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Monday, August 12, 2024

Eisteddfod's peace award winner plans latest support trip to Ukraine

* Gary Fear on one of his previous humanitarian trips to Ukraine.

The man who won this year’s Rotary International Peace Award at Llangollen Eisteddfod for his humanitarian work in Ukraine is now gathering support for his ninth trip to the war-torn country.

Gary Fear, an estate agent based in south Cheshire, started raising funds for Ukraine a couple of years ago after hearing about how former soldier Jordan Gatley, who came from his home area, had been killed at the age of 24 after volunteering to fight in the war against Russia invaders.

He now spends around eight days at a time over there and in his eight trips so far he and his team of helpers have travelled 30,655 miles - including 14,292 miles flying, 14,988 driving and 1,375 miles by train - purchased around £75,000 of food, packed and delivered nearly 4,000 bags of food plus four generators ad bought and delivered around 23.4 tonnes of food.


Fundraising for the ninth trip on September 17 is already underway and Gary says he aims to reach a total of £87,000, giving the team £9,000 to spend on supplies. 

The Rotary International Peace Award, which is sponsored by Westminster Stone and recognises peace initiatives both in the UK and internationally, is presented each year during Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod.

John Clifford, of Rotary International, said: “Gary was very proud, honoured and humbled to receive the award when we met to present the award to him.

“I’m very happy to send him very best wishes from Rotary and hope that as many people as possible will support his latest trip to Ukraine.”

* Gary’s justgiving page is at:

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