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Thursday, April 8, 2021

Work on Llangollen temporary active travel scheme

Further work has taken place on a temporary active travel scheme in Llangollen.

As part of the scheme in the town centre white lines have been painted on either side of the temporary rubber kerbs and bollards to make them more visible.

The temporary scheme was introduced to facilitate social distancing and make it easier for people to travel actively within the town centre.

Emlyn Jones, Denbighshire County Council’s Head of Planning and Public Protection, said: “Following some concerns a site inspection was undertaken by road safety engineers which found no issues of concern, however, further work to enhance the scheme has taken place. This has included the painting of white lines. Starting on April 19, it is proposed to replace the rubber kerbs and bollards with planters. Together with the white lines, this proposal will help to improve the visibility of the rubber kerbs and bollards. The planters will also be more visually appealing than the rubber kerbs and bollards.

“The active travel scheme aims to assist and facilitate social distancing in the town as lockdown restrictions ease and visitors return to our town centres.

“It is also aimed at reducing car journeys, improving air quality and helps provide safe routes for pedestrians and cyclists as well as providing health and well-being benefits.”

Public feedback will continue to be collected throughout the scheme.

* Town councillor Stuart Davies sent in this response to Mr Jones's Comments on Friday afternoon: 

"It is quite ironic that the person in charge of Public Protection for Denbighshire is continuing to deny that there is a problem with the bollards. 

"Even more so now that today the news has come out in the Rhyl Journal, that Rhyl has followed Ruthin in getting them removed and Denbigh wouldn’t even allow them to be put in place. 

"The cases of people tripping and falling, causing in some cases severe injuries, is now well documented. CCTV has surfaced showing how bad these falls are. 

"This press release sent out by DCC is well out of date, with inspections carried out by a senior safety engineer and white lines being recommended to address the situation being put in place on Good Friday, 2nd April and within 5 -6 hours a man crossing the road seriously hurt himself, followed by others over the weekend. See below the list of documented accidents with three accidents after the white line solution was put in place. 

"25th March - Man fell into road and incurred facial injuries and was sent to hospital - video    

"31st March - Woman fell into road in front of a stationary flatbed truck - video

2nd April - Man crossed road and tripped, fell onto pavement and hit a shop wall/ parked bike with head and kerb with leg - video  

"5th April -Woman fell into road in front of stationary car - video     

"5th April - Woman fell into road on her face in front of a moving car which stopped in time (witness statement)

"I believe there are probably 2-3 trips every day on these bollards and every couple of days at least one results in a fall and injury.

"Councillor Mile has stated this week 'Despite these regrettable accidents that have happened on Castle St, DCC officers are happy that the bollards and the scheme are fit for purpose.'

"This is a case of Politics versus Public Safety in my opinion.

"We are told that "Planters" will replace the bollards in 3 weeks but in November last year Councillor Timms told us publicly in an interview with Llanblogger that planters were not safe and bollards were the safest solution. So are people going to remain exposed to harm and injury for 3 more weeks?

"What has changed? 

"Are the new planters being proposed safer than what was available last November?

"Finally are the Members Cllr Mile and Cllr Timms, along with the officers doing their bidding, happy to continue allowing the public to be at risk by their actions or lack of?"

* The scheme has already prompted criticism after a bus appeared to have difficulty negotiating the corner of Market Street and East Street earlier this week.

A spokesperson for Denbighshire County Council said: “The temporary scheme introduced in Llangollen assists and facilitates social distancing in the town as we come out of lockdown.

“Traffic officers monitor the scheme on a regular basis and following a visit, signs have been re-positioned and buses are able to make the turn from Market Street onto East Street. We will continue to engage with members of the public, businesses and elected members.”

Old Vic residents step out to raise cash for NHS ... just like Sir Tom

Iola Roberts, left, and Audrey Dunbebin practice their walk around the 
grounds of The Old Vicarage. 

Centenarian Ena Strange is also aiming to
take part in the sponsored challenge. 

Residents at a Llangollen care home are putting their best feet forward to raise cash for the NHS in a moving tribute to their hero Captain Sir Tom Moore. 

On Friday April 30, what would have been the 101st birthday of the man who raised millions for the health service by walking around his garden, people from The Old Vicarage - who proudly call themselves the Vicarage Dream Team – will be taking to their walking shoes, walking sticks and frames for a similar money-spinning challenge. 

And they’ll be donning fancy dress as they head off on 101 laps of the grounds of the home on their big Walk for Sir Tom. 

Among those doing their bit for the NHS will be 100-year-old Ena Strange who recalled: “I remember hearing about the first heart transplant on the radio. It changed everything. The NHS has opened the door for so many life-saving procedures, which is why a lot of us are still here and for that we are grateful. 

“I admire Captain Tom doing what he did. You can feel useless at times, which upsets me, but I can do my bit by walking. I’m going to give it a try.” 

Resident Iola Roberts, 87, who was involved in many local community groups, said: “I thought my end had come for good deeds but Captain Tom showed you’re never too old to raise money for a great cause. 

“I hope we will inspire others to do good things, we all have something to give no matter what age you are.” 

Her friend Audrey Dunbebin, 86, said: “The NHS is a fantastic organisation, both my daughters worked for it, as a nurse and occupational therapist. 

“The NHS has saved my life and the lives of my family members, including my own cancer treatment, which meant I’m still here to see my great grandchildren. We owe them so much.”

Kim Williams, a relative of another member of the Dream Team, spoke of her pride in what they were planning. 

She said: “All the residents of the Old Vicarage are like the symbol of the oak tree. They have all shown their strength, wisdom and endurance through this dreadful pandemic. I’m so proud of what they are doing.” 

Old Vicarage staff member Fiona Collins, who has organised the event, said: “We all watched in awe of Captain Tom Moore’s heroic efforts to raise money for the NHS and he’s been a huge inspiration to us all.

“The pandemic has been very difficult, especially for those in their later years like Captain Tom but, regardless of age, he went for it and succeeded and we really want to celebrate that in his memory by doing 101 laps of our oak tree in the Old Vicarage grounds.” 

India Large, a student nurse working at the home, said: “I’m really excited to work for the NHS. It’s an honour to work for an organisation that’s been around so long. 

“It’s so nice to see the residents at The Old Vicarage putting in so much effort to raise money for the NHS. I believe it will be a really special day. 

“It would mean a great deal to those taking part to raise funds to feel they are giving something back to those who have worked incredibly hard in our NHS during the most difficult year."

Natalie Jones, a senior carer, agreed: “I remember at the start of the pandemic it was so frightening for us all. We watched as the NHS frontline heroically continued their work, putting themselves at risk - they truly are our heroes.” 

Bethan Mascarenhas, who is the Old Vicarage’s Responsible Individual, said: “We’ve started a walking club at the home, so we can prepare and get out to keep fit, which has been a lot of fun. 

“It’s nice to hear everyone out in the garden being together laughing and having a good time for a great cause.” 

She added: “We want to show we are fully behind what the NHS do and what they have achieved. We love the NHS and it’s been a life saver to some of our residents on a number of occasions and for that, we want to show support and give back - just like Captain Tom. 

“He did so much for all of us, now it’s time we do something for him.” 

* If you’d like to donate to the Old Vicarage sponsored walk, go to: or make a donation directly to the home.

Llangollen among areas to be given extra wildflower meadows

Llangollen is one of a number of areas in Denbighshire where extra wildflower meadows will be created to support an ongoing pilot project to increase biodiversity.

Last year the county council identified 21 sites including highway verges, footpath edges, cycleways and amenity grasslands, to be managed to create wildflower meadows

As part of the ongoing commitment to enhancing biodiversity the council has now identified an additional 29 sites to be included into its Wildflower Project.

This brings the total number of sites being managed for local provenance wildflowers to 54.

These sites, along with the council’s 11 Roadside Nature Reserves, contribute almost 60 acres of local provenance wildflower habitat.

Emlyn Jones, the council’s Head of Planning, Public Protection and Countryside Planning, said: "The sites are managed in line with Plantlife’s Managing Grassland Road Verges guidelines which sees the grass cutting at these sites prohibited between March and August each year, giving wildflowers enough time to grow, flower, and set seed.

“A cut and collect regime has been implemented to reduce soil fertility and provide the wildflowers with the best conditions possible.

“These sites will be monitored and borders cut around the sites to ensure there is no impact on the highway network or road safety.”

The project now includes sites in Llangollen, Prestatyn, Rhyl, Meliden, Rhuddlan, Dyserth, Rhewl, Denbigh, Henllan, Nantglyn, Llanferres, Llanrhaedr, Pwllglas, Ruthin, Corwen and Cynwyd which will all be given a ‘full cut’ in early September.

Reminder for dog owners visiting the countryside

Dog owners are being reminded to act responsibly and keep their pets on leads when walking through the countryside.

Denbighshire County Council and the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB are issuing the advice as lambing season continues.

Dog owners can be prosecuted if their pet disturbs or chases a sheep.

Huw Rees, the Council’s Countryside and Heritage Services Manager, said: “The vast majority of dog owners respect the countryside when walking their pets and I would like to thank them for their efforts.

“We are reminding all dog owners, including those who have a dog for the first time, to be responsible with their pets and to keep them on leads when walking through the countryside with livestock, particularly during lambing season. 

“Livestock worrying, where dogs disturb and chase sheep, is illegal.  Owners can be prosecuted and dogs can be legally shot in the act of worrying sheep, this is a distressing outcome we want to prevent.

“The AONB and the Council have been working with North Wales Police Rural Crime Team for a number of years to help educate dog owners on their responsibilities.

“We urge owners to please plan ahead on your visit to the countryside, respect the countryside code and always use a lead when taking your dog out for a walk.”

You can find more information at

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

First Minister makes election visit to Llangollen

llanblogger exclusive

* Ken Skates, left, with First Minister Mark Drakeford on an election visit to Llangollen today.

Health centre staff in Llangollen were praised for their “incredible efforts” during the coronavirus pandemic after a meeting with Welsh Labour Leader and First Minister Mark Drakeford today.

Mr Drakeford joined Labour candidate for Clwyd South Ken Skates to speak with GPs and centre manager Tessa Orton-Jones during a visit to Llangollen on Wednesday afternoon (April 7).

The run-down former River Lodge building on the banks of the Dee was bought by the Welsh Labour Government in 2007.

In 2014 Mr Drakeford, then Health Minister, announced £5m of Welsh Government funding to create a new health centre for the town following a campaign launched by previous Assembly Member Karen Sinclair and taken up by Mr Skates following his election in 2011.

Mr Drakeford said: “It was wonderful to be back in Llangollen today and to speak to staff at the health centre, who have all played such an important part in the success of the vaccination roll-out in Clwyd South.

"I know Ken is proud to have helped deliver this facility for local people and extremely proud of its staff, so I was very pleased to have the opportunity to thank them for their incredible efforts during the pandemic.”

Ken Skates said: “Like the surgery in Chirk, Llangollen Health Centre was opened during Mark’s period as Health Minister. It was great to have him back here this afternoon to hear from our local team about their experiences over the past 12 months and the key role they have played in keeping us safe.

“The feedback I have had about the vaccination roll-out in the Llangollen area has been excellent, and that’s testament to the team here. They have also done an excellent job of communicating with patients and keeping them updated, which has been really important.”


As part of his re-election campaign, Mr Skates has pledged to help deliver further improvements to local health facilities. 

He has been at the forefront of the campaign for a new health centre for Cefn Mawr, which recently saw Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board identify a preferred site for the facility.


He was also involved in the campaign for the redevelopment of Corwen Family Practice and has worked alongside patients pushing for a new facility in Hanmer.


Moderna vaccine now being rolled out across Wales

The third Covid-19 vaccine is being rolled out across Wales from today (Wednesday) with patients in Carmarthenshire becoming thwe first in the UK to receive it.

The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) authorised the Moderna vaccine as safe and effective in January following stringent clinical trials.

Supplies arrived in Wales yesterday (Tuesday 6 April) with 5,000 doses being sent to vaccination centres in the Hywel Dda University Health Board area.

The first doses will be administered at the West Wales General Hospital in Carmarthen today (7 April).

The Moderna vaccine is a two dose vaccine given at an interval of between four and 12 weeks.

Health Minister Vaughan Gething said: "This is another key milestone in our fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. A third vaccine for use in Wales significantly adds to our defences in the face of coronavirus and will help to protect our most vulnerable.

"Every vaccine given to someone in Wales is a small victory against the virus and we would encourage everyone to go for their vaccine when invited.

"I want to thank all those who have been working tirelessly to deliver the vaccine across Wales and help us meet our second milestone of offering a vaccine to all phase one priority groups. I also want to thank the 1.5 million people in Wales that have already come forward for their vaccine and done their bit in this national effort."

Audi A3 plug takes tech to a new level


Audi A3 Sportback road test by Steve Rogers

Meet the new Audi A3 plug-in hybrid... every company car drivers dream come true.

There are those who say the only people to benefit from hybrid and electric cars are those driving company cars because of the generous tax breaks.

I drove a company car for more than 30 years and in the early years it was definitely a huge perk until the Westminster politicians spoilt the party piling on the tax burden so much so that I almost threw in the towel. But I didn't.

Now we have turned full circle with electric and plug-in hybrids cheap as chips on the tax scale. Take this A3, a classy, desirable motor and a real steal with a tax bill just 7 per cent or 11 per cent for the S-Line.

This family sized Audi is a desirable car for anyone, if you can afford the premium price. 

The German brand came to life in the early nineties quickly expanding its range building a reputation for quality and luxury and eventually managing to outsell both BMW and Mercedes-Benz. 

Then the dieselgate scandal spoilt the party although it has not stopped them continuing to turn out top notch cars.

This latest A3 is all about technology, something they have been good at for the last 20 years and, of course, the new age of electric power.

So let's looks at that first. The A3 has a 1.4 litre turbocharged petrol engine backed up by an electric motor which can give up to 40 miles of running time and can be charged either from a domestic plug, or better still from a wall mounted charging box.

I have a Podpoint charger which did the job in under four hours and then managed 33 miles on electric power. As I have said before you get the best result by turning into Mr sensible with a light foot on the accelerator and brake pedal.

With a combined output of 200bhp there is no shortage of performance, quick off the line, strong in the mid range, strong everywhere to be honest, while the plug-in can reach the high fifties even when the electric power is used up because regenerative braking puts a little bit of power back into the batteries while on the move.

My test car was the mildly sporty S-Line which I would avoid purely because the ride is overly hard for my tastes and generates a lot of road noise through the 18in low profile boots. It even irritated Mrs Rogers who complained about having to crank up the radio volume to drown out the noise.

But I liked the direct high geared steering and the way it held a tight line through  sweeping bends yet you would enjoy much of the same from a standard A3 but without the suspension thuds although it is not bad enough to put people off.

I have been banging on about the build quality of Audis for decades and still think none of the premium rivals can quite match its high standard. The company has always pushed the boundaries on technology and here the digital concept and new interactive features have taken it to another level.

The driver's virtual cockpit has been around a while and works well but the step forward comes with the 10 inch central touch display which has 10 times more computing power than the previous model so there are any number of interactive functions, if you can be bothered!

Yes, it is the dreaded touchscreen rather than Audi's efficient rotary controller but this is the last time I am going to moan about touchscreens. I think they can be a distraction for a driver but are here to stay so we have to live with them.

This system is lightening quick with wonderful high resolution images for the Google Earth based navigation system. Brownie points are due for a neat line of soft tough switches for the heating controls although some background lighting would finish it off nicely for night driving.

Voice control worked pretty well for navigation destinations and changing the climate control, and it would tune to every station bar the one I wanted, BBC Radio 2. Strange.

So that is the good news on A3. The bad news is Mrs Rogers wants one, but we don't do the lottery...

Fast Facts

A3 Sportback 40 TFSIe S-Line 6-sp S tronic


1.4 turbo petrol+electric motor 200bhp

Electric range 40 miles

0-62mph 7.6secs; 141mph


29g/km. 1st VED £10 then zero

Insurance group 27

      Boot 280 litres (380lts non hybrid)