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Friday, August 23, 2024

ITV Wales highlights battle to save town's public toilets

* Dr Rhys Davies is interviewed by Joanne Gallacher from ITV Wales.

The fight to save Llangollen's under-threat public toilets will be highlighted on national television this evening (Friday).

A film crew from ITV Wales were in town over lunchtime to record interviews with two local people prominent in the battle to prevent Denbighshire County Council from getting rid of the Market Street loos.

In a bid to balance its budget the council aims to shed all the public conveniences it runs and offer local town and community councils the chance to take them over.

But Llangollen Town Council has already come out against a take-over on the grounds that it would be beyond its financial means and lead to a big increase in the amount it draws from council tax.

The county council has pointed out that it has no legal duty to provide public toilets.

But respected former GP Dr Rhys Davies, who was first to be filmed by the TV crew, stressed that it certainly had a moral duty to do so. 

He also pointed out the public health problems which would be created if visitors to the town found there were no toilets available.

* Town councillor Scott L Felton is filmed for his interview.

Also appearing on camera was town councillor Scott L Felton who branded the loss of the toilets as a "disaster", adding that the county council was failing to listen to the people of Llangollen who voiced their opposition to the move at a packed public meeting earlier this month.

Despite numerous invitations, no representatives from the county council attended that meeting.

The film crew later went out and about in the town speaking to residents, businesses owners and visitors about the potential loss of the toilets, many of whom agreed that it would do great harm to Llangollen.

* The item is due to be screened on the ITV Wales evening news at 6pm tonight.        

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