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Thursday, December 31, 2020

Tonight's the night for live New Year's Eve event

Llangollen-based Orb Sound and Lighting has teamed up with party band Rhythm Train to stage a live stream New Year's Eve entertainment event tonight.

The aim is to raise the spirits of the community after a tough year by showcasing local talent.

The action-packed three and a half hour show, which runs from 9pm until 12.30am next morning, will be produced from one of the venues in Denbighshire the company usually works closely with but the exact location is being kept secret due to Covid regulations. 

On the bill along with Rhythm Train will be the Fron Male Voice Choir, The Hollywood Swingers, Delta Academy Ladies' Choir, Ifton Colliery Band, Lleisiau'r Afon Ladies' Choir and more.

An ORB spokesperson said: "The stream will include three live 45-minute sets from the band, interspersed with some pre-recorded content and adverts from local sponsors and local community groups

"We will also encourage people to send in messages to friends and family using a hashtag which can be moderated and shown on the bottom of the stream.

"The event will be shared across our own website, YouTube and Facebook sites as well as being broadcast on Radio Deeside.

"We aim to reach as many people as possible as we realise New Year's Eve can be a hard and lonely time for many people - this year more so than before. 

"We want to bring people together virtually, lift spirits as we enter the new year, and to give back to the community."

ORB Sound and Lighting provides staging, equipment and technicians for the outside stages of the International Musical Eisteddfod and Llangollen Fringe Festival each July.

They also support Llangollen Operatic Society, Young 'Uns and the pantomime group with all their equipment alongside technicians, who installed all of the new upgraded equipment for the Ysgol Dinas Bran ‘Curtains Up’ appeal, and who most recently gave up their time and equipment weekly during lockdown to beam a ‘Thank You’ message across the town during the Clap For Carers campaign.

The spokesperson added: "We have chosen a venue which we can adhere to Covid regulations and will have a number of measures in place including strict social distancing between all persons present.

"All equipment will be thoroughly sanitised before and after use, face coverings will be worn by the production team, and sanitiser will be provided throughout. 

"The building will also be locked during the entire evening to ensure we can remain safe inside, and that no members of the public can enter.

"Although the event is free we are asking for people to buy tickets for it to help us cover the costs. 

"We are asking them to pay what they can and the link is on the event's Facebook page at:

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Today's coronavirus update from the Welsh Government


Latest coronavirus update from the Welsh Government (dated today, Wednesday) is:

·         A second Covid-19 vaccine has been given the go-ahead and its roll-out across Wales will start next week, the Health Minister has announced today.

o   The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has now authorised the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine as safe and effective on the basis of detailed independent expert review of evidence from large scale clinical trials.

o   The UK Government has procured vaccines on behalf of the four nations and around 100m of these are of the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine, with Wales receiving its allocation based on population over the next weeks and months.

o and  

o   Questions about Covid-19 vaccines

·         Health Minister Vaughan Gething has provided an update about the latest coronavirus situation in Wales as the Senedd was today recalled to discuss the UK-EU trade agreement:


Coronavirus in numbers

·         The latest figures published by Public Health Wales today show there have been 2,281 newly reported cases of coronavirus, bringing the total to 146,706 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Wales since the start of the pandemic.

o   Sadly, there were 13 further deaths reported by Public Health Wales today. The total number of deaths reported by Public Health Wales is 3,429.

o   These figures are updated daily at:!/vizhome/RapidCOVID-19virology-Public/Headlinesummary 

·         The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has today published statistics on provisional weekly deaths, including deaths involving Covid-19, for the week ending 18 December.

o   The cumulative number of deaths involving Covid-19 in Welsh residents up to 18 December was 4,479.

o   Of the deaths registered in the week ending 18 December, there were provisionally 256 deaths involving Covid-19, 33 more than the previous week. Numbers are now at a similar level to early May.

o   There were a total of 3,593 (14%) excess deaths between 29 February and 18 December above the five-year average.

o   ONS figures are different to those reported by Public Health Wales as they include all reported deaths.


Where to find the latest information

·         Information about the new national measures in place in Wales is available at:

·         Public Health Wales provides a daily update about the number of cases of coronavirus in Wales. It is available at:

·         Information about coronavirus is available on the Welsh Government’s website at and

·         Questions about Covid-19 vaccines? Visit:

·         Information about support for businesses is available at the Business Wales website

·         The Welsh Government holds a regular media briefing about coronavirus. These are on-the-record, on-camera and supported by a BSL interpreter. These are held at 12.15pm and live-streamed on our @WelshGovernment Twitter channel.

o   The next press briefing will be held on January 4, 2021.

Clwyd South MP votes in favour of post-Brexit deal

* Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes.

Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes has today voted in favour of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s UK-EU post-Brexit deal, which will govern the UK’s trade agreement with the EU.

Members of Parliament, who were recalled from their Christmas recess, backed the agreement by 521 votes to 73.

The Bill will now progress to the House of Lords where peers will debate it and vote. 

Once the Bill passes both the Commons and Lords, as is expected, it will receive Royal Assent late tonight or early Thursday morning.

Simon Baynes said: “As a longstanding supporter of Brexit, I was very happy and proud to vote in favour of the Prime Minister’s Brexit deal today, and to deliver on the promises I made to my Clwyd South constituents last year when they placed their trust in me in the General Election.

“The deal itself is very good news for Clwyd South, the rest of Wales and the UK. 

"It will allow us to take back control of our laws, borders, money, trade and fisheries and provide Welsh businesses with exceptional access to the EU’s market – the first time the EU has ever agreed a zero tariffs, zero quota deal.”

New First Responder emergency vehicle hits the road

* The new car is handed over by staff at Mitchells Skoda to 
First Responders Effie Cadwallader and Adam Salomonson.

A new rapid response vehicle is being deployed to deal with life-threatening medical emergencies along the Wrexham-Shropshire border in an area including Llangollen.

The Skoda Fabia estate car is the first of its kind to be used by Community First Responders volunteering with the Welsh Ambulance Service Trust

The car has been bought with a £10,000 grant from the Wales Lottery and sponsorship from the Cheshire-based Mitchells Skoda dealership group.

It follows an online crowd-funding appeal by volunteer Effie Cadwallader on behalf of the Wrexham Rural Community First Responders group, which raised more than £2,000.

The keys to the vehicle were handed over at a socially-distanced ceremony at Mitchell’s Cheshire Oaks headquarters. 

Effie, a long-serving Community First Responder from St Martins, near Oswestry, raised more than £2,000 with a crowd funding appeal which attracted more than 100 donations. The appeal has paid for car’s instantly-recognisable bright livery, plus necessary accessories and running costs.

Several business and organisations also supported the campaign, including Stan’s Superstore, Perrys of Gobowen, Ifton Garage, The Keys at St Martins, Selattyn Community Group and Ellesmere Probus Club.

Wrexham Rural Community First Responders will use the car solely for attending 999 emergencies assigned by the Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust around the border area communities of Chirk, the Ceiriog Valley, Llangollen, Acrefair, Ruabon, Overton, Penley, Bettisfield and the outskirts of Ellesmere. 

When it is ‘off duty’ the car will be used by volunteers for visiting groups and community centres to undertake basic life support and public access defibrillator awareness courses.

Wrexham Rural Community First Responder Team Co-ordinator Terry Brownhill said: “The acquisition of this response car is a major step towards increasing the visibility of our volunteer Community First Responders who operate across the whole of Wrexham county borough in support of the Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust.

“ We are hoping to gain the support of our local communities when the car is seen out and about performing its dedicated role.”

* More information about the work of Wrexham Rural Community First Responders, and how to support the group, can be found at

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Major A5 roadworks due to start on Monday

* The section of the A5 where work will begin next Monday, January 4.

Major roadworks will begin next Monday on the A5 east of Llangollen, between Birch Hill junction and Tyn-y-Wern.

Starting on January 4 and lasting until March 31, 2021, the works will involve retaining wall strengthening and parapet upgrade. 

Traffic Wales says: “The existing wall was temporarily strengthened in 2015 but this measure is now life-expired and needs to be reinforced using permanent rock anchor system with a 120 year service life.

“The existing parapet is sub-standard in height and strength and is to be upgraded at the same time.

“Following the completion of the retaining wall and parapet works, the carriageway is to be re-surfaced during over-night closures.

“The new surface will restrict surface water ingress which will enhance the integrity of the retaining wall.

“The works are being carried out in the winter and early spring when traffic flows are historically lower to minimise disruption.

“The road will be fully closed over-night commencing on 4th January at 20.00 (8pm) for installation of the temporary safety barrier which will protect the workforce and allow traffic to travel past the works at the permitted speed of 40 mph.

“From 5th January 2021 until 22nd March 21 one lane of the carriageway is to be closed over a length of approximately 400m with control of traffic using temporary traffic signals. During this period there will be two over-night closures to install and relocate the safety barrier. 

“Over-night closures for removal of the safety barrier and resurfacing of the carriageway are planned to start on 22nd March 2021 for 6 nights. 

“The diversion route for over-night closures will be via Llangollen – A539 – Ruabon – A483 – A5. The existing A5 roadside footway will be closed at the Birch Hill junction.  Pedestrians will be diverted via Birch Hill.

Proposed programme of traffic management restrictions: 

Details of Restrictions

Start Date &Time **

End Date & Time **


Full closure of A5 between Birch Hill and Maesmawr Road. Traffic will be diverted via Llangollen - A539 – Ruabon – A483 – A5

20.00 04/01/2021

06.00 05/01/2021

Temporary barrier installation and relocation.

Full closure of A5 between Birch Hill and Maesmawr Road. Traffic will be diverted via Llangollen - A539 – Ruabon – A483 – A5

20:00 25/02/2021

06:00 26/02/2021

Temporary barrier installation and relocation.

Full closure of A5 between Birch Hill and Maesmawr Road. Traffic will be diverted via Llangollen - A539 – Ruabon – A483 – A5

20:00 08/03/2021

06:00 09/03/2021

Temporary barrier installation and relocation.

Full closure of A5 between Birch Hill and Maesmawr Road. Traffic will be diverted via Llangollen - A539 – Ruabon – A483 – A5

20.00 22/03/2021

06.00 28/03/2021

Resurfacing from 20:00 – 06:00 each night.

Single way traffic using temporary traffic signals from east of junction with Birch Hill to Tyn-y-Wern ( approximately 400 m ). Lane width narrowed to 3.25m.

06:00 05/01/2021

20:00 22/03/2021

Wall strengthening and parapet upgrade

** dates provisional, may be subject to change

MP highlights Llangollen Canal as great place for leisure

* Simon Baynes MP in the House of Commons. 

Before the holidays Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes highlighted the area around the Trevor Basin and Llangollen Canal as a great place for walking and cycling, as well as the work of local councils in encouraging residents to make use of the sites.

Mr Baynes asked Minister of State for Transport, Chris Heaton-Harris MP, to join him in praising Denbighshire and Wrexham councils and the Canal and River Trust for their work in encouraging walking and cycling by the Llangollen Canal and for promoting those activities in the newly announced master plan for the Trevor Basin and surrounding area.

In response, the Minister said: “Cycling and walking policy is a devolved matter for the Welsh Government, but I am happy to congratulate those councils and the Canal and River Trust on their work in and around this globally significant site and the canal world heritage site. 

"We will follow in the steps of Thomas Telford, who designed the beautiful aqueduct there, to deliver high-quality cycling and walking infrastructure for future generations with the £2 billion that I just mentioned.” 

Speaking later, Mr Baynes said: “We are incredibly blessed to have a UNESCO World Heritage Site right on our doorsteps. 

"And organisations like Denbighshire and Wrexham councils and the Canal and River Trust are doing an excellent job of encouraging people to take full advantage of the Trevor Basin and Llangollen Canal, not only for their magnificent scenery but also for walking and cycling. I am very excited by the opportunities offered by Wrexham Council’s newly announced master plan for developing the Trevor Basin and surrounding area.”

Monday, December 28, 2020

Llangollen Railway says Corwen station will open next May

* Mark Isherwood SM, left, with project leader Richard Dixon-Gough, 

on a recent visit to Corwen station.

Despite the major financial setbacks of 2020 Llangollen Railway still aims to have trains running regularly to Corwen by May of next year.

Currently closed for the third lockdown this year, the heritage railway has lost out on hundreds of thousands of pounds of fares from major crowd-pullers such as the annual Santa specials.

But in his annual festive message its press officer George Jones says: “As we end this most peculiar year, I send greetings to all my contacts in the press and media with thanks for your support in reporting progress with the Corwen Project and other events at Llangollen Railway during these challenging times.

“Whilst there is now a further unfortunate turn of circumstances as we end 2020, the hope is things will improve next year and we will see the new station at Corwen open on a target date of 28 May.

“The support obtained from donations to allow the renewal of timbers for Dee Bridge has come from near and far thanks to the publicity given to the appeal and the response to it. 

“The success of the fundraising also allows for the renewal of sleepers in Berwyn tunnel. 

“If CV19 restrictions permit, this engineering work will allow the passage of ballast trains to Corwen and the tamping of the station loop in time for an official inspection of the new station prior to opening, all of which will provide further exciting news reporting to conclude the challenge of the past ten years to extend the railway westwards from Carrog." 

As llanblogger revealed in October, the railway put out an urgent call to its supporters for £15,000 to revive Dee Bridge, built in 1865 and now in desperate need of new timbers if it is to continue to carry services over it next year.