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Saturday, June 3, 2017

Llan Silver Band players make it to Urdd finals

* Elizabeth Mwale, left, and Taya Castley of Llangollen Silver
Band reached the Urdd Eisteddfod finals. 

Two talented young members of Llangollen Silver Band won through to the national finals of this year’s Urdd Eisteddfod in Bridgend.  

Taya Castley, 14, on Bb cornet and representing Ysgol Dinas Bran in the brass soloist year 7 to 9 category, took third place playing an Air Varie on the tune Carnival of Venice arranged by  H. Round.  

Elizabeth Mwale, 15, on Bb euphonium and representing Ysgol Morgan Llwyd in the brass soloist year 10 to under 19 category, reached the prelim stage playing an Air Varie on the tune The Beautiful Colorado arranged by De Luca.

Silver Band conductor Trevor Williams said: “I’d like to congratulate both Taya and Elizabeth for their latest successes and also thank them for the huge amount of work and commitment they give to both our youth and senior bands.

“At the Urdd both the girls were accompanied on piano by Owen Roberts of Trevor.”

Friday, June 2, 2017

Garden Fete starts at 2pm tomorrow

The traditional Rotary and Inner Wheel Fete takes place tomorrow (Saturday) at Plas Newydd.

Organisers say it starts, as it always does, at 2pm and not 4pm as has been circulated on some social media sites.

There will be all the usual attractions - bouncy castle and slide, Punch and Judy and magic show plus musical entertainment.

The Rotary and Inner Wheel clubs have been busy  preparing the stalls and sideshows and various  charity organizations in the town will also have stalls.

A new feature this year is a historical enactment with an encampment and examples of fighting strategies.

Raffle tickets have been selling well but if you have not had a chance to purchase one yet there will be an opportunity to buy them on the field.

First prize is £500 worth of portrait photography generously donated by Neil Barrett and there are many other valuable prizes.

Proceeds of the raffle will go to Hope House whilst the rest of the fete profits being donated to local good causes.    

Wilko Johnson headlines at the Fringe

"I’m supposed to be dead!"

So said Wilko (pictured) in a recent interview, having been diagnosed in late 2012 with terminal pancreatic cancer.

But despite the doctors’ worst predictions he continued to perform and present himself with vigour and a new zest for life.

And in July he headlines at this year's Llangollen Fringe.

In 2013, Wilko announced that, thanks to a second opinion and subsequent life-saving surgery, he was cancer-free.

“Man, there’s nothing like being told you’re dying to make you feel alive.”

Having established himself, during his time with DR FEELGOOD as the strutting no-nonsense style R&B guitar hero of the 1970s.

All through the ’80s, ’90s and into the new millennium he continued to gig in the UK, Europe and Japan. But it was when Julien Temple’s award winning Oil City Confidential came out in 2009, with Wilko emerging as the film’s star, that the world once again sat up and paid attention to his extraordinary talent.

From here on Wilko’s journey became even more fascinating, from taking a significant acting role in the world wide TV phenomenon GAME OF THRONES (playing the silent assassin ‘Ser llyn Payne”) up to his tragic diagnosis with terminal cancer.

This period also marked one of Wilko’s most creative, seeing him star in a second bio pic from Julien Temple as well as recording the hit album ‘Going Back Home’ with THE WHO’S ROGER DALTREY.

This period of course was crowned with the miraculous news of Wilko’s full recovery from cancer and he is truly back bigger, bouncier and hungrier than ever.

WILKO JOHNSON and long time collaborator NORMAN WATT-ROY, from the nucleus of The Wilko Johnson Band, who will perform a headline set at Llangollen Pavilion, Abbey Road, Llangollen as part of 20th anniversary edition of the Llangollen Fringe Festival on Wednesday 19th July. With support from The Delta Radio Band. #

The full line up for the Llangollen Fringe is announced and promises to be the biggest yet to celebrate the festival’s 20th birthday.

* TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW AT or by calling 0800 1455 779.

The Llangollen Fringe 20th Anniversary Festival takes place from Thursday 13th to Sunday 23rd of July 2017.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Former Plaid leader urges support for Labour candidate

Former Plaid Cymru leader Dafydd Elis-Thomas has urged the party’s supporters in Clwyd South to switch their allegiance to Welsh Labour’s Susan Elan Jones (pictured right).

Lord Elis-Thomas says anyone who doesn’t want a Tory MP should vote tactically re-elect Ms Jones, who has been the area’s MP since 2010.

In a letter to residents, serving AM Lord Elis-Thomas, whose Dwyfor Meirionnydd constituency borders Clwyd South to the west, said: “As a former Member of Parliament for Meirionnydd, which included substantial communities in Clwyd South, I urge supporters of Plaid Cymru and the Liberal Democrats to seriously consider voting tactically in the election for Westminster in order to prevent the Tories from taking the seat.”
Lord Elis-Thomas says he is also worried about the Tory UK Government’s shift towards a hard Brexit.

He said: “I think there is a real threat to the powers of the National Assembly when the UK leaves the EU.  We need a strong team of progressive MPs from Wales to ensure that powers over agriculture, fisheries, the environment and the economy come from the EU to Wales rather than to Westminster, as appears to be the UK Government’s current policy.”

Lord Elis-Thomas (pictured left) added: “Susan Elan Jones has proven herself to be fully committed to the area she represents and is one who shares your progressive values.”

Former leader of Corwen Town Council, David Jones, said: “Susan has been a superb MP and we need to keep her. She is from our area so she knows and understands our communities. I would urge everyone who doesn’t want a Conservative MP to unite behind Susan. It’s vital that we retain a strong local voice in Westminster.”

Ms Jones herself said: “Put simply, I am the only candidate in Clwyd South who can stop Theresa May’s Tories securing a landslide General Election victory.

“Her cynical U-turn in calling this snap election – after categorically stating that she wouldn’t – leaves the people of Clwyd South with a stark choice. It’s a straight two-horse race between Welsh Labour and the Tories, and a vote for Plaid Cymru, the Lib Dems, UKIP or any other party will simply help the Tories sneak in and strengthen their grip on the UK.”

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Operatic picks up another amateur stage "Oscar"

* From left, James Barber, sound engineer, Elen Mair Roberts, musical director, Tracey Rawlinson, producer, Michael Jones, stage manager, Bill Cheshire, cast member, Susan Cheshire, chairman,
Colin Roberts, friend of the society, and Louisa Jones, Best Performer nominee.

Llangollen Operatic has scored another success in the amateur stage "Oscars". 

Following their success last year with two wins for the 2015 production of Sister Act, a group of eight society representatives headed off to Hereford on Sunday afternoon for the Wales and Ireland Regional Annual NODA Awards ceremony.

They had been nominated in three categories of the awards for their 2016 production of The Producers - Best Production, Best Technical/Stage Management and Best Performer, Louisa Jones for her role as Swedish blonde secretary Ulla.

The ceremony is a popular event for am dram societies and was attended by around 150 people.

Tracey Rawlinson, producer, was thrilled to step up and receive the award for district winner of Best Show.

Unfortunately, the director Nia Pickering was unable to attend having recently given birth to a baby girl just three weeks earlier.

Tracey said: "We are absolutely over the moon and so very proud to be receiving another award this year for what was a truly memorable show. This is very much for all involved both on and off stage and was another fantastic team effort "

Sunday, May 28, 2017

20mph speed limit proposed for Pengwern

Denbighshire County Council is proposing a 20mph speed limit on Pengwern in Llangollen.

The council has made an order under road traffic legislation to cut vehicle speed around the area in a bid to improve safety for both pedestrians and motorists.
The proposal would apply to:
* Pengwern, from a point 10 metres south east of its junction with the A5 for its entire length.

* Horseshoe Pass View, from its junction with Pengwern for its entire length
* Min y Coed, from its junction with Pengwern for its entire length

* Maes Pengwern, from its junction with Pengwern for its entire length
* Trem y Gwernant, from its junction with Maes Pengwern for its entire length

* Tan y Coed, from its junction with Maes Pengwern for its entire length
* Trem y Ysgol, from its junction with Pengwern for its entire length

* Erw Deg, from its junction with Pengwern for its entire length
The newly elected Labour county councillor for Llangollen, Graham Timms (pictured), expressed his delight at the order.

He said: "Reducing the speed of traffic on Pengwern has been a genuine concern of everyone for a long time.

“This reduction in speed can't come soon enough. It provides the legal basis for a safer neighbourhood for residents and children.

"When the new speed limits are introduced I'll be working closely alongside those living on Pengwern and the local police to make sure that motorists respects the new limits."

A copy of the proposals can be inspected at Llangollen Library, and anyone objecting to the new limit has until June 21 to register their concern and their reasons with the county council. 

Saturday, May 27, 2017