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Saturday, May 13, 2017

Operatic members work 9-5 on perfecting new show

* From left, Helen Belton who plays Violet Newstead, 
Louise Cielecki as Doralee Rhodes
and Louisa Jones as Judy Bernly in 9-5. 

Members of Llangollen Operatic Society have been working 9 to 5 rehearsing for their forthcoming production of Dolly Parton's hit musical, based on the film of the same name.

The show, set in an office in early 1980s New York, charts the journey of three downtrodden women who are brought together in unlikely friendship by their mutual frustration with their "sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot" of a boss.

The score is signature Dolly Parton and includes catchy songs with a country and western feel, a couple of big belters and some more poignant numbers.

This is perfectly complimented by Patricia Resnick's witty book, which will certainly have audiences chuckling all the way home.

Society spokesperson Louisa Jones said: "The cast and crew have put in an enormous amount of work over the past few months to produce a spectacle of the standard to which our audiences have become accustomed.

"Indeed, we are all thrilled to once again be up for three NODA nominations for last year's production of "The Producers" and this year's show already promises to be great."

9 to 5 - The Musical will be performed at Llangollen Town Hall from Tuesday 23rd to Saturday 27th May.

Doors open 7pm for a 7.30pm start and there will also be a matinee on the Saturday, starting at 2.30pm.

Tickets can be purchased online at or from Jade's Hair and Beauty, Gwyn Davies Butchers or Bailey's in Llangollen.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Lib Dems choose their election candidate

The Welsh Lib Dems have selected their candidate for Clwyd South.

Bruce Roberts (pictured) was born and brought up in Wrexham and has lived and worked in the area almost all his life.

He is married to Anna who is a local primary school teacher. His three children were all educated at Ysgol Clywedog and Yale College/Coleg Cambria.

After completing degrees in Physics and Philosophy and then a short spell in scientific research he trained as a chartered accountant. He started his own business in 1997 and has provided accountancy services to small local businesses since then.

Mr Roberts was chair of governors at Victoria Infant School for a number of years and has served on two different community councils. He has been involved in the governance of Glyndwr University for almost 10 years and is currently chair of its audit committee.

He has also volunteered as a charity trustee and also as a business mentor for The Prince’s Trust and Careers Wales.

Mr Roberts has previously stood in a number of elections.

He says he believes that politics is about getting things done in sensible and rational manner and not necessarily about making a noise for the sake of newspaper headlines and retweets on Twitter.

His particular political interests are in education and the economy, including tax policy.

In his spare time he can be found swimming or canoeing long distances in lakes and rivers or walking in the hills.

Step aboard for railway's trip back to Victorian times

* Preparing to step back to Victorian times on Llangollen Railway.  

Llangollen Railway hosts its Victorian Weekend this Saturday and Sunday.

The aim is to allow visitors to experience life as it was over 100 years ago through the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of the recreated era.

Victorian characters will give you a fascinating insight into different aspects of Victorian life on and off the rails.

Visitors can also:

  • Step on board one of our historic steam-hauled trains and journey 10 miles through the picturesque Dee Valley to the town of Corwen.
  • Take a look inside our Victorian station at Berwyn and discover what life was like for a Victorian stationmaster.
  • Learn new skills in the tented circus workshop and witness displays by our costumed street entertainers.
  • Marvel at the sight of Queen Victoria and her royal entourage visiting the Dee Valley.
  • Regular shire horse demonstrations at Carrog, plus special horse-drawn boat trips between Berwyn and Llangollen.
  • Learn how the Victorians fought fires with steam power.
  • Witness traditional railway sights as parcels and goods are loaded and unloaded along the line.
  • Live music from historic musical organs along the line and Llangollen Male Voice Choir.
  • Explore original documents and artefacts charting the construction of our railway back in the 1860s.

A new feature for 2017 is the railway's time travelling experience, stepping back 60 years at a time.

Llangollen station has been transformed to how it would have looked during Eisteddfod Week 1957, complete with live music.

You can climb on board one of its historic steam hauled trains to steam back another 60 years to 1897 at Berwyn – Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee Year.

A traditional Street Fair can be found at Carrog station, complete with rides, stalls and horse power.

There's also a chance to learn new skills in the tented circus workshop and watch displays by costumed street entertainers.

At Corwen, visitors can head into the true Victorian town to experience photographic displays and appropriately dressed shops.

Look out for Queen Victoria and her royal entourage as they make a special visit to the Dee Valley.

* For full details and to book advance discounted tickets online, visit:

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Llangollen Railway Station on the big screen

* A scene from the black and white film shot on Llangollen Station in 1896.

New Dot Community Cinema's next screening, tomorrow (Friday) evening, includes some rarely seen train footage with local connections.

In addition to the main feature, which is Buster Keaton's masterful The General, two well-chosen short films will be on the programme.

The whole evening has been designed to complement Llangollen Railway's Victorian Weekend which is this Saturday and Sunday.

The first short is one of the very first 'moving pictures'. Incredibly it was shot in 1896 and shows Victorian men and women waiting on the platform at Llangollen station in top hats and full-length skirts.
The camera was strapped to the front of a steam train as it follows the line from the direction of Ruabon and long-gone buildings can be made out along the way.

The second vintage short is The Elizabethan Express, a British Transport Film from the 1950s with a rhyming narration.

It features a non-stop service from London to Edinburgh and focuses on the human side, as well as the gleaming brass and oiled steel.

Interestingly, the retro buffet car featured in the film can now be found on Llangollen Railway itself.

Buster Keaton is a well-known star of 1920s silent films. In the main feature, the General is the name of his character's much-loved train during the American Civil War.

This entrancing action-comedy-thriller will quickly make you forget there's no audible dialogue.
Tickets are available at the door or online.

New Dot Cinema has just released its new programme which has a nicely balanced mix of films from challenging to feel-good.

Friday May 12, 7.30pm for 8pm (ends 10pm, includes an intermission.)

Tickets: £8 adult, £6 concession, £5 child, £4 Victorian costume.

They screen once a month upstairs at Llangollen Town Hall on Castle Street and more information can be found at or on their Facebook page: @NewDotCinema

Labour launches Clwyd South election campaign

* Susan Elan Jones, centre, and supporters launch her campaign for Clwyd South.  

Welsh Labour’s Susan Elan Jones launched her re-election campaign promising to be the “local and loyal” candidate in Clwyd South.

Launching her campaign at Ty Mawr Country Park in Cefn Mawr, Ms Jones said: “I was born and brought up in Clwyd South and as MP I worked tirelessly for the area I love.

“If re-elected, I will continue to champion our local businesses, voluntary organisations and social enterprises such as Brymbo Heritage Group and Plas Madoc Leisure Centre, oppose Tory/UKIP plans to privatise our NHS and campaign for more investment in local health services, including a new facility for Cefn Mawr.

“I will stand up against Tory austerity which hits the most vulnerable, including disabled people, hardest and fight Tory plans for a hard Brexit which fails to put Welsh jobs and the interests of working people first. I will also continue to promote our local cultural economy, including Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod and the Welsh language.”

Retired vicar of Pentre Broughton, Rev R Glynne Owen said: “One of Susan's best qualities is how she works with and for everyone. I know many people of different political persuasions who will be supporting Susan because they know she’ll always put our area first.”

Former Mayor of Llangollen, Bob Lube, said: “Susan has worked incredibly hard as our MP, helping protect us from the worst of Tory cuts to public spending in Wales. It would be a crying shame if she was replaced by a career politician who doesn't live here.”

Assembly Member Ken Skates said local council results in Clwyd South last week showed the level of support for Welsh Labour remained high.

“We held five seats in Clwyd South, with all sitting councillors returned, and made superb gains in Chirk and Llangollen, topping the polls in both areas. We also increased our overall number of councillors in the constituency.

“At the General Election, the fight is between Susan – who comes from and cares about our community – and the Tories. A vote any other party will simply help the Tories sneak in.”

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Tory chief whip visits Llan as campaigning begins

*From left, Gavin Williamson, Chris Smith and Simon Baynes.

Simon Baynes, the Welsh Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Clwyd South, brought the Government Chief Whip Gavin Williamson MP, to visit shops, restaurants and other businesses in Llangollen yesterday (Tuesday) morning including the new ice cream shop Flavours run by Chris Smith on Abbey Road opposite the Llangollen Steam Railway.

Simon Baynes said: "Llangollen looked its best today in the sunshine and Mr Williamson was very impressed by the range of shops and businesses in the centre of Llangollen and wished everyone a very successful summer season this year.

"Tourism is so important to Llangollen and we must do all within our powers to help and encourage it."

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Make a bee-line for Plas Newydd on May 27

* You could become a busy bee at Plas Newydd on May 27. 

People are invited to Plas Newydd on Saturday May 27, between 11am and 4pm, to celebrate all things bee friendly. 

You can help Chester Zoo discover bumblebees, join the Wildlife Trust in their outdoor lab, or follow the busy bee trail. 

There will be honey tasting, face painting, and a prize for the best pollinator fancy dress.
The event is part of a local bid for Llangollen to become a Bee Friendly Town in a new national accreditation scheme launched by Welsh Government and Friends of the Earth Cymru. 
Right now bees are facing decline due to habitat loss, exposure to harmful pesticides, and climate change. 

Bees pollinate fruit and vegetables and without them Friends of the Earth estimates that it would cost farmers at least £1.8 billion a year to hand pollinate crops. 
The scheme aims to raise awareness and improve conditions for pollinators through providing pollinator-friendly food sources, places for insect pollinators to live, decreasing the use of harmful chemicals, and involving the whole community in having fun helping pollinators. 
Launching the new scheme, Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths said: “While the focus of the campaign is very much on encouraging people to get involved in an enjoyable way there is a serious message too.  Pollinators are in decline and this risks our capacity to produce food, timber and fibre.”
Local group coordinator Sarah Slater said: “We’re really hoping lots of people will join us at Plas Newydd on the 27th for an exciting day out. 

"We’ll have lots of activities and stalls for adults and children of all ages, and people can learn about fun ways to protect pollinators in their local areas.  Hopefully with the support of local people Llangollen can become a Bee Friendly Town.”