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Friday, December 13, 2019

Tributes paid to well-known Llan resident Mike Law

* Mike Law who died last week.

* Mike Law (second from right) is one of his most memorable roles, as Captain Mainwaring in Dad's Army. Both pictures courtesy of Malcolm Potter.

Tributes have been paid to one of Llangollen’s best-known figures from the worlds of amateur dramatics and voluntary work who has died at the age of 80.

For many years Mike Law was an active member of the Twenty (XX) Club, not only appearing in many of its most memorable stage productions but also helping out behind the scenes.

He was a leading member and past president of Llangollen Rotary Club and also an enthusiastic volunteer with the International Eisteddfod.

Nearly a decade ago he founded and remained chair of Llangollen Cancer Support Group.

Mr Law died at his home in the town last week leaving a wife, two sons and two grand-daughters.

Born in Derby, he went on from a local school to study at Liverpool University following which he worked as a teacher in the city and later became a lecturer in English and drama at the I.M Marsh College of Education.

After joining HM Inspectorate of Education he was transferred to its Wrexham office which is when he moved with his family to Wales.

He had met his wife Enid, who was originally from Bangor, at an education conference in Southport when they were both teaching. They were married in 1967.

Both of their sons trained as journalists, Bryn going on to become a reporter with Sky Sport and now  a freelance sports commentator living with his family in Leeds. His brother Tom, who once worked for the Wrexham Leader, is a freelance copywriter based in Cardiff.

The Laws’ two grand-daughters are Megan, who is at Durham University, and Millie, who attends a sixth-form college in Leeds.   

Despite taking early retirement from the education inspectorate Mr Law was persuaded to return to education by undertaking lecturing stints at NEWI, the forerunner of Wrexham’s Glyndwr University, and eventually become head of the college’s education department.

He retired, this time permanently, 20 years ago although remained extremely active in a number of spheres locally.

He took prominent roles in the Twenty Club’s most successful productions of the past decade or so, including playing Captain Mainwaring in Dad’s Army.

He twice served as president of Llangollen Rotary Club and was assistant governor of the local Rotary district.

A long-standing supporter of the International Eisteddfod, he served at various times on its town events and outside stages committees. His long service to the festival was acknowledged when he was appointed as a life member quite recently.

Mr Law was also a poet and had a book of his work published.

One of his later achievements was founding the Llangollen Cancer Support Group, which continues to do much to support those with prostate cancer.

His wife Enid said: “He did so much with many local organisations that I think he will be missed very much.”

Paying tribute to him, Ian Parry, a fellow member of the Cancer Support Group, said: “Mike founded the group nearly 10 years ago and remained as chair all that time until illness forced him to step down last year.

“He made it clear that the group existed for all men with prostate problems not just cancer. All those who attend or have attended meetings of the group are grateful for the support and friendship it provides which would not have been the case if Mike had not had the foresight to establish the group all those years ago.

“There were about 10 members when the group was first established and now the email list has grown to over 40 names.

“It is not just Llangollen men who attend but there are members from Wrexham, Oswestry, Bala and elsewhere. 

“Mike was able to get all of the urology consultants from Wrexham Maelor Hospital at some time to come to talk to the group about current and new treatments for prostate conditions.

“He was keen to promote and publicise the group and produced information leaflets and business cards and pens which were issued at various awareness events he organised and at local surgeries and health centres.

“He will be sadly missed and the condolences of the group are extended to his wife Enid.”

Sian Glynne-Jones, chair of Twenty Club, said: “Mike has been a member of the club since 1985. He has been very active member up until the last year.  Since then, he has continued to support us by coming along to our performances and helping when he could.

“On stage he has played many roles, including the mammoth role of Captain Mainwaring in Dad’s Army and Love on the Dole, where he played man and wife alongside Enid.

“He has also directed many plays, and been the Assistant Director or Producer to support and assist other directors and novice directors. Some of those plays include Jane Eyre, A Child’s Christmas in Wales, Night Must Fall and Murder on the Nile.

“His dedication to the club also means that when Mike did not have a key role directing or on stage, he was happy to do the less prominent, but still essential, roles of props, backstage or front of house.

“In addition to his stage work, he has been heavily involved with the running of the club.  He has been both a member of the Committee and the Chair of the Selection Committee for many years.  He was instrumental in the club's staging of the unknown play Hannay Stands Fast by David Edgar (who also recently passed away), which was a tremendous success. He was ambitious for the club and believed we should stage a range of plays, from the very popular to the more challenging.

“Mike has also organised many social nights, including the Poem and Pint evenings. He also wrote his own sketches and plays, including a Murder Mystery performed on the Llangollen Railway.

“He had strong belief that the XX Club should help to grow other talent within the group and locally.  This came across both within the XX Club and other groups he was involved with.  He was always very supportive of the club and its people.

“He has also been very supportive of me as a Chair of the club and as a business in town and I thank him for that.

“He leaves us with many memories, including his ability to ad lib on stage, meaning that anyone acting a scene with him had to be on their toes and not necessarily expect to receive the precise cues!

“It has been sad seeing him become more fragile over the last few years as he is yet another one of our ‘old hands’ that we have lost within the last couple of years.

“Thank you Mike for your continued support and your belief in our society.  We hope that those who you have helped to grow will have many successful years and will go on to help others to grow.”

Gethin Davies, on behalf of Llangollen Rotary Club, said: “The sudden and unexpected passing of Mike Law has been a great shock to all who knew him, but particularly to the members of the Rotary Club of Llangollen. 

“Mike was a most valued member of the club, having joined it over 30 years ago.  He had held office as President twice, each time with marked success.  He served on various committees, chairing the Vocational Service committee while only in his second year of membership. 

“Each commitment he took on was fulfilled with enthusiasm, flair and good humour. He took great delight in setting quizzes for the club and invariably presented the winners with a delightful gift, bought of course at his own expense.

“Mike was always ready to help and advise new members of the club and his mentoring was deeply appreciated. 

“A man of the highest principles, he also knew how to enjoy himself and frequently served as a master of ceremonies at various events, always with great distinction and humour.

“Mike was a true proponent of the Rotary motto ‘Service above self’, always ready to volunteer for any job that needed doing.  In particular, until his health failed, he was an enthusiastic member of the team of drivers in the Dial-a-Ride organisation, which provides transport for elderly or disabled people who might otherwise be housebound.

“Everything that Mike did was done well.  He will be sadly missed by his many friends and particularly by the members of the Rotary Club of which he was such a distinguished member.”

Mr Law’s funeral will take place at St Collen’s Church at noon next Thursday, December 19, and then at Wrexham Crematorium at 1.30pm.

Clwyd South falls to the Conservatives

* Simon Baynes is the new MP for Clwyd South.

Welsh Conservatives have taken the local Clwyd South seat from Labour for the first time since it was created in 1997.

Simon Baynes beat incumbent Labour MP Susan Elan Jones by 16,222 votes to 14,983.
Plaid Cymru's Chris Allen got 2,137 votes and Liberal Democrat candidate Calum Davies received 1,496 votes.
Brexit Party candidate Jamie Adams received 1,468 votes.

* Labour's Susan Elan Jones was defeated.

Clwyd South turnout down, says just tweeted at 1.06am:

Turnout for Clwyd South is 57% - this is down quite a bit on the 69% turnout back in 2017.

Turnout in Clwyd South is 57% with 30,703 votes #GeneralElection2019, says BBC local deimocracy reporter Liam Randall.

Welsh Conservatives take Vale of Clwyd by majority of 1,827.

Conservatives take Wrexham from Labour. Majority 2,131. reports Conservatives take Clwyd South.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Ysgol Bryn Collen gives us a rockin' good show

* The grand finale of Cinderella Rockerfeller.

Glittery costumes, fairies, ugly sisters, lots of furry animals, baddies, a comedy duo and even a town crier a just bit smaller than our usual one – the Ysgol Bryn Collen Christmas spectacular Cinderella Rockerfeller had the lot.

For sheer entertainment value you couldn’t beat the show which puts a slightly more modern twist on the famous panto story, giving the opportunity for what appeared to be the whole school to shine like a collective seasonal star from the Town Hall stage.

The army of mums, dads and grandparents in the packed audience loved every minute of the action involving youngsters both on the stage and the cast of thousands just in front of the footlights.

The singing was powerful, the jokes were deliciously corny and everyone had a fantastic time.
This was just a bit more proof of what a talented town Llangollen is.  

* Even the head Lisa Howden gets to try on the slipper.

Last posting days for Christmas

According to Royal Mail, last posting days for Christmas 2019 are:

Wednesday 18 December2nd Class and 2nd Class Signed For
Friday 20 December1st Class and 1st Class Signed For
and Royal Mail Tracked 48*
Saturday 21 DecemberRoyal Mail Tracked 24*
Monday 23 DecemberSpecial Delivery Guaranteed

Community theatre has its opening concert

* The concert in progress. Picture courtesy of Holroyd Community Theatre.

Mike Gleed reports on the inaugural concert at the new Holroyd Community Theatre just up the A5 at Moreton Hall School ... 

Saturday 7th December saw the first ever Concert at the New Holroyd Community Theatre in the Moreton School near Chirk. 

Because of the audience demand it was performed  twice, once at 5pm and again at 7.30pm. 

As the name implies and was intended, it will be a community theatre but also it is intended for use by both sides of the border. 

This concert indeed included excellent children's choirs from Shropshire and Wales and a fabulous orchestra of youth and mature members. 

To add to the mix, Cor Meibion Dyffryn Ceiriog added their, shall we say, more mature contribution. 

There was even two poems, winners of a competition themed about Christmas. 

Compering and readings by  TV celebrities, Ian Bartholomew and Ian Puleston-Davies (off Corrie) added to the enjoyment.

All contributions were of a high standard and well appreciated by both packed audiences. 

To round off the evening everyone, including the audiences, joined together in rousing renditions of 12 Days of Christmas led by the MD of the Male Voice Choir and Head of Music the talented Helen Rayner.   

Plans for future of Royal Hotel unveiled

* Above and below: Artists impressions shown at the consultation event of the proposed new look for the Royal Hotel from the river side.

The new owners of Llangollen’s Royal Hotel have revealed their plans for the transformation of the town’s grade II listed venue in what was the first of a number of public consultations.

Back in March it was announced that a local hospitality group which already oversees Tyn Dwr Hall wedding venue and Three Eagles Restaurant Bar had bought the hotel in partnership with local businessman Tom Bellis. 

Part of the announcement indicated that the Royal would be closed in the new year to enable a full building renovation to be carried out with the aim of re-opening it as a high quality, boutique destination hotel in spring 2021.

Held on Tuesday evening the public consultation was said to be very well attended with a dining room full of members of the local public who were openly invited to put any questions they had to group owner and Llangollen man Matt Jones.

The evening started with the presentation of a number of proposed floor plans and artistic impressions of what the re-vamped hotel will look like on the exterior – showing the  construction of a spa and two separate plunge pools which will overhang the River Dee as part of a ‘cantilevered super-structure’. 

Above the spa, new accommodation will be created – each room with its own private balcony to look out across the scenic riverside view.

New spaces will be created within the interior of the hotel, allowing for a more organic ‘flow’ through the building and enabling an all-new high-end restaurant – headed up by executive chef Adam Gaunt-Evans - with the intention of becoming a focal point.

The plans also indicated that new decking would be extended further out over the river to incorporate more dining space which will accompany a new bar/bistro accessible through a new opening that will be constructed.

The design team were introduced as architects Donald Insall Associates and interior designers Blackthorn Design whilst the contractor enlisted to deliver the renovation is Wrexham-based Knights Construction. 

Due to the historic importance of the hotel works will be undertaken in close consultation with CADW so as to ensure sensitivity towards the fabric of the building, according to a press release from the owners.

Matt Jones said: “Over the last few months we have already gone to great lengths to ensure that we fully understand this building and the many different phases of its construction throughout its history.

“Our team have a grand vision for creating a venue that people from afar will want to come and experience. The level of service and quality of venue will be something that hasn’t been seen in this region before.”

The press release adds: "The consultation ended with a number of attendees wishing the best of luck with one man even predicting that the Royal Hotel 2021 would 'totally transform Llangollen for the better'.”