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Friday, February 21, 2020

Museum takes part in history and heritage fair

Llangollen Museum will be taking part in the annual North East Wales Heritage Forum History Fair in Ruthin on Saturday, March 14.

What has become the leading destination for meeting local history and heritage groups will be taking place in Denbighshire Archives at Ruthin Gaol between 11am and 4pm. 

You are invited to come and see a wide range of displays and meet local history and heritage groups from across North East Wales.

Characters from Ruthin Gaol will be giving mini-talks and objects from around the county will be on display. Entry to the event is free and all ages are welcome.

Apart from Llangollen Museum, those taking part will be:

  • Denbighshire Archives
  • Denbighshire Heritage Service
  • Ruthin Gaol
  • Flintshire Record Office
  • Denbighshire Historical Society
  • Glyndwr University History Department
  • Northop Heritage Group
  • New Glyn Valley Heritage Trust
  • North East Wales Heritage Forum
  • Ruthin and District Civic Association
  • Buckley Society
  • Dating Old Welsh Houses
  • Cefn Mawr Museum
  • Rhyl History Club
  • CADVAS (Corwen and Dee Valley Archaeological Society)
 * See the Facebook events page

Thursday, February 20, 2020

AM praises progress on Corwen station project

* North Wales Assembly Member Mark Isherwood, right, with project leader Richard Dixon-Gough on the new pedestrian crossing on the newly laid track at Corwen.

North Wales Assembly Member Mark Isherwood has applauded all those involved in a rail project which will boost the economy of the region after revisiting it and seeing first hand the progress that has been made.  

Mr Isherwood visited Llangollen Railway’s major civil engineering project at Corwen Central Station on Friday and was pleased to see that since his last visit, the team of volunteers have moved the project forward massively.

Work completed includes the infilling of a gap in the embankment and the installation of the new track complex over the former void to connect with the station loop line, a notable achievement which completes the ten-miles of line from Llangollen to Corwen.

Commenting after his visit, Mr Isherwood said: “On each visit I am always astounded by what this group of volunteers, with an average age of 68, working on a part-time basis, are able to achieve.

“They were recently awarded a runners up certificate in the Large Group category at the awards ceremony held by the Heritage Railway Association in the face of stiff competition from other railways.

“They are doing a sterling job, in often challenging conditions.  I was impressed to see that they have managed to erect three pairs of restored heritage columns since my last visit in 2018 and prepare for the installation of the final pair which will provide for an eventual canopy around the subway access stairwell. They have also recently installed heritage style lampposts and columns for the new Corwen name board.

“Only with a tour of the site does the size and scale of this project become apparent and I hope that all their efforts will be crowned with success this year when a first train arrives at Corwen.

“The accessibility of the new station to the centre of Corwen and the town's car park will provide the facilities needed to attract more people to the Llangollen Railway and encourage the prospects for local tourism from a wider segment of North Wales.

"My admiration for the project team members, who have tackled all this work over the past five years, grows following every visit I make. Without their dedication none of this would have happened."

Although a date for the opening of the new station is yet to be confirmed, Mr Isherwood was told that only the weather is now holding them back from completing the project.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Vicar features in afternoon radio show

* Wynne Evans on whose show Father Lee Taylor was featured earlier today.

The town’s vicar got an admission from radio and TV star Wynne Evans that he’s never heard of the Ladies of Llangollen.

It came as Father Lee Taylor was being interviewed earlier today by the man best known as Gio Compario in the TV adverts for the afternoon show he hosts on BBC Radio Wales.

Father Lee was on air to talk about the special service he is holding at St Collen’s this Saturday afternoon at 4pm celebrating LGBT History Month.

But Wynne also took the opportunity to ask him about his earlier claim to fame for blessing beer in pubs, his keen interest in old time music hall and how he likes to inject humour into church services.

The host said he and Father Lee had a few things in common in that both had lived in Croydon, south London and both liked beer.

* Father Lee Taylor is music hall guise. 
Father Lee explained that when he lived in Croydon before moving to Llangollen he was invited by the landlord of a local pub to bless the beer, which he did, rounding off the occasion with a “good sing” and a drink.

Asked to explain about Saturday’s service, he said: “This month is LGBT History Month during which the lives of notable LGBT people, both past and present, are being celebrated.

“In Llangollen we had two ladies who found love and joy in each other, Sarah Ponsonby and Eleanor Butler.

“So it’s going to be a great service of celebration, celebrating diversity and we’ll be blessing the tomb of the Ladies of Llangollen because they are buried in our churchyard. And after the service we’ll be having celebratory bubbles.”

Wynn told him: “That’s fantastic. Now, I’ve spent a lot of time in Llangollen and I’ve never heard of the Ladies of Llangollen.”

Father Lee explained: “They were two upper class Irish women who came to Llangollen to start a new life together and people would visit them from all over.”

“They were definitely gay were they, they were definitely together?” asked Wynne.

Father Lee replied: “Well, what is clear from their writings and from the books is that they were in a romantic relationship, so they were clearly in love together. They were committed to each other ... whether it was sexual who knows, who cares?

“But we do know they were in love with each other and that’s what we are going to celebrate on Saturday.”

He went on to explain that the ladies were visited by army officers, poets, artists and royalty, with Wordsworth describing them in one of his sonnets and Swansea Pottery making dinner services featuring them.

Asked about his life before he became a vicar, Father Lee said he had worked in pubs and a call centre but had known from the age of 12 that becoming a priest is what he wanted to do.

However, he explained that it had been a long journey and he hadn’t been ordained until he was 35.

Wynne then asked him to explain his love of music hall and he said: “It’s just a fantastic genre which lasted from about 1880 to around 1920 after which came Variety with all the old comedians like Ken Dodd and Max Miller and I just love their humour.”

“Can you merge your work in the Church and music hall? asked Wynne.

Father Lee replied: “A lot of people think the Church has a sense of humour failure but in the Bible Jesus uses comedy and satire. I do humour in church, sometimes in sermons ... the essence of Christianity is joy.”

As the theme of the programme was collections, Wynne asked his guest if he was a collector.
And he replied: “I do collect old music hall song sheets from charity shops and antique shops. I like unusual and funny songs which I like to incorporate in my act.

“We recently formed the Collen Players, a variety show in Llangollen, and we’re doing a show on Friday.

“Tickets are available and the show starts at 6.30pm. I’ll be doing some funny songs and stand-up comedy.”  

Rounding off the interview, Wynne said: “So you’ve got a show on Friday and a service on Saturday. Llangollen sounds like the place to be this Saturday.” 

* Listen to the full interview on

Businesses set to vote on Llangollen BID

llanblogger special report on the major scheme which could change the face of the local business scene   

Llangollen businesses go the polls this week to vote on whether they want to take part in a Business Improvement District (BID).

A BID is a partnership in which businesses from a defined area elect to make a collective contribution to the development and improvement of their commercial district.

If the majority of those entitled to join a Llangollen BID vote in favour of the scheme when they take part in a postal ballot starting tomorrow (Thursday) more than £400,000 would be available to spend on a range of projects to boost the town over the next five years.

The working group promoting it have used consultants Mosaic to put the BID offer together and they have sent out a business plan to those due to take part in the vote.

Voting closes on March 19 with the result due to be officially announced the next day.
The ballot will be carried out by Electoral Reform Services (ERS).

For it to go ahead more than 50% of businesses who vote must vote in favour of the BID by number and, of the businesses that do vote, those in favour must represent more than 50% of the total rateable value of all votes cast.

The 22-page business plan, several of whose pages are emblazoned with the message “Vote Yes”, goes into detail about what the scheme means to Llangollen.

The plan document says that for the past year the BID team has consulted with businesses “in many ways” to get their views on the scheme. Consultation, it adds, has included:

·       *  Gathering feedback on a feasibility study  
·        * Task Group meetings to represent businesses across the town
·        * Newsletters distributed to all businesses via post and in person
·        * A website providing key BID information and contact details.
·        * Drop-in sessions providing businesses with the opportunity to meet Mosaic and ask questions

The plan says: “Throughout this consultation we have continued to hold face-to-face meetings, conduct telephone calls and written correspondence, provide presentations and facilitate group discussions with town businesses, public agencies and stakeholders as well as national headquarters, in order to gather input on the development of the Llangollen BID.”

* BID priorities chart.

It goes on: “You have told us you would like the BID to focus on the following three key priorities:

+ Marketing and Promotion: £180,000. Increasing footfall by delivering comprehensive and professionally managed marketing and promotional campaigns, an improved online presence and quality events and entertainment.

+ Access and Car Parking: £100,000. Creating a pleasant, efficient and accessible town centre environment by improving signage making it easier for people to navigate around town and improve the key entry points. Working with existing providers to look at ways of improving car-parking.

+ Business Support: £45,000 Providing the support and initiatives businesses need to thrive, increasing local loyalty, reducing business costs and providing businesses with data and information they need to make trading in Llangollen Town Centre easier.

The business plan makes the point that these projects are “over and above” those that have to be provided by public sector agencies such as Denbighshire County Council and Llangollen Town Council and through business rates.

And it says: “This is your chance to invest more than £400,000 over five years on projects and priorities that matter to your business through a BID in Llangollen.”

If approved, the BID will be run as an independent, not-for-profit, company known as Llangollen Business Improvement District Ltd.

It will be controlled and run by businesses that pay the levy, through a board of directors that represent the various sectors and stakeholders in the town. The company may also choose to employ staff as they see fit.

The BID will be funded by a levy on each eligible business in the defined area with a rateable value exceeding £2,500. Businesses below this threshold are exempt but can join voluntarily.

Collectively the total fund will exceed more than £88,000 each year to be spent exclusively in the town.

* BID indicative income and expenditure 2020-2025.

The BID will also generate additional funding through voluntary contributions, grants and sponsorships.

The business plan says the BID will create an “instantly recognisable Llangollen Town Centre brand, to be used in all BID projects and services.”

This branding will include the culture, heritage, leisure, independent, and office and commercial offer.

“This will then enable us to plan strategic marketing campaigns that can be delivered consistently over five years,” says the plan.

“The BID will build momentum and presence by making the best use of TV, radio, print and online resources so that we can get our message to customers both within and outside of the BID area. This will help to boost trade and activity during the day and night, and all year round.”

The BID says it will deliver a comprehensive website containing information on events, offers and news with business directories that can be edited and updated by each business as they wish.

There is also a promise that the BID will maximise on social media presence by using Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, and providing regular e-bulletins to both businesses and existing and potential customers on specific town promotions and offers.

The plan adds: “In addition to the consumer marketing that will help to bring in customers the BID will also promote Llangollen to potential investors as a business location.

“This includes work with both retail and commercial uses that complement our existing offer, through the provision of resources that help to make the case for why Llangollen is a good place to do business.

“We will also encourage creative entrepreneurship and investment, supporting a strong economic future for the next generation.

“The BID will pump more funding into current events and markets so that they become bigger and better. The BID will also sponsor and become part of current successful events to offer something really special to people coming into the Town Centre.

The board will set the key performance indicators (KPIs) and criteria upon which to measure the BID’s performance.

David Davies, past chairman of the Llangollen Chamber of Trade & Tourism, said: "I am very disappointed with the BID group for issuing such a bias-in-favour brochure with inaccuracies and an irregular, redefined area not previously presented or discussed openly with the town businesses.   

"The first some recipients knew they were included in the area was when their brochure arrived.

"Attempts to obtain a full listing of all businesses included in the BID area from Mosaic and Denbighshire County Council  have met with refusal.   

"A listing that could be published by Llanblogger would show openness of process.

"It is important on such an issue that after having formed a balanced analysis of the proposal all businesses do exercise their vote." 

·       *  Further details of the BID are available by contacting project manager Kevin Brownell at or on 07496 718580.

·       *  The business plan can be viewed and downloaded from

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Councillor Huw Jones – a tribute

Tributes have been paid to Councillor Huw Jones of Corwen (pictured) who died over the weekend after a long illness.

Huw had been a county councillor since 2008 and was a former Chair of Resources Scrutiny Committee.

He held two Cabinet positions during 2012-2017, one as Lead Member for Leisure, Youth, Tourism and Rural Development;  the other as Lead Member for Community Development

He was appointed Chair of Performance Scrutiny in 2017.

Huw was also a member of the Clwyd Pension Fund, Director of Cadwyn Clwyd and member of the AONB Partnership.  He was a former Board Member of Menter Iaith Sir Ddinbych.

Councillor Hugh Evans OBE, Leader of Denbighshire County Council, said: “Huw, or Huw Chick as he was affectionately known was a loyal and trusted councillor and was great at representing the views of the people of Corwen and promoting his town in meetings.

“He had a wide variety of interests, which led to him being given Cabinet portfolios which included leisure, youth, tourism, rural development the Welsh Language and community development. On top of these duties, he continued to serve his residents to the best of his ability and was known by some as Mr Corwen.  I think that sums up Huw’s contribution to Corwen perfectly.

He always carried out his duties professionally, diligently and with integrity.  He was seen as a trusted and loyal friend and colleague by fellow councillors, but also had the respect of staff and teams across the county.

“Denbighshire has lost a true gentleman but we will always remember Huw with warmth and affection."

New police team will crack down on crime gangs

* The new Intercept Team with PCC Arfon Jones outside police headquarters in Colwyn Bay.

A new high tech policing unit has been set up to clamp down on organised crime and drug gangs in North Wales.

The 16-strong Intercept Team will be using Automatic Number Plate Technology (ANPR)  to identify the vehicles of gang members and make the region a hostile environment for crime groups to operate in.

It comes as County Lines gang activity continues to make headlines, which police have labelled as an "on-going threat" and Police and Crime Commissioner Arfon Jones says is one of the biggest problems facing North Wales.

The team consists of two sergeants and 14 constables and has been established with extra funding set aside by the commissioner.

It will focus on individuals and locations, including Organised Crime Groups) and County Lines targets that are causing significant crime-related problems for local communities.

Assistant Chief Constable Sacha Hatchett said: “The team’s aim is to disrupt criminals and protect communities across North Wales’ road network using a variety of techniques.

“We are listening to concerns and intelligence and acting upon them in an effort to make North Wales the safest place in UK.

“Our commitment in keeping our communities safe remains a priority and I’m sure the team’s introduction will reassure many in our communities.

“County Lines has a significant impact on towns across the country and involves the criminal exploitation of young people and vulnerable adults. We want to get the message across that we will be relentless in our pursuit of serious organised crime and will continue to disrupt those involved and safeguard those who are affected.”

ACC Hatchett added: “The Intercept Team will bolster our current capability to disrupt criminal activity even further and demonstrate our commitment to maintaining a pre-emptive approach to policing to prevent criminals causing misery across North Wales.”

“The team will be working closely with their Roads Policing, Firearms Alliance Team and Local Policing colleagues with proactive operational tactics and responses to major investigations.

“They will also support and develop new intel by identifying links across Organised Crime Groups and respond to specific tasking requests from Senior Investigating Officers.”

Commissioner Arfon Jones, a former police inspector, said: “Serious and organised criminals use the road network extensively in order to facilitate their criminal activities.

“The team will allow us to intercept offenders to disrupt such activity, seize their assets and then convict them to protect our local communities.

"The use of ANPR and the other technologies gives us the opportunity to respond more swiftly and increases the likelihood of criminals being arrested. This approach demonstrates that we are doing all we can to ensure communities are kept free from crime.

“Importantly, it also sends a clear message that North Wales is not a 'soft touch' when it comes to serious and organised criminality - we are determined to identify and bring such offenders to justice.

“We intend to make North Wales a particularly uncomfortable place for organised crime and I look forward to the new Intercept team play it's part in dismantling and disrupting organised criminal group with the intention of making North Wales the safest place in the UK to live in, work in or to visit.”

Latest advice column

Q: I’m from Austria and I know I need to apply for Settled Status as the UK leaves the European Union. But I’m really confused about what documents I need in order to apply for me and my children. We’ve lived in England for six years and I’m worried that if we don’t apply before the end of the month, we might have to leave.
A: You don’t need to apply by the end of the month - your rights won’t change until 31 December 2020. However, you should apply as soon as you can in case of any delays. After the transition period ends on 31 December you might be asked to prove your right to do things like get a job or use a service like the NHS. Having your status sorted will make this more straightforward.
To get settled status, you need evidence that you’ve lived in the UK for 6 months out of every 12 months for 5 years in a row. As you say you and your children have lived in the UK for six years, you should be eligible for this.
In order to apply, you’ll need to have a few things. These include a passport or national ID card, a digital photo, your National Insurance number or proof of how long you've lived in the UK, a mobile number and an email address.

If you’ve been working, you can find your National Insurance number on your pay slip. If not you can contact HM Revenue and Customs National Insurance Helpline on 0300 200 3500 to help find it.

It may be easier to make your children’s application after you’ve made your own. This way you’ll be able to ‘link’ your child’s application to yours, using the application number you got when you applied for yourself.
You can do this at any time after you’ve applied - you do not need to wait for a decision. And if your own application is successful, your child will get the same status as you.
In order to apply on behalf of your children, you will need to have proof of your relationship - for example a birth certificate.

If you need any extra help with your application, your local Citizens Advice is on hand to help. You can find their details by going to and typing in your postcode.