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Friday, October 30, 2020

Welsh Government's latest Covid-19 update

Latest coronavirus update from the Welsh Government, dated yesterday (Thursday) is:


 The coronavirus firebreak FAQs have been updated with a section about arrangements for Remembrance events:


Firebreak information

  • A firebreak to break the cycle of infections and bring coronavirus under control began on Friday October 23 and ends on Monday November 9


Coronavirus in numbers

Where to find the latest information

Town Council moves to fill vacancy left by resignation of councillor

* Former councillor George Hughes.

Llangollen's Town Clerk Gareth Thomas has given more details of the resignation from the Town Council revealed by llanblogger yesterday (Thursday).

In a press release he says: "A casual vacancy has arisen on the Town Council following the resignation of Cllr George Hughes.

"In his letter of resignation, Cllr Hughes explained that his decision had not come easily. However, he felt that he was unable to continue in the role due to a number of factors. 

"He stated that it had been a pleasure being part of the Town Council over a number of years and that he was also proud of all that the council had accomplished in the past and had no doubt that the council will continue to be successful in the future.

"Speaking on behalf of Town Council, the Town Mayor said that he was very sorry to hear that Cllr Hughes was unable to continue as a Town Councillor and regretfully accepted his  resignation and thanked George for his past service to the town.”

Mr Thomas added: "The vacancy will now be formally advertised, as from this Friday, and a by-election will be called if ten local government electors give notice, in writing, to the Returning Officer at Denbighshire County Council before 13th November2020.

"If an election is requested then current Coronavirus Regulations will delay any poll until after 1February 2021.

"If no election is called then the Town Council will be able to fill the vacancy by co-option and the Town Clerk would be happy to provide details of this process to anybody who is interested."

* The Town Clerk can be contacted by telephoning 01978 861345, or by emailing

Thursday, October 29, 2020

George Hughes resigns his seat on Town Council


* Former town councillor George Hughes.

A former mayor has resigned his seat on Llangollen Town Council.

George Hughes says he has quit after finding himself disagreeing with the direction the council is taking.

Mr Hughes, 81, has served three terms on the council and was town mayor from 2007-2009.

Born, bred and educated in Llangollen, he worked for 25 years as a plant operator at the Monsanto chemical plant in Acrefair.

Later he spent 10 years as a retained firefighter based in the town. He retired about 20 years ago.

His first two terms on the town council came in the 1990s and his latest term began when he was elected four years ago. Prior to becoming mayor in the mid-2000s he had been deputy mayor for a year.

He was also a founder member of the Pengwern Tenants and Residents Group and also served as its vice-chair.

Mr Hughes said of his departure: “I found myself disagreeing with the direction the council was taking.

“It’s been a pleasure representing the people of Llangollen over a number of years and I’d like to thank everyone who has helped and supported me over those years.”

Mr Hughes said he will continue to be a member of Shape My Llangollen, the group of volunteers which has been tasked by the Town Council to produce Llangollen’s official input into the emerging Denbighshire Local Development Plan.    

His resignation is the third from the Town Council during 2020, with Andy Beech having left in March and former deputy mayor Issy Richards in July.

County council publishes temporary traffic order for town centre

Denbighshire County Council has published the temporary traffic order which it is introducing in Llangollen town centre.

The council says it is making the order for “reasons of public safety following the pandemic and in accordance with Welsh Government regulations”.

The aim, it says, is to “facilitate easier on-street mobility of the public on foot or by pedal cycle with greater self-distancing for individuals”.

The order describes how it will come into force on Monday November 2 and remain in force for a maximum of 18 months.

The order enables the council to:

* Reverse the one-way restriction on Church Street between its junction with Chapel Street and its junction with Regent Street. 

This, says the council, will reduce instances of ‘rat running’ and provide improved access to schools and the town centre for pedestrians and cyclists.

* Introduce a widened pedestrian area on the eastern side of Castle Street between its junction with Bridge Street and its junction with Regent Street. 

This will be achieved with the introduction of bolt-down kerbing and will provide enhanced facilities for people to social distance and travel actively. 

To facilitate this work, on-street parking will be suspended on Castle Street for the duration of the trial period.

* Introduce a one-way restriction on Market Street between its junction with Castle Street and its junction with East Street. 

Vehicles will be allowed to enter Market Street from Castle Street and proceed in a westerly direction. 

The purpose of this restriction is to provide an additional loading bay, for use by businesses, along the north side of Market Street.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Zingiber's backing for community is celebrated in film

* Zingiber Wholefoods owner Chris Baker in the shop.

The way small Welsh businesses - including one in Llangollen - have supported their communities during the C-19 pandemic will be celebrated in film thanks to Wrexham Glyndŵr University’s Horticulture Wales project.

The project has commissioned a series of short films to celebrate the success of the businesses, and show the diverse range of ways that the businesses – each members of the project – worked to support communities across Wales during the March lockdown – and beyond.

The films feature businesses from right across Wales and their diverse stories show how horticulture-linked businesses of all kinds found themselves adapting their practices to meet the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic.

In Llangollen, Zingiber Wholefoods based in Bridge Street found the changes the pandemic wrought a major challenge – but ensured their friendly, customer-led shop was able to keep providing the personal touches which it prides itself on.

Owner Chris Baker said: “We kept going all the way through the pandemic, but had to adapt the way we work and interact with customers. 

"At first, we limited the number of customers in the shop to only two at a time but, once the March lockdown began, we stopped allowing customers in at all. Instead, they were served from a temporary counter in the shop doorway.

“Mostly customers would send in orders via email, text or telephone. We would put together what they wanted and they would call just to collect and pay.

“We soon learned who wanted smooth or crunchy peanut butter, and dark or light tahini, and who preferred everything organic where available!"

He added: "A lot of products – bags of flour in particular – were in high demand and so difficult to obtain reliably from our wholesalers. When even sacks of flour could not be bought from our usual suppliers, the local bakery came up trumps and were able to supply us.

“At one time we had locally grown salad and other vegetables but, sadly, they weren’t able to continue supplying us, so there’s a bit of a gap there.  We’d like to be able to fill it.

“It would be great to hear from local growers, local producers. We’re always willing to have a look at what you’re offering, and perhaps we’ll be able to stock it.”

Laura Gough, Head of Enterprise at Wrexham Glyndwr University, said: “We recognise the challenges faced by our members’ businesses over the past few months, and wanted to record these with a series of short films, highlighting their resilience and their response to the pandemic.

“Working together with FilmCafe, these films demonstrate how local growers, horticulturalists and producers have worked together, kept their communities safe and supplied Wales with local goods and produce.”

Lesley Griffiths, the Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs, said: “I would like to congratulate all of the producers and businesses from across Wales whose work has been highlighted thanks to this project.

“The determination and innovation they’ve shown in adapting to the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic are characteristic of the resilient nature of this sector, along with the effort they have put in to support their local communities.”

Spicy Spanish motor is (almost) a Golf competitor

Seat Leon road test by Steve Rogers

Here's a question which often comes my way. Would you buy a Seat Leon over a Volkswagen Golf?

By now everyone interested in cars knows Seat is part of the VW-Audi empire and that Leon is a Golf in Spanish disguise because while it is designed and built in Barcelona all the mechanical bits come from Wolfsburg. 

It is also a common held belief that the Leon is better looking car than its German cousin on the basis that Spain is a country that sparkles with modern design ideas while Germany doesn't. More to the point Leon, and Seat cars in general, are less expensive than their Volkswagen counterparts.

For a long time Leon has been kept at arm's length from Golf because of its position in the VAG pecking order where VW is number two behind Audi while Seat more often than not is bottom of the pile behind Skoda. 

That means it has to wait its turn for the latest technology although judging by the level of sophistication in the new fourth generation Leon the gap is narrowing.

Sales, globally and in the UK, tell us Leon is never going to catch up with Golf even on a level playing field although it is still the brand's top seller and has been Spain's best selling car for the past five years. But with Seat concentrating on its three SUVs the hatchback might not be the flag bearer for much longer.

That is not to say Leon should be dismissed as old news. Anything but. This is the best engineered and best equipped model in its 21 year history and can command respect in the hatchback league particularly when it comes to cabin space, equipment level and engine choice, and it doesn't do badly for technology.

Switches are out. Digital screens and touchpads are in. Yes, there is a swanky digital cockpit for new Leon with 10 inch screens ahead of the driver and standing proud in the centre of the dashboard. The binnacle display is excellent as are the steering wheel controls which make selection as easy as flicking channels on a TV remote and there are lots of options.

The mini television screen in the centre is where you get connected, so plug in your mobile and see all your apps, emails etc along with everyday car stuff like radio, navigation and heating. 

Not the easiest of systems to fathom, it was a couple of days before I was comfortable with its ways which is longer than most cars I've tested this year, but I did not like the touch pad sound which is too loud and tinny, the gentle tick of the Golf's digital display is far more satisfying.

The general layout is not only functional it's stylish as well and the quality of materials all through the cabin get a big tick on Leon's report card as does space. Generation four has by 86mm and all that has gone into increasing back seat leg room which puts it near the top of the hatchback tree.

Boot space is pretty decent, too, but with such a big drop into the well the car needs a false floor for everyday use.

Seat has always been looked on as the sporty arm of the quartet with the FR badge signifying a hot model. Lowered sports suspension is the order of the day and sure enough superglue type grip and perfect poise through twists and turns make this Leon a fun car to drive.

Twenty years ago, or even just 10, I would have been champing at the bit to drive a Leon with the FR badge but this time I found the Leon's suspension too hard so am I just getting too old?

On anything other than smooth roads the thuds coming through the chassis when traversing potholes and even smaller road blemishes are just too severe. Seat should do better and this is an area where Golf does do better.

The VAG group's standout engine is the turbo charged 1.5 litre petrol and even with the lower 128bhp output it is still a slick performer, just lacking the low and mid range pick up of its 147bhp mate which is a better match for the FR model. A week's motoring returned an excellent 48mpg and low fifties on longer runs were the norm.

So what is my answer to the big question? Leon is still more stylish and less expensive to buy, but the Golf's digital cockpit and ride quality are ahead of the Spaniard. So I would choose a lower level Seat because it is better value for money without the harsh sport suspension, but a higher spec Golf because it is a brilliant all rounder.

Need to know

Leon FR

£23,515 (starts £19,855)

1.5 TSI EVO 128bhp

0-62mph 9.4secs; 130mph


126g/km. 1st tax £175

Insurance group 19

Boot: 380 litres


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Volunteers for revived coronavirus help group are thanked

The man who now helps run the highly successful Llangollen Coronavirus Help Group has sent out a message to local people who have volunteered to as it is revived to meet the new Covi-d19 threat. 

Town councillor and town crier Austin (Chem) Cheminais said: "Originally set up and managed by Cat Meade and Paula Lingard, and ably assisted by Mike Connolly, the Coronavirus Help Group wound down once lockdown ended and Cat and Paula had to go back to work. 

"When further restrictions were imposed on Denbighshire the operation was resurrected to provide help to people who could not or were frightened of leaving their homes to shop or collect prescriptions.

"A call was put out for volunteers. Once again Llangollen people volunteered to help.

"We want to thank all those individuals for their community spirit and generosity.  

"It makes you proud to live in such a beautiful and supportive town.  

"The take-up has been quite small largely because volunteers who gave support to people in the first phase have formed close relationships and are still helping out.

"If you need support or know of anyone who you think we could help you can contact: Austin Cheminais on 07813 761766, or email to: