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Friday, May 25, 2018

Gardening club's plant sale is tomorrow

Llangollen Gardening Club has a Plant Sale tomorrow (Saturday May 26) outside the Town Hall.

If you have any spare plants you would like to donate, please take them to the Town Hall today (Friday May 25)  between 1.30 -3.00pm, or Saturday morning, 9.30am. 

Call goes out for joint campaign on clean streets

* Rhuddlan residents are tackling dog fouling and environmental crime.

Residents of Rhuddlan are calling on other communities across Denbighshire to work together to keep the county’s streets clean.

Denbighshire County Council has been implementing a long-running campaign to tackle dog fouling and environmental crime within the county, with a key focus on education and prevention, as well as enforcement action against those individuals who fail to clear up after their dogs.

Prevention activities have included direct engagement with dog owners about the council’s approach, handing out bags, spraying dog foul with yellow chalk to highlight problem areas, the introduction of yellow glow in the dark signs to deter would be offenders and high visibility patrols.

Rhuddlan residents have come together to tackle the problem in their town and are now calling on the rest of Denbighshire to support the campaign.

Councillor Arwel Roberts said: “There are parts of Rhuddlan still seeing dog mess not being picked up, we’re not perfect, but there has been a large increase in people picking up after their dogs within the town and surrounding areas. The residents of Rhuddlan and Denbighshire County Council need to be congratulated on the work they have done in keeping the streets of Rhuddlan clean for everyone.”

Councillor Ann Davies said: “We are now calling on other towns in Denbighshire to follow our lead and always pick up after their dogs and dispose of their dog mess appropriately. It’s very important to keep dog mess away from all the areas highlighted in the PSPO. If a child comes into contact with dog mess it can cause serious health risks, so this campaign is very important. The people of Rhuddlan are working hard to keep their town clean and we want to thank them for all of their hard work.”

The county council want to remind dog owners across the county that under the county-wide Public Spaces Protection Order, dogs are prohibited from all maintained, marked sports areas such as football and rugby pitches in Denbighshire, multi-use games areas, children’s play areas and certain stretches of beaches. 
These areas are clearly marked with signs and those who fail to comply with the law could be issued with a fixed penalty notice. Dog owners are also expected to clean up after their animals in any other public space in the county.
Councillor Tony Thomas, Cabinet Lead Member for Housing, Regulation and the Environment, said: “The majority of people act responsibly and clear up after their animals. They also take heed of signage that prohibit people from taking their dogs on certain areas of land. We thank them for their co-operation. However we continue to find that some individuals clearly ignore the message.
"They do not seem to realise the negative impact that dog fouling has on the local community and its potential implications on people’s health. Residents tell us that they want us to tackle problems with dog fouling. Unfortunately we are having to repeat the message again. Please work with us to clean up the county – for everyone’s benefit.”

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Llangollen FC gets life-saving new machine

W* Wales captain Ashley Williams and Welsh Hearts director Sharon Owen handed over the defibrillators.             

Llangollen Football Club is one of six across Wales where defibrillators have just been installed.

And there are plans to fund others in a bid to minimise deaths from sudden cardiac arrest.

The first six machines have been funded by Wales football players who donated their match fees for their friendly against Mexico in Los Angeles on May 29.
Ground staff will be trained to use the devices under the scheme, which aims to have them at all clubs in the country.

Llangollen Football Club was the first to receive its defibrillator on Monday.

A defibrillator is an automatic device that can be used to shock the heart back into a normal rhythm during cardiac arrest. 

Performing CPR and using a defibrillator until an ambulance arrives, can help double a victim's chance of survival.

The partnership between the Football Association of Wales (FAW) and heart charity Welsh Hearts has found few of the hundreds of football grounds across Wales had one.

Its scheme aims to change that by fundraising to ensure every player and spectator at every club in Wales has access to one.

The FAW's medical services manager and lead physiotherapist, Sean Connelly, said: "With this partnership we will work together to fundraise to aid Welsh Hearts with the amazing work they do for heart health in Wales.

"Together we hope that this equipment will minimise the terrible instances from sudden cardiac arrests that have occurred in football grounds across Wales."

Welsh Hearts director Sharon Owen said: "We believe the impact on lives will be far-reaching, as no one should die in Wales due to a lack of a public access defibrillator in the event of an emergency.

"They should be available everywhere. I am excited to work with the FAW as they are at the heart of communities in Wales."

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Garden fete raffle prize is £100

* Cwmwd Ial re-enactors will star at the fete. 

As part of the annual Garden Fete at Plas Newydd on Saturday June 9 the  Rotary and Inner Wheel Clubs of Llangollen are organising  a grand raffle with a first prize of a £100.

The committee say they are grateful to so many local businesses for their generous donations of prizes and they would like to thank the following: The Wild Pheasant Hotel and Spa, Jades Hairdressing, Witzend Gallery, CafĂ© Bistro and Tea Rooms, Mickey Finn, fish supplies, Fouzzi’s , Vintage Rose Tearoom, Vanity Nails and Beauty, Cefn Mawr and New Dot Cinema.

The committee are also grateful to The Coop Supermarket Llangollen for allowing their volunteers to sell tickets there.

Members of both clubs will be selling tickets at The Coop on Saturday, May 26 and Saturday June 2.

Tickets will also be on sale at Plas Newydd  on the day of the fete when the Grand Draw will take place at  approximately 4.30 p.m.

The organisers have decided that the prime beneficiary will this year be Marie Curie Cancer  Care but say that other local charities will also benefit.   

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

County cabinet backs Castle Street redevelopment

* How a busy Castle Street looks at present.  

* An artist's impression of how Castle Street could possibly look in the future.

At the Denbighshire County Council cabinet meeting today (Tuesday) members were asked to  agree  how  Denbighshire  should  use  its  allocation  of £1,204,380  from  the  £30m  Highways  Refurbishment  Grant recently  announced  by  Welsh  Government. 

Four plans were put to the cabinet and Llangollen's Castle Street was awarded £500,000 of the total. 

This supports the work of a joint working group set up by Llangollen's two county councillors, Graham Timms and Melvyn Mile, and Llangollen's Chamber of Trade and Town Council. 

The working group, which has been meeting since October last year, has been looking for ways to solve parking and traffic flow, two major problems in Llangollen town centre. 

Grant funding has been received from Cadwyn Clwyd.

Cllr Timms said: “We're delighted that this scheme has been given such a huge boost. The £0.5 million will be used to attract other major funders to contribute to a major overhaul of the town centre, expected to cost over £2 million.

"The cabinet has recognised the determination of the working group to tackle the problems of the town and to make the environment on Castle Street more suited to its place at the heart of the Dee Valley and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

"A consultation will take place during the latter part of June where locals, businesses and visitors will be given the chance to share their opinions and ideas on how our town can work better for everyone.”

Views sought on services for learning disabilities

Residents are being asked to take part in a consultation about how to improve services for children, young people and adults with learning disabilities in North Wales.

Councils across North Wales are working together with Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board to develop a regional plan for learning disability services.

The plan will look at how health and social care services can work better together and focus on the areas people say are important to them: having something to do; having a good place to live; having the right support through changes in life; friends and relationships; being healthy; and, being safe.

The plan is being developed along with people with learning disabilities, parents, carers and organisations who provide care and support.

Neil Ayling, the Project Lead in North Wales and Chief Officer, Social Services at Flintshire County Council, said: “We want all people with learning disabilities to have a better quality life; living locally where they feel ‘safe and well’, where they are valued and included in their communities and have access to effective personal support that promotes independence, choice and control.

“I want to encourage everyone to take part in the consultation to help us achieve this vision together.”

* More information about the consultation is available at:

The consultation will be open until Friday 20 July 2018.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Operatic's successes in amateur stage Oscars

* Members of the Young who were successful
at the NODA Awards. From left,
Maia Malloy, Cassius Hackforth and Celyn Orton-Jones.  
Llangollen Operatic has scored more successes in the amateur stage "Oscars". 

A group of society representatives headed off to Hereford last weekend for the Wales and Ireland Regional Annual NODA Awards.

The ceremony is a popular event for am-dram societies.

The Operatic’s junior section, the Young ‘Uns, landed the prize for Best Musical for its smash-hit production of Bugsy Malone.

For the same show Celyn Orton-Jones and Maia Malloy were both nominated for Best Supporting Performer Under 21 and Cassius Hackforth was nominated for Best Performer Under 21. Cassius walked away as category winner.

9 to 5 (co-produced by Robin Crowley and Alix Rawlinson, artistic direction by Robin Crowley, musical direction by Elen Mair Roberts) was nominated for  Best Musical Theatre Production, Best Stage Management and Technical, Best Individual Performance - Helen Belton for the role of Violet Newstead, Brett Jones for his role as Franklin Hart Jr and Louisa Jones for Best Supporting Individual Performance for her role as Judy Bernly.

Helen, who produced the Operatic’s last hit show My Fair Lady, scooped the Special Achievement award but the Operatic narrowly missed out in the other categories.

A society spokesperson said: "It was great to be nominated in so many categories for a third consecutive year and a tribute to the phenomenal work that goes into these shows by the production team, cast and crew."

Pamela Williams, who was producer for Bugsy Malone, said: “We’re delighted to have been acknowledged in this way for the show.

“Now it’s on to our next production, which will be the musical Grease, and for this we need lots more teenage boys to join the cast.”

 * The full Llangollen Operatic contingent at the NODA Awards in Hereford.

* Helen Belton in 9 to 5.

* Brett Jones in 9 to 5.

* Louisa Jones in 9 to 5.

* Louise Cielecki, left, who played Dolly Parton’s own character, Doralee Rhodes, in 9 to 5 with Helen Belton and Louisa Jones.