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Wednesday, July 10, 2019

2020 chair gives latest update

* Castle Street is at the heart of the 2020 proposals.

The county councillor heading the group looking at streamlining traffic flow and parking in Llangollen has given a fresh update on its progress.

The 2020 Project aims to develop options for a safer and more pedestrian-friendly town centre and produce options to ease the chronic parking situation.

Many of the proposals worked up with the help of consultants to achieve these goals were published in a feasibility study document last February.

However, Llangollen county councillor Graham Timms, who chairs 2020, says the plan still requires one major aspect to be covered before being finalised.

He said: “Details of parking proposals still need to be looked at and we will be getting further information about where, when and why people park in the town.

“We have to look at the needs of all the different groups involved and strike the correct balance between residents, tourists and people who work in town.

“We might also have to look at changing the current parking regulations in a number of areas.

“Around the autumn there will be further consultation of the parking issue before the plan is finalised.

“We hope to have a working plan on parking by the end of the year and for the whole project by next April.”

Accroding to Cllr Timms, the latest estimate of the overall cost of 2020 is between £2-3 million and he said various avenues of funding the finished project were still being explored, including the Welsh Givernment, Denbighshire County Council and Visit Wales.

Big march bus leaves Llan on July 20

A coach is due to leave Llangollen taking local people to the big March for Change in London on  Saturday, July 20.

A spokesperson for the organisers said: "It’s the start of a national fightback against a government seemingly determined to deliver a No Deal or hard Brexit by October 31.

"While the truth may have become unspeakable recently, the fact is that we are stronger in Europe. We live in a globalised world and on everything from the climate emergency to transnational corporate tax dodging we have a better chance of addressing the issues we face if we stand together.

"So join Gwynedd Dros Ewrop and North Wales for Europe in London on what is set to be the biggest peacetime protest in UK history."

The bus leaves Llangollen at 7.15am from Berwyn Street (opposite Stan’s filling station).
LL20 8NF.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Eisteddfod attracts 33,000 visitors

* Competitors came from around the world.
The eisteddfod has revealed that this year's festival attracted more visitors than in recent years. 

A spokesperson said: "Despite disappointing pre-sales, the weather has been glorious and helped us attract 33,000 visitors throughout the week.

"There was an increase of over 20% in daytime visitors compared to last year and the highest number of participants for over four years.

"Specific highlights for us included the wonderful launch concert with Jools Holland playing with his Rhythm and Blues Orchestra and telling the audience that Llangollen was by far his favourite festival in the world, and welcoming new international groups from places as far away as Ghana, Indonesia, Hong Kong and the United States. 

“The competitions reached a climax on Saturday with local choir, John’s Boys from Rhosllannerchrugog, winning Choir of the World. It is only the third time that a Welsh choir has won the coveted title. 

"Our finale was Llanfest, the all-day party on Sunday.

"We couldn’t be prouder of the entire festival team, especially the 800 volunteers who have worked tirelessly. Without them our eisteddfod wouldn't exist.”

Bryn Collen gets £25,000 to boost children's digital skills

* Children gather around to learn about green screen filming. 

Switched-on youngsters at a Llangollen primary school have just received a £25,000 boost to their IT skills.

The cash from three major grants will help over 180 pupils at Ysgol Bryn Collen learn much more about the amazing digital world as well as finding out about the rich history and culture of the famous town they live in.

During a special gathering at the school yesterday (Monday) evening parents and friends were able to see what the money, which came from the National Lottery Awards for All, the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Sustainable Development Fund and the Parent/Teacher Friends Association, is being used for.

Over the past couple of months the school has bought a wealth of new digital equipment, from laptops and iPads to a ‘green screen’ filming kit.

Headteacher Lisa Howden explained: “The entire school has been involved in our Digital Showcase project which has certainly helped us to take things to a new level.

“The various pieces of new equipment have been used to record and film various aspects of life in Llangollen, from landscape and environment to people and community.

“Local artist Ben Davis has been spending time with the children teaching them how to use the equipment and they’ve been out filming in places such as on the canal and the riverside.

“A group filmed at Plas Newydd and, using the green screen kit, superimposed images actually taken in school onto pictures of the house.

“Each class has taken a different theme. For instance, Class 5 children were looking at Llangollen in the Second World War and spoke to the nephew of a man who was evacuated from Liverpool to the town to record his story.

"Others have talked to local people, such as our town crier Chem, about their experiences of Llangollen."  

Lisa added: “Most of what’s been recorded will go into a digital archive we’re creating in school but we are also hoping to transfer some of the material onto a memory stick and donate it to Llangollen Museum.

“The whole project has been marvellous not only for helping the children to improve their IT skills but also to teach them more about the town they are part of.

“It’s also enabled us to train two digital leaders for each class and they in turn will be able to teach the skills they’ve learned to the rest of their classes.”

* Town crier and councillor Austin 'Chem' Cheminais
records his experiences for the project.
In the pictures below class groups are at work on various aspects of Digital Showcase. 

* Parents, teachers and friends gather round at the special evening.

'Come in join us,' say Llangollen Ramblers

Llangollen Ramblers recently went walking out to Hilbre Island in the Dee Estuary.

And they've sent a message to anyone interested in joining them.

It says: "Wish you were here?

"Well, not all our walks are as idyllic as this, but we're always keen to welcome new members.  Just ring Judy on 07905330788 if you would like more information."

Have your say on the county's new masterplan

A series of drop-in sessions have been arranged for people to comment on the county council’s approach to creating a new Local Development Plan.

The current Local Development Plan (LDP) provides local policy on development in the county and expires in December 2021 and there is a need to have a new adopted LDP in place by this date. 

Over the past 12 months detailed work has taken place on developing a range of growth options which set out how much land would be required for different types of development and where that development should broadly be located.

Councillors have agreed a draft Preferred Strategy for consultation. This recommends the provision of land for 3,775 homes and 68 hectares of employment land. It is also proposed to focus new development in settlements with access to services; including a Strategic Site at Bodelwyddan.

The consultation runs until the August 30, 2019. 

A series of drop-in sessions have been arranged for people to talk to officers including one on Wednesday, July  17 at Llangollen Town Hall Foyer, from 2-7pm

Councillor Mark Young, Cabinet Lead Member for Planning, Public Protection and Sustainable Communities, said: “Agreeing and adopting a Local Development Plan is a lengthy process and we have now agreed to consult on our broad approach. The public are now being given a chance to have their say. 

"The responses to this consultation will be reported back to Members and the final Preferred Strategy will need to be discussed by Council in the Autumn. This will allow the Council to progress to the next stage of the LDP process, which is around creating detailed policies, proposals and specific land use allocations. This more detailed work will also be subject to further public consultation."

* People can access the consultation via the council’s

Corwen remembers its own eisteddfod

This year marks the one-hundred-year anniversary since the Peace Eisteddfod was held in Corwen in 1919.

It was a very special occasion being the first Eisteddfod following the Great War and particularly important for Corwen to be the town to host this special event.

To mark the occasion, the National Lottery funded Our Picturesque Landscape project has been working with local artists to support the community in a commemorative event.

The pupils of Ysgol Caer Drewyn have been learning about the traditions of the Eisteddfod and the actual events that took place in Corwen in 1919. 

Such as how the A5 road was closed for the Eisteddfod week, there were four platforms built at Corwen train station and how the harpist, Nansi Richards, overslept and arrived late in her night dress and a large overcoat to play her harp and had to stay dressed like that for the whole hot August day! 

They have also enjoyed using their imaginations to decide what happened to the 1919 Corwen National Eisteddfod Chair, the whereabouts of which is still a mystery to this day.

A commemorative community event is planned for Wednesday July 10 where a procession will be led up to the Gorsedd circle in Coed Pen y Pigyn, starting from Canolfan Ni at 1pm.

Everyone is welcome to join the procession and remember the 1919 Corwen National Eisteddfod together.

For the procession the children at Ysgol Caer Drewyn, and some of their parents, have been creating giant Druid puppets.

The children in key stage two have formed a percussion band to create a celebratory atmosphere for the procession and they have developed drama performances based on the actual happenings at the Eisteddfod in 1919, which will be performed in the Gorsedd at Pen Y Pigyn. 

The local community have also been involved. On Thursdays at Canolfan Ni the Vale of Clwyd MIND group and the lunch club together with the nursery school children have been using printing techniques to create banners and flags to decorate the procession. 

The event is also being filmed to share with people who cannot be there and for the future, to remind people in 100 years’ time how Corwen celebrated this important centenary.

Following the event in July, members of the community who have been involved in the project will be taking the Druid puppets to this year’s National Eisteddfod in Llanrwst to remind people of the anniversary of the 1919 National Peace Eisteddfod and encourage people to come and visit Corwen.

Sallyanne Hall, Community Engagement Officer for Our Picturesque Landscape “I am really looking forward to the procession, it has been wonderful to see people of all ages and backgrounds working together to remember and celebrate this important anniversary, the inter-generational activities in making the decorations and hearing the stories of people’s own memories of Eisteddfods from their childhoods has been particularly special.”

Richard Bellamy, Director of the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Wales, said: “We are enthusiastic about giving young people the chance to learn about heritage. Thanks to National Lottery players our funding helps them to work with others in their community bringing fresh ideas and energy to the task.  The Corwen Eisteddfod Procession is an excellent example of how they can get involved, develop new skills and interests, connect with their communities and have fun.”