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Saturday, August 15, 2020

Legion leads VJ Day commemoration in town square

* British Legion standard bearers play a key role in the ceremony.

Llangollen Royal British Legion led this morning's commemoration of the 75th anniversary of VJ - Victory over Japan - Day in Centenary Square.

The special ceremony to commemorate the end of the Second World War in the Far East had to be curtailed due to the coronavirus situation and there was not be the usual march through town led by the Silver Band. 

The group from the branch including its standard bearers formed up at the war memorial to be joined by 15 of the Legion's riders.

The Service of Remembrance, led by the Vicar of Llangollen Father Lee Taylor, began shortly before 11am. 

Everyone taking part in the parade wore face coverings and were spaced out to meet social distancing requirements.

Although there was no march or band the traditional two minutes' silence was observed and pre-recorded versions of Last Post and Reveille were played before the laying of a poppy wreath took place along with the recitation of the moving Kohima Epitaph which includes the famous line "for your tomorrow we gave our today".

The ceremony ended with prayers and a blessing from Father Lee.

To coincide with the ceremony in the square the tenor bell - the heaviest of the eight bells at over 16cwt- in the tower at St Collen's Church was tolled 75 times at 11am.

* Father Lee Taylor leads the service.  

* British Legion branch chairman Phil Stroud
recites the Kohima Epitaph.

* Onlookers watch the ceremony in the square.

Inner Wheel donates £100 to Beirut emergency appeal

Last Wednesday afternoon Llangollen Inner Wheel held a picnic in the garden of their secretary, Angela Jeffries. 

Due to the generosity of members they were able to donate £100 to charities working in Beirut to help with the recent disaster.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Headteachers voice disappointment at AS and A Level results

The Federation of North Wales Secondary School Head Teachers has put out a statement about Thursday's AS and A Level results.
It says: "We cannot over-state how disappointed, confused and concerned we are about the A-level and AS results our young adults received today.  
"Although the headline data for Wales shows slight improvement, this is not a full reflection of the reality in schools. There are huge disparities in the outcomes of individuals which we cannot track, justify or explain. Pupils’ grades have moved up and down in ways we do not understand.  
"As schools, we were asked to consider all our internal and external testing data to create rank orders of learners’ centre assessed grades. We did this with professionalism and fairness to the students we have supported for the last 7 years. This data in many areas has been dismissed, devalued and discounted. Our rank orders have been overlooked and students moved within them making the allocation of grade impossible to fathom and unfair.
"Many universities have downgraded their offers with the absence of international students, resulting in more available places, so many of the young adults involved will thankfully be able to attend the university of their choice.  However this is not enough. 
"Our pupils’ grades will be with them for the rest of their lives, they will be on their CV for ever. COVID-19 has already disadvantaged them, but life after COVID, within a recession-hit country, means their outcomes will be even more important than ever as they enter a challenging job market. Our students have worked for these grades and deserve them; an algorithm that dismisses this is immoral. If there was ever a time for trust it was now. 
"As professionals, we were promised that any anomalies in school data would be discussed, to allow schools to provide the evidence to justify the centre assessed grades. This had not happened - we have been given no opportunity to provide evidence and no conversations have taken place. This has been a statistical model, over reliant on AS outcomes and historical data, and dismissive of the opinion of a profession who supported their students over many years. 
"We were grateful for the WJEC announcement about the review of the appeals system as currently it is unworkable and inhibits our ability to challenge the unfairness of these outcomes. The A-level results day is usually one of the happiest of the year. This year our children were hurt, confused and left wondering what had gone wrong, just as we are. 
"This week’s results have challenged our confidence in the system and call into question the structure we have previously trusted; however, our fears for next week’s GCSE results are beyond words. We would request that changes be made now to protect the life chances and wellbeing of our children and avoid the confusion and heartache our A-level students have had to face."

Senedd Member says VJ Day should be properly remembered

North Wales Senedd Member Mark Isherwood is calling on people to reproduce the "memorable" celebrations held for the 75th anniversary of VE Day when the country marks the VJ Day 75th tomorrow (Saturday).

VJ Day, which marks both the surrender of Japan and the end of the Second World War, is not as widely remembered as VE Day, he says.

And he is keen to remind people of the sacrifices made by those who fought in the Far East during the Second World War and to encourage people across North Wales to commemorate the special anniversary of Victory over Japan Day.

Llangollen will be commemorating VJ Day 
with a service by the local branch of 
the Royal British Legion which begins 
around 10.45am on Saturday 
in Centenary Square.

He said: “It was fantastic to see so many people across the country commemorating the 75th anniversary of VE Day on May 8th and it would be great if people carried out similar celebrations to mark VJ Day, the day on which Imperial Japan surrendered in World War II, which in effect, brought the war to an end.

“Like VE Day, it is a significant moment in our nation’s history, and it would be terribly sad if it does not receive the respect it deserves.

“Also like VE Day 2020, many of the national events to mark this momentous occasion have had to be cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic, although some events will still take place.
“The official commemorations will begin at 11am when a national moment of remembrance will be marked with a two minute silence. During the afternoon, the Red Arrows will conduct a UK-wide flypast tribute over Edinburgh, Belfast, Cardiff and London, and in the evening a special programme, ‘VJ Day 75: The Nation’s Tribute’, will be broadcast on BBC One.”

He added: Whilst VE Day marked the end of the war in Europe in May 1945, many thousands of Armed Forces personnel were still involved in bitter fighting in the Far East.

“The war in the Far East, also commonly known as ‘the Burma Campaign’, was the longest campaign fought by the British and Commonwealth armies in the Second World War.
“In 1945 the South East Asia Command (SEAC) provided the largest army group – nearly 1.3 million men and women – ever assembled by the British Commonwealth and its Allies.
“It is so upsetting that the bravery and suffering  of these service men and women is so often overlooked and that they consider themselves ‘forgotten’.

“This Saturday,  I’ll be taking time to remember them, and the atrocious and harrowing conditions in which they served and were held prisoner, and I urge you all to do the same.

“Obviously we are still the midst of a pandemic, so I would  encourage people to mark the occasion, as they did for VE Day, in line with current social distancing and public gathering guidelines.”

* For further information on VJ Day and personal stories visit the Royal British Legion website at

Report says man's body found in canal

* A section of the Llangollen Canal. 

Leaderlive is reporting this afternoon that a man's body was found in the Llangollen Canal yesterday morning.

The story says: "The Canal and River Trust advised the public that the canal and towpath were closed between Bryn-Ceirch Bridge and Bryn-Howell Bridge on Thursday morning.

"North Wales Police confirmed on Friday afternoon that officers were called to the scene just after 7.25am on Thursday.
"A spokesman for the force said: 'Sadly a man’s body was found in the Llangollen Canal.'"

Pop up waste service to restart

Denbighshire County Council is informing residents in the Dee Valley of the re-introduction of the Saturday waste and recycling pop-up service in Llangollen and Corwen.
The service, which enables local residents to dispose of excess waste, garden waste, additional residual household waste and some oversized items, is resuming later this month.
It was stopped due to coronavirus restrictions, as the Council could not safely continue the service due to the on-going need for social distancing measures.
The Council has been reviewing the position constantly, and with more staff returning to work due to the lifting of the shielding restrictions, the service will resume.
There are a number of temporary changes to the service and local householders will be required to pre-book a slot and must attend at their chosen time. 
Slots can be booked online at from August 18.
Customers are required to bring their booking reference number with them, along with proof of address, as the service is only available to Denbighshire residents.  Anyone attending without a booking will not be allowed to use the service.
On August 18, slots will be released for the first two events and only one slot per household can be booked for each event:
Saturday, August 22 – Llangollen Pavilion
Saturday, September 5 - Corwen, Green Lane Car Park
There will be 24 x 20 minute slots available between 9am and 11am.
On Tuesday, September 8, slots will be released for the next four events:
Saturday, September 12– Llangollen Pavilion
Saturday, September 19 – Corwen, Green Lane Car Park
Saturday, September 26– Llangollen Pavilion
Saturday, October 3– Corwen, Green Lane Car Park
Time slots will be reviewed after reviewing waste volumes and throughput to maximise the number of slots we can offer and the Council will continue to release slots on a four weekly basis, after reviewing the service. 
The service will operate on its historical alternating cycle as long as it is safe to do so, at Cowen on the first and third Saturday morning of every month, and at Llangollen on the second and fourth Saturday morning of every month.
Cllr Brian Jones, Cabinet Lead Member for Waste, Transport and the Environment, said: “We would like to thank residents in the Dee Valley for their patience and understanding and to apologise for any inconvenience caused.
“The coronavirus restrictions were put in place to protect people’s health and safety and now with more staff returning to work, we can reintroduce the services in Llangollen and Corwen safely.
“We will review the service on a weekly basis to ensure we optimise the service through this phased re-opening.”
There are a number of temporary changes to the service:
There will be no additional green waste service on the first and third Saturdays in Llangollen, but this will be kept under review.
Additional signage and traffic management will be in place to help direct customers, and enable social distancing rules to be followed.
Initially, the pop-up waste service in Llangollen will be situated on the actual Pavilion site, not the car par below.  This enables us to manage social distancing, prevents congestion, and frees up car park spaces at a busy time of year for the town.  Signage will be in place from the car park entrance to direct residents, and this information will be provision to anyone who requests at slot at the time of booking.
In order to allow as many residents as possible to use the service, we will not accept twin axle trailers at this time.  Households with such large quantities of waste should book a visit to one of the 3 HWRC permanent sites. We are now accepting all trailers at our permanent sites (a permit is still required). We are advising customers to bring no more that around 1100 litre of waste in any one visit (the equivalent volume of a Ford Focus with the seats down.) so that we have enough capacity on our vehicles to accept the waste.
Initially we will be unable to accept soft furnishings such as textile covered sofas and mattresses, but we do hope to expand the service soon.
Residents are also asked not to attend the site if they are self-isolating and/or showing Covid19 Symptoms.
Residents are not required to wear a face covering as the service is outdoors and the two meter rule will be strictly enforced. 

Library set for appointment only re-opening from today

From today Llangollen Library is offering limited access by appointment only to its public computers and One Stop Shop.

An order and collect service for library books has been in operation for eight weeks and has already proved popular with customers.

At libraries across the county so far 54 families have collected a free Bookstart pack for their babies, and almost 300 children have collected a Silly Squad Summer Reading Challenge pack.

Cllr Tony Thomas, Denbighshire County Council’s Lead Member for Housing and Communities, said: "Our libraries and One Stop Shops provide a wealth of services to our residents and this latest phase now gives residents the chance to access more services in a safe way.

“The order and collect service has already proved popular with our customers and the libraries already offering computer access and One Stop Shop services have received very positive feedback from customers. The online digital library for downloadable books and magazines is also very popular and over 400 people have joined the library online in the last four months.

“As lockdown continues to ease we will be planning opening our libraries for browsing and wifi use while ensuring the safety of customers and our staff.”

Customers should phone their local library to book an appointment to use public-access computers, or to visit the One Stop Shop to make a payment or for help with council services. Further information at