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Thursday, August 15, 2024

Beer lovers raise a glass to patron saint of brewers in St Collen's

* Father Lee and his congregation of beer lovers say cheers to St Arnold of Soissons.

Beer lovers raised a toast to a French monk noted for his contributions to the art of brewing in St Collen's  yesterday (Wednesday) evening.

Priest-in-charge Father Lee Taylor - himself noted for his love of a foaming pint - threw open the doors of  the church to celebrate the life of St Arnold of Soissons (c 1040-1087) and to do him justice a number of breweries from across Wales provided the ales, free of charge, for the unique celebration.

A steady stream of people took up Father Lee's social media invitation to join in the special occasion, partaking freely of the variety of brews, all at no charge.

St Arnold, who was abbot of the Abbey of St Oudenberg, is credited with popularising the consumption of beer as a safer alternative to the rather dodgy drinking water of the day.

His life and work made him the patron saint of hop-pickers and brewers.

At the highpoint of the evening the beer samplers broke off their pleasant duties to hear Father Lee offer up a prayer to good old St Arnold.     


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