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Friday, August 23, 2024

Panto group looks forward to its next big show

Llangollen Panto Group has issued an update on its next show while also looking back at its last smash-hit show.

It says: "Exciting times for Llangollen’s Panto Group, following on from our summer holiday workshops, we have our auditions for Beauty and the Beast on Sunday 1st September at 2pm at St Collen's Community Hall. 

"After the amazing success of this years panto Jack and the Beanstalk, which enabled us to make a donation of £1500 to Nightingale House, something we’re very proud of and couldn’t have a a done with out you, the Llangollen community, your support was, as ever the best, thank you. 

"We’re thrilled to have so many people wanting to join us and have been inundated with requests to be in the show or to get involved behind the scenes too.

"It’s not too late if you would like to get involved, whether auditioning for one of our hilarious characters or behind the scenes please message us and let us know before the 1st September."

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