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Thursday, November 18, 2021

Roadworks alert for Castle Street

Latest local roadworks alert from is:


Castle Street, Denbighshire

19 November - 23 November


Delays unlikely - Some carriageway incursion




Works location: OS,41,CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN LL2, 0 8RU...


Public facing description: has automatically assigned a category of Unclassified works to this Works based on the information available. Please note: Works Descriptions are not published by BT.


Responsibility for works: BT


Current status: Advanced planning


Works reference: BC006MQONSAWN0AMWCMWGC2D



Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Tributes planned to memory of Llan legend Wyn

* Wyn "Paraffin" Hughes - legend of Llangollen.

* Denise Williams, left, and Barba Matthews of the Tourist Information Centre with the condolence book for Wyn, which is now open.

* The bench, second from left, which will be dedicated to Wyn.

* The current inscription - in Latin and meaning 'For the people 
and the town' - which will now bear the name of Wyn Hughes.

The town is planning tributes to the memory of Llangollen legend Wyn Hughes who died last week at the age of 87.

llanblogger in association with Llangollen's town clerk has arranged for a book of condolence to be opened for him in the Tourist Information Centre.

And the town council has approved a plan to dedicate a bench in his memory in Centenary Square.

Wyn – affectionately known as Wyn Paraffin – passed away in Chirk Hospital early last Thursday where he had been re-couperating from the stroke he suffered early in August.

As soon as news of his passing became known there was a flood of moving tributes from a host of people who knew and admired him.

There was a suggestion from the manager of Llangollen FC, Damien Tobin,  that such comments could be added to an official book of remembrance to be held in a central venue.

So llanblogger contacted the Tourist Information Office in Castle where the team immediately said they would be honoured to host the book in memory of Wyn.

And the book in which people can write their tributes is to be provided courtesy of town clerk Gareth Thomas.     

From this Friday it will be available for written contributions from Mondays-Wednesdays 9.30am-5pm - not on Thursdays when the centre is closed - and on Fridays and Saturdays from 9.30am-5pm.

llanblogger's Phil Robinson said: "I am extremely grateful to the Tourist Information Centre and the town clerk for their help in making this gesture possible.

"Judging by the number of warm tributes received following Wyn's death many, many people would wish to sign the book of condolence.

"He was most certainly one of the town's best-loved figures and, as was said plenty of times in the social media tributes to him, a true legend of Llangollen."   

A separate book of condolence for Wyn has also been placed in St Collen's Church by Father Lee Taylor.  

At their monthly meeting last night (Tuesday) members of the town council agreed to dedicate one of the wooden benches along the back wall of Centenary Square to Wyn's memory. 

The mayor, Cllr Austin Cheminais, said: "At the meeting I first gave a little background about Wyn and then we had a moment's quite reflection.

"A motion to dedicate one of the benches in the square with a brass plaque inscribed in his memory was unanimously approved by members.

"Wyn was truly a local legend."

Wyn was born in Bank Top, off Hall Street, the son of Joe Hughes, who was George’s father’s brother, and Betty who was originally from Llanuwchilyn near Bala.

Wyn later lived in Willow Hill and latterly spent many years in the small housing development off Regent Street opposite the Co-op.

Following the stroke he moved to the Abbey Dingle nursing home.

His father worked at the Robert Evans ironmongers in Oak Street for which he used to deliver paraffin around the area – which is where both he and Wyn got the famous nickname.

Later both Wyn and his father worked at Mile End Mile where Wyn was a de-greaser of steel and Joe was a lift attendant.

After that Wyn took a job with the council as a road cleansing operative.

He was also well known for the unpaid work he did in the community, including looking after the grounds at St Collen’s Church and helping with the annual sales of Royal British Legion poppies.

However, perhaps his best known role was as a keen supporter and helper for Llangollen Football Cub whose ex- manager and former player, Damien Tobin, paid glowing tribute to him this evening.

He said: “The man held a special place in so many people’s hearts, I'd personally love to see a book of condolence opened up for people to leave a last personal message.

New Dot Cinema returns this Friday

* Olivia Colman and Anthony Hopkins in The Father.

Following on from an event as part of Llangollen Fringe Festival, New Dot Cinema is set to return this week with The Father.

The film features an Oscar-winning performance by Anthony Hopkins, as a fiercely independent 80-year old who fights against the carers that his daughter Anne (Olivia Colman) tries to put in place.

Despite his protestations that he doesn't need help, his worsening dementia and Anne's changing circumstances, force both of them to come to terms with his deteriorating grip on reality.

In line with new Welsh rules, everyone must present an NHS Covid pass when attending the cinema.

The pass can be used to prove vaccinated status or recent negative Covid test. You can read New Dot’s Covid information on the newly updated website:

Reflecting on the last year, New Dot volunteer Jen Rush said: "We’ve been poised, waiting and hoping to restart the cinema for so long. 

"As the pandemic unfolded and continued longer than I think any of us could have anticipated, it became difficult as volunteers to plan events, only for them to be cancelled.

"Our goal now is to re-grow the cinema and welcome back our audience. We’ve always worked to make the cinema sustainable – we want it to be part of Llangollen for many years to come – so, we’ve had a slight set-back, but with the help of some Film Hub Wales funding we hope this will be our return to regular monthly screenings.’

* The Father will be screened on Friday November 19 at Llangollen Town Hall. Tickets can be bought online here:

Businesses asked for feedback as community bank plans progress

* Cllr Dana Davies, Mark Hooper and Ken Skates in Caroline’s, an independent cafĂ© in Ruabon.

Small businesses were asked for feedback on local banking services when the man spearheading plans for the UK’s first community bank visited the area. 

Clwyd South MS Ken Skates welcomed Mark Hooper from Banc Cambria to his constituency for further discussions on how the Community Bank of Wales could benefit local communities. 

Mr Skates raised the issue of local bank closures in the Senedd earlier this year after previously launching the Community Bank plans during his time as Economy Minister. 

His constituency has seen 80% of its high street banks close since 2015 – more than any other area of North Wales – and now has just one surviving branch. 

He said: “Banc Cambria is working with the Welsh Government to create the UK’s first community bank, which will provide everyday banking throughout Wales. Unlike other banks, it will be owned and controlled by members – not outside shareholders. 

“As I have said previously, communities right across North Wales have been abandoned by the big banks and left high and dry by the UK Government abandoning its agreement with the sector that that last branch in each community should remain open. We need this. 

“While I am hopeful that Clwyd South will be chosen for one of the first few Community Bank branches in Wales, Mark’s visit was about talking to small businesses in our area and finding out what they need and how this project could help.” 

After a walk around Ruabon with local councillor Dana Davies and talking to high street businesses including Ruabon Discount Store, Tracey’s Nail & Beauty Salonand Caroline’s, it was on to Cefn Mawr to chat with more small firms. 

Mr Skates said: “It was really a very productive morning showing Mark around Ruabon and Cefn and talking to local businesses.” 

Mr Hooper said: “Small business owners told us from first-hand experience what it’s like to operate without a local bank branch. Whether it’s depositing cash or dealing with an issue regarding mandates, you have to take time out of your business, and nobody wants that.”

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Twenty Club founder member Betty dies at the age 97

Now has further information

* Llanblogger pictured Betty Lowe in 2016 when she 
presented the Llangollen Civic Society Award to Rhodri
and Penri Thomas as the society's life president.

A founder member of the Llangollen Twenty Club died last Sunday just nine days short of her 97th birthday.

Betty Veronica Lowe was born in Acrefair on 17th November 1924, daughter of William and Gwendolen Lowe.

Her Llangollen roots go back a long way. Her great grandfather, Edward Roberts, landlord of the Grapes, was one of the early mill owners of Llangollen who established Upper Dee Mill.

One grandfather, Evan Evans designed the King’s bridge at Berwyn. On leaving school she attended a Housekeepers Course at the FL Calder College of Domestic Science, Myrtle Street, Liverpool. But she was also a gold medalist of the London Academy of Music and Drama During the war, she was heavily involved with caring for her mother at their home, Holmwood, at Berwyn.

As well as looking after her mother, she taught drama at Llantysilio for Miss Grace Lloyd Williams and also taught Drama and elocution, at several schools, including Howells, Denbigh, during the 1970’s.

As well as being a founder member of the Twenty Club, she was involved with Llantysilio WI, a member of the Eisteddfod floral committee for many years, Hanes, and was made Life President of Llangollen Civic Society, having been chair some time.

Betty passed away just as the dramatic society she helped to pioneer celebrated its 75th anniversary with a smash-hit production of French-themed TV comedy 'Allo 'Allo.

Llangollen Twenty Club gets its name from the fact it was founded in 1946, a year after the end of World War Two, by 20 people keen an the amateur stage, including Betty as a young woman.  

Chrissie Ashworth, who directed 'Allo 'AlloI and a number of previous shows, said: "Personally I learned a good deal from Betty, her observations and attention to minute details were important to her.

"She had many varied roles on stage over the years and I can vividly recall her in Madame de and The Coffee Lace back in the early 1970s.

"She taught elocution at the prestigious Howells School in Denbigh for many years and her cut-glass accent was legendary.
"She directed many plays and her word was law! She did, however, have a wonderful sense of humour and mimicry and was never afraid to poke fun at herself."

Chrissie added: "She loved her dogs and a familiar sight was Miss Lowe walking her little dog through town, along the canal or Riverside, very upright, dressed impeccably in a long coat and always wearing a hat!
"Thank you for your huge contribution to the XX Club, Betty. R.I.P."

Friends of Pengwern Association to hold its annual meeting

Friends of Pengwern Association is inviting people to its annual general meeting at 5.30pm on Wednesday November 24 in the Pengwern Community Hub.

A small buffet and refreshments will be available from 5.30pm with the meeting commencing at 6pm.

You can find out what the association has been doing in the community, have your say on future activities and services being delivered, and help to elect a committee of officers for 2021/22. 

Committee officer roles are chair, vice chair, treasurer and secretary. 

For anyone interested in running for one of the officer roles, nominations must be made to Adrian Roberts by emailing: no later than Thursday November 18. 

Nominations must be made in advance and will not be accepted during the meeting. 

Any person standing for election to the committee must be a resident of Pengwern or the wider Llangollen communities, and must be in attendance on the day of the meeting. 

All elections will be held by voting in a secret ballot and votes will be counted during the meeting. 

Should there only be one nominee for each officer role, no ballot will take place and all nominees will automatically be elected. 

Anyone wishing to chat about joining the committee can contact Pengwern Hub coordinator Heulwen by emailing:   

Both Adrian and Heulwen say they will work with and support the committee going forward. 

The annual meeting will be offered online and if anyone is unable to attend in person they can contact Heulwen with their email address and she will send them a link. 

£51m to help families hardest hit by cost-of-living rises


A new £51m package of support will help families facing the cost-of-living crisis to pay their bills this winter, Welsh Ministers announced today.

The Welsh Government is releasing extra funding from its reserves to target support towards lower income households, providing immediate support for people facing rising living costs this winter. 

The first phase of the Household Support Fund will target heating and eating – providing families with extra help to pay their energy bills over the winter and giving extra funding to foodbanks and community food schemes.

It comes as the UK Government has refused to reverse the cut of its £20 Universal Credit lifeline for tens of thousands of families and the Bank of England is warning inflation will rise to 5% by the spring, pushing prices even higher.

Rebecca Evans, Minster for Finance and Local Government said: “Families across Wales are facing a real cost-of-living crisis thanks to rising prices and cuts to key benefit payments.

“To help tackle these unprecedented challenges, we are making £51m available to develop our own bespoke Household Support Fund to help with some of the costs families are facing.

“Where Westminster has failed to support families, the Welsh Government will step in and back our communities through this challenging period.”

Minister for Social Justice, Jane Hutt, has outlined the first measures, which will be funded.

More than £38m will be made available through a Winter Fuel Support Scheme for households in receipt of working age means-tested benefits.

Eligible households will be able to claim a one-off £100 cash payment. It will be available to all eligible energy customers regardless of whether they pay for their fuel on a pre-payment or a credit meter.

More than £1.1m has also been provided to support and bolster foodbanks, community food partnerships and community hubs. This will help them address food poverty, food insecurity and provide a wider range of services to help people and families maximise their income. It includes the extension of the successful Big Bocs Bwyd project to a further 25 schools.

Ms Hutt said: “We are very worried the cost-of-living crisis, coming so close to Christmas, will force families to turn to high-cost lenders or illegal loan sharks to help make ends meet

“This fund will help raise awareness of the alternatives out there which can help.

“Most of the powers to address this cost-of-living crisis lie in the UK Government’s hands but we want to do everything we can to help families through this winter.

“We will support you, your families, your businesses and your community through these unprecedented times.”

Further announcements about the Household Support Fund will be made in the coming weeks.