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Sunday, May 22, 2022

Suspected sewer problem affects Castle Street

* The large mobile pumping machine operating in Castle Street this morning. 

A problem appears to have developed with the sewer beneath the carroageway in Castle Street.

The problem developed on Saturday with what seemed at first to be a serious water leak in the roadway but which, it is understand, has since been diagnosed as an issue with the sewer. 

Yesterday afternoon a major pumping operation was going on the middle of the road and overnight a large portable pump has been operating within roadworks.

The problem has developed just as contractors for Denbighshire County Council are putting the finishing touches to the town’s major 2020 project to extend the pavements along Castle Street and resurface the carriageway. 

This has meant many months of disruption and there are concerns it will now be further delayed by rectifying the sewer problem.

* llanblogger has asked the water company for a comment. 

New grants to help spread dementia awareness

Denbighshire Council for Voluntary Service (DVSC) has announced a new round of grants to support activities and initiatives spreading dementia awareness throughout the county.

The grants, which have been enabled by the Welsh Government Integrated Care Fund, will give voluntary and community groups, Third Sector organisations, social enterprises and small businesses with less than 100 employees who operate in Denbighshire the chance to apply for up to £2,000. Individuals can also apply for grants up to £250.

Grants are available for events, activities and training sessions, which can raise awareness about dementia and encourage people to turn awareness into action and improvement in their communities.

“We have supported a variety of groups across Denbighshire through this grant over the last years," said Rebecca Bowcott, DVSC Community Wellbeing Officer. 

"These projects have delivered incredible support to individuals and families living with Dementia. This new grant will allow us to continue to help new and existing initiatives in the county from North to South to continue this great work." 

DVSC says it is operating a rapid grant decision-making process with applications being considered on a rolling basis until funds are disbursed.

* To apply for the grant, fill out DVSC’s application for groups and businesses hereor for individuals here.

If you want advice and guidance you contact DVSC’s Enterprise & Learning Officer, or call him on 01824 702441.

Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Work planned for next week on 2020 project

Work planned for week starting Monday, May 23 on the town's 2020 project is:

  • Remedial works only
  • Temporary traffic lights will be removed
  • There are plans to reduce the size of the compound in Market Street car park when it’s possible to do so

Council's update on school attendance guidance

Parents and carers in Denbighshire are being informed that the Welsh Government has reverted back to the use of Fixed Penalty Notices for non-school attendance.

Following an announcement from the Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Denbighshire County Council will follow the guidance to ensure young people are accessing their education.

Geraint Davies, the Council’s Head of Education, said: “Denbighshire is informing parents and carers of the update from the minister for education. We are committed to ensuring school attendance, attainment and the well-being of our young people.

“The Fixed Penalty Notices are to be used in only the most extreme cases, as part of a range of options and when all efforts to engage have been tried and failed, and where it is evident that there are no underlying reasons that are impacting upon attendance at school.

“We ask that parents and carers work with schools and education closely communicating any difficulties and issues that are impacting on their child attending school regularly.

“Where there are genuine reasons for absences these must be discussed with school to ensure Denbighshire can work collaboratively with parents and schools to maintain school attendance of all pupils in the county.”

The new guidance is effective immediately.

Fixed-penalty notices for non-attendance had been available to local authorities during the pandemic, however the Welsh Government had recommended against their use.

For more information visit


Friday, May 20, 2022

Castle Street to be closed Sunday night

Llangollen county councillor Karen Edwards says she has been notified that Castle Street will be closed from 6 pm until midnight on Sunday in order to complete white -lining works connected to the 2020 project.

The works had originally been scheduled to complete this evening (Friday 20th May), but some delays with the road resurfacing works have caused an overrun.

The works will require a road closure with the diversion route via the A5, A483 and A539.


Wrexham is awarded city status

The Leader is reporting that Wrexham has today been awarded official city status.

* For the full story, see: Wrexham is awarded city status | The Leader (

Member of Parliament for Clwyd South, Simon Baynes, has welcomed the announcement today (Friday 20th May) that Wrexham is among eight winners selected for city status as part of Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations.  

He said: “This is excellent news for the town of Wrexham, the wider County Borough, and North Wales as a whole. Wrexham has, of course, made several bids for City Status in the past, so I’m extremely happy to hear that we have been successful and will be awarded full City Status for the County Borough. 

“Wrexham and Clwyd South’s strong cultural identity, as well as its status as an industrial and commercial hub, mean that we are well placed to reap the benefits of City Status, and I am particularly excited about the opportunity this gives us to celebrate the amazing history, language and culture of our part of Wales and share them with a wider audience.”

Message from the town's new Mayor, Cllr Paul Keddie

* New Town Mayor, Paul Keddie.

Paul Keddie was chosen earlier this week by his fellow town councillors as Lllangollen's new Mayor.

Cllr Keddie, who also became one of the area's two county councillors at the May 5 election, has sent this message to the people of the town:

"I am truly honoured and proud to be voted Mayor of Llangollen, thank you to Cllr Haddy and Cllr Rush for proposing and seconding me and to those who voted for me.

As with County Council, my goals are to improve the way we all live our lives by improving the local facilities, transport links, waste and recycling management and moving towards a greener community.

The way we live our lives in the aftermath of the dreadful pandemic is slowly becoming more ‘normal’ and similar to pre-pandemic ways, but some of the changes that were forced upon us in the Covid times can still be used to make things easier and greener for us.  Examples of this are working from home and attending meetings using virtual access methods, both are saving on travel and reducing the toxic waste given out as a result. 

Festivals and events are returning to their former glory, please support these as best you can.  They bring the community together and share our wonderful town and surroundings with people from all over Britain and the world.  A smile to a stranger goes a long way in a town like ours, it is helping to secure our future - keeping our visitors happy so they are more likely to return and will spread the word that the Welsh can be friendly.

I wish you all well and look forward serving you during my term of office."

Cllr Keddie replaces Austin Cheminais. who stood down from the Town Council on May 5, as Town Mayor.      

Councillor Jen Rush (pictured below) has been appointed Deputy Mayor.

She said “I am honoured to have this opportunity to serve the town and look forward to supporting Cllr Keddie in his well-deserved role as Mayor.

"We are fortunate to have two experienced councillors and an accomplished Town Clerk to guide those of us who are new to the role, with the benefit of new councillors to bring fresh ideas and ways of thinking to the table.

"I hope the co-option process makes the Town Council more diverse, so all residents feel supported and represented. I would urge anyone interested to get in touch with the Town Clerk before 10 June.

"I know from volunteering with New Dot Cinema that our community groups and events are a huge part of what makes our town so vibrant. Our wonderful grass-roots support groups like Llangollen Food Share do an invaluable job of making sure no resident of Llangollen has to go without. These groups are going to be more important than ever as we rebuild post-pandemic, let's do our best support them.

"Outside my role as Town Councillor, I am mum to a toddler and own a small digital marketing agency, where I work exclusively with charities and not-for-profits. I am also due to complete a Master’s in Digital Communications this year, so it is a busy time, but as several people have recently said to me ‘If you want something doing, ask a busy woman’!