the structure. 

“For some unfortunate souls, the last thing the soldiers did on Welsh soil was to sign the bricks before boarding trains bound towards the Front and destined to make the ultimate sacrifice. The very least we should do is preserve their memory for future generations.”  

During the mid-2000s the pencil messages were first spotted by David Gepp, a lecturer in photography at the Herefordshire College of Art. 

His discovery led to him arranging a temporary exhibition on the signatures in Llangollen Museum in 2007. 

Volunteers at the museum began researching some of the messages. 

One of these is by AJ Candy which reads "I really want --is baby". 

One entry on the walls shows that E. M. Morris and R. Roberts shared a cigarette together there on 6th July 1913.

Some of the other scribblings indicated soldiers in light-hearted mood, including the messages 'Balls from Belgium''Berlin Last Stop' and 'Hoof Hearted'. 

Research into Candy’s life and military career has revealed that he is incorrectly listed on the Llangollen war memorial and was actually named Albert rather than Alfred. 

It transpires that Albert James Candy was born in Cardiff in July 1887. His father died when Albert was only three and tragically his mother died in May 1895. 

Albert and his older brother Frederick were soon admitted into an orphanage in Somerset, where the trail temporarily goes cold. However by 1911, he had found work at a bakers and confectioners’ shop in Llangollen.

There is currently no record of when he joined up, but from the Commonwealth War Graves we have found that on 17th April 1917 James Candy 675653, Royal Field Artillery, “D” Battery, 285 Brigade was killed. 

He was buried at plot 4, Row D, Grave 14 in Le Grand Hasard Military Cemetery, in Morbecque, Northern France. 

At the time of WW1 commemorations efforts were made to increase public awareness of the graffiti through free information packs and temporary displays at the station, including the display of commemorative wreaths and even a GWR WW1 stretcher.  

* Llangollen Railway's new Visitor Guide, which is being released in February, will feature an article about the significance / history of the subway.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Climate change campaigners gather in the square

* Above and below: campaigners on the steps of the square.

* A youngster wears a "Flaming Earth" head.

* Another young supporter holds a climate change banner.

* The powerful symbol of a tree was on show.

* Above and below: Llangollen FoE co-ordinator Warren Davies addresses the crowd.

As part of a global day of action for climate justice hundreds of campaigners and supporters gathered in Centenary Square this afternoon to call on the UK Government to end its support for fossil fuels.

The demonstration, timed for the COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow chaired by the government, was arranged by Llangollen Friends of the Earth (FoE) and included families and children along with walkers, cyclists and kayakers.

With the message “Earth’s on Fire” the campaigners highlighted what they allege is the government’s “hypocrisy” in claiming to be a world leader on climate whilst continuing to support fossil fuels here and abroad.

Friends of the Earth says the government is currently supporting a new oil field off Shetland, investment in new oil in Mozambique  - fuelling conflict in the region - and supporting a new coal mine in Cumbria.


The organisation is calling on the government to drop their support for these projects and to concentrate on securing a future for young people.


To chants from the crowd of "climate action now!" Warren Davies, Llangollen FoE group co-ordinator, said: “We’re asking people to write to their MP to express their concerns about government support for fossil fuel projects, to share their concerns about climate change and to call for action.


“We all want less waste, we all want a healthier society and we all want to protect future generations. By taking climate action we can achieve these things, but the effort must be felt by all of society, that is in the UK and globally.


“A YouGov survey found 67% of voters felt that the UK should strive to be a global leader on climate change.


“People have done all they can individually, they’ve reduced their energy use, they always recycle. But we’re at a brick wall. To get further we need the government to lead and enable people to reduce their emissions.


“Climate change solutions can bring many positives, especially to rural areas. Local energy generation, insulation businesses and local food production can all potentially create decent, secure jobs.”


He added: “In recent years we have experienced unprecedented flooding and drought cycles. We’ve had flooding on the lower Dee and upland fires on Llantysilio Mountain.


“During these times the local population has pulled together, supporting local firefighters. But as these weather patterns get worse and more frequent, we will be spending more and more of our efforts sorting them out. Of course climate change is a global issue, and so every community will face similar or worse challenges.


“Unique features of the valley including the beautiful Llangollen Whitebeam tree are also under threat. This is unique to the area and is struggling to survive as a species. Climate change will only make its fate more precarious.


“Our government, as hosts of the UN climate talks, must take this opportunity to take decisive action.”

Warren Davies said later: "We think around 200 people attended at various stages."

Hospice helps Ken to attend his son's wedding

* Ken Chesworth and his wife Angela at the wedding of their son Mark and daughter-in-law Rebecca.

A man was able to witness his son’s wedding thanks to hospice staff who stepped in to get him spruced up and ready to join the family celebration. 

Ken Chesworth, 70, has a rare form of Motor Neurone Disease, known as man in a barrel syndrome

It means those with the condition can eat, talk, and walk but have no use of their arms.

It makes caring for the former Kellogg’s worker doubly difficult, and Ken relies on wife Angela for all his care needs at home. 

When the couple’s son Mark announced his marriage to fiancé Rebecca, they felt it would be too overwhelming for Ken and he would miss the big day. 

Ken, from Wrexham, was adamant he wanted his wife to enjoy the occasion, including the preparations, without her having to worry about getting him ready. Angela often stays awake at night to monitor Ken’s breathing so is regularly sleep deprived. 

The couple were delighted when Nightingale House staff suggested he came to the hospice for respite care over the wedding weekend. 

Ken arrived at the hospice the day before the wedding and staff helped him get showered and dressed to attend Mark and Rachel’s big day at The Guildhall in Wrexham the following morning. 

Ken, who attends the hospice every week, had previously had six days of respite at the hospice in the spring and the couple knew the positive impact the stay had on them both. 

It was a double benefit for them both as Ken didn’t miss out on the wedding and Angela had a well-deserved pamper, relax and some much-needed sleep, knowing her husband was being well cared for in Nightingale House. 

Ken said: “It was a wonderful day and the nursing staff at the hospice couldn’t do enough to make the celebrations as stress-free as possible for us, and most importantly for Angela, who didn’t have to worry about me. 

“Many people think a hospice is just for end-of-life care but it’s so much more than that. I come to Nightingale House knowing people here care for me. I thought it was only for people with cancer, so when they said I could come here to it was a nice surprise and I haven’t looked back since.” 

Ken says Motor Neurone Disease has robbed him of everything as he is no longer able to drive or enjoy hobbies or feed himself. 

He says he has accepted his condition will get worse, but the hospice team have helped him, and Angela come to terms with his illness because “they are good listeners, and you can say things to them that you can’t share with your family”.

Ken added: “I can’t believe that this service is entirely free. It feels like a hotel where no money is involved, and everyone knows your name. To all those who fundraise and donate to help people like me thank you so much.”