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Monday, February 20, 2017

Skates hails £10m scheme for small businesses

An Assembly Member has welcomed a new £10m Welsh Government scheme to help small businesses, which he says are ‘the lifeblood of our local economies’. 

Finance Secretary Mark Drakeford has just announced details of a £10m targeted relief programme to provide extra support for independent firms across Wales from April. 

Clwyd South AM Ken Skates (pictured) said: “I’m pleased to see the Welsh Government introduce this scheme and hope it will help ease the pressures which I know many small firms in my constituency and throughout Wales are under.

“Our pubs, restaurants, newsagents, butchers, barbers and so on are the lifeblood of our local economies, and the Welsh Government has been working closely with local authorities to develop the scheme and prepare for its implementation.” 

The scheme will support almost 15,000 businesses, including those which have seen their rates increase as a result of the independent Valuation Office Agency’s (VOA) changes which comes into effect on April 1.  

Eligible retailers will receive up to £1,500 off their non-domestic rates bill if they have a rateable value of £50,000 or less in the 2017-18 financial year. 

Professor Drakeford said:  “Some retailers are concerned about increases in their rates as a result of the VOA’s revaluation. We are therefore providing a further £10m to help businesses which have been adversely affected.

“This new scheme is in addition to the £100m tax cut for small businesses in Wales provided by Small Business Rates Relief. It will provide vital support to ratepayers on high streets across Wales and offer these businesses extra support.”   
Retailers can find out whether they are eligible for the high street rates relief scheme in 2017-18 by contacting their local council.  

Ben Cottam, head of external affairs at the Federation of Small Businesses Wales, said:  “We welcome that the Welsh Government has made good on its commitment to easing the pressure on high street businesses. We also welcome the engagement with FSB on this issue in recent months.

“We would now encourage local authorities to engage quickly with businesses to ensure that all those who are entitled to this relief receive it as quickly and simply as possible.”

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Young 'Uns' Bugsy Malone is a real blast

* A colourful scene from Llangollen Young 'Uns in Bugsy Malone.
As one of the top songs in the show says, “Everybody loves Bugsy”.
But it wasn’t just our hero who was adored by the packed audience at last night’s final Town Hall performance of the musical Bugsy Malone but the whole impressive cast.

The latest production by the Young ‘Uns, junior section of Lllangollen Operatic, demonstrated once more what a talented bunch of youngsters this outfit attracts.
They can sing, they can dance, they can act, they can do comedy. In fact, the whole works!

And that goes for everyone from the leading characters to the chorus, which at times looks as in it’s in its hundreds as it fills the stage with spectacle and sheer exuberance.
Bugsy, which the Young ‘Uns performed from Thursday to Saturday with a matinee yesterday, is one of the most famous all-kid shows around.

It’s set in roaring twenties New York and is packed with gangster rivalry, molls, rackets, speakeasies and general Prohibition Era naughtiness.
Except it has a nice touch in that the rival mobsters blast each other with custard pies and guns shooting a stream of goo rather than bullets, so they emerge after getting blasted covered in foam rather than full of holes.

It’s all about Fat Sam’s gang of hapless heavies taking on their equally useless opposite numbers from Dandy Dan’s operation.
Caught up in the middle of the chaos are nice guy Bugsy and the girl he falls in love with, singer and wannabe Hollywood star, Blousey Brown.

Taking the part of Bugsy is Cassius Hackforth, a Young ‘Uns veteran who shines in any role he takes on, and this was no exception as he gave another high octane performance. Celyn Orton-Jones made the perfect Blousey, offering a neat line in singing and acting.
Fat Sam was portrayed to perfection by Aled Morris and Shea Ferron made an excellent Dandy Dan. Tallulah, Sam’s goylfriend and his club’s headlining singer, was played with a high degree of confidence by Maia Molloy.

The show had some memorable settings, both in terms of the brilliantly painted backdrops and video excerpts featuring period shots of rolling newspaper presses and a gangster car chase, plus some modern footage showing Bugsy and Blousey in a flashback sequence driving away from outside the Town Hall in the rumble seat of a fantastic 1926 open tourer loaned by Llangollen Motor Museum.
Costumes were also marvellous and a credit to the huge and dedicated behind-the-scenes team.

This was another triumph for director Chrissie Ashworth and producer Pamela Williams so it has to be fedora hats off to them and of all those multi-talented kids.         

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Business networking day planned

As part of its March for Business campaign Denbighshire County Council is hosting a Taste for Local day of information and networking, bringing together the county’s food and drink producers and hospitality business across the region.

To be held at Myddelton College, Peake's Lane, Denbigh LL16 3EN on Wednesday March 8, from 10am-4pm, the event includes:
  • Food and Drink trade displays
  • Presentations from government and industry speakers
  • By invitation only business lunch consisting of locally produced ingredients, and a menu to inspire use of Denbighshire’s food and drink products
  • Afternoon training workshop for hospitality businesses
* For more information, go to:

Friday, February 17, 2017

Bird boxes donated to Ysgol Y Gwernant

Locally based Marches Ecology has donated and installed several bird boxes at Ysgol Y Gwernant in

Here, Max Ellson of Marches Ecology is pictured with some of the Eco Committee pupils (from left to right) Lottie Ellson, Harley Coates, Dylan Claybrook and Winnie Bather.

The wooden box incorporates a live-stream camera which it is hoped will enable pupils throughout the school to follow the lives of birds in the nest, Springwatch style.

Pupils are being encouraged to monitor all the boxes and will help with their annual maintenance.

Marches Ecology, established in 2006, is a specialist ecological consultancy serving both private clients, from individual house owners to multi-national companies, and public sector bodies. Further information can be found at

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Louisa raises £2,000 + by completing charity challenge

* Louisa Jones, far right of picture, celebrates completing
her Far East challenge with fellow riders.

Intrepid Llangollen Operatic Society member Louisa Jones has just completed her mammoth 280-mile charity cycling expedition through the Far East, raising over £2,000 for three charities

Back in 2012 Louisa Jones, 38, took part in a gruelling 260-mile cycling expedition through India in aid of three women’s cancer causes, raising over £3,000 along the way.

Over the past couple of weeks she's been back into the saddle for the same three charities - Breast Cancer Care, Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust and Ovarian Cancer Action.

This time she joined a group of 70 women to cycle 450km (280 miles) from Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam to Angkor Wat in Cambodia.

Here's Louisa's final report on her trip ...

On Tuesday afternoon we completed the final stage of our amazing journey by bicycle across two beautiful south East Asian countries.

After a short early morning transfer from the hotel to our bikes, we set out on a 25 mile route along a highway, which took us to the outskirts of the city of Siem Riep and to the finishing line at the UNESCO world heritage site of Angkor Wat.

Some of us noted how 25 miles seemed by now like a leisurely walk in the park compared with some of the distances and conditions we had encountered during our challenge. Never thought I would be saying that!

It was another extremely hot and windy day and by now the effects of the heat and the physical exertion were starting to tell on a number of ladies, with heat rash and stomach bugs doing the rounds.

The frustration of those who were suffering or had to spend time in the support bus was always very sad to see as everyone puts so much into this challenge and wants to complete every stage, no matter how tough.

After a snack stop along the way, we regrouped around 1 mile from Angkor Wat to decorate our bikes (and ourselves) with balloons and ribbons prior to crossing the finishing line. We then set off slowly as a group along the final stretch causing quite a spectacle along the way, not to mention a disruption to the traffic!

Crossing the finish line amidst much cheering and whooping was a brilliant feeling and a very emotional one too and I don't think there was a single dry eye. So many of the ladies had overcome huge personal challenges and illness to even get to Vietnam and Cambodia in the first place, so to actually complete this epic journey was a massive accomplishment.

The remainder of our time here has been spent celebrating and perusing the vibrant, bustling markets of Sian Riep before we fly home. A number of us also resisted the urge to have a much needed lie in and got up at
4am yesterday to witness the sun rising above the ancient temple at Angkor Wat, which was a truly magical moment well worth surrendering sleep for.

Heartfelt thanks to all who have followed my challenge and for the donations and words of encouragement I have received along the way.

Personally, I have raised well in excess of £2000, every penny of which will go straight to the excellent charities supported by this mission.

As a group, we raised a staggering £360,000 and overall, the four groups that undertook this particular event have raised £1.3 million, which is incredible.

The past week and a half has been a truly phenomenal and unforgettable experience and I'm really happy that I took the plunge and decided to do it. I can't recommend this type of challenge highly enough to anyone who wants to set themselves a personal goal whilst raising money for good causes and visiting new places and I believe firmly it is within all of us to complete something like this.

Traders back county scheme to cut red tape

* Henllan Bakery's Tom Moore.  

Traders are supporting a scheme to reduce red tape for Denbighshire businesses – the first of its kind in Wales.

Denbighshire County Council’s Better Business for All (BBfA) project brings together businesses and the Council’s planning and public protection department to improve how regulation is delivered to save businesses time and money.

Covering environmental health, trading standards, licensing and planning, BBfA provides businesses with a simple, single point of access to free advice on business regulations. 

BBfA also helps businesses access grant funding and signposts them to other support.

Cllr Hugh Evans OBE, leader of Denbighshire, said: “Better Business for All is all about removing the regulatory barriers to growth - and raising the economic competitiveness of Denbighshire.

“Regulatory services play an important role in supporting businesses. This support can provide businesses with an economic advantage, confidence to grow and thrive and reassurance they are meeting statutory requirements.

“We support hundreds of businesses every year and by improving the service, we can cut down on the amount of visits from regulators and the amount of time they spend on regulation.

“We believe this is an effective way of supporting businesses, and, along with a number of projects under our Economic and Community Ambition Strategy, is helping Denbighshire firms by developing the economy.”

Under the scheme, Council officers have received training to improve their awareness of pressures faced by businesses. 

Tom Moore of Henllan Bakery, based on Denbigh’s Colomendy Industrial Estate, said Denbighshire’s help was invaluable during the building of an extension to its site.

He said: “Denbighshire County Council has been really, really helpful. If I need to speak to them, there is always someone on the other end of the phone. 

“It is a good, speedy and professional service. When we speak to someone they come to see us straight away. They have been absolutely brilliant. 

“It is beneficial for our business, it helps us grow a lot quicker because they are always on hand. The Council is just a phone call away.”

Colin Brew, of West Cheshire & North Wales Chamber of Commerce, said:  “Better Business for All is an innovative model which assists in removing those regulatory barriers that affect businesses’ ability to grow. 

“Local businesses within Denbighshire will very much welcome this innovative approach which will not only provide a competitive standard of product that businesses can trust but also highlight and help remove the inefficient use of resources within the county.”

Mike Learmond, of the Federation of Small Businesses, said: “The FSB was pleased to support the Better Business for All scheme in Denbighshire - the first of its kind in Wales. 

“Regulation remains a key concern for our members and it is encouraging we were consulted from the beginning and were able to feed in our members’ concerns to the scheme. 

“We do need regulation, but it is about how that regulation is enforced. Businesses are feeding back that Denbighshire is looking towards a quicker and easier approach to help businesses save time and money. We are pleased Denbighshire County Council has taken the initiative on this.”

* To find out more visit

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Bugsy Malone cast blasts into Eagles Meadow

* Llangollen Operatic Society Young 'Uns perform a song from Bugsy Malone at Eagles Meadow shopping centre.

A shopping centre has been invaded by New York gangsters, Chicago hoods and mob molls - but there was nothing to worry about.

They were members of the cast of Llangollen Operatic Society’s Young 'Uns who surprised and delighted shoppers at the Eagles Meadow shopping centre with a flashmob performance of songs from their brand new Bugsy Malone show which opens tomorrow (Thursday) night at Llan Town Hall.

The show’s director, Chrissie Ashworth, says the show, which runs until Saturday, is great family entertainment.

Chrissie, from Corwen, who has been with the Operatic Society for more than 30 years and has been director of the Young 'Uns for the past three, said: “It really is a fantastic show which involves a cast of 38 members.

“The young performers are wonderful to work with and are such an amazing group. They are aged from six to 18 and put their heart and souls into each show. Bugsy Malone is a real family show and guaranteed fun for people of all ages.”

“We are delighted the management of Eagles Meadow Shopping Centre allowed us to put on a public performance so shoppers can get a taste of the show.

“It’s been an amazing experience for our young people and they have thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s been another chance to perform before a public audience and gain more invaluable experience.”

The show’s producer, Pamela Williams, of Llangollen, who has been working with the Young Uns for the past three years after a ‘lifetime’ with the society’s adult group, added: “It’s amazing to see how keen and enthusiastic the young performers are. They just want to get up on stage and perform.

“It’s been fantastic bringing a snapshot of our Bugsy Malone show to Eagles Meadow shopping centre. The management have been so kind and even supplied us with a PA system. We couldn’t have asked for more.”

Shea Ferron, 14, a pupil at St Joseph's School, in Wrexham, plays Dandy Dan in the show and says he really enjoys being a member of Llangollen Operatic Society’s Young 'Uns.

He said: “I love it. This is my third show. I’ve played Boggins in Half a Sixpence and the Ugly Duckling in Honk. We meet twice a week and I enjoy everything about it.

“I love musical theatre and, naturally, my ambition is to eventually make it onto the West End stage. Bugsy Malone is such a great show. It’s a lot of fun, has a great storyline and it’s very fast moving.”

Celyn Orton-Jones, 13, pupil Ysgol Dinas Bran in Llangollen, joined the Llangollen Operatic Society’s Young Uns aged six and Bugsy Malone, in which she plays Blousey, will be her seventh show.

She said: “This is my first main role. I have had minor speaking parts in shows like Annie, Honk, Beauty and the Beast and Half a Sixpence but this is a step up.

“I really enjoy the fact the show just involves young people. I’d love to eventually get onto the West End stage but I suppose I’m not the only one!"

She added: “It’s great fun performing at Eagles Meadow. People out shopping don’t expect to be entertained and it’s fun seeing the surprise on their faces.”

Aled Morris, 13, of Dolywern, who is also a Ysgol Dinas Bran pupil, plays the role of Fat Sam and says Bugsy Malone is the first show he has been involved with.

He said: “I only joined in September last year. I like drama and wanted to do something more than school plays. Being a member of the Young Uns has been brilliant and I really enjoy it.

“Of course I’d love to be an actor or performer eventually. It’s been great coming down to Eagles Meadow and performing a few of the songs from the show. It’s been a good experience.”

Maia Molloy, 13, of Llangollen who also attends Ysgol Dinas Bran, plays the role of Tallulah in the show and says she really enjoys being a member of the Young 'Uns.

She said: “I was in the chorus for the Beauty and the Beast and Honk but this is my first lead role. I love being with friends and working on the show. I also really enjoy performing and the costumes are great.

“I don’t think I want to be a professional actor or performer. I prefer writing and my ambition is to become a writer or journalist. However, playing roles and shows like Bugsy Malone is a great hobby!”

Eagles Meadow manager, Kevin Critchley said: “Normally we don’t like to see unsavoury characters at Eagles Meadow but thought we’d make an exception for Dandy Dan and Fat Sam!

“We pride ourselves on the fact Eagles Meadow is at the heart of the communities we serve and we want to support and help groups such as Llangollen Operatic Society if we possibly can.”

He added: “It’s wonderful to see young people working together to put on a really professional show and I’m really pleased they had such a good time performing for our shoppers and visitors here at Eagles Meadow.”

* Bugsy Malone will be performed at Llangollen Town Hall at 7:30pm from Thursday, February 16, to Saturday, February 18, with a Saturday matinee performance at 2:30pm. Tickets are £10 with concessions £8. To book or for more ticket information please visit