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Thursday, February 9, 2017

Louisa's first update from her charity challenge

* Louisa Jones, left, sets off on her charity cycling marathon.

AN INTREPID Llangollen Operatic Society member has pedalled away on the first leg of  her mammoth 280-mile charity cycling expedition through the Far East.

Back in 2012 Louisa Jones, 38, took part in a gruelling 260-mile cycling expedition through India in aid of three women’s cancer causes, raising over £3,000 along the way.

Now she’s climbed back into the saddle for the same three charities - Breast Cancer Care, Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust and Ovarian Cancer Action.

This time she’s joined a group of 70 women to cycle 450km (280 miles) from Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam to Angkor Wat in Cambodia by February 17.

Louisa, who has already raised around £2,000 in sponsorship for the trip, will be sending in regular progress reports on the expedition to llanblogger.

And here is the first received yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon …

“We arrived at Ben Tre, the starting point for our challenge, mid-afternoon on Tuesday after around 24 hours in transit.
“Our group of 102 ladies from all over the UK, plus a number from Italy, Spain and even as far afield as Mexico, had convened at  Heathrow early Monday morning to fly first to Singapore and then on to Ho Chi Minh City, before transferring to Ben Tre by coach.

“The city of Ben Tre, located on Vietnam's Mekong Delta, is the main town in the province of the same name. On arrival we were fitted for our bikes and then had free time to explore the colourful market nearby to our hotel.

“I've been to some interesting markets on my travels around the world but this really was something very special with a huge and exotic array of wares for sales.

“After a refreshing and much needed night’s sleep, we embarked on our first day of cycling. To acclimatise and allow us to get used to our bikes, we cycled only a modest 31 miles from Ben Tre to Tra Vinh, crossing the Mekong and a tributary by ferry on the way.

“Due to the heat and high humidity, we have to start off very early each day to take advantage of the slightly cooler morning temperature. We therefore set off at around 7.30 this morning, cycling first through the outskirts of the city and then on into a swampy, jungle like area where you can find water coconut groves among the fairly dense vegetation.

“We then cycled on into rural communities, where people live in modest, rustic dwellings and set up shops by the roadside selling everything from fruit, vegetables and coconuts to live chickens and local delicacies.
“Given Vietnam's turbulent history, these communities strike you as extremely peaceful, which could be attributable to the strong Buddhist culture, and although a large group of lycra clad cyclists is clearly a source of much curiosity, there was never any feeling of hostility or intimidation and locals waved and shouted as we passed by.

“The roads were much better than I expected so far. The main method of transport used here is the scooter (tax on cars is 200%) and people use them quite literally to carry everything!

“Driving through Ho Chi Minh alone we witnessed someone with a family of four on his bike and later, a washing machine and even a tree!
“What struck me through was how little road rage or aggression there was, with scooter drivers doing their utmost to avoid you and warn you of their presence with a friendly toot - thoroughly refreshing! 

“Tomorrow is a more challenging day with a route of 67 miles taking us from Tra Vinh to Can Tho alongside paddy fields and stunning scenery. It will tough no doubt but hopefully also very rewarding.”

* To sponsor Louisa, go to her fundraising page at:

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

MP welcomes pre-payment meters campaign success

* Susan Elan Jones MP (left)campaigning last year with Labour MP Dawn Butler for fairer tariffs for prepayment meter consumers.
Local MP Susan Elan Jones has welcomed the fact that four million prepayment meter customers should see a saving of around £80 a year.
Over the last year, the Clwyd South Labour MP has been involved in a national campaign calling for tougher action to reduce costs of purchasing gas or electricity from coin or token-operated prepayment energy meters.

The bill reduction change will happen thanks to a price cap announced by energy regulator Ofgem. Ofgem’s temporary price cap, which comes into effect in April, was one of the measures recommended by the Competition and Market Authority after its two-year investigation of the energy market. The levels of the cap will be updated every six months and is expected to stay 2020.

Susan Elan Jones MP said: “The Ofgem announcement is good news, but more still needs to be done.

“At the last general election, the Labour Party called for tough measures to tackle energy bill tariffs and keep prices down. The Labour Party may not have been popular enough to win an election, but the policy itself was popular and it’s vital we continue campaigning for it.

"Also, whatever our personal views on Brexit, we need to consider what a weaker pound means in terms of likely energy cost rises. The Government needs to do more to help families facing rising gas and electricity bills.” 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Rogue mattress seller warning from county

Denbighshire Trading Standards and North Wales Police are warning residents not to get caught out by rogue mattress-sellers.

This follows reports that flyers which offer luxurious orthopedic and memory foam mattresses for unbelievably low prices have been delivered to houses in the Rhuddlan area.

Trading Standards officers warn that the mattresses may be of inferior quality, may not confirm to British safety standards for flammability and the price paid may be over-inflated.

They say there is little prospect of seeking any redress if customers are dissatisfied with any purchase as it is unlikely that proper contact details of the seller will be provided.

Anyone see anything suspicious or have approaches made to them, should report the matter to Citizens Advice Consumer Service on: 0345 404 0506 / 0345 404 0505 (for Welsh speakers) or contact the police on 101.
Councillor David Smith, Cabinet Lead member for Public Realm, said: "These fly-by-night sellers don't care about the risks these mattresses pose, they just want to make a quick buck and leave you with phoney details so they can't be traced.
"These mattresses may be described as memory foam but are carefully wrapped so you have no idea what you are buying.
"They generally fail fire safety tests and are often worn-out, dirty and unhygienic items destined for the tip.
"Anyone offered a cheap mattress on their doorstep should not buy one."

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Traders urged to join #LoveLiveLocal campaign

Traders are being encouraged to share the love this Valentine’s Day.

As part of the #LoveLiveLocal shop local campaign, Denbighshire County Council is encouraging local businesses to share pictures of romantic gifts and St Valentine’s Day displays on social media using the hashtag.

#LoveLiveLocal allows shoppers to show support for Denbighshire businesses by using the hashtag on Twitter and Facebook to promote good experiences they’ve had and promote products and services locally they have ‘loved’.

Businesses are also encouraged to post pictures to highlight the wide-range of products available on the county’s high streets.

The Council will help promote local businesses by sharing posts on its social media accounts.
#LoveLiveLocal is part of Denbighshire’s work on developing the economy and supporting local businesses under its Economic and Community Ambition Programme.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Denbighshire Leisure upgrade continues

Denbighshire Leisure is continuing to upgrade its facilities across the county in 2017, including those in Llangollen.

Already Denbighshire facilities are placed amongst the best in Wales and Denbighshire leisure ‘buck the national trend’ by continuing to operate Leisure provisions and attractions successfully and commercially.

Significant investment in 2017 will include:

·         The reopening of Denbigh Leisure Centre swimming pool following refurbishment of the wetside changing rooms and a complete overhaul of the pool hall. The hall has been completely retiled and a new translucent stretch ceiling fitted with LED uplights.

·         Plans for the new waterpark on Rhyl Promenade, which, if approved by Council at the end of January, will be built and operated by Denbighshire Leisure.

·         In spring, the All Weather Pitch at Corwen will have a new 3rd Generation pitch installed, this will be the first 3G pitch in the county and a huge opportunity for the Centre. At the same time, resurfacing/relining the car park will take place and replacement of all CV equipment in the Fitness Suite with brand new Technogym equipment, linking to the Cloud.

·         Following customer feedback, this summer will also see investment in the wetside changing rooms at both Ruthin and Rhyl, both of which are in need of refreshment.

·         Summer will see a new 3G pitch being installed at St Asaph as part of the new school project.

·         Llangollen will also be benefitting from a refreshed fitness suite during the year.

Councillor Huw Jones, Cabinet Lead Member with responsibility for leisure, said: “I am delighted that Denbighshire Leisure continues to go from strength to strength and that our reputation for delivering high quality facilities to our communities endures.

“As always, we have focused on the areas that will bring clear benefits to our existing customers and also help to attract new customers to our centres.”

Friday, February 3, 2017

Police campaign sees 60 drug drive arrests

More drug drivers than ever before have been caught by North Wales Police during the recent Christmas Anti Drink and Drug Drive Campaign.

The campaign, which ran from December 1st 2016 until January 1st 2017, saw 60 drug drive arrests being made. During the same period North Wales Police administered 9,448 breath tests of which 95 were positive, failed or refused.

Officers used intelligence-led tactics and local knowledge of hotspots to detect people who were driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol over the festive period.

Inspector David Cust from the Roads Policing Unit said: “Although the festivities are now over, we are reminding motorists of the message that drink or drug driving is unacceptable all year round.

“We will continue in our efforts to change driver behaviour in order to make our roads safer.

"Throughout the year North Wales Police will remain alert to the threat of people who are driving under the influence of intoxicants and will continue to catch those who take this risk and endanger innocent road users.”

The 2016 campaign was a concerted effort by not only the Roads Policing Unit, but also colleagues from the Armed Alliance, Local Policing Services and the newly-established Special Constabulary Road Safety Unit.

The Unit, which is based at Police Headquarters in Colwyn Bay, compromises of a Special Sergeant and five Special Constables. They recently secured their first drug-drive conviction after a 25-year-old man from Ellesmere Port was disqualified from driving for 12 months and ordered to pay a fine, costs and victim surcharge totalling £525.

In March 2015 new legislation was introduced in England and Wales which set legal limits for how much of a substance; both illegal drugs and prescription medication, motorists can have in their system whilst driving. Officers use a drugs swipe test at the roadside to see if a motorist has taken cannabis or cocaine.

Any drivers who fail the test are arrested and taken to police custody where a sample of their blood is taken. The blood is then sent away to be examined to see if any illegal levels of a drug are found. If the driver refuses to give consent, they face being prosecuted for the offence of failing to provide a sample of blood for analysis.

Throughout 2016 North Wales Police made 881 drink drive and 400 drug drive arrests across the region.

Inspector Cust added: “The initial campaign may be over, but our work continues. Our message remains the same - don't risk it.

“Drink and drug driving ruins lives all year round. People will choose to do so anytime so we need support from the public 365 days a year to help us take these people off the roads of North Wales.”

* If at any time of the year you suspect someone is driving whilst unfit to do so is asked to contact North Wales Police on 101. Alternatively contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Ambulance service launches defibrillator campaign

* Sports stars Shane Williams and Lee Trundle join
Welsh Ambulance Service mascot Jack at the launch of the Defibuary campaign.

TWO sporting heroes have backed a Welsh Ambulance Service campaign to encourage people to locate their nearest lifesaving defibrillator.

Both Wales’ all-time leading try scorer Shane Williams and Swansea City legend Lee Trundle are supporting the Trust’s annual Defibuary campaign, which runs throughout this month.

It is aimed at raising awareness of what a defibrillator is, where to find the nearest in a life-threatening emergency and how to raise funds to purchase one for your community. 

In Wales there are approximately 8,000 sudden cardiac arrests outside hospital each year and every minute without CPR and defibrillation reduces the chance of survival by 10 per cent.

As part of the campaign the Trust is encouraging members of the public to take a selfie with a defibrillator or a photo of one and send it via Twitter with details of its location and postcode to @WelshAmbPIH using the hashtag #Defibuary.

Williams, who notched up 58 tries in 87 games for Wales, and Trundle who netted 83 goals over two spells with the Swans, became the first to take part at the launch of the campaign at Swansea’s Quadrant Shopping Centre and are encouraging others to join them.

Williams, who played as a winger for the both the Ospreys and Neath and now works as a TV pundit, said that knowing where to find a defibrillator could make all the difference to someone suffering from a cardiac arrest.

He said: “It is a pleasure to be supporting the Welsh Ambulance Service with their Defibuary campaign.

“I never fully understood how important it is knowing where your nearest defibrillator is. It literally saves lives.”

Meanwhile Trundle, who burst onto the scene with Rhyl and Wrexham AFC and is still scoring for fun for Llanelli Town, called on as many people as possible to get tweeting their defibrillator selfies.

The Swansea City ambassador said: “It's great to be involved in the Welsh Ambulance Service’s Defibuary campaign.

“You could save a life by knowing where your nearest defibrillator is. There's prizes up for grabs too so get tweeting your selfies with defibrillators in Wales.”

Those who take part will have the chance to win a number of fantastic prizes including two defibrillators for your school or community, donated by the Welsh Ambulance Service and the Cariad charity.

For sports fans you can also get your hands on five complimentary tour tickets for the Principality Stadium in Cardiff, courtesy of Wales Rugby Union, and two FIFA World Cup qualifier tickets for Wales versus Austria on September 2nd 2017, donated by the Football Association of Wales.

Other prizes up for grabs include family entry to Bluestone Water Park, a meal for two at Wetherspoons, a selfie stick, Costa Coffee syrups and a gift from Thorntons.

Dr Brendan Lloyd, Medical Director for the Welsh Ambulance Service, said: “When someone goes into cardiac arrest, early defibrillation is a crucial part of the chain of survival.

“In fact there are a number of people in Wales who are alive today thanks to the quick-thinking actions of bystanders in using a nearby defibrillator.

“That’s why we’re encouraging everyone to familiarise themselves with where they can find the closest piece of lifesaving equipment available to them. Hopefully you will never need to use it, but it really could make all the difference.”

To locate your nearest defibrillator you can use NHS Direct Wales’ local service finder online at

You can also watch the Trust’s guide to using a defibrillator on YouTube at