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Monday, February 25, 2019

Tributes paid to saviour of Llan food festival

* Colin Loughlin with Clwyd South AM Ken Skates, who is also the Welsh Government Minister for the Economy and Transport.

Tributes have been paid to a “larger than life” former wine merchant who saved Llangollen Food Festival.

Friends and colleagues were devastated by the death of Colin Loughlin, 76, at his home on the outskirts of the town following a suspected heart attack last week.

When the previous organiser of the food festival pulled the plug in 2011, Colin came to the rescue and led the committee of volunteers who took it over.

Since then the event has gone from strength to strength and has been named as one of the top 10 food festivals in the UK.

His contribution as the chair of the festival committee has been celebrated with a painting of him in a mural on the side of the Llangollen pavilion where the event is held every October.

A native of Wrexham, Colin ran a wine distribution company called Whitehouse Wines in Coedpoeth before going into business with Lorraine Hughes.

They bought an existing company called Megan’s Kitchen which makes Welsh cakes.

Lorraine continued to run the business after Colin retired five years ago before stepping down as festival committee chair in 2016.

She said: “I’ve known Colin for many years. He was so full of energy and character

“We became business partners when we took over Megan’s Kitchen about 14 years ago.

“In 2011 the guy that was running the food festival had to stop and we were approached to form a committee and to try and keep it going. Colin was elected as chair and he put his heart and soul into the job.”

Lorraine, who is the food festival’s assistant secretary, added: “He was larger than life and loved telling stories and listening to stories.

“He was the force behind the Llangollen Food Festival and we were all grateful when he returned and started attending committee meetings again a couple of years ago after resigning the chair in 2016.

“The issue was he put so much into the job he was wearing himself out. He was divorced and didn’t have any children but so many friends.

“He was also a keen rugby man and a massive Wales fan. At least he died knowing Wales were very much in with a chance of winning the Six Nations. He will be sorely missed and personally I am devastated.”

Festival committee secretary Ian Parry said: “I got to know Colin as he would call and see me from about 2002 when I was town clerk. He would pop into the office to see me about various issues.

“Then in 2011 he approached me for help in putting together a committee to save the Llangollen Food Festival and he asked if I would act as secretary to the committee and I was happy to do so. Initially the festival was run by a different group and then a commercial contractor.

“But in 2011 it looked like it would close down and Colin wanted to save it. He did a tremendous job getting a committee together and saving the festival. The success of the festival is down to his work and guidance.”

He added: “The problem was as the festival grew and expanded so rapidly he took on a huge amount of work and the pressure became immense. He decided, probably quite rightly for his own health, to stand down as chair in 2016.

“We brought in an outside company to work with the committee and help with marketing and organising the event. Colin stayed away from committee meetings for a year but came back and sat in offering his help and experience. He was really welcome.

“We simply wouldn’t have a food festival without Colin. He put so much into it and he will be sadly missed by many people in the town. He was always popular, measured and polite and was always an absolute gentleman. It’s such a huge loss for the town.”

Ian says Colin was a keen member of the Round Table in his younger days and on reaching 40 he joined the 41 Club, a group that works within the Round Table.

He said: “He was a keen rugby player in his younger days and played either hooker or front row for Wrexham Rugby Club and he used to love driving his Triumph Vitesse which was his pride and joy.”

Pip Gale,  of Gales Wine Bar and Hotel, added:  “Colin was so well respected and an amazing member of the food festival committee. In fact without him the festival just wouldn’t be alive now. He put in lots of effort but also added lots of real joy.

“He invited me onto the committee and it remains one of the best things I’ve ever done. He was a real driving force behind the undoubted success of the festival.

“He was uplifting in his grumpiness as he walked around the festival cajoling stall holders into making their exhibits bigger, better and brighter. If he had a fault it’s that he took too much on, he just loved it too much.”

He added: “We are already thinking of how we can, as a committee honour his memory. We are thinking of maybe having a best display award in his name with the winner being presented with the Colin Loughlin Trophy.

“However, it’s very early days but we will, I’m certain, be doing something. He deserves to be remembered with affection for all the hard work and effort he put into the festival.”

County warns over dog fouling culprits

Denbighshire County Council warning it will take action against those who wilfully allow their dogs to foul in public without clearing up the mess.

Figures for the number of dog fouling incidents recorded by the council  since 2014 show that the highest number of incidents happen over the winter months, in December, January and February.

Ninety-two incidents were reported in January 2015, 72 in January 2017 and 83 in January 2018.  The lowest number of incidents happen over the summer months. 

Research work has shown that this is due to the fact that days are darker and people assume they can allow their dogs to foul in public under the cover of darkness.

Councillor Brian Jones, Cabinet Lead Member for Highways, Planning and Sustainable Travel, said: “The figures show a real trend and it seems the winter months seem to be the main time for dog fouling. 

"We have seen plenty of evidence of dog fouling in dark areas where there are no street lights.

"Some individuals believe they can get away with not clearing up after their animals under the cloak of darkness.

"The only we way we can catch those responsible is by receiving information from the public.

“The majority of complaints that come in to the council are about dog fouling and residents have told us they would like to see this issue tackled. They see it as anti-social and being a blight on the landscape, as well as being a risk to people’s health.

“We have been carrying out an enforcement and education campaign over recent years and that work continues.  The majority of people clean up after their animals and we thank them for that.

“We are targeting these message at those who think it’s acceptable to leave their dog’s mess behind.  It’s not acceptable and those responsible could be issued with a fixed penalty notice or find themselves before the courts."

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Firefighters called to suspected deliberate blaze above Llan

Firefighters tackled a suspected deliberate blaze on the hillside above Llangollen last night (Friday).

For the full story, see:

AM calls for more to be done for veterans' housing needs

North Wales Assembly Member Mark Isherwood (pictured) has called for the Welsh Government to do more to address the housing needs of veterans in Wales.

Speaking in Darren’s Millar AM’s Short Debate, ‘Are we meeting the housing needs of our veterans?’ in the Chamber, he said housing is key to veterans and their families and emphasized the need for better integration by the Welsh Government of housing, health and care services for ex-services personnel.

He said: "Yesterday, the UK Defence Secretary announced that service leavers and their families will now be able to access military accommodation for up to a year after leaving, giving them more time to look for permanent accommodation as they transition back to civilian life, because housing is key to veterans and their families.

“First Choice Housing Association, which led the way on this in Wales, delivered the ambitious self-build project for veterans in Wrexham, the third residence in North Wales to be managed by Alabare's Wales Home for Veterans, taking the Charity's provision across Wales for veterans adjusting to the civilian world to 57 (bed spaces).

“However, the Welsh Government's Housing Referrals Pathway for veterans does not address the concerns of how housing officers themselves, who provide the necessary support, are able to manage the complex cases of re-homed veterans.

"Better integration of housing, health and care services is therefore needed from the Welsh Government, and they must explain why there's been a large reduction in the number of veterans households accepted by Local Authorities as being in priority housing need since the Housing (Wales) Act 2014 was introduced."

Friday, February 22, 2019

Eisteddfod stages St David's Day fundraising event

Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod is to host an international themed St David’s Day event in St Collen's Church on Friday March 1 to raise money to help fund overseas competitors to the festival.

Music director Dr Edward-Rhys Harry said: “The event will help to raise vital funds for the bursary fund ensuring that we can welcome as many international competitors to Llangollen in July as possible. It is great to see such talented local performers giving their time to support this cause.

“It is definitely going to be a traditional event not to be missed and is most certainly the perfect excuse to celebrate both Welsh culture and international inclusivity.”

The traditional format of the Cymanfa Ganu – the congregational singing of hymns - will be conducted by Leigh Mason of Côr Meibion Froncysyllte, and will have an extra international dimension as well as musical items from Llangollen Silver Band and the James Lambert Singers.

Former eisteddfod chairman Gethin Davies will be master of ceremonies sharing messages of support from the festival’s overseas competitors as well as festival president Terry Waite CBE.

Current eisteddfod chairman Dr Rhys Davies said: “After a very busy but exciting few weeks at the eisteddfod announcing our full line-up for 2019 and tickets going on sale, we are looking forward to hosting a special twist to this St David’s Day tradition.

“We’re thrilled with this year’s festival line-up and our St David’s Day fundraiser will bring people together to take part in a musical celebration, which is what the Eisteddfod is all about. It promises to be a great evening."

Tickets for the event are available from the Eisteddfod Box Office by calling 01978 862001 or from the Tourist Information Centre in Llangollen. Tickets are priced at £5, which includes entry, a programme and a wide range of refreshments. For further information visit

The celebration will take place at 7pm at St Collen’s Church and everybody is welcome.

* For regular news and updates about the festival follow it on Twitter @llangollen_Eist , like the Facebook page Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod, or follow it on Instagram @llangollen_eisteddfod. 

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Report has radical ideas for town's parking and traffic

* The report suggests removing parking bays from Castle Street.

A range of proposals to ease town centre parking in Llangollen town centre are suggested in a report by consultants.

These include widening the pavements, narrowing the road, introducing trees and, most controversially, removing the on-street parking in Castle Street and also the pedestrianisation of part of Market Street.

Graham Timms, one of the area's county councillors who is leading the 2020 Group which is looking into parking and traffic problems and commissioned the study, briefed the town council on its contents on Tuesday night.

The report will be released for publish consumption later this week, he says.  

Meanwhile he has produced a statement for llanblogger.

He said: "The Llangollen 2020 working group have turned their attention to another thorny issue in Llangollen as they seek to produce a wide ranging plan for parking within the whole of the centre of the town.

"A report from the consultants Arcadis has made a number of suggestions to improve  parking in the town. However, the working group want to go much further to review all aspects of parking throughout the whole town centre.

"We've identified four main user groups who park in Llangollen and are looking at ways to address the needs of each one of these. The needs of local residents must be carefully considered in any plan, whilst we also make provisions for businesses, tourists and local pop-and-shop users.

"We are aiming to have a draft parking strategy by the late spring when we will hold consultations to give locals a chance to contribute before a final report is produced for Denbighshire County Council. This will sit alongside the much more detailed plans for improvement by Arcadis Consultants.

"The final Llangollen 2020 consultants report is to be published later this week and I updated the town council on the way forward on behalf of the steering group.

"The report suggests some major changes to the town to improve traffic flow and parking, whilst making the town a more pleasant place for locals, visitors and businesses.

"It will be available to download from Cadwyn Clwyd website by the end of the week and paper copies will be available to read in Llangollen Library.

"It lists a range of changes to Castle Street including widening the pavements, narrowing the road, introducing trees and removing the on-street parking in Castle Street. A mini roundabout by Llangollen Station, improved traffic light controls on the A5 and the pedestrianisation of part of Market Street."

Friendship Room benefits from community fund

* Buddug Williams of Grŵp Cynefin with Jan and Don Ware outside the Outhouse Friendship Room. 
A Llangollen couple who run a welcoming drop-in centre have benefitted from financial support from a housing association.

Grŵp Cynefin has shared out nearly £12,000 between 54 North Wales community groups and organisations to fund a variety of different projects and activities during 2018-2019.
The community fund is part of Grŵp Cynefin’s commitment to support local communities where they work and offer more than housing to people living in North Wales and north Powys.
Among them are Jan and Don Ware who work on a voluntary basis at Tŷ Allan’s Outhouse Friendship Room in Llangollen. They have twice been successful in their application for support from Grŵp Cynefin.
The Friendship Room is situated in Castle Street at the corner of Market Street car park and usual opening hours are from 10am-4pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
Jan said: “We offer a warm room to stop during the day, a cup of tea or coffee, where people of all ages can pop in, chat and share any concerns they may have. It’s a safe and warm environment for local people, with some looking for support during a troublesome period in their lives.
“The people who stop by and visit us vary from young mothers with prams, wanting a five minute break in between shopping in town and the school pick up; young people struggling to find work to older people killing time before the bus arrives and people who are in dire need of support.
“It’s a voluntary project, but we are able to signpost people with more pressing needs to different agencies and organisations. We’ve been known to arrange birthday parties for families who are struggling, feed a family with no food in their cupboards, and Christmas is a special time where we open our doors for the festive period, and offer refreshments to people who may be on their own.
“We are wholly dependent on donations, so receiving support from Grŵp Cynefin has been fantastic. This year we’ve been able to buy new heaters and smaller tables that are more manageable for us to adapt the space we have for arts and craft activities. We’re also keen to develop our informal Welsh learning sessions, as working bilingually is very important to us.”
Community, voluntary and tenant groups are encouraged to bid for up to £500 to help them make a difference to local people’s lives and the environment they live in. The application process is a straightforward, says Grŵp Cynefin.
Community gardens, festivals, well-being sessions, family camping, conservation days, PA systems, play areas, investing in village halls, arts and science projects, first aid sessions and sporting events are just some of the activities people will benefit from.
“We are delighted that so many applications come through to us each year,” explains Mair Edwards, Community Initiatives Manager at Grŵp Cynefin.
“There are so many people across North Wales and north Powys working hard within their communities to support, care for and make a real difference to people’s lives. The variety of applications we have seen is inspiring.
“We have four application windows where we accept people’s proposals, and then our grants panel, made up of our tenants, meet to discuss each application based on a number of different criteria.”
* For more information regarding Grŵp Cynefin’s Community Grant, contact the Community Initiatives Team on 0300 111 2122 or email