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Monday, November 15, 2021

Three people taken hospital after house fire

The Daily Post is reporting that three people have been taken to hospital after a house fire in Denbighshire yesterday.

Up to 20 firefighters were battling to bring the the blaze in Pandy near Glyn Ceiriog under control at the height of the fire.

* For the full story, see:

Visitors enjoy railway's autumnal steam delights

* Driver Dave Owen adjusts the commemorative headboard on the 3802.

* Passengers enjoyed a sunlit journey down the Dee Valley.

Trains over the weekend at Llangollen Railway were steam-hauled, to the delight of visitors.

The GWR loco No.3802 was back in action after its trip to Loughborough for the seasonal gala event for rail fans at the Great Central Railway.

On yesterday's Remembrance Sunday the engine was suitably decorated with a poppy wreath and commemorative headboard.  

The train timetable was adjusted to accommodate the Remembrance service in Llangollen and passengers enjoyed a lovely sunlit journey down the Dee Valley when the autumnal colours were at their best.

The next trains will operate on Saturday December 4 when the heritage railway's Santa Season begins.

Essential engineering work will now commence in Llangollen station.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Medical emergency during annual Remembrance Day service

* The parade heads off along Castle Street.

The annual Remembrance Day service in Llangollen was cut short this morning by a medical emergency.

Around halfway through the traditional ceremony to remember the fallen of two world wars and other conflicts in Centenary Square an elderly man in the crowd became ill.

He was immediately attended to by a number of medically trained personnel, from the emergency services and elsewhere, who were amongst the large crowd of onlookers. An ambulance was also called.

After being given some first-class attention he was able to sit up and appeared to be making a recovery.  

The ceremony halted for a few minutes and as the man was receiving treatment the parade marshal announced that in view of what had happened the decision had been taken to cut short the service, with some hymns being left out.

The ceremony, which included the traditional two minutes' silence, the laying of wreaths and music by Llangollen Silver Band, ended with a parade of various organisations through the town centre.     

* A large crowd gathers for the service in Centenary Square.


* The Silver Band plays.

* The parade arrives in the square.

* The service begins, led by the Vicar of Llangollen, Father Lee Taylor.

* A wreath is laid on behalf of the army by Warrant Officer Chris Lingard.

* A wreath is laid by local schoolchildren.

* The mayor, Cllr Austin Cheminais, lays a wreath on behalf of the town council.

This week's work on the 2020 project

Work planned for week starting November 15 on the Llangollen 2020 project is:

  • Lay paving on Castle Street west from the junction with Market Street, heading north
  • Preparation work on Castle Street west at the junction with Parade Street.
  • Start to excavate the footpath at Market Street north, heading west

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Bishop blesses vicar's civil partnership at special service

* Fabiano Silva and Father Lee Taylor receive the bishop's blessing.

* The Bishop of St Asaph addresses the congregation.

Lleisiau'r Afon Ladies' Choir perform during the service.

As family and friends looked on the Vicar of Llangollen and his partner had their civil partnership blessed by the Bishop of St Asaph during a special service in St Collen's Church yesterday afternoon (Saturday).

Father Lee Taylor met Fabiano Silva in 2007 and the couple undertook a civil partnership a year later.

Their partnership received the blessing of the Rt Rev Gregory Cameron who said it had been a "committed and fruitful" one.

Prayers and readings were interspersed by music from the church's own resident choir and the Lleisiau'r Afon Ladies' Choir.

Later there was a reception in the adjacent parish hall.

The ceremony was made possible by the fact that the Church in Wales recently passed a historic vote to allow same-sex couples to have their marriage/civil partnerships blessed in church using a new liturgical rite. 

A Bill to authorise a service of blessing was approved by members of the Church’s Governing Body at its meeting. It was passed by the necessary two-thirds majority in each order of the three orders – Bishops, clergy and laity.

The service is for a blessing only as same-sex couples are unable to marry in church.

Arriva bus strikes due to start from tomorrow

Denbighshire Free Press is reporting that ARRIVA bus services will be suspended from tomorrow (Sunday) until mid-December after the company and union members failed come to an agreement.

* For the full story, see:

Your golden opportunity to join Llangollen Silver Band

* A recent picture of Llangollen Silver Band playing in Castle Street.   

* The band in its earliest days as it passes along Bridge Street near 
the Royal Hotel.

Llangollen Silver Band had played without a break since 1904, until the Covid restrictions stopped them in their tracks. 

But they’re now up and running again and on the lookout for new blood of any age to help keep them in tune for at least another century. 

The band is of an important part of life in the town and involved in all its major events plus many more besides. 

Spokesperson Bob Lube, himself a player of many years’ standing, said: “When you join the band you will receive a very warm welcome and the loan of an instrument for as long as you are a member. There are also free music lessons, and a uniform. 

“It’s a great hobby and you’ll get lots of enjoyment out of meeting and entertaining a wide range of people. There are at present three former members of the band making a living by playing in military bands. 

“We perform mostly in north Wales but we’ve also appeared in the neighbouring areas of England such as Cheshire and Shropshire.” 

Bob added: “We have three sections – the senior band, which currently comprises about 15 accomplished players, the youth band of about four members and five members in the training band. 

“As with a lot of other groups, we have young people joining us as children and then when they grow up they often move away to go to university and things like that. 

“So it would be good if we are able to recruit more potential players aged eight and over to fill the gaps this creates. It will give them a great skill they can take with them for the rest of their lives.” 

Regular practice sessions for the seniors are held on Mondays from 7-8.30pm in the Band Room in Parade Street, which underwent a £100,000 refurbishment in 2012 thanks to outside grants and the band’s own fundraising. 

The training band meet on a Friday evenings from 6-7pm and the youth band gets together after the training band, from 8-10pm. 

But, as Bob explained, it’s not just youngsters needed.

“We’re also after more mature players. These might be people who have played an instrument when they were younger, given it up but now want to get back into it. 

“Our motto is that music at the heart of the community. We have a proud record of playing in and around Llangollen for over 110 years and want to keep going for another century.” 

* You can contact the band by using their Facebook page at: