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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Have your say on new travel maps

Consultations are taking place on the Denbighshire Council draft Active Travel Integrated Network Map (INM).

The INM is a 15-year plan for improving walking and cycling routes within Denbighshire and is a requirement of the Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013, which places duties upon local authorities to map, plan for, improve and promote opportunities for active travel.

In September 2014, the Welsh Government introduced the Active Travel (Wales) Act which makes it a legal requirement for local authorities in Wales to map and plan for suitable routes for active travel within certain settlements in Denbighshire, as designated by the Welsh Government.

Active Travel means walking and cycling (including electric wheelchairs and mobility scooters) for everyday short-distance journeys, such as journeys to school, work, or for access to shops, services and bus/rail stations. Active travel does not include journeys made purely for recreation or social reasons.

Existing Routes Maps (ERMs) 

The first stage of the act required local authorities to produce Existing Routes Maps (ERMs) to show existing routes in Denbighshire that the council considered suitable for active travel. The ERMs therefore do not show all of the available walking and cycling routes within an area.

Llangollen ERM

Active Travel Integrated Network Maps (INMs)

The second stage of the Act requires the Council to produce Integrated Network Maps (INMs) that set out the local authority’s plans to develop a network of active travel routes and facilities over the next 15 years. Denbighshire County Council is now seeking your views on the walking and cycling proposals that have been developed.

Llangollen INM

View the Denbighshire Integrated Network Map route proposals

How to have your say

You can have your say on this consultation by completing the Active Travel online survey.
Have your say on the Active Travel Integrated Network Map online survey
Or you can;
The closing date for this consultation is 20 October 2017

Policing devolution 'inevitable' says commissioner

A police boss believes the devolution of policing to Wales is inevitable, saying it's a matter of when not if.

According to Arfon Jones, the newly-elected chairman of the All-Wales Policing Group, there was now an unstoppable momentum in favour of the idea.

Mr Jones, the North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner, said support for devolving the issue was unanimous among the four Welsh commissioners who are members of the group.
Although not legally devolved many of the other areas of the criminal justice system, like the Crown Prosecution Service and the courts service, already operate with all-Wales structures.

Mr Jones (pictured) said: "The four police and crime commissioners are keen to see more responsibilities devolved to Wales.

"We welcome the fact that the Ministry of Justice are moving towards devolving more responsibilities to commissioners around victims and witnesses. This is a step in the right direction.

"We believe policing should be completely devolved to Wales and it’s only a matter of time before it is, but we need to convince the Secretary of State Alun Cairns of that and up till now we haven’t had much success.

"He is against the idea because several people tried to move amendments to the Wales Bill to devolve such things as youth justice.

"The Government didn’t support it so it didn’t go through which is a shame because youth justice is the only part of children’s services which is not devolved to Wales. "Other areas like education, health and social care are all devolved - and then you’ve got youth justice which still comes under the Ministry of Justice in London. It’s totally illogical.

"In terms of the devolution it is now just a matter of so we’re doing is preparing the ground because when it does happen it's likely to happen overnight.

"It might take 10 or 20 years but it's important that we are properly prepared and that we have the right structures in place.

"It would make sense if criminal justice was totally devolved as well the same as it is in Greater Manchester.

"Policing and criminal justice are devolved there to the mayor Andy Burnham, and if they can do it in Manchester I don’t see any reason why they can’t do it in Wales.

"To have certain elements of criminal justice outside of that sort of sphere doesn’t make sense because you need everything together as part of one integrated service.

“When you have one bit of a service devolved and not the others all it does is muddies the waters and it causes more problems and it causes more legal challenges.

"There have been a few legal challenges between the Welsh Government and Westminster and I can see more happening until policing is finally and rightly devolved to the people of Wales.

"A case in point is the confusion around the apprenticeship levy where policing is not devolved and training is, with the likely end result likely to be that Welsh Police Officers may not get the same level of training because of the impasse between the two governments." 

Monday, July 31, 2017

MP backs hearing support campaigners

Susan Elan Jones MP is backing a campaign by charity Action on Hearing Loss which calls on the Government to do more to support companies and people who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Speaking after meeting with representatives of Action on Hearing Loss in Parliament, the Clwyd South MP said: "A recent YouGov poll found that 57% of business leaders feel there's a lack of support available for employers about employing someone with hearing loss while nearly two-fifths of business managers don't feel equipped to enable staff with hearing loss to stay productive in the workplace.

"Those figures are really concerning when you think that 11 million people in the UK having a hearing loss - and almost 5 million of them are of working age.

"I want to see greater work opportunities for people who are deaf or hard of hearing and greater support for employers too. I welcome this very thoughtful campaign from Action on Hearing Loss who have written two excellent reports which make detailed and constructive suggestions for how the Department for Work and Pensions can act."

* Susan Elan Jones MP meeting in Parliament with representatives of Action on Hearing Loss.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Party in the Park is a big hit

Llangollen Cytun Churches Together hosted its Party in the Park at Riverside yesterday (Saturday) afternoon attracting scores of people to its range of children's games and free barbecue.

There was also a strong gospel message and here the Rev Phil Poole, Minister of the English Methodist Church, leads a live music session on the bandstand.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

MP calls for tougher action on problem gambling

* Susan Elan Jones MP campaigning for tougher laws against problem gambling.

Clwyd South MP Susan Elan Jones is calling on the Government to take much tougher action to tackle problem gambling.

She is especially keen to see the Government drastically reduce the stakes allowed on Fixed Odds Betting Terminals from £100 to £2.

Ms Jones said: "I am really concerned about this issue and its impact on families and individuals.

"In the last Parliament, I was very involved in a campaign to get controls over Fixed Odds Betting Terminals devolved to the Welsh Government.

"Although the UK Government would not do this at first, our persistent campaigning did finally get them to include partial devolution in the Wales Bill."

She added: "I want the entire UK to be covered by laws that mean stakes on Fixed Odds Betting Terminals are reduced from the staggering £100 a stake which is legal now down to £2.

"All of us who have campaigned on this issue know the misery that Fixed Odds Betting Terminals can cause, with casino games like routlette allowing punters to stake £100 every 20 seconds. That is £50 million being lost to Fixed Odds Betting Terminals in Wales alone.  No wonder Fixed Odds Betting Terminals are often called the 'crack cocaine' of gambling."

The UK Government is currently considering responses from the Call for Evidence into Gaming Machines and Social Responsibility launched in October 2016. The Department for Culture, Media and Sport is expected to publish the next stage of the Review, with its proposals, this October.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Peacemaking motorbike to star at Llan show

The 1916 Triumph believed to have carried the German Kaiser’s surrender document to allied HQ on November 11, 1918 is one of a special display of motorcycles over 100 years old that will be to the Llangollen Motorcycle Festival, August 5 and 6.

The 550cc Model H is one of several owned and ridden regularly by Brad Jones of Froncysllte (pictured).

Its history includes letters from an army officer revealing its vital role in the signing of the armistice.

It will be among an array of machines at least 100 years old (pictured below) in a display called The LlanBikeFest Centenary Club.

An even older 1913 Triumph 500 cc TT Replica, owned by Neil Shirley, will be part of an exhibit by the Vintage Motor Cycle Club, with machines representing each of the last 10 decades. And Jeff Owen of the Llangollen Motor Museum will be riding his own 1916 Triumph to the Festival.

LlanBikeFest’s John Hutchinson said: “It’s tribute to the engineering skills of our motorcycling forefathers that many of these bikes are still on the road and going strong.”

Starring TT legend John McGuinness, LlanBikeFest is billed as a family-friendly Festival, with tons of trials and mountain bike action, children’s entertainment, music and a Battle of Britain Spitfire and Hurricane flypast on Sunday.

More information on and  Facebook at Llangollen Motorcycle Festival.

LlanBikeFest is sponsored by Carole Nash Insurance, with day tickets £10 on the gate or online at, and children 15 and under free. Or contact the Festival office at 07960 693398, Club stands and exhibitor bookings are free.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Time running out to have your say on bus services

Denbighshire County Council is reminding people that the  consultation closing date on plans to revise a number of public bus services in the county is looming.
The services being consulted on are:
·         1, x1, 2 Ruthin - Mold
·         19, 40 Dyserth
·         53 Denbigh - Prestatyn
·         55 Ruthin - Corwen - Wrexham
·         66 Denbigh Town & Henllan
·         72, 73, 77 Fflecsi Rhuthun
·         95 Bryneglwys
·         98 Llantysilio & Pentredŵr

People can also view the proposals online at:
The closing date for comments is August 10. All feedback received will be considered as part of the review, with the services going out to tender in the autumn.