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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Calls to support £1 billion rail improvements package

Residents and businesses in Denbighshire are being encouraged to show their support for a campaign to secure £1bn of rail improvements to transform the North Wales and Cheshire regional economy and deliver 70,000 new jobs over 20 years.

The campaign is being driven by the North Wales and Mersey Dee Rail Task Force (NW&MD) and has the backing of the region’s eight local authorities, the Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership, the Mersey Dee Alliance, the North Wales Economic Ambition Board, the North Wales Business Council and the West Cheshire & North Wales Chamber of Commerce.

The Growth Track 360 campaign is calling for:

* Electrification of the line from Crewe to North Wales so the region can connect with HS2 services at Crewe, and fast London trains can continue to Bangor and Holyhead

* The doubling of frequency of trains between North Wales and Manchester

* Investment in new, modern, better equipped rolling stock

* New direct services between North Wales and central Liverpool over the Halton Curve via south Liverpool, which will open up a connection to Liverpool John Lennon Airport.

* Doubling of services on the Borderlands line between Wrexham and Bidston, through Shotton and Deeside.

Denbighshire County Council is asking its county residents and businesses to show their support for the project and complete a short questionnaire.

Leader of Denbighshire, Councillor Hugh Evans OBE, said: “This is a prime example of how councils, business and public sector leaders are all working together for the benefit of the local economy, linking communities with the planned HS2 line between London and the North of England.

“If successful, the Growthtrack360 campaign would lead to a massive boost to the North Wales, Cheshire and Wirral economies.

“This project would result in quality jobs across the region, with far better rail links and greater opportunities for business development.  We really need the public’s help in showing the strength of support for the campaign.”

To show your support, please visit and answer six very quick questions.

Friday, July 29, 2016

llanblogger strides out to fight dementia

I’m putting my best foot forward to raise money for vital research into dementia.

A couple of people in my family who were very close to me both suffered from dementia and it was heartbreaking to see how they deteriorated.

Every year in the UK a staggering 225,000 people develop dementia – that’s equivalent to one person every three minutes.

* llanblogger Phil Robinson is striding
out in the 2016 Memory Walk.
So I’ve decided to do my bit to help by taking part in the Alzheimer’s Society 2016 Memory Walk which sees thousands of people raising money for a world without dementia across Wales, England and Northern Ireland.
People of all ages and abilities join in, from grandparents to grandchildren, and even furry four-legged friends.

They all walk together to celebrate loved ones affected by dementia, and raise money to reclaim the future.

As it’s the closest to Llangollen, I’ll be joining the Cheshire Memory Walk at Delamere Forest, which takes places on Saturday September 24.

There’s a choice of two routes - 3.5km or 6k.

I’m doing the 6k route through the forest's woodland paths and around Blakemere Lake.

Just £50 can help a PhD researcher to continue research into the causes of dementia, how it can be treated and, ultimately, to find a cure. 

I’m aiming to raise at least £150 for this very good cause, so I’m hoping that as many people as possible will sponsor me on the walk.

You can go online to pledge the odd pound or two on my Justgiving  page, which can be found at:

Please be generous as we never know who or when dementia will strike.

Language school celebrates re-launch with Eisteddfod link

* Toasting the success of the newly-branded Mulberry School of English are, from left, Llangollen town crier Austin Cheminais, Clwyd South MP Susan Elan Jones, Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod Vice Chairman Nick Jenkins, Sharon Thomas and Vincent Iannucci, of Mulberry, and Huan Japes of English UK, the language schools trade association.

ONE lucky overseas competitor at this year’s Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod stands to benefit from an all-expenses paid English course courtesy of the town’s newly relaunched language school.

After successfully trading under the name of ECTARC from its base in Parade Street for a number of years, the school has now been re-branded as The Mulberry School of English.

And at its fanfare official opening, its executive director, Vincent Iannucci, gave details of the Mulberry Prize launched at this year’s 70th Eisteddfod.

He said: “Each year the Eisteddfod attracts many international competitors and this year alone there are some 4,000 taking part in the festival.

“For the first time the new prize has been offered to all these performers by way of celebrating the Eisteddfod’s milestone year.

“To enter all they had to do was say what they’d enjoyed most about their stay in Llangollen and, after judging, the winners’ details will be posted on our Mulberry Facebook page by August 31.

“First prize is a £1,000 scholarship which includes two weeks’ tuition, accommodation and all airport transfers. All they have to do is pay their own air fares.

“Second and third prizes were one year’s access to our online learning programme, including tutorials with one of our teachers via Skype.

“I’m delighted to say the prize will be offered each year to Eisteddfod competitors.”

He added: “At the ceremony we were celebrating the re-launch of our organisation as a fully-fledged international language school in line with Llangollen’s history of internationalism fostered by the Eisteddfod.

“It’s certainly true that this town is where Wales welcomes the world.”

Over the course of the week TMSE has played host to a number of special performances by Eisteddfod competitors, including the Musica Oeconnomica Pragensis from the Czech Republic and the Pangudi Luhu Choir from Indonesia.

TMSE also sponsored the traditional parade of competitors from the Eisteddfod field into the heart of Llangollen on the Friday afternoon.

Eisteddfod Vice Chairman Nick Jenkins, who was amongst VIP guests at the language school’s re-launch, said: “We are delighted to have worked closely with The Mulberry School of English when it was known as ECTARC and very much welcome their on-going support in terms of the new prize for competitors and sponsorship of our parade.

“I hope the great relationship we have with them can continue for many years to come.”

Thursday, July 28, 2016

School pupils go bats about visiting new homes site

* Ysgol y Gwernant pupils are shown the special building put up for the bats by Bryn Davies, development manager for Grŵp Cynefin.

Children from a Llangollen primary school have visited an affordable homes development to see how a housing association is working around a colony of bats.

Pupils at Ysgol y Gwernant were at the site of the old Cottage Hospital in Abbey Road to learn more about the ecological nature of building homes for local people with wildlife present.

“Sometimes building homes brings with it some additional challenges, and Llangollen has been an example of that,” explains Bryn Davies, development manager for Grŵp Cynefin.

“We knew before we purchased the site that we had a colony of soprano pipistrelle bats to deal with, so our environmental expertise kicks in from the outset.”

The design and build planning for the site, which will become home to six three and four bedroom houses, and six two bedroom flats, has to take into consideration the bats breeding season.

Mr Davies added: “Bats are a Protected Species, so we had to prepare our building plans around the bats and obtain the licence from Welsh Government. The initial surveys that were carried out registered 656 soprano pipistrelle bats around the site during one particular evening.

“Our building period was therefore delayed as we had to wait for the bats to leave the old building once their breeding season finished at the end of the summer. We then set about the task of constructing a new home for them.

"We had to work within the winter months to build their new home, which will also serve as a bin store, as they would soon return to the site ready for the next year’s breeding season.

“We built a new stand-alone building, cedar clad with plenty of access points for the bats - which mimics the old hospital structure where the bats had been living and breeding successfully since the 1990s.

“The bats lived in the cavity of the building, so it was important that we replicated the environment that encouraged them to move into the new building once the roosting period began in May.

"In the former hospital building the bats were using a section of the building because of its aspect to the sun. It heated the structure during the day carrying and retaining the stored heat in the evening making it an ideal breeding ground. The females left the young at night to forage whilst the young were left safe in a warm environment.

“We’ve replicated these conditions in the new building, and are delighted to say that the bats have returned in their droves. The pupils of Ysgol Gwernant visited the site recently and we shared with them how complex it can be to build new homes, especially here in Llangollen.”

The school's Eleri Jones, who visited the site with the years three and four youngsters, said: “The pupils enjoyed their visit to the former hospital site.

"It was interesting to hear about the bats and how Grŵp Cynefin had to build a new home especially for them.

"It formed part of our recent Eco Council Platinum Banner Award which tied in with their local environment here in Llangollen. We also saw the houses themselves under construction on site, and of course, the big machines were a big hit with the pupils.”

The development on site is said to be progressing well with an estimated completion date of spring 2017.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Search is on for Britain's high street heroes

* Could Castle Street be in the running for a high street award?

Denbighshire County Council is encouraging people to nominate in this year’s Great British High Street Awards to recognise  the efforts of the business community across the county.

The Great British High Street Awards 2015 were a huge success, with over 230 high streets entering and nearly 200,000 votes cast for the 21 finalists.

Last year, Prestatyn High Street came second in the Coastal Community category after a fiercely contested public vote.

Now, organisers of the campaign are calling for entries for the 2016 competition.  As well as the Great British High Street categories, there are two other main categories.

The  competition categories for places are:
  • Best Town Centre High Street
  • Best Market Town High Street (small)
  • Best Market Town High Street (large)
  • Best Coastal Community High Street
  • Best Village High Street
  • Best Local Centre - precinct or parade of shops
  • Rising Star - to recognise towns who are turning fortunes around
The four competition categories for individuals are:
  • Best Store Manager or Employee from a National Retailer / Organisation
  • Best Store Manager or Employee from an Independent / Small Business
  • Best Market Manager, Operator, Farmer or Trader
  • Best under 25 year old, manager or employee from a high street business
Leader of Denbighshire, Councillor Hugh Evans OBE said: “All of our town centres are important to us in Denbighshire and town centre growth has been identified as a priority in our Economic and Community Ambition Strategy.

“We want our local high streets and business people to be recognised for their efforts, to help celebrate all that is good about our high streets. With competition from large retail parks and the internet, we want people to visit and use our high streets and the wide array of goods and services they have to offer.

“Only recently the council launched its  #lovelivelocal campaign, in a bid to encourage greater use of the High Street and for people to share their shopping experiences.

“Getting involved in the Great British High Street also helps raise the profile of a high street through its associated publicity and marketing opportunities, so we would encourage people to get nominating, as the deadline is fast approaching."

The deadline for nominations is September 8. For further information, visit:

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Police appeal follows fatal Nant y Garth collision

Police are appealing for witnesses following a fatal road traffic collision in the Denbighshire area during the early hours of this morning (Tuesday, July 26th).

Shortly after 2am police were called by the Ambulance Service to a report of a one vehicle collision involving a motorcycle on the Nant y Garth Pass.

Sadly, the male motorcyclist was pronounced dead at the scene.

Anybody who may have witnessed the collision, or anybody who may have been travelling along the road prior to the collision is asked to contact officers at the Roads Policing Unit on 101, quoting reference number U110055.

Soap maker lands major contract in China

* Carol Allen makes some of her goats' milk soap. 

A former teacher who launched a company making handmade soap from goats' milk during a career break following a freak accident has won a major contract in China.

According to Carol Allen, who set up Llanvalley Natural Products six years ago, the Hamper Llangollen food festival has helped propel her business to success over the past five years, putting her in the right place at the right time to secure new customers.

The 58-year-old, who makes traditional soaps, face creams and lip balms from Welsh goats’ milk produced at her small holding in Froncysyllte, Llangollen, now supplies her products to local B&Bs, gift shops and specialist beauty outlets based in the North West and North Wales.  

But the brand is fast gaining popularity further afield thanks to a chance encounter during the festival – and Carol is now celebrating a major new contract for the Ai Zhi Zao beauty store based in the XuHui District in Shanghai.

“I can’t believe quite how much it has all taken off. It still surprises me,” said Carol, who has four grown up sons.

“I had planned to go back to teaching one day before I started to do this and now I just don’t have the time.

“It’s always been my dream to live for my work rather than work for my living and I think I’ve achieved that.”

Carol had been a design/technology and home economics teacher for more than 10 years before embarking on a soap-making hobby.

The businesswoman was teaching food and textiles at Ysgol Bryn Alyn in Gwersllt, Wrexham, when she was involved in a freak accident on her farm. She had been moving an electric fence when her horse entangled its leg in the fencing, which was turned off, and bolted across a field, dragging her with it.

Carol dislocated her elbow and injured her shoulder, losing the movement in her left arm for more than a year. Insurers said it would be too risky for her to return to work and operate machinery while she recovered, and as a result she resigned from her position.

“I didn’t want to be living on sickness benefit but it was quite by accident I got into making soap,” she said.

“I already had three goats at the time. I told the local man I’d bought them from that they were producing quite a bit of milk and that I didn’t know what to do with it all, aside from making cheese and drinking it.

“He suggested I made soap out of it. It was the first time I’d ever thought about it.

“He gave me a recipe his grandmother had given him and I looked online for different techniques. I did a lot of research and experimentation and there were many triumphs and mistakes along the way but eventually I had developed a really good soap recipe.

“Originally, we were using it ourselves and giving it to friends and family but soon enough I ended up with a chest of drawers full of it so I took it to the Erddig Christmas Market in Wrexham and it all sold. That was definitely the light bulb moment.”

Before long, Carol was developing her own packaging and gift assembles to sell at other local craft markets, including Hamper Llangollen.

Her design background and packaging knowledge was put into practice and she found that she could be self-reliant in every area of her business.

Within a few months of launching, she was exhibiting at the Llangollen Food Festival and has been back there every year since.

Carol is in the unique position of being able to exhibit beauty products at the festival because they are made from food ingredients including olive and coconut oil and Welsh spring water which she collects from the valley where she lives to give her products an authentic Welsh feel.

“I started exhibiting at the Llangollen Food Festival almost as soon as I launched my business,” she said.

“It’s definitely helped me and I’ve got a big local following now. The same people come back to see me every year and say they’re really glad I’m back. It’s lovely to have that local, friendly relationship. I recognise the customers and they recognise me.

“I’ve also got lots of regular online customers who live further away but who arrived at the festival on coach trips. It’s really helped my business and I would recommend every business specialising in hand-produced products to give it a go to get their name about.”

It was while attending Hamper Llangollen that the editor of a national magazine was introduced to her soap products.

A magazine feature followed which was recently picked up by the owners of the Shanghai beauty chain. Before long Carol had secured her first international order.

“They like it because it’s goats’ milk and made in Wales,” said Carol.

“I send off a consignment every quarter and they buy two types of soap: the Welsh honey and oatmeal and the camomile and eucalyptus essential oil, both of which feature local hand-pressed flowers, as well as various lip balms.

“Apparently it’s going down really well.”

Carol, who now has four goats; Billy, Rosie, Eira and Wennol, admits there could be more major contracts on the way but she is currently running the business singlehandedly, which is giving her little room for growth.

“I used to enjoy teaching a practical subject but this is more self-satisfying. Teaching is a very rewarding career but this career chose me really.

“It has driven me as much as I have driven it. I’m working pretty much 18-hours a day but it fits in with other things and it’s not like work.”

With another feature in a coffee table magazine due to be published this year and plans to seek official organic status, it won’t be long before more orders beckon. But until then, Carol says she is firmly focused on the Llangollen Food Festival – her favourite event of the year - and meeting her oldest customers again.

Hamper Llangollen chair Colin Loughlin is delighted the food festival has played a part in Llanvalley's success story.

He said: "It is very pleasing to know that we provide an effective shop window for companies competing for attention in a crowded market place and I would like to congratulate Llanvalley on securing this exciting order from China.

“Thanks to a whole host of indigenous companies, North East Wales is rapidly establishing a reputation as a centre of excellence for high quality cuisine.

“The food festival is a perfect shop window for the companies who form the backbone of our rural economy.

"The location of the Pavilion is absolutely spectacular - I can't imagine that any other food festival in the UK has a more beautiful setting."

* For more details about Hamper Llangollen 2016 visit and for more information about Llanvalley Natural products go to