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Friday, June 5, 2020

End the row over Llan using Plas Madoc, says county councillor

* The Plas Madoc recycling site at the centre of the row.

The public row about Llangollen residents using the Plas Madoc Recycling Centre should now be closed.

That's the view of one of the area's county councillors, Graham Timms.

At the start of the Covid-19 lockdown the Saturday morning tipping facility on the Pavilion car park was withdrawn with local people being told they would have to use the Ruthin household waste site which is now operating an appointments only system.

As a result, a number of people have suggested they should use Plas Madoc instead.

Cllr Timms' predecessor at County Hall, Stuart Davies, argues that an agreement was struck between Wrexham Council and Denbighshire County Council back in 2007 - when the old town tip near Sun Bank closed - for Llangollen people to use Plas Madoc.   

Earlier this week Cllr Timms, along with Clwyd South Senedd Member Ken Skates, both agreed to check with the two councils to see if this was the case. 

Now Cllr Timms says in a statement to llanblogger: "Llangollen residents have been told that they cannot use this Wrexham site. Wrexham Council made this clear in a statement to BBC Radio Wales on Monday.

”A former county councillor has been claiming that he sorted this out in 2007, but the minutes produced from a meeting in 2007 merely said that any formal request would have to be agreed by Wrexham's Executive Board. 

"Denbighshire were informed at that time by Wrexham that if a formal approach for any such arrangement was made, it would be refused. 

"Looking back on what happened nearly 13 years ago is always difficult, but it is clear that no formal agreement was reached on behalf of Llangollen residents to use the Plas Madoc site."

Cllr Timms adds: "Cllr Melvyn Mile [the other Llangollen county councillor] and I have spent a long time looking into this and drawn a blank as far as any formal agreement is concerned. 

"Wrexham Council deny it. Denbighshire County Council deny it, and no payment is being made for such a service so let's move on.

“We must now turn our attention to getting the recycling service back to Llangollen Pavilion car park as soon as possible. 

"We've spoken loudly for Llangollen on this matter and will continue to put pressure on the county to restart the service as soon as possible. 

"We've made helpful suggestions, many passed on to us by residents.  

"A 30-mile round-trip to Ruthin Recycling Centre is not a realistic possibility for most people. But our wagons will not be back at the Pavilion until the health and safety of workers and residents can be guaranteed. 

"Our superb refuse and recycling service staff have been doing a great job collecting waste throughout the lockdown from our homes, but I don't think any of us want to see them exposed to a situation where their safety and ours would be even more at risk.

“The Ruthin Recycling Centre is the nearest Recycling Centre in Denbighshire and if you need to use this service you must book an appointment on the DCC website.

On Radio Wales on Monday, Wrexham Council said: "All our HWRC’s (Household Waste Recycling Centres) are busy and to allow residents from outside the county borough to utilise the sites in Wrexham would cause even more congestion than currently experienced and would put an unfair weighting onto Wrexham County Borough Council. 

"To open the HRWC sites was a major political and logistical exercise carried out solely for the benefit of the residents of the Borough.

"This service is very popular and one which our residents are entitled to and which they support through their Council Tax and as such we need to restrict it to Wrexham residents only. We have had people from many, many miles away trying to use these sites and we are unable to take on the waste responsibility of other local authorities so have put the controls in place to protect our interests.”

Ken Skates SM has received a reply from Wrexham Council officer Ian Bancroft which says: "I can confirm that there is no record of any formal agreement in our files from this time.

"Like most Welsh Authorities, including Denbighshire, we are currently adopting the standard guidance for opening and operating our HWRCs, we have adopted a 10 point plan (set of rules) and this includes a proof of residency check. Whilst the current lockdown conditions prevail and the demand at our sites has to be managed we are not planning to relax these for the foreseeable future.

"As I am sure you appreciate, moving ‘Denbighshire’ waste from residents into Wrexham’s facility would require a lot of profiling and monitoring on numerous items including:

  • Impact on waste volumes;
  • Capacity issues;
  • Managing, monitoring and adjustment of recycling rates, etc; 
  • Finance adjustments and cross boundary fee and income recharges. 
"Like yourself and colleagues in Denbighshire, we have received numerous correspondence on this topic over recent weeks and to date have responded based upon the above principles."

On Wednesday, Stuart Davies launched a poll on Facebook asking if people wanted to see the swift re-opening of the Saturday morning household waste facility at the Pavilion car park.

Up to yesterday, 277 people voted yes to this, while 108 were in favour of being able to use Plas Madoc. Another 24 wanted to see the old Llangollen tip brought back into use. 

More volunteers of the week are thanked

* Volunteer Melvyn Mile has been 
thanked by Cat Meade.

To mark National Volunteers Week, Cat Meade, co-ordinator of the Llangollen Coronavirus Help Group, has spotlighted the work of more local people who have been giving their services to help the community through the current lockdown. 

First one to be highlighted on Facebook is Melvyn Mile.
Cat says of him: "Melvyn called me a few days after I asked for volunteers, he has been assisting every week since, sometimes 4 or 5 times a week with Shopping Requests, Stans Collections, assisting with the VE Day deliveries, delivering #llangollenfamily t-shirts and generally says YES to any task I assign him.
"He has made a real impression on the residents he has helped, with many requesting Melvyn to help them, he is always so friendly and always has time for a quick chat at the door, always smiling.
"I asked Melvyn to tell me a bit about himself and he said: 'I should be retired but I also need something to do, or else I’d be very bored. So, whilst presently furloughed I normally work part time for a Wine Merchant in Oswestry,l
'I’m also a member of Llangollen Town Council and also Denbighshire CC.
'Whilst I’m getting on a bit, I’m relatively fit and as I said easily bored. So thought it only right to volunteer. I know what a personal shopper feels like now.
'Similar to Sheena and Chem (Buddy Calls), I’m on the Cittaslow Committee of the Town Council, one of its tenets is to facilitate groups to get together and by doing so, get more done locally. The volunteering seemed like direct action.'
"A BIG THANK YOU MELVYN, A true gent and a pleasure to get to know you. Please Join Me in Thanking Melvyn for his continued support to our Group."

* Mike Connolly's work has been recognised.
Second volunteer featured by Cat is Mike Connolly.

And of Mike Cat says on Facebook: "I first had the pleasure of meeting Mike when I was assisting the fire service 2 yrs ago, gaining supplies and food to help them battle the mountain fires, he was a real help back then and once again, as soon as I posted for volunteers for Covid 19 help he was straight in.

"Mike collected and delivered prescriptions for the first 6 weeks on an evening (when anyone missed the 3pm deadline) aswell as a Saturday.

"He took on the out of hours calls for the support group to give me a break (there are always a varied amount of calls in the helpline) sometimes very draining.
"Mike is also assisting his local friends, neighbours and relatives with daily, weekly shopping. Along with joining the support group as Admin on here he runs the helpline for CAB to assist with benefits and support to residents of Llangollen.
"A personal THANK YOU Mike for your ongoing support, a big tribute to singing at my Bishops Walk VE DAY Party. A thank you to your 'COOK' Val, for keeping you going and a Big Thank you from Connor who calls you Mike the Man.

"Please join Me in a HUGE Thank you to Mike. A wonderful, kind hearted Gentleman."
Also on Facebook, the town's deputy mayor, Cllr Issy Richards, has turned the tables on Cat by spotlighting her own excellent voluntary work on behalf of Llangollen people.

* The work of Cat Meade herself has come in for thanks. 
She's pictured here with her son Connor.

Issy says of her: "This week, Cat Meade has been highlighting the fantastic work being done by the people of Llangollen to help the most vulnerable. Let's say a BIG THANK YOU to Cat herself!

"Throughout the last 10 weeks Cat has dedicated her time to coordinating the community's response to Covid-19, via the FB Llangollen Coronavirus Help Group.

"To name just a few things, Cat has produced leaflets, enabled food and prescription drops, raised money, organised bingo, raffles which also benefit local businesses, and laundry services for key workers. She has genuinely helped to keep the community's spirits up!
"She's done all this as well as being a mum, and working for Wingetts. (Thanks Connor as well! ).

"For BBC Wales #WelshHeroes day, I sent a little video thanking Cat, it didn't get shown, the reporter said they had hundreds, so I'll include it now and say again, thank you Cat!"

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Peaceful demonstration in square against death of George Floyd

* Demonstrators drop to one knee in silent tribute to George Floyd.

Around 50 people took part in a peaceful demonstration against the recent killing of George Floyd in Minnesota, USA.

On May 25, Mr Floyd, a 46-year-old black man suspected of passing a counterfeit $20 bill, died in Minneapolis after Derek Chauvin, a white police officer, knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes while he was handcuffed face-down in the street.

Observing correct social distancing, the demonstrators gathered in Centenary Square for the vigil which was organised by the group Black Lives Matter - Llangollen.

A number carried placards protesting at the injustice of his death and candles were lit in his memory.

At one stage the demonstrators dropped to one knee in tribute to Mr Floyd. 

Pictures: Jeanette Robinson

* A number of demonstrators carried placards.

* A small shrine is set up with candles.

* The Black Lives Matter Symbol.

Beauty spots remain closed to the public, says county

* The Horseshoe Falls is closed, says the county council.

Beauty spots remain closed in Denbighshire following the recent Welsh Government announcement on the easing of lockdown restrictions.

Horseshoe Falls, Loggerheads Country Park and Moel Famau Country Park will remain closed for the time being with travel for exercise still restricted.

Cllr Tony Thomas, Denbighshire County Council’s Lead Member for Housing and Communities, said: “We understand how important these areas are to so many people and we are really keen to open these sites as soon as we can, but the situation in Wales is different to that in England. 
“In Wales travel is still restricted to journeys generally within five miles from your home and we know a large proportion of our visitors travel significantly more than that. The Welsh Government has requested beauty spots and tourist spots likely to attract large numbers of people remain closed. 

“In the meantime, we are working really hard with our partners to make sure when the time is right we can welcome everyone back to the parks in a way that ensures the safety of our visitors, staff and local communities.

“The advice is for residents to take exercise in their local area and to follow the social distancing guidelines. We will continue to update residents and I would like to thank you for your patience at this time.”    

Commissioner says George Floyd death "besmirches" policing worldwide

A police boss has spoken out to condemn the brutal killing of George Floyd which has sparked protests across the United States.

According to North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Arfon Jones (pictured), the tragedy has besmirched the name of police officers all over the world.

Mr Floyd was an unarmed black man who died after a Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin, was filmed kneeling on his neck for more than eight minutes as he told them: "I can't breathe".

The  case has reignited deep-seated anger over police killings of black Americans and racism.

It follows the high-profile cases of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Eric Garner in New York and others that have driven the Black Lives Matter movement.

Commissioner Jones, who served as a police officer, said: “I utterly condemn the violence that let to the death of George Floyd.

“I was sickened when I saw the footage for the first time. I thought that kneeling and putting all his weight on George Floyd’s neck was over the top, brutal and totally unnecessary. I was shocked when I saw them using so much force.

“There were three police officers there are the time and Mr Floyd did not appear to be resisting.

“As a former police officer, I felt ashamed. What happened in Minneapolis have given a bad name to the police service right across the world.

“Donald Trump’s response has been equally reprehensible. He is using this tragedy for political purposes to appeal to his White supremacist base.

“He is deliberately inflaming an already volatile situation and that is unforgivable.”

The Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, of which Mr Jones is a member, also released a statement saying they were appalled by what happened.

They said: “Alongside our communities, we are  saddened and appalled by the footage that has emerged from the US over recent days of the death of George Floyd at the hands of US police officers.

“We express our heartfelt sympathies to the family of George Floyd and to all the communities affected by these events, and we acknowledge the current strength of feeling and the impact that incidents of this nature have on communities around the world.

 “In this country, we are proud of the ‘policing by consent’ model on which our forces operate and the work that our police officers and staff undertake day in, day out to keep our communities safe.

“We also have a clear and accountable governance system in place, with directly elected Police and Crime Commissioners representing their local communities and holding their chief constables to account on behalf of their communities for policing in their area.

“We are committed to working with our communities and Chief Constables to ensure that the principle of ‘the police are the public and the public are the police’ is worked towards and achieved, and that we deliver against the important commitments set out within the NPCC Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy."

Next big raffle will support Ysgol Bryn Collen

Ysgol Bryn Collen will benefit from the next big raffle being run by teh Llangollen Coronaviris Help Group.

Co-ordinator Cat Mead posted on Facebook: "We will be doing another Large Raffle to raise funds for Ysgol Bryn Collen. ALL proceeds will go direct to the School.

"We have raised funds for Zero Food Waste and Food Share Llangollen and Llangollen Railway reaching great amounts with the support of Local Businesses and Residents donating prizes.

"PLEASE contact me direct with any Prize Donations you may be able to offer."

Cat can be contacted via the group's Facebook page at:

A note from the school/PTFA on the post says: "Ysgol Bryn Collen can't wait to welcome learners back to school when it's safe to do so. All monies raised from this raffle will be put towards resources and activities that promote learners' well-being as we support them through this difficult time."

* Sheena Grindley's voluntary work has been recognised.
Latest local people to be highlighted by Cat Meade during National Volunteers Week for their work on behalf of the community during the Covid-19 crisis are Sheena Grindley and drivers.

On Facebook Cate says: "Prescriptions are such a vital part of a lot of peoples lives, when I set up the service this was the biggest area to cover and the volume of calls for medication was overwhelming.

"We had a handful of Volunteers collecting 2 or 3 times a day, then Sheena, who is a member of The Rotary Club, along with the President of the Rotary Barry Pinel came up with idea of replacing the "dial a ride" to a prescription collection.

"Sheena realised the volume I was tackling and assisted with collections, as I became busier she kindly took to the challenge and has been running the prescription requests direct since week 4, taking many calls,emails and texts a day, with her volunteer drivers collecting and delivering prescriptions across Llangollen 6 days a week.

"Many of you will know Sheena as twice Mayor of Llangollen, Town Council, Cittislow Group, Secretary of the Rafa Club, Rotary Club and Dial a Ride. As well as a wife, mother and grandmother Sheena is always finding ways to help this Town.

"I would also personally like to THANK YOU Sheena, for not only the help (which took a lot of pressure off) also for your kindness, you have been reassuring and also for telling me off for overloading myself not to mention the "Bingo" and Raffles.

"Please Join me in a Big THANK YOU to the Lovely Sheena and all the Volunteers delivering medication daily."

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Overnight fire is believed to have been arson

A huge fire that broke out in Llangollen overnight is believed to have been started deliberately, fire crews say.

Firefighters from Llangollen, Chirk and Corwen were called to Panorama Walk just after 11.30pm yesterday to battle the wildfire.