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Saturday, July 8, 2017

Sian is crowned International Voice of the Future

* Sian Dicker is presented with the trophy by Mario Kreft.

A "sensational" young soprano won one of the main prizes at an international festival.

Sian Dicker, 26,  was crowned as the International Voice of the Future at the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod.

She was presented with the brand new Pendine Trophy and a cheque for £6,000 by Mario Kreft MBE, proprietor of the arts loving sponsor, the Pendine Park care organisation.
Sian clinched the title just ahead of Aberystwyth soprano Catrin Woodruff, 27, and Llandudno tenor Elgan Llyr Thomas, 26, The two runners up both received a cheque for £2,000.

No fewer than 18 hopefuls from around the globe took part in a preliminary competition earlier in the day.

A delighted Sian, from Trowbridge in Wiltshire, said: “Just performing on that stage was such a thrill. Walking out took my breath away, it’s certainly the biggest stage and audience I have performed in front of.

“It’s the first time I’ve entered a competition such as this and I really didn’t think I could win. The standard has been really high and it’s been stiflingly hot which made it even more difficult.

“The £6,000 cheque is an enormous boost to my finances and will help me pay for my studies. I studied for academic music degree at the University of London and am now doing my Masters in Vocal Performance at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London. My one ambition is to be an opera singer.”

Sian is married to Daniel Thorne, who is head of mathematics at the Queensmead School, South Ruislip.

She said: “Sadly, he couldn’t make it to Llangollen for the competition as he was teaching all day and it’s too far to drive after work to make it on time. We live quite separate lives at the moment due to my studies but he’s my biggest fan and supporter.

“And my mum, Theresa, who is a cellist, was teaching today and couldn’t make it to Llangollen either. But I called them both and they are as thrilled as I am. What an incredible day!”

According to Eisteddfod organisers, the competition was "catapulted into a new league" and attracted a host of the world' best young singers after Pendine Park contributed £5,000 to the total prize pot, with a further £3,000 coming from Sir Bryn Terfel’s Foundation and £2,000 from the Eisteddfod.

After watching the three stunning performances with his wife, Gill, Mario Kreft said: “The standard of performance we have witnessed was absolutely breathtaking. This is the first year of a whole new format for this competition.

“Our vision is to showcase and nurture young talent and the increased prize fund is designed to help advance their careers.

"It chimes perfectly with our ethos as Pendine Park because the arts in general and music in particular are at the forefront of everything we do so we can enrich lives across the generations.

“The adjudicators had a very difficult task but I don’t believe anyone would argue with their final decision. I thought all three performed wonderfully but Sian Dicker was the deserved winner.

“I hope the recognition she will deservedly get after winning this competition will help her achieve her dream of becoming a major opera star.”

Among those in the audience was Ken Skates AM the Welsh Government’s Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure.

It was, he said, "an immense pleasure" to witness the International Voice of the Future competition during the Llangollen Eisteddfod’s 70th anniversary celebrations.

He added: “Few businesses in the UK appreciate, or do more, for the arts than Pendine Park Care Organisation. Their support is remarkable.

“It really is a huge honour to be part of this unique event especially as it celebrates its 70th anniversary."

Eilir Owen Griffiths, Music Director at the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod, said: “The quality of candidates for the International Voice of the Future competition is always extremely high, but this year’s entries have really blown us all away. 

“This competition is all about providing exceptional talent with a springboard for their professional careers. The increased prize fund, generously donated by sponsor and long-time supporter of the Eisteddfod, the Pendine Park Care Organisation, has really boosted interest and attracted even greater talent to the competition.

 “We would like to thank all competitors for their fantastic performances but our winner Sian Dicker was truly spectacular. We hope winning this prestigious award will enable all our finalists to take their careers in music to the next level."

The unenviable task of judging the competition went to leading soprano Elin Manahan Thomas and composer Gareth Jones who agreed the increased prize money had  raised the profile of the event to a whole new level.

She said: ““The decision was a tough one but Gareth and I both thought, on this occasion, that Sian Dicker was the clear winner.

“The range of colour in Sian’s voice and her stylistic interpretation of the music along with the way her character shone through all resulted in a very polished performance.”

Runner-up Cartrin Woodruff, of Llanrhystud near Aberystwyth was delighted to make it to the competition final.

She said: “Llangollen is such a respected festival and I have never competed here before. The preliminary round was really tough and I was just delighted to make the final.

“It’s been more like a concert than a competition. I know Elgan really well but had never met Sian before. We have all got on really well and Sian deserved to win. I have no complaints. It was a wonderful competition and I’m just happy to have been part of it.”

Catrin, who studied for a degree in music at the University of York and a Masters in Voice at the Royal Northern College of Music, is due to begin studying at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in September.

She said: “I’m also married. My husband, Chris Abel, is a physicist and is currently doing his Phd at the University of Sussex but he’s based in Switzerland so we only get to see each other once a month at the moment.

“I have been touring with a pop-up opera company and performing all over the UK for the last few weeks too."

Tenor Elgan Llyr Thomas added:  “I‘m pretty busy at the moment and in fact have performances lined up from now until 2020 which has to be good. I’m working with English Opera and have performances in Paris coming up soon which is amazing.

“And I really enjoyed playing the role of Spoletta alongside Sir Bryn Terfel in Tosca here at Llangollen this week.”

Elgan graduated from the Royal Northern College of Music and completed his studies at London’s Guildhall School of Music and Drama.

He said: “I’m still based in Llandudno but to be truthful I’m all over the place travelling, it comes with the job I suppose. My parents were her to support me. My dad Aled, is due to retire from the North Wales Fire and Rescue Service and my mum, Eleri is a classroom teaching assistant.

“They are huge supporters and follow my career as much as they are able. They will come to see my performances as often as they possibly can. I also have two sisters, Elen and Alaw and one nephew and two nieces.”

Friday, July 7, 2017

Colourful Eisteddfod parade draws large crowds

The traditional Eisteddfod parade took place this afternoon.

Colourful groups of competitors from around the world and locally were cheered by large crowds as they made their way from the field, across the bridge and into the town centre.

llanblogger was there to record the scenes. 

* Eisteddfod president Terry Waite enjoys an ice cream in the front seat of a vintage car.

* A group from Ysgol Bryn Collen takes a prominent place in the parade.

* A group of overseas competitors wave at the crowds in Market Street.

* Indian dancers give an impromptu performance in Market Street.

* Terry Waite stops off to meet local character Wyn. Picture: Simon Collinge. 

* A Chinese choir draws the applause.

* Members of drum band help set the parade's pace.

* Llangollen town crier Chem rings his bell as he passes by. 

Message of international harmony goes out at concert

* Nia Wyn Jones conducts Only Boys Aloud Gogledd.

International competitors were given a warm and resounding Welsh welcome last night at the Llangollen Eisteddfod’s 70th anniversary International Celebration.

A colourful procession of representatives from some of the 29 countries at this year’s festival were welcomed by a moving performance of Welsh Hymn Calon Lân by Only Boys Aloud Gogledd as a poignant symbol of Wales welcoming the world.

The procession followed a performance of the annual Peace Message by Ysgol Y Gwernant and a recital of the newly composed Peace Anthem by Only Boys Aloud Gogledd.

Entitled Gobaith yn Ein Cân (Hope in Our Song), the piece was composed by Nia Wyn Jones, with words by Nia and songwriting partner Iwan Hughes, specifically for Only Boys Aloud Gogledd.

Reflecting the ethos behind the charity choir, the anthem began with a lone soloist and built up to a rousing finale, reflecting the message intended by its composer.

Nia Wyn Jones said: “The piece highlights how individuals can make things change for the better gradually. For example, if a person smiles, it can be passed on and on and before you know it, happiness is being spread. We all have that ability to do good.”

The opening segment of the concert, sponsored by Westminister Stone, was followed by the annual address from the President of the Llangollen Eisteddfod, Terry Waite CBE who highlighted the unifying spirit of the festival with a self-penned poem from his new book, Out of Silence.

The poem concluded with words that perfectly reflected the reasons behind the inception of the festival 70 years ago, to heal the wounds of World War II, which remain equally as relevant in today’s climate. Mr Waite read: “Be healed. Be at peace. Let the harmony of nations enter your soul. Sing with joy. Today, we are one.”

Following the emotional recital of the poem, the audience was then treated to performances from the Principality Only Boys Aloud Academi and the three finalists in the International Voice of the Future competition, before the first half of the show was rounded off with a vibrant dance performance from Lovely Professional University in India.

The second half of the evening saw the Llangollen Eisteddfod celebrate internationalism and the convergence of cultures even further, with performances from Indonesian dance group Al-Izhar Senior High School Pondok Labu.

A breathtaking rendition of famous Welsh song Suo Gân by the National Institute of Technology, Jinggaswara Student Choir, supported by Only Boys Aloud, stunned the audience as the evening drew to a close. 

Music Director of the International Eisteddfod, Eilir Owen Griffiths, said: “The international celebration is always a highlight of Eisteddfod week and this year, for its 70th anniversary, was no exception.

“The performance was filled with so many beautiful moments, with different nationalities coming together on the pavilion stage. Cultures, languages, traditional dances and musical styles, all merging to create a truly world-class performance that celebrates the internationalism of the festival.”

* To purchase tickets for the Llangollen International Eisteddfod or for more information visit:

Eisteddfod choir sings for Irene's 80th birthday

* The Jinggaswara Itenas Choir sings a special Happy Birthday to resident Irene Williams who was celebrating her 80th birthday.

* Resident Jim Barraclough meets the choir members.

A choir which had just flown 12,000 miles from Indonesia to Wales to compete at an international festival stopped off to join in the 80th birthday celebrations of a care home resident.

The family of Irene Williams was overcome with emotion as the choir burst into a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday in the sun-drenched gardens of the Pendine Park care organisation in Wrexham.

It was their first song on the first stop of a busy itinerary for the Jinggaswara Itenas Choir, from Bandung, Indonesia, who are in North Wales to compete at the 2017 Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod.

Irene’s daughter, Tammy Hoskins, who was at Highfield care home with other members of the family, said: “It was just beautiful. Everyone was so touched when they sang Happy Birthday to mum. They sang so hypnotically. We were lucky that the choir’s visit coincided with mum’s big day. It made it even more special.”

The choir comprises of young students from the ITENAS technical university. Their visit to Highfield residential home was arranged as a thank you to Pendine Park which is one of the key sponsors of the Llangollen Musical Eisteddfod.

Pendine Park's consultant artist in residence, Sarah Edwards, who has been running a series of children’s workshops on the eisteddfod site said: “It is a lovely occasion for all the residents here and it was so great that Irene’s birthday fell on the same day as the choir’s visit. We couldn’t have wished for anything better.

“The visit was arranged to give some of our residents, who for mobility and other reasons are unable to attend the eisteddfod, a taste of what it is like. It has been a really uplifting experience. These sorts of visits, especially when orientated around music, are so good for residents’ wellbeing.”

One resident, Joan Cliffson, 80, said she loved the vibrant costumes of the choir and was entranced by their music.

She said: “It was lovely, so colourful and their harmonies were excellent. I have always loved music as my husband, Jeff Cliffson, is a singer in Wrexham. He sometimes comes and entertains the residents here so music is something that has always been in our lives.”

Another Pendine Park inhabitant, Barry Bellis, formerly from Rhos, said the performance rekindled memories of his youth when he played in a band.

“We were called The Casuals,” he laughed. “I play guitar and I love music of any kind so this was a perfect day for me.”

Jinggaswara Itenas Choir artistic director Rita Victoria Hildemina, was thrilled to meet the residents of Pendine Park.

She said: “Music is something that can always be enjoyed no matter how young or old you are. We try to spread that message through our songs.

"All our choir members were eager to visit Pendine Park and chat with the residents. It was the first stop for us after flying over from Indonesia.
"It was a long flight but despite that we were still full of excitement about this very special performance and especially pleased to sing Happy Birthday to Irene. We feel very honoured to be asked to visit Pendine Park.”

This year is the third time Rita has performed on the eisteddfod stage, having competed as a soloist in 2010 and then with the choir in 2013.

She added: “A handful of the choir members who came here in 2013 are back with us this year, but most have not been to Llangollen before. They all have said what a wonderful, friendly venue it is. On every visit we have been given such a warm welcome, it feels like a second home.”

Led by their conductor Lusianna Daulay, the choir delighted everyone in the audience with a riveting repertoire of Indonesian love songs and folk songs, including one about a greedy lizard which has to learn to stop being so greedy and be grateful for the simple things in life.

They also sang some specially rehearsed songs in English, including Danny Boy, encouraging residents to join in.

Thanking the choir, Pendine Park Wellbeing co-ordinator Chris Lewis, said: “Everyone has loved it and we were blessed with a beautiful summer’s day so the choir could sing in the garden, which made the atmosphere even more buoyant. It really was an amazing occasion which we will remember for a long time.”

Highfield manager Tracey Smith said: "Music plays a central role in our of our everyday life at Pendine Park and our enrichment programme enriches lives across the generations so it was very appropriate that choir came here today.

"The fact that they were able to sing Happy Birthday to Irene was a perfect and very touching moment which meant a great deal to her family and all of us here at Pendine Park."

Resident, Emma Barber, who tried her hand at playing one of the choir’s drums, said: “They were great. For a choir who has travelled from so far away to play right here in our garden is a real privilege. Here’s hoping they go on to win first prize at the Eisteddfod!”

Free weekend transport scheme launched

A ground breaking new pilot offering free weekend bus travel to passengers across Wales has been launched by the Welsh Government.

The pilot, which will apply to all buses on the extensive TrawsCymru network, will begin on Saturday July 8 and run every weekend until at least May 2018.

It’s hoped the scheme will act as a catalyst for bus travel in Wales, boosting not only the number of passengers but also wider use of the TrawsCymru routes.

In launching the scheme, Economy and Infrastructure Secretary Ken Skates said: “From Bangor to Cardiff, Fishguard to Wrexham I hope to see this scheme provide the perfect excuse for people from across Wales and beyond to jump on the bus and spend their weekends enjoying  the diverse beauty of Wales.

“The TrawsCymru network covers large areas of Wales, some of which would otherwise be inaccessible by public transport and, with the summer tourist season around the corner, I’m excited about the impact increased passengers could have on tourism in these areas in particular.

“The free service is subject to availability, but we have also provided additional funding to local authorities to ensure operators are able to deploy more buses to meet increased demand if necessary. Provisions have also been made to reimburse operators of other local bus services should they experience any  reduction of passengers as a result of this pilot, although we are optimistic it will have the opposite effect.

“I’m delighted to launch this ground breaking scheme and look forward to seeing as many people as possible making the most of this fantastic offer to travel across Wales by bus for free.”

It’s hoped the initiative will not only benefit passengers, but will also provide a boost to destinations and tourist attractions both directly on the route and beyond. One tourist attraction hoping for such benefits is the Brecon Beacons National Park.

The Welsh Government will use the pilot to help build a better understanding of how reductions of this nature affect the wider demand for public transport before deciding on its future beyond May 2018.

Website: TrawsCymru

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Campaigner and columnist heads for the Fringe

Award winning author, campaigner, chef, and columnist Jack Monroe burst into the public sphere after her blog A Girl Called Jack caught the attention of prolific food writer Xanthe Clay in 2013.

Being tagged “Britain’s austerity celebrity” by The New York Times, Jack’s inventive and delicious recipes provided inspiration for budget Britain.

And next month Jack appears at Llangollen Fringe Festival.

Since 2013 Jack (pictured) has been a resident columnist at The Guardian, has published two best-selling cook books, was the face of Sainsbury’s, campaigned for poverty and hunger charities, fought for equal rights, begun a parliamentary campaign, and appeared on Question Time. 

More recently, Jack Monroe’s profile has surged having publicly won a legal case against the Daily Mail columnist Katie Hopkins.

As a single mum who identifies as non-binary transgender, Jack has become something of an idol for both  the LGBTQ, and the feminist movements alike.

Jack is also an advocate for left wing politics and begun her own campaign trail in 2017, having to step down due to health issues, and receiving death threats in the post.   

Jack will be in conversation with award winning poet Sophie McKeand, on Tuesday July 18 at Llangollen Town Hall as part of Llangollen Fringe.

Sophie is currently the Youth Poet Laureate for Wales, and has interviewed many prolific public figures such as Viv Albertine, Victoria Coren-Mitchell, Jon Ronson, and Sir Andrew Motion.


The Llangollen Fringe 20th Anniversary Festival takes place from Thursday 13th to Sunday 23rd of July 2017.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Eisteddfod's Tosca brings audience to its feet

* Sir Bryn Terfel on stage for Puccini's Tosca at the Eisteddfod last night.

Crowds at the Llangollen Eisteddfod were brought to their feet to deliver a roaring standing ovation following a breathtaking performance of Puccini’s Tocsa last night.

Internationally renowned opera stars Sir Bryn Terfel, Kristine Opolais, Kristian Benedikt shared the stage at for the very first time to deliver the powerful and unique rendition of the dramatic love story.

The performance at the International Eisteddfod, sponsored by Pendine Park, featured three of the opera world’s most admired talents, accompanied by the acclaimed Welsh National Opera Orchestra, and saw a successful end to the second day of the 70th anniversary festival.

Much-loved Welsh bass-baritone Sir Bryn Terfel returned to the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod in the role of Baron Scarpia who was in pursuit of Lithuanian tenor, Benedikt’s Cavaradossi.

Taking the title role, soprano Opolais brought rare dynamism to Tosca, helping to create an unforgettable performance, conducted by Gareth Jones.

The world-class line up also featured rising young talent including locally-recruited Joseph Elwy Jones as the Shepherd Boy and North Wales baritone Steffan Lloyd Owen, who is only the second student from the Royal Northern College of Music to ever win the prestigious Kathleen Ferrier Award.

The cast was also joined by students from Ysgol Maes Garmon in Mold who performed in the chorus.

Pendine Park proprietor Mario Kreft MBE said: “It was a truly incredible performance by a stellar cast led magnificently by Sir Bryn Terfel, an opera superstar who is right at the top of his game.

 "The performance of the soprano Kristine Opolais was sublime while the tenor Kristian Benedikt was also brilliant. I must also give a special mention to young Joseph Elwy Jones who was delightful in the role of the Shepherd Boy.

"It was the finest single concert I can recall at Llangollen Eisteddfod which I know was a sentiment shared by many others. It was a truly magical experience.

 “We were delighted to support this concert because music and the arts are an important part of our enrichment programme and we genuinely believe that they improve the quality of life of our residents at our Wrexham and Caernarfon care homes through enriching lives across the generations.

“It was an unforgettable evening of world class opera right on our doorstep in North Wales."

Music Director of the Llangollen Eisteddfod, Eilir Griffiths, said: “This was an adventurous project for the Llangollen Eisteddfod to undertake and what a roaring success it was – the entire cast were spectacular.

“From the world class artists and bourgeoning local talent, to the subtle staging and stunning video work this wonderful opera was brought perfectly to life.

“The performance combined the excellence and expertise of its Welsh and international team, highlighting both the Llangollen Eisteddfod’s ability to attract global artists and showcasing the country’s intrinsic talent.”