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Friday, March 20, 2020

Cafes, pubs and restaurants must close, says PM

Breaking News

Cafes, pubs and restaurants must close from Friday night, except for take-away food, to tackle coronavirus, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said.

Night clubs, theatres, cinemas, gyms and leisure centres have also been asked to close "as soon as they reasonably can".

Mr Johnson said that, at present, "we need to keep people apart" - but that the situation will be reviewed each month.

The government is to pay 80% of wages for employees not working, up to £2,500 a month, Chancellor Rishi Sunak says.

Llangollen votes against Business Improvement District plan

Businesses in Llangollen have voted against a Business Improvement District (BID).

A total of 49 eligible businesses voted against adopting the scheme to enhance the town by charging a levy on those with a rateable value above £2,500.

As only 39 cast their votes in favour for the BID, this didn't achieve the 50% majority required for the scheme to go ahead.

According to voting figures just released by the county council, the total number of votes cast in the ballot, excluding any given on ballot papers rejected was 88.

The scheme aimed to boost the area’s trading potential by raising extra cash on top of their rates to pay for projects over and above what the local authority would finance. This would include marketing and promotion and parking.

The intense battle over the BID led to the resignation recently of town councillor Andy Andy Beech who was staunchly opposed to it. 

Graham Timms, the Llangollen county councillor who was in favour of the BID, said: “Whilst I am disappointed with the result, under the current circumstances it is probably not the most important issue on people's minds.

"However, I'm sure that there will be an opportunity to discuss the underlying reasons for the rejection of the BID in the coming months.”

Former town councillor Karen Edwards, who led a campaign against the BID, said: "I was never convinced that a BID was the way forward for this unique town.

"I feel enormously relieved for all the small businesses here that were extremely concerned about their viability, especially give the current coronavirus crisis.

"I spoke to enough of them so I was fully aware of their concerns."

The official results ...

Friday update from Public Health Wales

Public Health Wales statement on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

This statement will be updated daily at 12pm
Updated: 12pm Friday 20 March 2020
Dr Giri Shankar, Incident Director for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak response at Public Health Wales, said:
“The Chief Medical Officer has today confirmed the death of a third Welsh resident who had tested positive for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).  Public Health Wales offer our sincere condolences to family and friends affected by this loss.
“The individual, who was in their seventies and had underlying health conditions, was being treated at the Princess of Wales Hospital in Bridgend.
“No further details regarding this individual will be released, and we ask those reporting on the situation to respect patient confidentiality.
“Three people in Wales who tested positive for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) have now died.
“Twenty-one new cases have tested positive for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Wales, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 191, although the true number of cases is likely to be higher.
“Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is now circulating in every part of Wales.
“We are working closely with health boards, NHS 111 and the Welsh Government to develop systems so that NHS Wales and members of the public have appropriate access to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing. Based on careful risk assessment, a phased rollout of testing will commence starting with health care workers involved in frontline patient facing clinical care. 
“Testing capacity is being expanded and is currently prioritised for patients, health care workers involved in frontline patient facing clinical care, and others where recommended by health board medical directors.  As our testing capacity increases, further guidance will be issued on those who are eligible for testing.
“Members of the public should follow the latest public health advice.”
The latest guidance is:
  • People who live with others should stay at home for 14 days if they, or anyone in their household, has either a high temperature or a new and continuous cough
  • People who live alone should stay at home for seven days if they develop a high temperature or a new and continuous cough
  • Everyone should avoid non-essential contact with others and unnecessary travel
  • Everyone being asked to work from home where they possibly can, and avoid pubs, clubs, theatres and social venues
  • People over 70, and vulnerable groups of any age will be asked within days to be shielded from social contact for several weeks
For the guidance in full, visit the Department of Health and Social Care website:  
Dr Giri Shankar said:  “People no longer need to contact NHS 111 if they think they may have contracted Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).  Advice about the virus is available on the Public Health Wales website.  
“People with a fever or persistent cough should stay at home for seven days if they live alone, or 14 days if they live with others.  Anyone who lives with someone displaying coronavirus symptoms should also stay at home for 14 days. They should not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital.  
“They should only contact NHS 111 if they feel they cannot cope with their symptoms at home, their condition gets worse, or their symptoms do not get better after seven days.
“Only call 999 if you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, do not call 999 just because you are on-hold to 111.  We appreciate that 111 lines are busy, but you will get through after a wait.
“The public play an important role in the ‘delay’ phase. By following the latest advice, you will protect yourself, protect the most vulnerable, and delay and flatten the peak, which will reduce the pressure on NHS Wales and minimise the impact of the virus.”
Health Board
Local Authority
New cases
Cumulative cases
To be confirmed
To be confirmed

Resident outside Wales


Swansea Bay
Neath Port Talbot


Aneurin Bevan
Blaenau Gwent





Betsi Cadwaladr




Isle of Anglesey


Cardiff and Vale

Vale of Glamorgan

Cwm Taf

Rhondda Cynon Taf

Merthyr Tydfil

Hywel Dda





The latest information is available from GOV.UK:

Collen Players' 'closed' show to be streamed live on Facebook to beat virus

* The Collen Players at their last sell-out music hall show in February.

Unable to perform in front of an audience because of coronavirus crowd restrictions, a group of old time music hall enthusiasts in Llangollen have come up with a high-tech way of letting people see their next show.

Llangollen Players was formed late last year by the town’s vicar Father Lee Taylor, who himself is a big music hall fan, to revive the Victorian-style of entertainment.

So far they’ve donned their period costumes to present three sell-out shows in the Community Hall which is always dressed for the occasion to recreate the atmosphere of a turn-of-the-century theatre.

The Players’ fourth production was supposed to be on May 1 but when they realised there was no way they would be able to perform to a live audience because of government advice on the infection risk of large crowds they decided to do it online instead.

And so at 7pm on Wednesday April 1 they're going behind closed doors when at least four of the group will perform on their usual stage while the show is streamed live on their own Facebook page, The Collen Players

Father Taylor, who acts as on-stage chairman for the shows and also performs comedy songs in them, said: “When it became clear we wouldn’t be able to get ahead with our May 1 show in front of our usual audience we got together and decided the best way was to stream something live instead.

“We’re going to do it a month earlier than planned because I expect quite a number of our regular audience will by that time be self-isolating and we’re aiming to cheer them up best we can with our show.

“Naturally, we’ll be taking every necessary precaution to ensure that none of our performers are at risk of passing on any infection.

“We will all be allocated individual rooms or spaces in the Community Hall on arrival so we don’t have to worry about coming into contact with anyone. They’ll then perform on stage one by one.

“It will be a shorter performance than usual, with songs and monologues and things like that, and at the end we won’t be socialising as we usually do but all heading straight home.

“We hope that the show will bring a little happiness in all the gloom surrounding coronavirus and that as many people as possible will tune it to see it.”

Friday coronavirus update on county council services

* County Hall, Ruthin.

Denbighshire County Council has provided an update on the latest closures and services affected, due to the on-going situation with Coronavirus. 

Update  from Denbighshire Leisure Ltd:  Denbighshire Leisure Ltd has decided to close all of its sites until further notice.  

Closures with effect from 4pm, Friday 20th March, include SC2 & Ninja TAG, Rhyl Pavilion and 1891 Restaurant and Bar, NOVA Prestatyn,  all leisure centres, North Wales Bowls Centre, Ruthin Craft Centre and Café ’, Rhyl Town Hall and Llangollen Pavilion.   

Denbighshire Leisure will be freezing all Direct Debit payments for fitness memberships and swimming lessons, effective immediately. They will not be making any more collections on direct debits until further notice. Customers don't need to do anything – the service will do this on their behalf and let people know in advance when they will be restarting, once the Covid-19 situation becomes clearer.

Food Safety:  If you are a new or existing food premises offering food delivery or take away/delivery service for the first time, due to the current covid-19 situation, the Council would like to hear from you.   It is essential that you assess the risk associated with this type of food service, to ensure you keep your customers safe in relation to allergens, food safety and social distancing.  We can advise you on these matters.  Please contact the Food Team on 01824 706405

Community Support Services:
  • Cefndy Enterprises has stopped taking new orders and will close today (Friday). Some staff will be in work next week to dispatch any current orders.  
  • Day & Work Opportunities closing today (Friday) enabling staff to be redeployed as required. 
  • Dolwen Day Care closing today (Friday) enabling staff to be redeployed as required. 
  • Additional drivers being drafted in for the Integrated Community Equipment Services to support hospital discharge
Housing maintenance:  As a precaution, only emergency and/or urgent repairs will be attended as a result from the 23 March 2020. Please could you only contact us during office hours on 01824 706000 or on 0300 123 30 68 out of hours if it is an emergency. To report a general repair, visit and we will respond to your enquiry as soon as we can.

Bulky waste collection: The Council has taken the decision to suspend all new bookings for the Bulky Waste Collection Service from Monday, 23 March, to ensure front line workers and fleet are reserved for the collection of other waste streams.  If it is possible to retain your items at home until the service resumes, please do so. 

Whilst our Household Waste Recycling Centres  remain open at this time, we are advising people to only use this service if it is unavoidable, due to the social distancing measures we have put in place.  The employees at the 3 Household Waste Cs are not able to assist visitors to remove their waste from their cars.

Garden Waste: The Council has taken the decision to suspend all kerbside garden waste Collection Services until further notice, to ensure front line workers and fleet are reserved for the collection of other waste streams, such as food waste and black bin/pink sack service).
The Council will extend all household subscriptions for the same number of weeks the service will be suspended.  We will be unable to process refunds for any households who have had a collection of garden waste within their collection years.   If it is possible to retain your garden waste at home outside in  your garden until the service resumes, please do so. Further guidance on “how to compost at home” will be provided on the Council website in the next few days ( .

Public Conveniences:  All public conveniences in Denbighshire will close from 5pm today until further notice.

Church revives ancient tradition during virus outbreak

* Father Lee singing the Angelus Prayer at noon today. 
St Collen's has brought back a time-honoured tradition during the coronavirus outbreak - the ringing of the Angelus Bell.

Vicar, Father Lee, says: “Many of us rely on alarms and alert sounds on our mobile phones to remind us of things. The tolling of the Angelus Bell, which goes back to the 11th century, was to alert people of a time of prayer.

“At 12noon each day the Anglus Bell will ring (three sets of three with a pause in between, followed by nine rings).”

The first session of the bells being rung while Father Lee sings the Angelus Prayer was held at noon today.  

It was streamed live on the Facebook page of Llangollen Group of Churches.

Below is the Angelus Prayer.

Welsh Government pledges to protect businesses and jobs

Welsh Government Economy minister Ken Skates (pictured) has made a bold pledge to protect every good business and job in Wales - but it relies on the chancellor bringing in a wage subsidy.
The Economy chief spoke this morning at a press conference to lay out how they would back the business community in Wales.
But he said it was now up to UK chancellor Rishi Sunak to bring in a wage subsidy to support workers.