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Thursday, July 27, 2017

Chef to the stars heading for Hamper Llangollen

* Tim Roberts (right) with singer and TV presenter Connie Fisher and helper Jonny Platt.

A chef who is rapidly rustling himself up a reputation as the caterer to the stars will be setting taste buds tingling at this year’s Llangollen Food Festival.

Over the past few years Tim Roberts has served up his mobile feasts of Spanish and Italian dishes to hungry diners at a host of major entertainment events.

And he’s also become the chef of choice to celebs such as opera legend Alfie Boe and presenters from TV antiques show Bargain Hunt including Eric Knowles.

On Saturday and Sunday October 14 and 15 he’ll once again be setting up his stand at the food festival named by the Daily Telegraph and the Independent newspapers as one of the Top 10 in the UK.

Tim, 43, served his apprenticeship with his family business of Eric Roberts butchers in Oswestry, Shropshire, before taking a job with a travel company working in countries across Europe.

He said: “I initially went out there to put up and take down holidaymakers’ tents but I soon got into doing the cooking for groups of 100 or 200 people.

“Ever since I was a boy I’d had an interest in watching TV chefs like Rick Stein and Keith Floyd and my love of cooking stemmed from there.

“While cooking for guests in the south of France, Italy and Austria I was able to indulge my passion for food and at the same time I was learning about different cuisines and picking up background culinary knowledge.

“Eight years ago, along with my wife Sarah, I decided to start my own business, which is called Su Casa Cuisine, and from our base in Oswestry we started to cook in people’s homes, doing dinner parties for groups of up to 15 or 20 people, which we still do."

Explaining how his brushes with the big names of entertainment came about, Tim said: “About four years ago I was cooking at an antiques fair in Shrewsbury and one of the production runners from Bargain Hunt which was being filmed there came over and asked if I could do some food for members of the crew and Tim Wonnacott who was one of the presenters at that time.

“I said of course I could and they all told me they enjoyed my paella very much.

“I’ve since become the regular caterer to the Bargain Hunt team, on buying days and at the auctions, and I cook for them about a dozen times a year. I’ve been all over the country to places like Lincoln, Malvern, Hereford, Worcester and Whitchurch.

“One of the regular presenters Eric Knowles is a particular fan of my food and loves the spiciest stuff. I do paella dishes from Spain and Latin street food such as Mexican fajitas, chicken and peppers and pulled pork.

“Another of the show’s presenters, Charlie Ross, always tells me he loves spicy food with a ‘bit of a wallop’ to it. I’ve shared recipe ideas with Kate Bliss who is also on the programme. They’re all great characters and I really enjoy cooking for them.”

Tim added: “The antiques people aren’t the only stars who enjoy my food. I recently set up at Walcot Hall in Shrewsbury to cook my chicken and chorizo paella at the Together Again Tour starring the singers Michael Ball and Alfie Boe.

“I was serving about 600 people that evening and Alfie came over for a plateful. We had a really good chat after I told him I have relatives who come from his part pf the world around Fleetwood in Lancashire. He’s a very down-to-earth guy and he said he really enjoyed my food.

“Actually, I’ve cooked for him before when he appeared at the Llangollen Eisteddfod, where I’m also a regular caterer, a few years ago but on that occasion he sent someone to get his food for him rather than fetching it himself.

“The night after the Ball and Boe concert I was back at Walcot Hall cooking for about 500 at a Cliff Richard gig and I did another 500 meals when the same tour moved on to Tamworth the next night.

“Another star who likes my food is Connie Fisher, the former singer who is a now a TV presenter. She’s had my paella three years in a row at the Llangollen Eisteddfod.

“There’s also the TV chef Ainsley Harriott who I met at a street fair in Chester a few years back. I’ve also had good comments about my paella from Nathaniel Parker who used to play Inspector Lynley in the TV crime series.”

Tim found time recently to cater for the new CBBC show Marrying Mum and Dad of which he said: “It was a great day watching the children arranging a wedding for their mum and dad and I think the programme is due to be broadcast this summer.

“I’ve cooked for so many famous people in the past few years I think you could call me the caterer to the stars but I’m really looking forward to being at Hamper Llangollen again this year.

“It’s a great event in a lovely venue held at the right time of the year. I believe it’s improved year on year and I can’t wait to start cooking there for hundreds of people once more.”

Phil Davies, a member of the committee at Llangollen Food Festival, can't wait to try Su Casa's mouth-watering cuisine.

He said: "I am a big fan of Spanish food so it will be a real treat to give their dishes a try.
"They will be among the record number of around 130 stall-holders at this year's festival which promises to be the biggest and the best yet."

* To find out more about Su Casa Cuisine, go to: and to find out more about Llangollen Food Festival go to

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Around the world ... and stopping off at Plas Newydd

An exciting tale of trains, boats, elephants, Indian princesses and a suspicious detective is coming to Plas Newydd next week.

On the evening of Friday August 4, Wirral-based Off the Ground Theatre is bringing its touring open-air production of Jules Verne's Around the World in 80 Days to the home of the Ladies of Llangollen.

Billed as the original global adventure, the play tells the story of Phileas Fogg who thinks he can travel the world in just 80 days.

The fellows at the Reform Club in London disagree. On the very day that a £20,000 wager is made between the men, Fogg sets sail.

Taking only his new servant for company, the pair race against the calendar, from the West to the East, taking on the world in the most literal sense.

On their journey they interrupt a sacrifice, are arrested, stampeded by bison, victims of a falling bridge, attacked by Sioux Indians, and accused of being bank robbers, all before they reach Japan!

The action starts at 7.30pm and tickets are priced at £12 adults, £8 concessions and £5 for under-21s. They are available from, or on the door on the night. 

Monday, July 24, 2017

Fabulous old cars on display at Glyndyfrdwy

As part of its 1960s weekend, Llangollen Railway held a classic car show on the field next to Glyndyfrdwy Station.

llanblogger went along yesterday (Sunday) to picture some of the fantastic old metal on display.

* 1953 Ford Prefect.

* 1934 Packard.

* 1970 MGB GT.

* Late 1950s Vauxhall Cresta.

* 1930s Rolls Royce.

* 1960s Volvo 1800.

* 1960s Cadillac.

* 1960s Jaguar Mk. II.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

County urges people to check broadband speeds

People in Denbighshire are being urged to make sure they are getting the best broadband speeds.

The county council is asking residents and businesses to test their broadband connection speeds via Ofcom’s website and to check with their Internet Service Providers when their current non-superfast contracts are due to end.

The council has also written to residents who it understands will be unable to access superfast broadband after the end of the current Superfast Cymru programme in December, providing them with advice on alternative solutions to improve speeds.

The Welsh Government’s website hosts a checker to confirm which premises have access to superfast speeds.

Councillor Hugh Evans OBE, leader of Denbighshire County Council, said: “Unfortunately broadband providers don’t always update customers about the full range of products available to them. The Welsh Government checker is an independent source which can tell residents and businesses if they can access superfast broadband.

“It is also easy to forget when your contract is due for renewal and people who could get superfast may find themselves unnecessarily tied into slow speeds for a further year if they automatically renew existing contracts.

“Helping residents and businesses to access superfast broadband is part of the council’s work to unlock the economic benefits high quality broadband can bring to communities and businesses.”

Councillor Richard Mainon, the council’s lead member for Developing Community Infrastructure, said: “The council has previously expressed its disappointment at information released by the Welsh Government on which properties in the county will not get access to fibre broadband through its Superfast Cymru programme.

“Although a second programme is due to get underway next year, there are no guarantees properties currently unable to access superfast broadband will get this opportunity in the next phase.

“The Council has identified properties in the county that cannot access superfast broadband and is helping residents and communities access information on available funding at”

The Welsh Government’s superfast broadband availability checker is at

Saturday, July 22, 2017

MP wants to hear from attacked emergency services staff

* Susan Elan Jones MP, fourth from right, outside Parliament
with emergency staff, Chris Bryant MP and other co-sponsors of the
Crime (Assaults on Emergency Staff) Bill.

Clwyd South MP Susan Elan Jones, who is co-sponsoring a ground-breaking parliamentary bill, is calling on local emergency workers to contact her if they have ever been attacked in the course of their duties.

She is a co-sponsor of Rhondda MP Chris Bryant's Assaults on Emergency Workers (Offences) Bill.

It aims to make attacks on emergency workers such as police, fire and ambulance crews an aggravated offence.

Ms Jones said: "Although it's already an offence to attack a police office in the course of their duties, there's widespread acknowledgement that few people get prosecuted and the sentences that are handed out are far too weak.

"Doctors, nurses and paramedics don't have additional legal protection at all which is dreadful when a survey last December showed hospital staff in Wales were physically attacked more than 18,000 times at work over the last five years.

"I invite any constituent who works in emergency services and who has ever been assaulted in the course of their duties to email me in confidence on if they'd like me to speak in Parliament about what happened to them.

"No-one should be attacked when they're just doing their job - and the criminals who attack our emergency service personnel should have to face tougher sentences. I think it's high time our law did more to protect the people who work so hard in our emergency services."

Friday, July 21, 2017

Art competition prizes are presented

* The Mayor, Cllr Sheena Burrell, with painting category winner Terence Edmonds and his picture entitled Blue Myfanwy.  

* The photograph category winner Mystical Dinas Bran. Its creator, Dawn Field, wasn't present.

* Amongst those highly commended was Jillian Handley for her painting Modern Day Legend, depicting well-known Llan character Wyn Hughes. She is pictured, right, with Sue Hall of Plas Newydd.

* Colourful entries in the children's category now on display.

Town Mayor, Cllr Sheena Burrell, presented prizes to the winners of this year's Picturesque Art Competition at Y Caban in Plas Newydd yesterday (Thursday) afternoon.

Once again the competition was organised in conjunction with Llangollen Fringe.    

This year it linked in with the Welsh Year of Legends and extended to the whole of the Dee Valley as represented by the Area for Outstanding Natural Beauty. 

Organisers were looking for any photo or painting/sketch from children or adults with a link to a myth or a legend in this area. 

Entries were judged by local professional artist Tikki Lowe.

Winner of the adults' photograph category was Dawn Field for Mystical Dinas Bran and the prize was lunch for four people at Caffi Florence in Loggerheads Mold.

The adults' painting first prize went to Terence Edmonds for his picture Blue Myfanwy. His prize was lunch for four people in Plas Newydd Tea Rooms.

Legend has it that Blue Myfanwy of the Dee is a greedy, lustful goddess who is up for anything and loves a bacon sandwich. She is also said to favour the International Eisteddfod and the Fringe Festival.

Highly commended for their paintings were Jan Murray (Celtic Legend), Jillian Handley (Modern Day Legend), Mike Flory (A Flash in Time), Irene C Bingham (Bran), Tina Rogers (Quest for the Grail) and Richard Buxton (The Salmon of Knowledge). Commended photographer was John Pugh (Maeneg Ellylyn - Foxgloves and Fairies).

Children's prizes were also presented. In first place was Mathilda Sutcliffe, aged eight, for Steve Your Soup is Legend. Her prize was a £25 voucher donated by the Friends of the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley.

Second prize of £10 to spend in the Craft and Hobbies Shop, donated by shop owner Rob, went to Lily Anderson, 13, for her Branwen ar drudwy, and third prize, £5 in cash donated by local artist Mike Flory, was awarded to Madison Byers, nine, for her picture Giant.

All entries will be on show in The Potting Shed exhibition space in the grounds of Plas Newydd until Saturday August 5.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

County offers free cyber security help

Businesses are being offered free help to protect themselves from the growing threat of cybercrime.

Denbighshire County Council is providing a workshop to businesses on Cyber Essentials, a UK Government backed, industry-supported, foundation for basic cybersecurity.

The one-day course will be delivered by Ruthin-based cyber and information security specialists Safonda and covers the Cyber Essentials framework, best practice to mitigate cybersecurity risks  and understanding external and internal cyber threats to businesses.

Denbighshire businesses are being offered a free place on this course, normally £70 per person.

Cllr Hugh Evans OBE, Leader of Denbighshire County Council, said: “National and global reports of IT security breaches are now unfortunately becoming common place.

“While attacks are increasingly sophisticated, businesses of all sizes remain vulnerable because they are failing to follow simple security measures.

“The course is relevant to any size of business and is intended for company directors, business and finance managers and any staff responsible for the security of IT systems and software.

“This is part of the council’s work on developing the local economy by helping local businesses understand what they can do to make themselves resilient to the growing threat from cybercrime.”

The course will take place at Caledfryn, Smithfield Road, Denbigh on July 27, starting at 9.30am.