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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Young 'Uns produce Wizard performance in land of Oz

* The dazzling stage line-up for the Wizard of Oz. All pictures by BARRIE POTTER

llanblogger review

A riot of colour and talent fills the Town Hall stage as the Young ‘Uns present their 30th anniversary production of the Wizard of Oz this week.

This is the second time that the Llangollen Operatic Society’s junior section have danced down the Yellow Brick Road, the first occasion being when they chose this as their inaugural big show in 1991.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t around to see how they staged it back then but I can say for sure that this one, which runs from tomorrow (Thursday) until Saturday, is by far their most colourful  to date as it shines likes a beacon of warmth and joy through a murky winter’s night.

Thanks to some backstage wizardry every scene – from the farmlands of young heroine Dorothy Gale’s Kansas farm to Munchkinland and the Emerald City – is brilliantly lit in an array of dazzling hues which perfectly set off the shades of the inventive costumes and backdrops.

And, after all, that’s what this piece of phantasmagoria is all about as we accompany Dorothy on her journey through the crazy landscapes of her dreams.       

It’s not just the magnificent settings that stand out because the kids in the huge cast also bedazzle with their performances.

Grace Roberts is a sympathetic Dorothy interpreting her considerable part with precision and flair.
She receives some memorable backing from all the key characters.

Katie Clark as the Wicked Witch of West is at times so scary that she even puts the wind up the audience. Her performance is enhanced by her incredible costume and the atmospheric green aura cast around her by those brilliant lighting people.

Ethan Roberts makes a stunning and perfectly believable Wizard of Oz while some memorable portrayals come from Ethan Le Cheminant as the Tinman without a heart, Matthew Humphreys as the Scarecrow who is minus a brain and Aled Morris as the Cowardly Lion.

They all put their heart, souls and plenty of guts into it.

Connie Richardson shines as Glinda the Good Witch of the North while Bea Lermite as a splendid Mayoress of Munchkinlnand.

Naturally, Dorothy needs her faithful dog at her side throughout her adventure and little Florence Catley is just great as Toto.     

Wizard of Oz is of course set in the good old US of A and what’s particularly striking is how all those with speaking parts manage to retain a high quality Stateside accent throughout. And that’s something which isn’t always the case with this show.

Dancing around the key characters and adding to the way that Technicolor has been brought so marvellously to the Llangollen stage is a small army of lively and well disciplined youngsters in the chorus who get through a whole wardrobe of magnificent costumes during the show.

Behind the scenes is a production team led by producer Pam Williams and including assistant producer Dee Smith and co-directors Robin Crowley and Jo Lloyd, who should all be proud of this show. 

On the whole it’s a wizard of a performance completely worthy of the Young ‘Uns’ landmark anniversary.

Evening performances begin at 7.30pm and there is a Saturday matinee at 2pm.  

* Tickets are £12 with £10 concessions. They are available locally from Gwyn the Butchers, Jades Hair and Beauty, Llangollen Oggie Shop and Stella Bond on 01978 860441.

* Connie Richardson shines as Glinda the Good Witch of the North.

* Katie Clark is a scary the Wicked Witch of West. 

* Off to see the wizard are, from left, Florence Catley as Totot the dog, Grace Roberts as Dorothy, Aled Morris as the Cowardly Lion, Matthew Humphreys as the Scarecrow and Ethan Le Cheminant as the Tinman. 

* An atmospheric group of dancers on the chorus line. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Llan Railway in the honours for Corwen project

* Four members on stage to receive the framed certificate. From left are volunteers Peter Neve, Paul Reynolds, Richard Dixon-Gough and the railway's Vice President Gordon Heddon.

Members of the Llangollen Railway Trust's Corwen station project attended the Heritage Railways Association annual awards ceremony in Birmingham. 

The completion of the trackwork to connect the Corwen station loop to the railway's railhead had been submitted for an award in which competition came from four other entries.

The Llangollen group came away with a runners-up certificate in the Large Group category for the volunteer workforce's achievement in laying track and point work to complete the ten-mile railway from Llangollen station through to the buffer stop at Green Lane, Corwen and the provision of a siding.

The winner's award went to the Volks Electric Railway, Brighton.

Project Leader Richard Dixon-Gough said: "We are delighted the project's achievement has received some acknowledgement and we shall be back next year looking to receive the Award for completion of the new Corwen station."

County issues rogue trader warning

Denbighshire County Council Trading Standards are advising those whose homes have been affected by the severe weather to beware of rogue traders and cowboy builders.

Previous floods in the UK have attracted doorsteps fraudsters offering a range of flood recovery services and other assistance including tree chopping, garden clearance, guttering, tarmacing, driveway cleaning and roof cleaning.

This results in poor quality work, disappearing cash deposits, excessive charging and charging for work not done.
Denbighshire Trading Standards urge people to be on their guard at this difficult time and to follow five simple steps to avoid being caught out:

• Never deal with anyone who turns up at your door without an appointment.
• Ask for identification and get comprehensive contact details. A mobile telephone number is not good enough!
• Always make sure you get a written quote for any work to be carried out including written cancellation rights.
• Only pay after the work has been satisfactorily completed
• Check your chosen trader is approved by your insurance company

Councillor Mark Young, Cabinet Lead Member for Planning, Public Protection and Safer Communities, said “We are concerned that unscrupulous traders may try and take advantage of those who suffered any damage in the recent flooding and strong winds.
“We want to remind people to be careful about who they employ for repairs.  This is an upsetting time for those who have suffered damage to their homes, and we don’t want anyone to be taken advantage of whilst in this vulnerable state.”

"Unfortunately there are people who prey on the misfortunes of others. Make your own appointments with reputable trades people - if you didn't call them then don't use them. Genuine trades people will welcome you asking for references and identification, check them both carefully.

"Reputable traders do not trade in this way and if you are offered such goods, please contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 0808 223 1133 or Welsh language line 0808 223 1144."

Report gives economic snapshot of region

            North Wales is continuing to have a higher employment rate, lower unemployment rate and lower economic inactivity than Wales as a whole, according to the latest Regional Economic and Labour Market profile.
The recently published profile, which provides a regional picture compiling published figures up to September 2019, shows the employment rate in North Wales at 75.9 per cent, higher than the rates for both Wales as a whole and the UK.
            Up to the year ending September 2019 the unemployment rate in North Wales was lower than Wales and the UK as a whole. The economic inactivity rate also fell in the region to 21 per cent, the lowest figure among the three regions of Wales.

            Welcoming the figures Economy and North Wales Minister Ken Skates, who is Assembly Member for Clwyd South, said: “Unemployment across the whole of Wales is at a historic low and it’s good to see the North Wales region performing well once again in the Regional Economic profile.

            “The region is in a strong position as we face the future with a number of exciting developments achieved or planned.  Last year we saw the opening of AMRC Cymru in Broughton which will be operated by the University of Sheffield’s renowned Advanced Manufacturing and Research Centre (AMRC). It is estimated that this could increase GVA to the Welsh economy by as much as £4bn over the next 20 years.

            “We are investing in the region’s infrastructure with, for example, work progressing well on the £135m Caernarfon and Bontnewydd bypass in Gwynedd – one of the largest Welsh Government infrastructure projects in the region. I also recently announced a £20m investment to progress the North Wales Metro, and we are continuing with our plans for a third Menai crossing.

            “Our aim is to continue to stand up for North Wales and build on the region’s success ensuring prosperity is shared across all our communities.”

Monday, February 10, 2020

Snow falls on the Horseshoe Pass and in town

The Ponderosa Cafe has just posted pictures on its Facebook page showing lying snow on the Horseshoe Pass. 

It says: 

Ponderosa Cafe
4 mins
"Please only travel over the pass if essential we’ve had heavy snow fall over the last hour. The cafe will be closing 1pm today."
Snow is also now falling in Llangollen town at around 12.30pm.

* St Collen's Church under snow this afternoon.

* Looking across the rooftops at the wintry scene.

County’s roads checked after severe weather

Highways crews from Denbighshire County Council are checking routes across the county today (Monday) to clear debris left following the flooding incidents on Sunday.

The council responded to numerous for help from the public on Sunday and spent the day assisting residents and responding to calls for help county wide. 

A number of roads across the county were closed and severe flood warnings were issued for the Glasdir Estate in Ruthin and for the River Elwy in St Asaph and Rhuddlan areas.  Some minor flooding was reported in these areas.

A rest centre was opened at St Asaph Leisure Centre as a precautionary measure and provided temporary shelter for 53 people and four dogs. 

The people evacuated from Llys y Felin and Mill Street were able to return to their properties a few hours later.  Residents of the Spring Gardens caravan park were placed in overnight accommodation.

Councillor Brian Jones, Cabinet Lead Member for Highways, Environment and Sustainable Travel, said: “The weather on Saturday night and into Sunday was relentless and the sheer amount of rain that fell in Denbighshire and the rest of North Wales and the UK resulted in flooding in some of our communities and caused difficult travelling conditions.

“The council’s teams worked tirelessly in appalling conditions to respond to flooding incidents and problems with fallen trees. Our out of hours service was inundated with calls for help and additional staff were called in for support.

“We also had teams working closely with the other key emergency services, as well as staff and volunteers from the local community assisting at the rest centre. They were able to provide safety to those at risk of flooding and provide them with warmth in a safe environment.

“There was also good co-ordination with Natural Resources Wales who fronted the response to the flooding regionally.

“Further warnings are in place for rain, wind and snow on higher routes over the coming days  and the council is advising people to monitor weather forecasts and the media for any further advice."

Special LGBT to be held service at St Collen's

St Collen’s Church in Llangollen is hosting a special service to celebrate LGBT History Month on Saturday February 22.

Starting at 4pm, it will be a service of sacred and secular music, readings and poems led by celebrities, according to the vicar Father Lee Taylor.

During the service, the tomb of the Ladies of Llangollen will be blessed. 

Special guest will be Ian Shaw, award-winning Welsh jazz singer, presenter and actor.