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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

AM praises Welsh Government's support for low-income families

An Assembly Member has praised the Welsh Government for its support of low-income households through an extended council tax reduction scheme.

Clwyd South AM Ken Skates (pictured) said he was proud that the Welsh Labour Government was helping thousands of people in his constituency, while vulnerable families in England continue to pay an average of £169 a year more.

Mr Skates, whose constituency includes Llangollen, said: “Last September, Local Government Secretary Mark Drakeford confirmed that the Welsh Labour Government would continue to protect vulnerable and low-income households by maintaining full entitlement to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme until at least the end of April 2018. I’m pleased that so many families in Clwyd South will continue to receive this financial support.

“Figures show 12,097 households in Wrexham benefited last year and 10,098 Denbighshire – plus another 11,496 in Flintshire. I’m proud that the Welsh Labour Government continues to stand up for families in North East Wales.”

Almost 300,000 homes in Wales received a reduction in their council tax in 2016-17, around 220,000 of which pay nothing.  The Council Tax Reduction Scheme was supported by funding of £244m to councils in the local government settlement.

Mr Skates added: “This is despite huge cuts to the Welsh budget imposed by the Tory UK Government at Westminster and is in stark contrast with the situation in England, where local authorities have been left to design their own schemes and manage the associated funding shortfall. This has resulted in more than two million low-income households in England having to pay more of their council tax bills.”
He said low-income families in England are now paying an average of £169 a year more than they would have if the UK Government had a similar scheme in place.

Missing Harry returns home

llanblogger's pet cat, Harry, returned home in the early hours of this morning (Wednesday) after being missing for about 24 hours.

Although wet, dirty and hungry, he appears none of the worse for his time away from home.

I'd like to thank all those who showed concern for his safety while he was missing.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

llanblogger's cat is missing: can you help?

* Missing: Harry the cat.
llanblogger's much-loved pet cat, Harry, has gone missing and if anyone knows where he might be I'd be very grateful to hear from them.

He's a neutered ginger cat of about a year old and is wearing a shiny silver and red collar with four small bells attached at the front.

He does actually answer to the name of 'Harry' if called.

I believe he went missing from Regent Street in Llan overnight Monday/Tuesday and may have wandered across the A5 towards the Abba Adda/Plas Newydd area where he's never been before, which means he may well be lost.

If anyone has seen him, please get in touch via this email address:

Have your say on walking and cycling plans

Denbighshire County Council is inviting people to have their say on draft plans to improve walking and cycling routes in the county. 

The Integrated Network Map is a 15-year plan for improving walking and cycling routes within Denbighshire and is a requirement of the Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013, which asks local authorities to map, plan for, improve and promote opportunities for active travel.
Active Travel means walking and cycling (including electric wheelchairs and mobility scooters) for everyday short-distance journeys, such as journeys to school, work, or for access to shops, services and bus/rail stations. Active travel does not include journeys made purely for recreation or social reasons.
Councillor Brian Jones, Lead Member for Highways, Planning and Sustainable Travel said:  “The Council has produced Existing Routes Maps (ERMs) to show existing routes in Denbighshire considered suitable for active travel.
“The second stage of the Act now requires the Council to produce maps which is where we are now asking for people’s views on the walking and cycling proposals that have been developed.
“Active transport has such a health benefit by choosing to walk or cycle as your way of getting from one place to another, so I urge everyone to take part in this consultation.”
To have your say, please complete the Active Travel online survey at or you can attend one of the drop-in sessions that have been arranged (10am-3pm):

·         16 August – Llangollen Library
·         25 August – Rhyl Harbour
·         30 August – County Hall, Ruthin
·         6 September – Caledfryn, Denbigh

The closing date for this consultation is 20 October 2017.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Skates welcomes leisure centre refurbishment.

Clwyd South AM Ken Skates was invited to the official reopening of Chirk Leisure Centre following an extensive revamp made possible by an interest-free loan by the Welsh Labour Government to Wrexham Council.

Mr Skates (pictured) said: “I’m delighted that this major refurbishment of Chirk Leisure Centre has gone ahead thanks to Welsh Labour Government support in the form of a £1m interest-free capital loan, which also enabled a huge revamp at Waterworld in Wrexham.”

The Welsh Government loan funded a new studio and improved facilities at Chirk as well as a new reception area, café and an expanded, state-of-the-art fitness area at Waterworld.

Mr Skates continued: “The interest-free loan is part of the Welsh Labour Government’s Sports Facilities Capital Loan Scheme, which was launched to help break down barriers so that people of all abilities, ages and backgrounds can enjoy the wide-ranging benefits of exercise.”

The Welsh Government has also invested in Plas Madoc Leisure Centre. Last year, Communities Secretary Carl Sargeant awarded the community-run facility a £500,000 grant to fund a series of urgent repairs including a replacement roof, new wiring and insulation, upgrading pool plant equipment and improved CCTV and fire alarm systems.

Clwyd South MP Susan Elan Jones added: “This is a challenging financial time for public services because of cuts of £1.4bn to Wales from the Tory Government at Westminster, so I’m pleased and proud that Welsh Labour is delivering for communities in Clwyd South.”

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Open-air theatre group play it for laughs at Plas Newydd

* A scene from last night's production of Around the World in 80 Days at Plas Newydd.

Stuffed shirt Phileas Fogg ran into some ripping adventures as he made his way around the world in just 80 days. He also had lots of laughs.
And, despite the squadrons of kamikaze midges, so did the audience last night (Friday) at Plas Newydd where the Off the Ground theatre group presented their hilarious open-air interpretation of the Jules Verne classic.

It tells the tale of how a buttoned-up Victorian Englishman takes on the intrepid circumnavigation as the result of a bet with mates at his London club.
It’s probably true to say that this talented 16-strong group of strolling players from the Wirral didn’t stick too closely to the original. But we can forgive them that because the production was peppered with as much comedy as they could possibly pack in.

Fogg believes the globe can be circled in record time, but the old duffers at the Reform Club disagree.
So after a snap decision and a bet of £20,000, he is on his way, travelling on ships, steamers and railways, tackling elephants, angry savages, human sacrifices and American elections en route, all while being chased by the finest officers of Scotland Yard.

Nothing fazes Fogg, played perfectly by Nick Crosbie employing the stiffest of British upper lips. He has accounted for everything - except what he might learn about himself on the way.
Connor Wray adopted a French accent as fruity as a ripe camembert to portray Fogg’s trusty manservant Passepartout who makes his way to join his master despite tougher post-Brexit immigration controls. From him it’s chuckles every step of ze way, oui oui!

Love interest was neatly provided by Grace Goulding as the “stunner” of an Indian princess whom the duo rescue from being thrown onto her late husband’s funeral pyre as they head across India.   
Lots of laughs came courtesy of Off the Ground old hand Chris Tomlinson as he played things up deliciously in a couple of roles such as a sweary American politician and an insane visually challenged old sea dog who pilots Fogg and his party across the Pacific in a couple of blow-up ducks.

Naturally, everything turns out fine in the end. Fogg hits his 80-day deadline, gets the girl and thanks to what he’s learned about life along the way even unstiffens a little to concede that people can now call him Phil.  
Off the Gound’s summer touring productions have become increasingly ambitious and spectacular.

Last year they brought a rapier-sharp version of the adventure tale Zorro to Plas Newydd. That went down a storm but I reckon this one was even funnier.

... and more action from the show ...

Friday, August 4, 2017

Llan Bowling Club notches up a score of 150

* A game in progress on the club's green at Plas Newydd.

Phil Jones has prepared this short but fascinating history of one of the town's oldest and best-loved organisations

This year Llangollen Bowling Club celebrates 150 years of continuous operation making it probably the oldest non-religious organization still active in the town.

Presently based in the beautiful grounds of Plas Newydd, the club’s original home was at the Ponsonby Arms Hotel.

The origins of crown green bowling in the town appear to have been closely linked with the Ponsonby which was opened in the early 1850s and it had a bowling green located to the rear of the hotel between the railway and the river.

The green, the outline of which can still be made out, was the site of the tent for the Eisteddfod of 1858.

The Ponsonby was the headquarters of the bowling club from its formation in 1867 until 1922 when it relocated to the new greens and gardens constructed on the canalside, on the site of the present RAFA Club, by the owner of the Bridge End Hotel.

* Some members outside the clubhouse.

Llangollen Bowling Club should not be confused with its good friends the Llangollen RAFA Bowling Club who now play on a new green alongside.
In 1925 a disagreement over proposed rent increases with new owners of the canalside facilities resulted in the club moving to its present location at Plas Newydd using the former lawn tennis court as a bowling green and a building known as “the old picture house” as the clubhouse.

The club’s first season at Plas Newydd opened on April 17, 1926 and after 91 years at this wonderful location the club is still thriving.

The green and clubhouse are leased from Denbighshire County Council and the club enjoys a close working partnership with the council.

In the past decade the club has made a significant investment in the maintenance of the clubhouse and for the first time in many years the green underwent a major programme of renovation together with the erection of new boundary fencing, picnic tables were provided for general use again all funded by the club.

The regular cutting of the green and the spring and autumn maintenance operations are facilitated and funded by the club, however throughout the bowling season the green is open to the public until 6pm after which the club has exclusive use.

Bowling activities are mainly of a social nature as the club is not in a bowling league, but during the course of the season members can play in three individual cup competitions and pairs competitions on the opening and closing days.