At a meeting in Ruthin earlier this week members unanimously agreed that the council should implement its draft Economic & Community Ambition Strategy, 'Developing Opportunities, Creating Confidence' .

One of its headlines is the need to work together to make Denbighshire a place where businesses existing and new, grow and flourish, towns and communities are vibrant and prosper and all residents enjoy a good quality of life and can participate in the local economy.
The council has based its strategy around six key themes:
- Having the right infrastructure for growth
- Businesses that are supported and connected
- Maximised economic strengths/opportunities
- A high quality skilled workforce
- Vibrant towns and communities
- A well promoted Denbighshire
Councillor Hugh Evans OBE, Leader of Denbighshire and Lead Member for Economic Development, said: "Economic development has been highlighted as one of Denbighshire's top priorities in our corporate plan for the term of this council. There has been both extensive and intensive work carried out over the last 12 months to develop the strategy and I am confident that the emerging priorities are the right ones for Denbighshire.
"We want Denbighshire to be a county with high levels of employment and good levels of income in all of its towns and communities and the council has a significant role to play in enabling growth and opportunities for development.
"As we all know the economy, both nationally and internationally, is in difficulty and the strategy highlights our intentions to play our part locally with clarity and conviction, where I firmly believe we have a significant role of enabling growth and developing opportunities.
"In order to achieve this we recognise the work that is happening at a regional and national level and will embrace this agenda as part of our strategy. While we have worked hard to identify what we think are the right things to focus on, we have also listened to the views of residents, community groups and organisations from the relevant sectors.
"It has been important to us that there is a buy-in from these individuals and groups, so that we can move forward this important priority for Denbighshire. Now the hard work of delivering on this plan really starts."
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