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Friday, April 3, 2020

Local coronavirus update - Friday

* Neighbours in Bishops Walk come out to take part in the big clap for the NHS.

Grateful people across once again took part in the Big Clap for the NHS a 8pm yesterday (Thursday) evening.

The aim was to celebrate with sound the terrific job being done by frontline health service staff to combat the spread of coronavirus.

Llanblogger, locked down at home like everyone, took these pictures looking along Regent Street where a number of people came to the front doorsteps to join in the effort.

Sharon Marie posted on Facebook: “Tonight I'll not just be clapping my colleagues in the NHS, but also the bin men who collected our rubbish this morning; the postie who delivered my parcel today; the retail staff who keep our grocery shops open so we can buy food; the delivery drivers in the supply chain and the food producers; the domestics, porters, admin, healthcare and catering staff in the hospitals; the amazing care staff working in vulnerable people's homes and in care homes...... and everyone else still working to keep us going.”

* Looking along Regent Street last night as people come out to applaud NHS workers.

Other places in town also went on Facebook to show how they had taken part, including residents of Bishops Walk who clapped, cheered and whistled the NHS teams and captured it all on video.

* The scene outside Wrexham Maelor Hospital last night.

Also posted on Facebook soon after the clap took place was a powerful video of a group of police cars outside Wrexham Maelor Hospital letting go with their blues and twos to show solidarity with NHS staff.

In her latest Facebook update, Cat Meade, co-ordinator of Llangollen Coronavirus Support Group, said: “LOCAL BUSINESS SUPPORT - I will be setting up a separate Facebook page to create raffles, these will be vouchers/goods from local businesses both currently open and closed, to maintain spend and know we are supporting them in these difficult times.

“I will post more on this tomorrow. So in much as £1/£2 ticket you could have a meal voucher, shoping card etc.

“ABBEY ROAD - Steven Brady has been busy these last few days creating a vocal point of information in his shop window, all Llangollen information for those passing on their daily walk.

“YSGOL DINAS BRAN – WOW. The D.T department are working hard supplying head visers to Wrexham Maelor. Well done guys.

* Wrexham Maelor staff wearing vizors made at Ysgol Dinas Bran.  

“VOLUNTEERS - Thank you to all volunteers for returning your forms. We will endeavour to collate all your information over the next few days and get your packs to you.

“DEE VALLEY FRUIT & VEG - Serving Llangollen and areas daily, please keep up the feedback on their page Dee Valley Produce, the whole team are working hard to get your fresh supply to you.

“More plans happening behind the scenes, big thank you to Paula Lingard for running this page and helping with admin contacting all Volunteers.

“Chef Steve has been working hard again in the kitchen. 80 soups sent today which have been shared with those in need. Big applause for Chef as he is working hard to assist all out of the love of cooking for those who need it. He will be cooking for a few more days yet with the stock we sent him. A thank you to Cath Miller from Cambrian B&B for collecting each evening and freezing surplus supplies of soup.”

In another post Cat said: “A lot of larger towns, cities do not have the support this amazing town has, with all our local suppliers and volunteers working around the clock to assist, my newsfeed is full from friends across the globe to assist their neighbours. As they have no such support!

“If you are not working and run out of food, please don’t go to sleep with an empty stomach. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to send me a private message, text, call. I will be more than happy to share what food I have. I will drop and go. I will never tell a soul.”

And in a third: “Can all Langollen retailers, shops, restaurants, big or small pop me an email with your contact info please, I am setting up a raffle page and would like to support you all by buying vouchers to raffle.”

Cllr Gareth Baines from Chirk posted a helpful message on Facebook yesterday, which said: “Please apply online for your business rate relief/grant, the details are below you can claim for up two businesses. This assistance is summarised as follows:

“Business rates relief:
• Retail, leisure and hospitality businesses with a rateable value of £51,000 or less will receive 100% business rate relief for the 2020/2021 financial year.
Business grants:
• A grant of £25,000 for occupied businesses in the retail, leisure and hospitality sector with a rateable value of between £12,001 and £51,000, or;
• A grant of £10,000 to businesses eligible for Small Business Rates Relief with a rateable value of £12,000 or less.

“Your local authority will award the 100% business rates relief automatically to your account so there will be no need to apply. Once the relief is awarded, you will receive a notice confirming your zero balance for 2020/2021.”

Wrexham County Borough Council put up a message on its website which said it was closing its recycling centres due to coronavirus: 

Roberts Homescare posted yesterday: “As we are unable to let our hairdressers come into the care homes during this time, our lovely staff came in to do our ladies hair at Llangollen Fechan.

* A Fechan resident has her done.

Mike Connolly posted a message, with pictures, which said: “Let's assure all our retailers of our support, both now, and when they are able to open again safely."

* The message outside the Bridge End, one of the local retailers Mike Connolly is urging people to support when the lockdown is over.

South Wrexham Cluster of GP Surgeries passed on a message about Nightingale House Hospice.

This said: “Nightingale House is aware of the increasing pressure on community health colleagues and is conscious that requests for referrals for admission are not progressing quickly at this time.
“We currently have beds available and with this in mind we are setting up a dedicated telephone number, operational between 9am and 4pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) which will enable our staff to take phone calls from family members of individuals with palliative care needs who might require admission and undertake direct triage so that admissions can occur more quickly in these challenging times.
“Our referral criteria for those individuals:
· Over the age of 18yrs old
· Living within Wrexham, Flintshire, South Denbighshire, and the border areas.
· With a palliative (life-limiting) diagnosis – this can include cancer, heart failure, neurological conditions such as motor neurone disease and known to the district nursing/general practice teams.
· Struggling with uncontrolled symptoms for example pain, sickness etc.
“Due to our duty of care to our existing patients we are unable to admit individuals with symptoms of Covid 19; a high temperature and/or a new continuous cough.
“Please call us and ask to speak to a member of our triage team 01978 316800. This triage team are available between 9am and 4pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays). Please note this is in addition to our 24/7 advice line which is still operational.
“Following receipt of your call we will endeavour to get in touch with your primary carer such as your GP or district nurse to confirm the request for admission and obtain the relevant clinical information we require to enable the admission to be progressed. We will keep you informed of the progress of your call and referral enquiry.”

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