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Thursday, May 30, 2019

County to vote on new leisure service delivery model

* Llangollen International Pavilion could form part of the new delivery model.

Various leisure facilities and functions provided by Denbighshire County Council could soon be delivered via an alternative delivery model.

The proposals for a council-owned not-for-profit trading company are to be discussed by the full council today (Thursday) after they were previously approved by the authority's cabinet.

The council-owned trading company would enable the service to trade more commercially, to help sustain the facilities, as well as making savings for the council of £800,000 in the first year.

The facilities proposed to be included are the county’s seven leisure centres as well as the Prestatyn Nova, SC2, Rhyl Pavilion Theatre, Rhyl Events Arena and events function, North Wales Bowls Centre, Rhyl Town Hall, Ruthin Craft Centre, Llangollen Pavilion, 1891, CafĂ© R (Ruthin) and Strategic Leisure.

The Pavilion is not owned by the council but is leased to it by the International Eisteddfod.

Whilst the consideration of an alternative delivery model (ADM) is new to the council, many other councils across the UK are already using similar ADMs to deliver a range of functions and the council has engaged extensively with these as the Denbighshire model has been drawn up.

Graham Boase, Denbighshire’s Corporate Director for the Economy and Public Realm, said:  “We are very proud of our leisure services in Denbighshire. Investment by the council over the past 10 years has seen visitor numbers increase and our facilities are now first class and up-to-date, comparing favourably with the best leisure facilities in the industry.

“We have recognised the need for on-going investment at times of significant financial challenge, as we can clearly see the benefits to people’s health and well-being. We have also listened to the public as the demand for leisure sessions grew and continues to grow across the council.

“This model will allow a more flexible, innovative and entrepreneurial approach to commercial leisure, whilst allowing the Council to retain complete control through the creation of a brand new board that will be responsible for running the company.

“This will ensure the company continues to deliver a high quality leisure provision long into the future, but as the company would be solely owned by the council it will be the council that sets the priorities for the company and the level of service expected to be delivered.

“As such the public should see very little difference in terms of the quality of the services provided or the ‘look and feel’ of the facilities themselves.”

No decision has yet been made and if the business case for the plan is supported by full council a number of further decisions will be required over the summer and autumn to ensure the company is set up in a way that provides the council with the necessary controls.

Chairman of the Eisteddfod Dr Rhys Davies said: "The Eisteddfod owns the freehold of the Pavilion and there is a long lease in favour of the county council. Any change to arrangements at the Pavilion would need the Eisteddfod’s permission."

This position was confirmed by the council whose spokesperson said: “If the proposal is agreed we will enter in negotiations with the owners to negotiate new arrangements that will involve the new company.”

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Llan landmarks feature in new marketing campaign

* The Chain Bridge in Llangollen features in the new campaign.

A new film, photographs and a suite of brand-new digital maps showcasing the North East Wales region have been released as part of Visit Wales’ Year of Discovery campaign. 

Denbighshire, Wrexham and Flintshire have joined forces to produce the marketing resources to inspire local people and visitors to experience the region.

The film, which premiered at the recent North Wales Tourism Annual Trade Meeting, explores the region’s tourism offer including key attractions like Greenfield Valley, Chirk Castle and SC2 in Rhyl as well as the rural and coastal landscapes of Moel Famau and Talacre Beach. 

For outdoor adventure enthusiasts, it showcases mountain biking in Nercwys Forest and OnePlanet Adventure, Llandegla and kayaking on the River Dee in Llangollen. 

The film kicks off with the impressive Pontcysyllte Aqueduct & Canal, which is celebrating its 10 year anniversary since the inscription of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

This film is the start of a series of new mini films which will be released throughout the year, featuring different themes including coast, castles, landscape, culture, adventure and the World Heritage Site. 

A gallery of professional images have also been released to help draw new and repeat visits to the region all year round.

Tourism plays a vital part in the regions’ economy, with a total economic impact in 2017 of £867m and over 11 million visits made.

Ian Lebbon, Chair of Denbighshire Destination Management Partnership, said: “With the main tourism season upon us; it’s great to see Denbighshire, Flintshire & Wrexham working together to launch a variety of professional marketing materials to showcase the region during the Year of Discovery. We would encourage businesses to use the resources available to them to create greater awareness of the region and boost the local economy throughout the year.”

Seven new digital maps exploring a variety of locations across both North East Wales have also been produced. The maps interlink with the 75-mile North Wales Way – one of three national tourism routes launched by Visit Wales under The Wales Way brand. The new maps have been a community-effort, as businesses were invited to workshops across North Wales to discuss their ideas for new tourist routes to help promote the region and provide loops and detours off The North Wales Way.

* To view the film please visit North East Wales on Facebook or YouTube -

* To view the maps and photographs and for further information on the region, please visit

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

llanblogger preview of Twenty Club's stunning WW1 drama

* A scene from Dinner With Otto.

Special llanblogger preview

While their young men fought and died in the appalling conditions of the Western Front during World War One few back home had the remotest idea of what they were enduring.

And when they returned from this living hell of mud and blood just the other side of the Channel it was rare for them to talk about what they had seen and done.

It is this painful reality which is at the heart of Dinner With Otto, the new play being premiered by Llangollen Twenty Club at the Town Hall with a three-night run starting this Thursday evening and running on Friday and Saturday too.

llanblogger has been given a preview of the production which is surely one of the most absorbing and evocative representations of the “war to end wars” ever to take to the stage.

Written by Tom George, who clearly has a deep understanding of the period, it is surely the most powerful and challenging production ever undertaken by the club, which has had to completely switch focus away from its usual easy-to-watch material to do it full justice.

And this they have certainly achieved to produce an outstanding piece of heavy drama which wouldn’t look out of place on a professional stage.

The action opens in March 1919, just months after the Armistice, when hosts of young men, deeply troubled by what they had been forced to experience, returned to what they had been cynically promised would be a “land fit for heroes”.

But it was a land totally unprepared to handle what would now be termed as PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder. These days there is sympathetic treatment available but back then it was a case of just put it behind you and get on with it.

One man who can’t do that is 23-year-old Ben Davies who comes back to his small Welsh village deeply damaged and with a head full of horror, the nature and depth of which is slowly bled out of him during the course of the play.

This is a mammoth part in terms of the complexity and depth required. But it is handled impeccably by Si Kneale who rings every ounce of emotion out of it, even the totally contextual swearing.

The rest of the cast aren’t just there to sympathise with what the war has done to him because they must be exposed and put through the ringer for the part they have played in creating the hell which Ben and thousands of other returning soldiers like him have been put through over four years - the war profiteer, the religious hypocrite, the patriotic fool.

Chief culprit in the town mayor, Cllr Thomas, portrayed with all due pomposity and bigotry by Twenty Club favourite Arwel Jarvis.

His fellow councillor, Helen Elliot Jones, who on the face of it is a mother grieving for the loss of her only son Aled in the blood-filled trenches but is actually something infinitely more repugnant, is stylishly brought to life by Jo Lloyd.

Ianto Morris, much more sinister a figure than the hapless local street sweeper, is extremely well presented by Neil Evans.

Similar helpings of talent are brought to bear by Paula Hardy as Ben’s loving mum Sarah, Hannah Edwards as his would-be girlfriend Megan, David Connolly as village bobby Sergeant Jenkins and Twenty Club debutante Mike Connolly in the role of local vicar, the Rev Ivor Williams, doing a very passable Welsh accent for a chap actually from the south of England.

This is a poignant tale delving deep into a facet of this dreadful war not told often enough and the cast, directed tightly and wisely by Lyn Aston, have interpreted it with a degree of sheer professionalism that is simply superb.

* Tickets are available from Courtyard Books, Gwyn Davies Butchers and Jenni's Llangollen, or

Isherwood calls for action on prostate cancer

North Wales Assembly Member Mark Isherwood (pictured) has called on the Welsh Government to ensure that health boards in Wales act on its updated guideline that men with suspected prostate cancer should be offered a Multiparametric MRI scan before biopsy.

His call follows the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) having published its updated guidelines for prostate cancer diagnosis and management, 

Mr Isherwood, who has made repeated calls for pre and post-biopsy Multiparametric MRI scans to be made available to suspected prostate cancer patients, has welcomed the announcement.

However, speaking in the Chamber, he said it now up to the Welsh Government to ensure that health boards amend their pathways accordingly.

Calling for a Welsh Government Statement on the matter during the Business Statement, he said:
“Twelve days ago, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, or NICE, updated their guidelines for prostate cancer diagnosis and management in England and Wales, recommending, amongst other things, that active surveillance should be offered as a primary option for men with low-risk localised prostate cancer. 

"And the changes in the updated guidelines included the statement that men should be offered multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging, or mpMRI scans, before biopsy if they're suspected to have localised prostate cancer.

“Prostate Cancer UK stated ‘this breakthrough diagnostic technique should now be made available in all parts of Wales in the near future, ending the current variation in access that has resulted in some men paying privately for scans’. 

"In March last year, NHS England announced that it was launching a one-stop service using MRI techniques for timely diagnosis in England. Last December, NICE issued new draft guidance recommending pre-biopsy mpMRI for suspected Prostate Cancer.

“In January, the Welsh Government Minister for Health and Social Services (Vaughan Gething AM) wrote to Assembly Members stating that he'd asked all Health Boards to work with the Welsh Urology Board to ensure they have full implementation plans. In the same letter, he said that ‘Health Boards have confirmed that, at present, they deliver care in line with current NICE Guidance’. 

"However, when I had a meeting with Betsi Cadwaladr (Health Board) last December with a patient, they formally apologised for not having delivered care in accordance with NICE guidance for post-biopsy mpMRI and confirmed that they would be recompensing the men who had paid accordingly."

He added: "As Prostate Cancer UK states, ‘mpMRI revolutionizes Prostate Cancer diagnosis’. The Welsh Government should therefore respond to their calls and those of others, including Tenovus Cancer Care, for the Welsh Government to ensure that mpMRI is now available across Wales. 

"Although Mr Gething told the Assembly in March that when NICE recommends pre-biopsy mpMRI, he will expect all Health Boards in Wales to amend their pathways accordingly, he must therefore now go further and ensure that they do. I call for a Statement accordingly on a matter that has occupied much time in this Chamber and generated a number of issues.”

Responding the Minister for Finance and Trefnydd, Rebecca Evans AM, said: “Of course, patients should have access to investigations for cancer in line with national guidance, and this should be delivered consistently across Wales. 

"Mark Isherwood outlined that the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence published updated guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer on 9 May. Health Boards that do not currently provide care in line with this guidance are due to submit their implementation plans to the Welsh Government by 3 June, and then the Welsh Government will be meeting with Health Boards on 19 June to review these plans, and implementation timescales will depend on the content of those plans.”

Monday, May 27, 2019

Nominations open for county's sport awards

* Previous sport award winners.

Nominations are open for the Denbighshire Community Sport  Awards 2019.

Over the last seven years Denbighshire has recognised over 80 individuals, teams, schools and clubs for their dedication to local community grass root sport in the county. 

There are also elite level athletes representing Wales and Team GB in their chosen sport from the local area, which will continue to be rewarded.

All of the award finalists in the 2019 sport awards will be forwarded to the Sport Wales and BBC Wales sport personality awards held nationally in Cardiff, where Denbighshire will be looking to add to the success of 8 finalists and 6 national winners over the last few years.

Nominees must reside in Denbighshire, or be affiliated to a Denbighshire club relevant to their nomination and achieved their success in the last 12 months up to the application closing date which is Thursday 1st August 2019.

This year’s categories include sports performer, junior sports performer, coach of the year, team of the year, volunteer of the year, disability sport award, young inspiration award, lifetime achievement award and the ‘Sport in School’ award.

Nominations can be made on-line:
Jamie Groves, Head of Facilities, Assets and Housing said: “The Denbighshire community sport awards has helped recognise and share some amazing stories over the last few years.

“This proves to us that the quality of sport in Denbighshire is very high and that there are plenty of opportunities for people to return to playing sport or to try a new sport as a beginner.

“As a service through our partnership with Alliance Leisure we have continued to invest in our leisure facilities, offering residents a high quality service, and an environment for them to thrive.

Denbighshire Leisure services are also looking for organisations that would like to link their brand to the Community Sport awards as a category sponsor and a ‘sponsorship package’ can be sent for more information.

* For more information on the awards please visit or contact Sian Bennett, Health and Wellbeing Manager, 01824 712710

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Brexit Party tops Denbighshire Euro poll

The Brexit Party has topped the poll in the Euro elections in Denbighshire.

See the results at:

The Brexit Party was also top in the poll in Wrexham county.

Denbighshire, Wales

  • The Brexit Party
  • Plaid Cymru
  • Labour
  • Liberal Democrats
  • Conservative
  • Green
  • UKIP
  • Change UK

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Special event launches eisteddfod fundraising campaign

* Karamba Samba drumming band in action on the square.

* Guitar vocalist Tim Lennon performs a number. 

A red-hot samba band helped pull in the bank holiday weekend crowds when the International Eisteddfod launched its new fundraising campaign with a fun event on Centenary Square this afternoon (Saturday).

#YourLlangollen aims to raise awareness of the eisteddfod’s charity status and how crucial donations are to maintain this unique festival for future generations.

Visitors enjoyed a programme of free entertainment from a variety of performers such as the high-energy Chester-based Karamba Samba drumming troop and mellow guitar vocalist Tim Lennon. 

They were also able to purchase raffle tickets to win exclusive prizes kindly donated from local business such as glamping, spa and dining experiences will support the event’s aim to raise funds for the Eisteddfod.

The event continues until 4pm today. 

Eisteddfod chairman Dr Rhys Davies said “We welcome the world to Wales every year and we know the entire Llangollen community is proud of our International Eisteddfod. 

"As with all charities, we rely heavily on charitable donations and are launching the #YourLlangollen fundraising campaign to raise important funds whilst also highlighting our amazing 2019 festival line-up."

People unable to attend the #YourLlangollen event can still show their support by donating:

Text YourLlangollen5 to 70085 to donate £5
Text YourLlangollen10 to 70085 to donate £10 

Texts will cost the chosen donation amount plus one standard network rate message. This charge will be taken from your Pay as you Go credit or added to your monthly mobile bill.

* Tickets for this year’s festival can be purchased online at or via the box office on 01978 862001.