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Friday, April 29, 2022

Llangollen firm scores UK sales first

* The new eco tent now available at Pro-Adventure.

A family-run Llangollen business says it has scored a UK first with a new "green" product.

Pro-Advenure in Castle Street believes it is so far the only retailer to offer the Safir Eco Tent for sale. 

Claimed to be "so durable it can last for generations," the Safir Tentipi Safir 7 eco is made from hemp, organic cotton and recycled polyester and is new to the UK, Wales and the world, say it makers.

Peter Carol, founder and managing director of ProAdventure, said: "We are excited to get hold of the first Tentipi Eco Tents in the UK. 

"I approached Tentipi when I found out that Tencate were making the Eco-Hemp fabric and was glad to find that Tentipi had been testing the new fabric and were hoping to put it in to production to add to the Range of Tentipi Adventure Tents that we have been stock for over a decade.

"Now the first Eco Hemp Tipi Tents have arrived we are looking forward to showing them off at our Annual Tentipi Camp here in Llangollen. 

"We haven’t been able to run a camp for three years and are so excited to get together again with Tentipi Campers, friends old and new.”

He added: "ProAdventure strive to look after our environment by offering Eco friendlier options to mainstream camping, walking and bushcraft products."

Protect candidates from 'horrid' personal abuse, says MS

Sam Rowlands, Senedd Member for North Wales, has urged the Welsh Government to do more to protect those wanting to represent their communities. 

Mr Rowlands, Shadow Minister for Local Government, was commenting after Rebecca Evans, Finance and Local Government Minister, revealed the Electoral Reform Society has said there are 74 uncontested seats across Wales for the May 5 elections.

Only six of the 11 seats on Llangollen Town Council are being contested, which means the five people who have put forward their names will automatically become councillors without an election on May 5 and the remaining places will be filled by co-option.


Mr Rowlands said: I am really concerned at seeing that number of uncontested seats, with 28 of those being in Gwynedd and 19 in Pembrokeshire. It is really disappointing.


“I am sure you saw the BBC news article earlier this month that did highlight, regretfully, that online abuse has forced many councillors to quit or no longer want to stand, along with potential candidates who simply don't want to be on the receiving end of that bullying. Our councillors and candidates should not be receiving this horrid personal abuse.”


Mr Rowlands called for more to be done to protect those wanting to represent their communities and thanked all the people standing in the elections next week, wishing them all the best. 

The Minister agreed and said it was important people had the opportunity to make that contribution to their communities and were able to do so in a way that did not subject them or find them subjected to abuse. 

Mr Rowlands added: “It was good to receive support from the Minister on this. Some of the abuse people in public life receive is absolutely appalling and we really need to do everything we can to protect those who put themselves forward. 

“I think it is so important to encourage more people to stand in local elections and that is why we need to address the issue.”

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Inner Wheel to celebrate Queen's Jubilee in style

The Inner Wheel Club of Llangollen will be holding a special event to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. 

The event will include stalls, a child’s parade and various festivities to mark the 70th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s ascension to the throne. 

The celebrations will be taking place at Llangollen Town Hall on Saturday, June 4, from 10.30 am to 3 pm.  

The event will feature a variety of stalls selling crafts and cakes as well as a tombola and raffle. Members of the town’s Inner Wheel club will be on hand to serve light refreshments. 

Charity organisations in the town are now being invited to apply for stalls at the event with no charge for taking part. 

Members of the Inner Wheel Club are hoping to see as many local groups as possible joining the celebrations. 

At 12noon there will be a parade of Kings, Queens, Prince and Princesses for children up to the age of 11 years old. There will be a small souvenir prize for each of the entrants.  

An Inner Wheel spokesperson said: "We are hoping for a fun event and a fitting way to mark such a historic occasion with plenty of flag-waving and patriotic singalongs."

For more details of the stalls and entries into the parade please contact: 

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Talented group voices passion in superb La Traviata

* Scenes from La Traviata at the Stiwt.

A group of talented people passionate about classical singing are set to bring one of the world’s greatest operas stunningly to life at the Stiwt in Wrexham later this week.

Under the expert direction of international opera professionals Anne Williams King and David Bartlett, the group from the acclaimed North Wales Opera Studio (NWOS) will present Verdi's tragic love story La Traviata in the fittingly ornate setting of the  Rhos theatre tomorrow (Thursday) and Friday evenings (April 28 and 29) then at St George’s Hall, Liverpool in the afternoon and evening of Saturday, April 30.  

I was able to catch a preview performance at the Stiwt and was highly impressed with the sheer professionalism of the presentation, which enjoys the deft touch of Janet Haney as music director and accompanist, joined by a small instrumental ensemble. Choreography is in the experienced hands of Lyn Aston.

The unfunded NWOS is an educational group for young aspiring opera singers to train and get excellent performing experience. It also encourages local people to be involved who want to be part of a top-class venture.

The group returns to the Stiwt after its successful Night at the Opera concert there last month and la Boheme last September.

Anne Williams King said: “We are providing an opportunity for those who appreciate opera, to see impressive, traditional productions with young exciting singers, without having to travel miles and pay huge prices for tickets.

“I'm trying to build a following in the area and encourage people to come and support us and the Stiwt Theatre.”

Judging by the sheer power and majesty of their La Traviata, which is played out in its original language, the success story of NWOS looks set to continue. 

Featuring one of the most iconic, romantic and tragic scores of all time, Verdi’s masterpiece contrasts spectacular party scenes with tender, intimate moments.

It tells the story of the tragic love between the courtesan Violetta and the romantic Alfredo Germont.

Played out against the hypocrisy of upper-class fashionable, Alfredo and Violetta’s love threatens to shame his family.

When his father directly appeals to Violetta to give up her one chance of happiness Violetta submits but her act of self-sacrifice leads to her paying the ultimate price.

NWOS has two alternating casts for the lavish production. 

In the version I saw Violetta was played with power yet tenderness by Australian soprano Joelene Griffiths who stepped into the challenging role at virtually the last minute after the person originally due to appear in it was forced to withdraw due to an injury.

Luckily, Joelene had become familiar with the part while studying at the Welsh Academy of the Voice in Cardiff and was able to seamlessly take it on.

Playing opposite her as Alfredo, with great aplomb, was tenor Lewis Quinn. He presented a marvellous portrayal, his strong, clear voice dominating the auditorium.  

Appearing as Giorgio Germont, Alfredo's father, was Ambrose Connelly. He brought true gravitas and authority to the demanding role.

The chorus was simply superb and memorable for its sheer supportive power.

Music accompaniment was more than capably provided, costumes were dazzling and settings arranged to perfection.

This not-to-be-missed production is a true extravaganza of musical exuberance and acting skill.    

* Tickets for NWOS’s La Traviata are available at:

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Council apologises for postal voting information error

Denbighshire County Council is apologising to postal voters in the county for an error in an information sheet recently issued with postal ballot papers. 

The information sheet referred to the wrong ballot papers. In addition, the information sheet informed voters that they can vote for one candidate only which is clearly incorrect for multi-member wards and for Town and Community Council elections. 

The postal vote packs contain the correct ballot papers for each voter. There is no error on the ballot papers- they are printed correctly and contain appropriate instructions to voters on the number of votes that they may cast. 

The Council has posted the correct information sheet on its website and has contacted 6,900 postal voters and a further 285 people through text messaging, advising them of the error on the information sheet. Importantly, the Council is also sending a letter in the post to all those who have received a postal vote to correct the information initially received. All candidates standing for election are also being sent a letter. 

Graham Boase, Denbighshire’s Chief Executive and Returning Officer said: “We sincerely apologise to all the candidates in the forthcoming elections and all those members of the public who requested a postal vote for this error.  

“Whilst it is clear on each of the ballot papers how many votes can made per ballot sheet, the information sheet accompanying the ballot paper provides incorrect information, which may understandably have led to some confusion. 

“Immediately following the error coming to light we took every mitigating action we possibly could.  We sought advice from the Electoral Commission and the Association of Electoral Administrators and we sent an e-mail and text message to every postal voter that had provided us those details.  Information also appeared on the Council’s website and through its social media channels to provide similar information and advice. Importantly we are also sending a letter through the post to everyone who requested a postal vote advising them of the error. 

“Since the error came to light I have carefully considered our response and believe that, given the ballot papers contain the correct instructions to voters, the package of mitigation measures is appropriate in all the circumstances. 

The Elections Unit reiterates that postal voters should follow the instructions on the ballot papers and ensure that their postal votes are returned to the Elections Unit before 10pm on Thursday, 5th May 2022. 

* Further information is available from the Council’s website:  If any postal voter believes that they have already returned their postal pack and have followed the incorrect information, they may, if they wish, ask for a replacement pack by contacting the Election Unit on 01824 706000 (Monday to Friday between the hours of 8.30am and 5pm) or by e-mail at the following address


Llangollen college learners earn awards

* Emma Roberts and Caitlin Mann with their awards.

Coleg Cambria Llysfasi learners Emma Roberts and Caitlin Mann, both from Llangollen, were among the finalists at this year’s Lantra Cymru Awards.

Emma, 22, received the College Lifelong Learner of the Year Award.

Nineteen year-old Caitlin was Highly Commended in the College Young Learner of the Year category.

Both former pupils of Ysgol Dinas Bran, they were delighted to be part of the event – held at The Metropole Hotel in Llandrindod Wells – and thanked Level 3 Animal Management tutor Alex Morgan for nominating them.

Emma, who plans to study Agriculture with Animal Science at university from September, has her heart set on becoming a teacher.

She said: “My mum and grandmother both grew up on dairy farms but I was unsure what career I wanted to do until spending some time on a farm doing work experience.

“I loved it and from that point knew I wanted to work in agriculture, particularly education.

“I look forward to seeing what the future brings and was really happy and surprised to win this award, it’s given me a huge confidence boost as I come to the end of my time at Cambria, which has been fantastic.”

Caitlin, who works at Llangollen Wharf and on a dairy farm, will return to Llysfasi next year to begin a Level 3 course in Agriculture.

She added: “I’ve never been nominated for an award before so that was lovely, and it was a great night.

“It has been a challenging time as over the last two years a lot of lessons were held online and we weren’t working, but luckily things are getting back to normal now and the college have been very supportive.

“I’m looking forward to coming back next year and beginning a new qualification, with my long-term aim to work in the dairy sector. The guidance and help I’ve had from the college is a big reason I’ve decided to return, and the fantastic lecturers we have here.”

Alex paid tribute to Emma and Caitlin for their diligence and dedication, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Both learners were nominated for the same principal reasons, they are very hard-working, dedicated and show a genuine interest in the industry,” she said.

“It’s been a very difficult couple of years, so it was a great privilege to have had an opportunity to nominate them and celebrate their fantastic achievements. Congratulations again to you both, your success is so well deserved.”

Lesley Griffiths MS, Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales and Trefnydd, added: “Each one of this year’s very worthy Lantra Cymru Awards winners and runners-up is, through their commitment to lifelong learning, making a valuable contribution to the modernisation and professionalism of the agriculture industry in Wales. 

“Your collective efforts are helping our industry safeguard the future of family farms and rural communities for future generations. I want to congratulate all this year’s nominees and in particular, our very worthy winners.

“I wish you all well as you make your mark on agriculture in Wales and beyond – the future of our industry is in very safe hands.”

* For more on the Lantra Cymru Awards, visit

Roadworks alert for Willow Street


The latest local roadworks alert from is:


Willow Street, Llangollen

27 April - 29 April


Delays likely - Road closure


Description: Surface course road treatment...


Public facing description: has automatically assigned a category of Unclassified works to this Works based on the information available. Please note: Works Descriptions are not published by Denbighshire County Council.


Responsibility for works: Denbighshire County Council


Current status: Advanced planning


Works reference: QR007S000000000557