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Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Trading standards warn about radiator scam

Trading Standards are warning householders following a spate of complaints where some people have been cold called and persuaded to have their radiators cleaned out at costs ranging from £1300 to £1500.

In one case the householder already had an existing service contract and it was highly unlikely that this additional work would have been necessary.

Trading standards are advising people to exercise caution and ask themselves:

• Do their radiators really need cleaning out?

• Is the price being asked reasonable?

Advice from Trading Standards is not to do business with cold callers. 

A spokesperson said: "If you think you need work done on your property seek quotes from reputable businesses.

"If you are not sure who to use look for recommendations and get help from friends or family, always have the full business details including name and address. If the trader is doing specialist work on central heating systems or electrics make sure they are qualified and competent.

"Please look out for anyone you know who could be vulnerable, friends, family or neighbours."

For advice or to report an incident call Citizens Advice Consumer Service 0808 223 1133 (1144 for Welsh)

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Final phase of railway's Corwen project gets underway

* The ballast is delivered to the team at Corwen.

The Denbighshire Free Press is reporting that the final phase of the project to extend the line of Llangollen Railway out to Corwen got underway this week.

* For the full story, go to 

Bikers to mark poppy appeal launch on Sunday

* Bikers gather for the Remembrance Service in the square in 2019.

As they have done in previous years, bikers will mark the launch of the Royal British Legion's annual Poppy Appeal with a short Service of Remembrance at the war memorials in the town's Centenary Square next Sunday, October 31.

A group of riders, a number of them armed forces veterans, will be making their way to five war memorials across north Wales, stopping off in Llangollen for a service starting at 10.45am led by Llangollen vicar, the Rev Lee Taylor.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Railway's urgent call for Christmas Specials volunteers

* Carrog station dressed for Christmas a few years ago.

Santa has put out an urgent appeal for helpers to assist Llangollen Railway with making its Christmas Special services a success.

Mike Dodgson, volunteer co-ordinator for the Trust Board that has taken over the running of the heritage attraction, said: "The Santa season is back and we are appealing for volunteers.

"Normally we cope with regular station and annual helpers to cover these services but this year is very different as we are very depleted in these areas.

"So this is a call to everyone who cares about Llangollen Railway to help to run the service this year successfully and cater for our customers who expect us to deliver a good experience.

"There will be one train in service, running three services each day, over 11 days.

"This year we are only handing out Christmas presents on the train itself. There will be no Baileys or mince pies."

Dates for the Santa Special services are: 

  • Sat/Sun 4th/5th December
  • Sat/Sun 11th/12th December
  • Sat/Sun 18th/19th December
  • Wed/Thu/Fri 22nd/23rd/24th December

The roles the railway needs to fill are:

The roles we require are:

On the train:

  • Santa
  • Chief Elf
  • Elves x 4
  • TTI / Train Captain
  • Train steward

Llangollen Station:

  • Station Master and Deputy Station Master
  • Station Staff x 3
  • Station helpers x 3

Station Duties are below, rotating of these duties is encouraged.

  • Customer welcoming, interaction, care and safety
  • Buggy parking
  • Showing customers to their allotted coach and seats
  • Keeping public areas on the station clean ( including toilets)
  • Assisting the train staff cleaning the train in-between services, and after the end of service each day

* You can volunteer via the railway's HOPS system if you are an active volunteer

If you are not an active volunteer but you are a member of the Trust please email:

Mike Dodgson added: "We look forward to hearing from you to help us to deliver an amazing experience for everyone involved, especially the children who may ultimately be our future volunteers."

Sunday, October 24, 2021

2020 project - work planned for this week

Work planned on the 2020 project for the week starting tomorrow (Monday) is:

* Bridge Street (south footpath) - Install new kerb line and finish new paving formation.

* Castle Street (East footpath) - Excavate and install new kerb line and follow on with excavation for new paving formation.

* Castle Street (West footpath) - Excavate for new footpath formation in front of the library.

* Market Street (North footpath) - Excavate for new kerb line and paving formation.

And local roadworks notified by is:


Chapel Street

25 October — 28 October


Delays unlikely - Some carriageway incursion


Works description: LAY NEW GAS 1M PUBLIC...


Works location: OUTSIDE NUMBER 9


Public facing description: Wales & West Utilities Ltd has not assigned a specific description to this Works. Please note: Works Descriptions are not published by Wales & West Utilities Ltd.


Responsibility for works: Wales & West Utilities Ltd


Current status: Advanced planning


Works reference: XY254004000173206 

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Back of the net for SG Estates at Maes Helyg

* Seven-year-old Jack Williams from the Maes Helyg estate fires a shot into one of the new goals which Leyton Collings of Llangollen Parks Projects tries to stop. Looking on are James Griffin, left, and his brother Dan, site managers for SG Estates.    

Football crazy youngsters on the town’s new Maes Helyg estate will now be bang on target after developers SG Estates provided them with four new sets of goals.

Although the youth centre field has two full-sized goals for 11-a-side matches, Llangollen Parks Project saw a need for junior five-a-side players to have their own nets.

So one of its members, Leyton Collings who lives on the estate, decided to ask SG’s managing director Steve Griffin if his company could provide a couple for them.

And Steve went a step further by arranging to have four sets of steel-framed nets delivered which have all now been put in place with the permission of Denbighshire County Council.

Leyton said: “I requested just two for five-a-side games but Steve has let us have four which we’ve placed across the pitch. We’re very grateful to SG Estates and they will come in very useful.”  

The new goals were officially handed over by Steve’s two sons, Dan and James Griffin, who are both site managers for SG Estates working on the Maes Helyg development.

Dan said: “We were delighted to help out and I like to think we’re doing our bit for the community we’ve been working in.

“We’re actually a footballing family and I used to play as a kid myself.”

Friday, October 22, 2021

Volunteers put in place square's array of metal poppies

Volunteers have fixed in place over 100 metal poppies in the flower bed running along the back wall of the town's Centenary Square, which contains two war memorials.

This poignant way of marking the annual Remembrance observances next month has taken place each year since the square was opened in 2018 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War.

As they have done in previous years, putting the poppies in place were, from left, former town deputy mayor Issy Richards, former town councillor Karen Edwards and Town Hall facilities officer Charlie Jones.

The Town Council will hold the Annual Remembrance Sunday Service on November 14 on Centenary Square.  

As usual the parade will muster on Market Street at 10.30am and the Service of Remembrance will start at 10.45am.

In the days leading up to that Sunday there will be a short Act of Remembrance at the War Memorials at 10.45am on Armistice Day organised by the Royal British Legion.

In a departure from previous years individuals or organisations requiring a wreath for the service on the Sunday are asked to call into the Council Chamber between the hours of 10 and 12noon, then 4pm and 6pm on Wednesday and Thursday, November 10 and 11 and between 2pm and 4pm on Friday November 12.

Wreaths will be available for purchase at a cost of £20 and it is important that a cheque, payable to the Royal British Legion, or cash to cover the cost is presented on collection to ensure that the Royal British Legion maximises the amount it raises locally.