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Sunday, January 22, 2017

AM's challenge over Independent Living Grant

North Wales Assembly Member Mark Isherwood has challenged the First Minister over the Welsh Government’s decision to transfer the Welsh Independent Living Grant to local authorities.

The Welsh Independent Living Grant helps disabled people to live independently.

Mr Isherwood (pictured), who chairs the Cross Party Group on Disability, told Carwyn Jones of the concerns this is causing disabled people.

In November Mr Isherwood urged the Welsh Government to provide a statement or debate on future support for disabled former recipients of the Independent Living Fund.

In the chamber he said: “Further to the Welsh Government announcement it was transferring the Welsh Independent Living Grant to local authorities, a campaigner in Wrexham, Nathan Davies said he felt that disabled people had been sold down the river and that all they could see was yet more fighting.

"Disability Wales expressed disappointment that the Welsh Government didn’t follow Scotland in setting up an Independent Living Fund (ILF) which Northern Ireland has also commissioned its ILF from.

“How, therefore, will you engage with such concerns to ensure that not only local authorities and health boards, but the Welsh Government itself, is complying with the intention of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014, placing a duty on public authorities to promote the involvement of people in the design and delivery of care and support services?”

The First Minister replied: “The decision was taken to enable payments to be made uninterrupted to former recipients in Wales. It was an interim decision, designed to last until 31 March this year, while we considered which arrangements were appropriate to provide support in the longer term.

"Following advice from the stakeholders advisory group, which does include organisations that represent disabled people in Wales, we are introducing, from this April, a two-year transitional arrangement, whereby support in the future will be through normal social care provision.”

Mr Isherwood added: “the UK Government devolved responsibility for the Independent Living Fund, transferring £27 million recurrent annual funding to the Labour Welsh Government, and the Welsh Government introduced its Welsh Independent Living Grant on 1st July 2015, to run until the end of March 2017.
"It should have been designed and delivered with disabled people themselves.”

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Give legal status to volunteers, says MP

Clwyd South Labour MP Susan Elan Jones (pictured) has called on the Government to give an official legal status to full-time volunteers.

Speaking in the House of Commons as MPs examined the National Citizen Service Bill, she said: "Volunteering does not have any legal status in this country.

"Indeed, volunteers aged 18 and over, or anyone else, could be designated as not in employment, education or training.

"For those aged 18-plus who go on volunteering programmes, there is no agreement that that should mean national insurance contributions and the like. We need to develop those ideas."

The MP also spoke about the importance of involving more young people as charity trustees and in bringing together people from different backgrounds She also paid tribute to the Community Participation element of the Welsh Baccalaureat.

Speaking afterwards, Susan Elan Jones MP said: "In America since the days of President Johnson and President Kennedy, full-time volunteering - or 'service' as it's often called - has a legal status and huge numbers of young people take part in it.

"The same is true also in France, Germany and other countries - and I think it is something we need to look at here too."

Ms Jones will next week serve as a member of the Bill Committee for the National Citizen Service Bill.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Three Musketeers panto is a swashbuckling success

* From left, Jo Potts as D’Artagnan, Tracey Rawlinson
as Athos, Tessa Orton Jones as Porthos and Justine Bradey as Aramis.

The rapier-like wit of the King’s cavaliers thrust straight to the heart of the audience on the glittering first-night of the latest Llangollen panto.

The Pantomime Group took the brave step of breaking away from more traditional fare like Jack and the Beanstalk and Dick Whittington to present The Three Musketeers – with apologies to Alexander Dumas – and it certainly paid off.
It was a lavish chuckle-fest from start to finish, thanks to a huge and talented cast which filled the stage at the Pavilion.

In the title roles were the terrific trio of Tracey Rawlinson, Tessa Orton-Jones and Justine Bradey as, respectively, Athos, Porthos and Aramis.
Testosterone abounded as the threesome swashbuckled and thigh-slapped their way through the plot, actually loosely based on the more serious original, which sees them triumph in their quest to help the Queen of France out of a rather embarrassing situation she’s got herself into with the Prime Minister of Great Britain.

Helping the Musketeers along the way is the young and impetuous Gascon who wants to join their ranks, D’Artagnan, played with a real zest by panto stalwart Jo Potts.
Pitted against our heroes is the evil Cardinal Richelieu, played with delicious devilishness by real live Frenchman Nico Decourt.

Also wonderfully nasty and attracting lots of traditional hisses and boos from the crowd in the process is Jo Pearson as Milady de Winter
Taking the role of Queen Anne and her prat of a paramour, the Duke of Tottenham, are one of the best amateur stage comedy duos around, Louise Cielecki and Nathan Lloyd.

And stage-lisping his way through the whole thing with aplomb as King Louis XIII of France is another Llan panto favourite, Simon Orton-Jones, who also has the distinction of directing the show.
It’s a real family affair for him because not only is his missus one of the Musketeers but their two daughters, Millie and Celyn, also have significant roles in the production.

Settings, including some nice video footage of the Musketeers going through their swashbuckling paces in a park – think it’s local rather than Paris – projected behind them as they sing one of their numbers, are extremely inventive.
There’s a good choice of toe-tapping songs interspersing the action, well backed by a six-piece band.

To steal the Musketeers’ famous catchphrase, this show is definitely one for all.    
You can see it tonight, Saturday and Sunday.

Friday, the show starts at 7.30pm (doors open at 7pm).  On Saturday, there are two performances, 1.30pm (doors open at 1pm) and 6pm (doors open at 5.30pm) and a Sunday matinee (doors open 2pm, show 2.30pm). 

* Tickets are also available online at and from Jades Hair & Beauty, Llangollen or Gwyn Davies (Butchers), Llangollen.  You can also reserve tickets by calling 01978 860297.      

Thursday, January 19, 2017

County's efforts to combat dog fouling paying off

Efforts to tackle dog fouling in Denbighshire are paying dividends, with a drop in the number of complaints being received over a three-year period.

Figures from January 2013 to the end of 2016 show a declining trend, down from 59 complaints in January 2013 to 38 in November 2016, although there have been an increase in the number of complaints each year in the winter months.
The council has a long-running campaign to tackle dog fouling and environmental crime, with a key focus on education and prevention, as well as enforcement action against those individuals who fail to clear up after their dogs.

Prevention activities have included direct engagement with dog owners about the council’s approach, handing out bags, spraying dog foul with yellow chalk to highlight problem areas, the introduction of yellow glow in the dark signs to deter would be offenders and high visibility patrols.

Dedicated operations have been carried out in ‘hot spot areas’ where there have been regular complaints..

In 2016, there were 77 notices issued to individuals for dog fouling offences.

Councillor David Smith, Cabinet Lead Member for Environment, said: “We are delighted that our efforts are proving successful, but we want to continue with our campaign for clean and tidy streets in Denbighshire.

“Residents have told us that dog fouling is on the top of the list of issues that they want us to address and we have been working tirelessly to raise the profile of dog fouling issues and raising the profile of the matter.

“Of course, the majority of people act responsibly and clear up after their animals. We would like to thank them for that. This message is targeted at those individuals who act in an irresponsible manner and who show disregard to the health and well-being of other people in the community."

* You can report any instances of dog fouling by reporting it through the Council’s website: or by phoning 01824 706000.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Denbighshire "great place to do business"

Denbighshire County Council is reassuring businesses that the County is a great place to do business and that business start-up and survival rates are improving.

Figures released by Lloyds Banking Group suggest a reduction in business start-ups in the County between November 2011 and November 2016, based on the take up of products from a number of banking groups.

But in Denbighshire the number of active enterprises increased between 2011 and 2015 from 3135 to 3330, while the number of ‘business births’ has increased from 280 a year in 2012 to 350 in 2015.

Business survival rates are very good in the County and show 95 per cent (up from 91 per cent in 2011) of firms opening in Denbighshire continue to trade for at least one year, while more than 60 per cent (up from 52 per cent in 2012) are still trading three years on, which is comparable to the Welsh average.

Cllr Hugh Evans OBE, Denbighshire’s Lead Member for the Economy, said: “As a Council we feel the data presented by Lloyds Banking Group does not represent the full picture.

“The situation in Denbighshire is very positive, with more businesses operating in the County now than in 2011, a healthy number of business start-ups combined with really positive survival rates. We feel this is a much better indicator of success.

“The message we want to send to businesses is that a large majority of those that start in the County survive beyond three years. That makes Denbighshire an excellent place to start a business.

“Denbighshire, and its partners, are working hard to support businesses as part of its Economic and Community Ambition Programme by offering a wealth of advice and support, providing grants to assist firms looking to expand, as well as streamlining the regulation process to save traders time and money.

“By providing a supportive and business friendly environment - a key Council priority - we’ve helped to make Denbighshire an excellent place to start and run a business.

“We have also made it easier for businesses looking to relocate to the county by offering a quick and professional service. An example of this having a positive effect was the recent £6million investment by the Real Petfood Company at Bodelwyddan.”

A recent survey of Denbighshire businesses found more firms were looking to maintain staff numbers (82 per cent) and are expecting sales and profitability to improve (64 per cent) than in the 2015 survey.

The survey, undertaken by BE Group, which had 496 respondents, found more firms (54 per cent) were expecting to invest in capital, up from 37 per cent in 2015.

Denbighshire County Council will soon be announcing details of its annual March for Business month, a series of free networking, advice and workshop sessions for businesses both small and large. 

There will be a wide-range of events covering topics including retail skills, starting a new business, digital skills and how to create a healthier and happier working environment.

* For more information on March For Business contact or 01824 706896 or follow @ebddcc on Twitter.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Steam gala celebrates double 50th aniversary

* Ex-LMS 8F No. 48624 will take pride of place in the Spring Steam Gala. 

Llangollen Railway will be celebrating the end of the Paddington to Woodside Expresses 50 years on at its Spring Steam Gala over the weekend of March 3-5.

Along Birkenhead Lines will feature an intensive timetable of both passenger and mixed traffic trains, a great collection of historic steam locomotives and special attractions along the line.

The weekend also marks the 50th anniversary of two significant events - the last steam-hauled Cambrian Coast Express and 50 years since the last through working from London Paddington to Birkenhead (Woodside).

A railway spokesperson said: "Work is in hand to make this gala one of the most historically accurate and authentic steam events yet achieved at Llangollen. Expect to see cameos, displays, recreations and all the appropriate paper ephemera."

The gala will feature a number of special visiting steam locomotives :
  • LMS 8F No.48624 (c/o The 48624 Locomotive Group & GCR PLC)
  • GWR No.6960 "Raveningham Hall" (c/o West Somerset Railway)
  • LMS 'Flying Pig' No.43106 (c/o The Ivatt Class 4 Group & Severn Valley Railway)
In addition, the Llangollen Railway's 'home fleet' pool of locos for this event will be:
  • LMS 'Black 5' No.45337 (making her return after overhaul)
  • BR Standard Four tank No. 80072
  • GWR '5101' Large Prairie No.5199
  • BR Manor No. 7822 "Foxcote Manor"
  • Class 03 Diesel No.03162 (a former Birkenhead shunter)
The visiting Ivatt Class 4MT 43106 was the last BR steam locomotive to travel between Chester and Shrewsbury, on 1st August 1968.

The loco's journey was carefully routed to limit movement 'under the wires' and travelled via Frodsham, Chester, Wrexham and Shrewsbury on its way to Stourbridge Junction for preservation on the Severn Valley Railway at Bridgnorth.

* Download our FREE Advanced Information booklet for the latest news on the gala from:

Monday, January 16, 2017

MP calls for new domestic violence law

Clwyd South Labour MP Susan Elan Jones MP has called on the Government to urgently bring in a law that would stop perpetrators of domestic abuse from directly cross-examining their victims within the family court system.

Questioning Minister of State for Courts and Justice Rt Hon Oliver Heald MP in the House of Commons Chamber recently, Ms Jones (pictured) said: "Everyone who has spoken today, including the Minister, has said the situation is urgent.

"In view of that and the fact that he said primary legislation will be needed, is there any reason why he cannot commit to the Government presenting that within three or four months?"

After her Commons exchange, Ms Jones said: "This dreadful practice is rightly banned in our criminal courts and it shouldn't be allowed within the family court system either.

"It needs to be stopped urgently. The Government has now committed to banning the practice, but there must be no further delay. It really isn't right how people can be directly confronted and questioned by those who have been violent and abusive towards them."

One possible solution was suggested by Justice Select Committee Chair, Robert Neill MP, who said the simplest answer would be to adopt the criminal provisions “lock, stock and barrel” and accept that the “modest” cost of a court-appointed advocate to undertake the cross-examination was necessary.

* The parliamentary exchange can be seen at: