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Friday, April 3, 2020

Business rate relief form available online

More than a thousand businesses have applied for business rate relief administered by Denbighshire County Council.

The Welsh Government has announced a range of support for businesses which Denbighshire and other local authorities across Wales are administering.

So far 1,115 businesses have applied for business rate relief support in Denbighshire and an online application form is available at

Cllr Hugh Evans OBE, leader of Denbighshire County Council and Lead Member for the Economy, said: “There is enormous uncertainty for businesses at this time and I would encourage traders in Denbighshire to look at our website to see what support is available. Small businesses are vital to the economy in Denbighshire, supporting our communities and providing jobs for our residents.

“The first business rate relief grants will be paid to businesses from next week and the Council is doing all it can to ensure these grants are being processed as quickly as possible.

“Our Economic and Business Development Team is continuing to support local businesses by signposting and finding information, sharing the latest information on social media and via our mailing list. We would encourage businesses to contact the team to sign up and get information sent to them directly.”

* For information on support and business rate relief visit and contact the Council’s Economic and Business Development Team on or 01824 706896.

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